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Advanced PVE Queue Changes



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    seriousxenoseriousxeno Member Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Alright, first of thank you for listening to us on this one. Failing advanced was no fun and led to many queues become unreasonably hard (looking at you Cure Found Space). Its good to see that adjustments are being made and I'm gonna be playing a lot of queues again that I had previously abandoned.

    If you apply this change to everything, that would make me happy indeed. If all the failure conditions are as the one for Azure Nebula Rescue, then I think this is a fair system, especially considering that people will be rolling new chars for Delta Recruitment.

    Time to put the fun back into PVE queues, thumbs up! :)
    "Let them eat static!"
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    chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    And what exactly is an "undergeared" player supposed to do while they are grinding away at crafting and dilithium and contributing to fleet projects for the hope of getting better gear that could otherwise be obtained in less than a week via the advanced queues? Are they just supposed to sit around and twiddle their thumbs? Replay the same "skill-level appropriate content" over and over and over again for months while they grind their crafting rep and try to save up millions of EC needed to buy the DOFFs required to actually craft something once you've spent 40 days getting a school to level 15?

    I don't see how it's "months and months." You can run the battlezones a couple times, get a few elite marks, and boom there's the rep gear. It's just about as quick as the queues.
    So if you don't like the Battlezones? Well tough **** for you, do them anyway, cause that's where you'll find those elite marks you need? So what if they make you work 10x harder, and take 10x longer than what it takes to get an elite mark in an advanced queue. You're inferior! You must WORK for it! I'm sorry, but that's bull****. It's a game. It's supposed to be fun, not a chore. If it's not fun I'm not going to play. I don't find Battlefields to be fun. And I'm not a big fan of ground combat. So all the alternatives you listed are not viable to me, and I'm betting many others since all of those zones are designed for advanced players to begin with. So again, you're telling people with crappy gear who want better gear that they shouldn't be going into the only places where they can get the materials they need for better gear. Uh-huh.

    No, I'm telling players with "crappy gear" that there isn't just one option, and that they're not being somehow forced to play Adv queues. This is as argument that's been raised very often, not just by yourself. And it's a false argument.

    I'm also saying that players shouldn't feel entitled to run the Adv content and get a free pass from the dev's on a fail-less run, and shouldn't get a free pass from the other players who are de facto carrying the under-geared players through the queue.

    You've missed my point entirely.
    And yet you still don't see the problem. Almost as if you don't really want the unwashed masses obtaining better gear because then they have the chance of being as good if not better than you. And we can't have F2P players do that! They need to know their place! Like flying a T4 ship using Mk X white gear! And to Hell with them if they want better. Grind, you cheapskate! GRIND!!!

    Of course I want other players to gear up. Why wouldn't I?

    And LOL but I'm sorry, I'm not some ivory tower player. There are, and will continue to be, a whole ton of players who are way better than I am at the game. I can hold my own in Adv content, but my shoulders aren't broad enough to carry an entire team. I'm impressed by players who've tricked-out their ships well enough to do just that.
    My only problem with Azure Nebula is that it gives too little marks, I prefer Mine Trap but it seems everybody in this game are too scared to play it.

    No idea what the reason is, but yeah... I miss Mine Trap :(
    Cryptic, you know it's not your fault when players run & gun to their own deaths, right? Stop rewarding this attitude, this attitude is why I don't pug. Yes, I like to help people, just tell me if you need help. But I can't help them if they just want to kill themselves & pissed off the rest of the team members.

    Seconded. It's a player-based problem, not a gameplay-based problem.
    adjective: optional

    available to be chosen but not obligatory

    in other words, a queue with an "optional" objective should NEVER fail if it is not completed.
    However, some of the awards can/should be attached to these "optional" objectives being completed...
    warpangel wrote: »
    There is no such ting as an "optional fail." Queues fail when required objectives are not met. :rolleyes:

    Exactly. Just to expand on that: optionals become mandatory objectives the higher you move up the difficulty ranks, and new optionals for bonus rewards are added. Conduit Normal's optional objective of no Nanite heals to the Transformer becomes a mandatory objective in Advanced.
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    spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Consider me intrigued...

