The iconic ships need to make way for new ships, and new star trek lore. Decades have passed since the TV shows. The game moves on, so should the players.
Though i get that people love the famous style ships, so do i. Believe it or not i am a star trek fan. I just think that people need to realise you cant move the timeline forward and maintain the currency of the same ships over and over.
Regardless, some T5U ships are still highly capable. The Fleet Patrol Escort for example. Or the Tac Odyssey which gets a 4th tac console slot, which is what it really needed imo.
" Experience is a hard mistress, she gives the tests first, and the lessons after... "
According to them, you bought a T5 ship... not a guaranteed end-game-level ship.
Of course. You get what you paid for. But they a have all these ship models. Why not use the same algorithm they use to apply the ship mastery levels to give the command/pilot/Intel bo slots?
I am not talking about space skills. If they want to add them, go ahead. But it isn't necessary whatsoever.
Once you get the t5u mastery you can upgrade it to t6 with more zen.
Cryptic made 200 ships that are useless now. Money they are throwing away.
It isn't good business but I guess they have enough money.
This has been argued to death in other threads, so I'll simply say this...
In modern times, we have examples of warships serving for 40+ years, often with extensive updates of onboard equipment. (I've personally been aboard a US Navy ship that was under construction at the close of WWII and fought in Desert Storm. And, although the ship I visited wasn't one of them... I do recall seeing news footage of battleships of similar vintage firing Tomahawks.) Military aircraft, too.
There are examples in Star Trek as well of ship designs (perhaps having undergone upgrades in between) which were seen over long periods of time as well - I think there's a case of a Miranda being seen in TOS and TNG, and there's very definitely at least one DS9 episode featuring an upgraded Excelsior.
Based upon those, there is no reason that - set as we are about 35 years after the Dominion War - that any ships (at the very least, any NEW ships - such as the Negh'Var, Nova, Defiant, and Prometheus, for examples, and it's already been done in-game with the Intrepid and Jem'Hadar ships) seen in the Dominion War period aren't capable of being upgraded to "current" levels.
You logic is flawed to a degree. While yes Navy ships currently serve 40-50 years next to newer models... they are never to the same level as new ships out there.
Trying to compare a San Antonio Class ship compared to a Austin class (with the last ones basically recently being decomissioned) is a bit of a stretch. Same with other ships in their classes. While older ships are functional... and can be upgraded to a degree.. .they will never be as capable as the new classes of ships within their size and purpose.
So actually from a real world aspect a 35 year old ship... while still capable of being used and used will in any modern navy... would be behind the power curve technologically to any new ship within it's class.
Heck even ships within the same class are different. The USS NIMITZ is by far no where near as advanced as the USS GEORGE BUSH... and they're both concidered the same class.
Case in point... when I was in the Navy I served on the CARL VINSON... we sailed through the straits of Hormuz right next to the ENTERPRISE. From being on both ships (for various reasons) even just visibly next to each other... you could see that the CARL VINSON was much more capable then the ENTERPRISE... and they were in service at the exact same time (made obvious from sailing through the Straits at the same time).
So yes while 40 year old ships may still be in service... they would NOT have the same "level" as "current" level ships.
I saw Mark Rademaker's flickr. It said "Year 5 Refit" for the vesta model he's updating. I also heard from a fleet mate that it might go T6, I don't know, I doubt it, but I'm hopeful regardless. Not that it matters, but yeah I think the Oddy, Vesta, Galaxy and Excelsior (Geko's favorite) should go T6.
<place entitlement claim about t5 to t6 ships here>
T5U was the last stage in the upgrade process for the t5 ships, i cant see them going to t6 at all. as for the oddy, i dont care about it ever since it was an NA only event to design the next enterprise, i wouldnt even care if it ended up being worse than the oberth or accidentally deleted from the server. the oddy is a ship class i will never entertain.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I saw Mark Rademaker's flickr. It said "Year 5 Refit" for the vesta model he's updating. I also heard from a fleet mate that it might go T6, I don't know, I doubt it, but I'm hopeful regardless. Not that it matters, but yeah I think the Oddy, Vesta, Galaxy and Excelsior (Geko's favorite) should go T6.
The last I heard was that he was doing a refit for either book or personal use, not that it was for STO.
The title says t5 ships, but I'm just gonna throw out any that come to mind. Feel free to nitpick that they aren't all t5 .
I know they won't, but the Constitution class would be my first choice, next might be Oddy, Obelisk Carrier(I really just like the look of it) or the one from Yesterdays Enterprise (technically the Ambassador t5 is a retrofit already) that's if they're doing the freebie ships. The only ship I'd like to see retrofit for the Klingons is the Hegh'ta, but I'm still rather irritated that my KDF alligned Rommie can't use my Kar'fi carrier, so I have no real hopes for anything good.
The iconic ships need to make way for new ships, and new star trek lore. Decades have passed since the TV shows. The game moves on, so should the players.
Though i get that people love the famous style ships, so do i. Believe it or not i am a star trek fan. I just think that people need to realise you cant move the timeline forward and maintain the currency of the same ships over and over.
Regardless, some T5U ships are still highly capable. The Fleet Patrol Escort for example. Or the Tac Odyssey which gets a 4th tac console slot, which is what it really needed imo.
That is completely irrelivant. Read the post from sonnikku as to why the cannon ships should be upgraded to T6:
People play a Star Trek video game chiefly to play the Star Trek ship(s) they know and love from the shows. Much more so at least than the chance to play some star wars fans latest cobbled together monstrosity that doesn't look at all like it belongs in Starfleet.
