Are we all really this stupid and masochistic? Why do we continue to support a game where the companies responsible don't respect or listen to their player base? Only because it is attached to the Star Trek IP and we all know it. The closest these companies have come to listening to us is to appoint community managers to tell us that we love what they are doing while imagining themselves to be a box of cereal or
carrying around a disturbingly phallic leek or whatever. And don't tell me that I should be grateful for the way they do their F2P model; I bought a lifetime subscription during beta; hellishly overpaid for a product that I feel was never delivered. FFS, we STILL have only the same group of maps for PvP that were available at launch; IT'S BEEN OVER FIVE YEARS! And the GRIND! HFS THE GRIND! Others may disagree, but this is the feedback section of the forum and I'm expressing my discontent and the discontent of my fleet. I've made so many excuses for this game over the years; defended the idea that PvP wasn't dead; even tried to convince myself and my fleet that we were having fun and that it would be worth it. It has not been worth it; every time we've finished a grind, the rewards have quickly become obsolete, outright useless, or suddenly require more grinding to be useful again.
Now we have the
privilege of Delta Recruitment...

Let me get this straight:
You want me to create
another toon in addition to the literal dozen I already have, grind that character up to level 60, grind
more to get its reputation all the way up, grind
even more for its specialization, grind
yet still more for its gear, and to top it off you won't upgrade my T5U ships that I bought or got in lockboxes to Tier6?
I have zero interest in purchasing anything in game anymore, i'll just plod along with what i've aquired over the years till I reach the point of no return. R+D, upgrades and anything else which sucks the life out of my soul will only be touched to advance my level.
I'm hoping the whales will keep this IP afloat for the rest of us. :P
For people who don't have a lot of toons created -- it's fun,.
Not every expansion will be tailor made to suit each person.
And you don't need a tier 6 ship to play. I fly around in my tier 5 mirror universe ship I bought on the exchange. It does fine --- and I'm not buying a Tier 6. Why. Because it's optional. The game is designed so you can play in just about any ship.
Unlike some games, where you can't play or even be competitive unless you spend real world money. STO doesn't do that.
Count your blessings.
You just keep right on letting them TRIBBLE on you whilst telling you that you are enjoying it then. They aren't pissing on you, it's raining... right?
The butthurt is strong with this one.
Nice post count.
The creepy, perpetually on the STO forum is strong with this one... sycophant.
The reason I am still here? Because I genuinely enjoy this game and the story.
The reason you are still here? I have no f&%$ing clue. If you hate the game, if the only reason you play is to complain and whine on the forums, don't play.
Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.
I dare you to do better.
How am I being pissed on? I just said... I'm playing the game without spending a dime. Not one penny. I had a sub, but realized that was silly because I can play 100% for FREE.
I have a ship that cost me nothing but time. Lots of awesome mods on the ship that were again all FREE. And right now my Delta recruit is earning crazy amounts of Dilitihium and Energy Credits that I will use to get more FREE stuff.
But considering the state of most MMO's that's practically unheard of. You get nothing as a free player and even some of the content is blocked if you don't buy the lastet DLC.
So maybe this latest update wasn't your cup of tea. That's ok.. like I said not everything is for everyone.
* Edit: I have occasionally bought small things in the past. I've been on the game longer than my forum ID shows. I've never bought any ships. Just odd stuff like melee weapons pack nothing over 500 Zen or so.
I'm not. Neither are a great deal of other people who have loyally supported this game. That's the point. Why do you think they've done this 'Delta Recruitment' stunt in the first place?
Yeah, i've played it for five years, I dont like what it's become, simple. Doesn't mean I dont want to play the game anymore. Thank you for your understanding...
I do get that people may be annoyed if they've played the game for quite a while and do not like the direction it is going. That happens. It may even happen if nothing special came along, only because tastes change. But quite a few ARE annoyed by the changes here. Which is fine to say, even if every change will annoy people, it doesn't mean those voices should be ignored.
But you lose almost everybody with the way you're phrasing it. Somebody likes the game? They're just getting pissed on. Or they're sycophants. I think there's a certain chance you will call me a White Knight. Well, I hate to break it to you, but with almost every change there are not only people who are disappointed, but also those who like it. And your personal opinion is not the be all and end all.
So stop attacking other people who like the game, they probably know better than you what they like. Stop assuming everybody should share your opinion. Say what and why you don't like and we have something positive, constructive. Just saying "everything sucks" helps nobody.
also: after 5 years of ignoring and insults by action, they made the galaxy and neghvar potent vessels. And gave em a hd makeover.