    Have you people at Cryptic actually been sneak peaking on the complains on the forum. :P

    This sounds great, and if tuned properly is pretty much what many asked for.:D

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
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    mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    How wonderful, these are great news indeed. Its trully a step into the right direction. This sheds some light and hope into this game upon these dark times. Still I reserve my excitement until I see this change done to the borg STFs.
    And imho, its better late then never I would say. Sure, it wouldve been much better if something like this was done last year a few months after DR, but still... its good that its done now.

    I am also delighted to see the majority of the player base community's positive reaction. See how all the doom and gloom goes away when you are giving some carrot and not just stick...
    Adding 1 salvage tech to advanced and 3 to new elite would probably do the trick a bit better and more players would go for cryptic’s recourse sinks and more importantly play the game.

    I totally agree. And/or add next to the agenda to tone and adjust the elite modes to provide availability for a wide variaty of builds (like DHCs escorts and drain boats) and not just for the Bfaw/Beta meta as curently is now.

    Kudos again to Star Trek Online Team for this change. Hope to see more stuff like this in the future.
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    tenadatenada Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Said this the day they rolled out the new system. The problem for a lot of new players was they couldn't get good rep gear without the items. And couldn't get the items without good rep gear . Glad they are addressing this.
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    lhoygowlhoygow Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Thank you for this, now I can finally reliably acquire Argonite gas from pugs to upgrade my torps. Although the optionals will probably still have a fairly high failure rate due to the RNG spawning a bunch of T'Varos and the bugged spawns where nothing actually does spawn, at least you can actually win despite that and still come away with some Argonite.

    Now if you would kindly make the next one to adopt this new method be Defend Rh'Ihho Station for the Craylon gas...just saying.
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    jdonvance2jdonvance2 Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2015
    Great. Now all they need to do is outline the rewards for completing a queue better in-game.
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    spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    john98837 wrote: »
    One serious problem I see with both of these, especially #2. The randomness of spawns can doom even the best teams on this. One of the most annoying things about azura is when all it wants to spawn are 1s or 2s. On the 4 minute timer if it spawns a set of 4 1 point ships at the start your pretty much screwed. Takes about 30 second to kill the ships, 30 seconds to free, then 2 minutes of waiting for another spawn. At that point your at 3 minutes with only 4 points, if your lucky you may get to free another wave of spawns before the 4 min runs out, but probably not, and those could be all 1s as well.

    The 5 minute timer is a bit more plausible if you don't get 2 waves of all 1s which does happen quite frequently. I would suggest leaving either leaving it as number of ships saved or doing something about the spawn patterns on azura to insure we always at least have the opportunity to save enough points worth of ships in the time frame allotted.

    Would be nice if they set the condition that same type of spawn could not occur in more then one place each wave.

    That would mean that worst case scenario would be getting a 1, a 2 and a 3.

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
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    britewolfbritewolf Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Strangely I was talking about difficulties with a friend last night... What I understand of the process is that the change will be good. Currently there are a few queues that are too easy to fail on less progressed toons, especially when pugging.

    I think a bigger problem now though is that there are too many queues. I understand that there has been a lot of event-play for the last 4 months, but I have been struggling to progress through the reps by pugging as there have not been enough pugs for each queue. (seriously, I waited over an hour for Infiltration the other day). To top this off, we have more queues being added to the game. this is fine when working as part of a dedicated team, but pugging is becoming an issue and I think there are a few queues that could do with being merged as a result... i.e. with the current difference in the level of difficulty between normal and advanced on Infiltration, you could just scrap the normal entirely, and you could probably rewrite the borg stf ground missions into just three (or even two) queues with minimal impact on overall game.

    It comes down to the same reason the Romulans are a half-faction. Splitting the player base further would not have been a good thing, but the current management of the pve queues does just that. it's especially annoying given that we can't team up across factions for them.
    General T'Reirr Asei
    Captain of the venerable I.K.S. Y'Kun.
    Warrior of the Empire; Savior of Cookies; Lord of String; Devious Little S*!7
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    spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    casbyness wrote: »
    It will still be possible to fail a queue. These failure conditions will be limited to checks that players are actually attempting to complete the queue or that they are not getting stuck in a situation where they cannot win. A the moment, we expect these failure conditions to take the form of timers for completing the entire queue (with this time requirement not meant to be a serious challenge to achieve) or for queues that cannot take longer than a fixed amount of time, a check to make sure a minimal amount of progress has been made (again, this requirement is not meant to be a challenge to achieve).