The technology is basically irrelevant too. If a 22nd century T'varo can kick TRIBBLE and take names at end game it makes no sense why a 22nd century NX or 23rd century Connie can't as well. Heck, the Excel is nearly as old as the Connie and it's significantly more powerful than the Galaxy despite having much older tech. That makes no sense. At that point any semblance of "sense" has been chucked out the window and you might better just go for broke and let people play what they enjoy.
Enough said! If you hate cannon Trek ships that much, you probably shouldn't be playing this game to begin with.
T5U was the last stage in the upgrade process for the t5 ships, i cant see them going to t6 at all. as for the oddy, i dont care about it ever since it was an NA only event to design the next enterprise, i wouldnt even care if it ended up being worse than the oberth or accidentally deleted from the server. the oddy is a ship class i will never entertain.
Your ignoring the fact that the Intrepid (i.e. Voyager) got up-graded to T6 with the release of the Pathfinder.
I can't understand why they haven't done anything to the D7/K'tinga model to retain it's original appearance, but bring it into the future. They've done that with quite a few Federation ships that have a similar appearance to the Enterprise, but look just a bit more futuristic.
They have a great model in the Koro'tinga. Just take away the bar supports and make it solid. Beef up the nacelles and the neck slightly and keep the mission pod and the bridge sections the way they are and call it a D8. But instead they come out with the Qib and the command ships. Time for the Klingons to get a ship that hearkens back to a solid design that worked for them and is brought into the future. Shouldn't be that difficult.
The iconic ships need to make way for new ships, and new star trek lore. Decades have passed since the TV shows. The game moves on, so should the players.
Though i get that people love the famous style ships, so do i. Believe it or not i am a star trek fan. I just think that people need to realise you cant move the timeline forward and maintain the currency of the same ships over and over.
Regardless, some T5U ships are still highly capable. The Fleet Patrol Escort for example. Or the Tac Odyssey which gets a 4th tac console slot, which is what it really needed imo.
You mean they invent/make ships like (some) people make babies????
Of course. You get what you paid for. But they a have all these ship models. Why not use the same algorithm they use to apply the ship mastery levels to give the command/pilot/Intel bo slots?
I am not talking about space skills. If they want to add them, go ahead. But it isn't necessary whatsoever.
Once you get the t5u mastery you can upgrade it to t6 with more zen.
Cryptic made 200 ships that are useless now. Money they are throwing away.
It isn't good business but I guess they have enough money.
And sometimes, those MMOs instead release a higher level version that has to be grinded for.
Same situation here. Grinding = Dil->Zen and/or EC for that new T6, whether it's a shop ship or a Lobi/Lockbox/Promo.
Also, TV / movie Ship should get the upgrade treatment too:)
Bottom Line - Let people enjoy what they want to enjoy:)
You logic is flawed to a degree. While yes Navy ships currently serve 40-50 years next to newer models... they are never to the same level as new ships out there.
Trying to compare a San Antonio Class ship compared to a Austin class (with the last ones basically recently being decomissioned) is a bit of a stretch. Same with other ships in their classes. While older ships are functional... and can be upgraded to a degree.. .they will never be as capable as the new classes of ships within their size and purpose.
So actually from a real world aspect a 35 year old ship... while still capable of being used and used will in any modern navy... would be behind the power curve technologically to any new ship within it's class.
Heck even ships within the same class are different. The USS NIMITZ is by far no where near as advanced as the USS GEORGE BUSH... and they're both concidered the same class.
Case in point... when I was in the Navy I served on the CARL VINSON... we sailed through the straits of Hormuz right next to the ENTERPRISE. From being on both ships (for various reasons) even just visibly next to each other... you could see that the CARL VINSON was much more capable then the ENTERPRISE... and they were in service at the exact same time (made obvious from sailing through the Straits at the same time).
So yes while 40 year old ships may still be in service... they would NOT have the same "level" as "current" level ships.
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
T5U was the last stage in the upgrade process for the t5 ships, i cant see them going to t6 at all. as for the oddy, i dont care about it ever since it was an NA only event to design the next enterprise, i wouldnt even care if it ended up being worse than the oberth or accidentally deleted from the server. the oddy is a ship class i will never entertain.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
The last I heard was that he was doing a refit for either book or personal use, not that it was for STO.
Also, in 2012, Rademaker celebrated the 3-year anniversary of the Vesta:
So I think he simply created it 5 years ago, which happens to coincide with STO's release ,but is not strictly related.
Now, I'd definitely love a Tier 6 Vesta. But don't count on it (that soon).
I know they won't, but the Constitution class would be my first choice, next might be Oddy, Obelisk Carrier(I really just like the look of it) or the one from Yesterdays Enterprise (technically the Ambassador t5 is a retrofit already) that's if they're doing the freebie ships. The only ship I'd like to see retrofit for the Klingons is the Hegh'ta, but I'm still rather irritated that my KDF alligned Rommie can't use my Kar'fi carrier, so I have no real hopes for anything good.
I'd love a Nova Tier 6 Retrofit. Perhaps it could be a Science/Pilot hybrid? It looks so nimble...
That is completely irrelivant. Read the post from sonnikku as to why the cannon ships should be upgraded to T6:
Enough said! If you hate cannon Trek ships that much, you probably shouldn't be playing this game to begin with.
Your ignoring the fact that the Intrepid (i.e. Voyager) got up-graded to T6 with the release of the Pathfinder.
They have a great model in the Koro'tinga. Just take away the bar supports and make it solid. Beef up the nacelles and the neck slightly and keep the mission pod and the bridge sections the way they are and call it a D8. But instead they come out with the Qib and the command ships. Time for the Klingons to get a ship that hearkens back to a solid design that worked for them and is brought into the future. Shouldn't be that difficult.
My character Tsin'xing