Sooo.... your opinion dude.
I would ask if you are mad, but I figure you already are. Putting money on a online game is like going to see a movie at the theater pal. sometimes you get your money's worth, other times you walk away saying "I spent money on that?"
I'd check your rage at the door pal, undercutting your credibility right off the bat.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Your nerd rage post struck a chord with me. So much so I created a Delta Recruit when I had seriously considered taking a pass on this part of the game. Now, the thought I am playing the game and still enjoying it is placing a huge burr under your saddle only adds to my entertainment of wandering around as a Lieutenant after so many years at the other end of the food chain.
Please, for my sake, keep responding to the posts in this thread in as negative and disparaging a manner as possible. Because it makes swanning about in my brand new T1 Miranda with all white T1 gear while I happily accrue the Delta Recruit rewards package just that more much fun! :P
Perhaps you could expand your rage a bit to include other aspects of the game as well. You have a bright and promising future portraying the grandest dog-in-a-manger I've seen in a long time.
No one owes an angry, bitter lunatic an explanation as to why they like and still play this game--or any other thing for that matter. You're a grown adult. You don't have to answer ANYONE, have to explain yourself to anyone. Let him and other lunatics like him make they're ranty, petulant demands all they want, laugh at them, then go back to playing the game.
Giving an explanation to the OP is giving them exactly what he wants. 99% of people like him who keep making posts like this don't care one way or the other about this game. In the end, it's about the rush of angrily demanding responses from people like some powerful authority figure and enjoying the experience of having people sheepishly explain themselves to him like a naughty child would to a parent. That's all. Just ignore him.
Why did I explain myself? Easy. Because I find people like the OP most amusing. If my explanation can cause them to splutter helplessly in front of their screen to the point where one or two cranial blood vessels burst, so much the better. Cheap entertainment for moi.
I come and go, I play for a few months then take like a year off. I used to be a strong supporter but after so many years I have come to realize Cryptic/PWE will never change as long as they get an income and profit. There are enough people here to provide that. I haven't spent money in this game for I don't know how long, long enough that I can't remember. Legacy of Romulus I think it was, with the little $20 starter pack.
I'm an avid KDF supporter, hell I don't even play the other factions anymore. Does spouting on the forums make Cryptic listen? Nope. They might read it, but I am one of many. Take a break mate, leave for a year, some back and play the new content then leave and come back again. That's all I do now. I no longer grind, nor play STF's, I just play new missions and play with friends. I am just here for the social aspect nothing Cryptic has really done has kept me in-game it's the people I've met that keep me coming back.
Please, keep telling me how my opinion and that of damn near everyone that has loyally supported this game over the years is wrong.
*Gets popcorn, opens a beer.*
I guess Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it! :P
Thank you, I just checked out your sig and I was not aware of this but it makes sense of a few things:
You start off with a mega-sperg rant and reply to people in the rudest ways possible, and now you're trying to play it off like you're Joe Cool?
Wow, have fun with whatever mental gymnastics you have to pull to justify that to yourself.
An opinion can't be right or wrong.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Alright cupcake, I'll hold your hand through this since you can't read between the lines. It'll be rough at times, but we'll get through this together, sunshine.
Yes, I am extremely angry and decided to rant about it on the feedback section of the forum; which is the place for it. Who am I angry with? The developers? No. The players? Not really, but I enjoy tormenting anyone that defends the actions of those with whom I'm angry.
Who then... and why?
The management that is continually making decisions that are blatantly anti-consumer. Decisions like making us buy the same ships repeatedly or to make over-powered content just for sales which is planned to be nerfed from the start. Decisions to ignore PvP completely and so much more that has driven away so many from a game that I want to love so badly. Like many others, my friends and I have built an international gaming community starting with STO as the first game we all played together. I've met people from all over the globe because of this game and I want it to be fun. I want those responsible for StarTrekOnline to stop treating their players and their developers with disrespect.
Also, a thought on the Glassdoor site: who cares about that? What former employees say about the company is immaterial.
Reported for being a troll.
*brings chip and dip* I love it when self-entitled people rant.
*offers an ale for best reply in this thread*
you think that's trolling?
And you think that's only pwe pulling this. hate to burst your bubble but throw a rock at a gaming company they are all doing the same thing.
Get used to it or stick to console games.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
"Use Temporal Skills to NERF EVERYTHING before it happened!" -Unknown source.