    Please don't introduce this. All the best memories I have of playing this game have been epic STF queue experiences where one or two players have been stuck in a scenario that was barely winnable and took a ridiculously long time to complete, but eventually won.

    I once soloed a Khitomer Vortex STF after the rest of the team never showed up and it was one of the most fun things that happened to me in the game. It took an eternity, but I still won it in my dinky Science Ship with only one escapee Borg ship to spare :3

    If you add time limits this will be lost!

    From what I read the only time limits will be for extra rewards, and they do not cause failure of scenario. Perhaps you should read it again. ;)

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
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    themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Just want to point out I earned my original Borg Gear set on the original STFs using white gear, on Elite difficulty. Took awhile but that's what happens when you are an MMO noob. :D

    Fast forward, with the right combination of white gear I can blast through Normal and Advanced to get the gear that I need.

    Right now the new "white gear" is X and XI gear that I have accumulated on my alts. I am slowly turning some of that into XIII and XIV while I collect drops and run R&D... and run the queues as well.

    It is nice that they have removed the fail-traps from advance for the reasons I mentioned prior. I am looking forward to playing Advanced again without having to worry about losing the entire mission before it even gets underway.

    Well unless I'm stuck in an instance full of Sci ship noobs trying to DPS without crowd-control. Seriously this happens often enough that it needs to become a meme or something.
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    spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    carnivott wrote: »
    The real problem with advanced and elite queues is not that they are too difficult, but that players that are not ready to play at that level will frequently que for them. The proposed changes makes this situation worse by encouraging under-geared and inexperienced players to roll the dice to get a good team. Under the proposed new system, they will be practically guaranteed a reward that is too far out of proportion with their contribution. At least with the current system, unprepared players gain a pittance from almost certainly losing. Granted, the current system is still not fair to the players who came prepared to advanced queues populated by too many noobs. But failure discourages the under-performers from trying the que again until they can do better.

    But they would be learning with the changes so they could perform better, and with scenario not having failed they probably would start to get advice from those that know better then just have us leave fuming over the lost time (OK, I admit I could have advices more new advanced player but after losing the entire scenario one is not always .... very happy :rolleyes:).

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
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    geminisierrageminisierra Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    chipg7 wrote: »



    adjective: optional

    available to be chosen but not obligatory

    in other words, a queue with an "optional" objective should NEVER fail if it is not completed.
    However, some of the awards can/should be attached to these "optional" objectives being completed...

    Exactly. Just to expand on that: optionals become mandatory objectives the higher you move up the difficulty ranks, and new optionals for bonus rewards are added. Conduit Normal's optional objective of no Nanite heals to the Transformer becomes a mandatory objective in Advanced.

    The issue I have is with the wording of the queues... if the "optional" objectives become "manadatory" objectives in the advanced and elite queues... then they are no longer optional... and thus... the words "optional" should be removed from advanced and elite queues.
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    spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The real problem is the removal of elite marks like Borg Neural Processors from the Normal queues. You complain about undergeared people running advanced, but one of the only ways to get better gear is via the rep system, and that requires elite marks you can only get by playing advanced or elite. So if you can't get the elite marks, you can't get better gear, and you're stuck in a catch-22 with no way out.

    I certainly have no desire to run advanced if I don't have to, but since I need the elite marks I don't have a choice. I'd happily stick to normal if I could earn elite marks, but sadly that is no longer an option.

    That would not change problem for crafters that need material from advanced or elite. Nah, I think Cryptic is on to something as long as they take those metrics for failed missions and ....... well get rid of them. :P

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
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    battykoda0battykoda0 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I have no real idea how many marks are usually given out by these missions - to be honest, I usually just hope for the Daily Bonus and that's it. I wonder how the final tally will differ?

    But changing the optionals to be optionals again and having only a much easier failure condition should really improve getting the ability to get Elite Marks like Ancient Power Cells.
    Of course - Azura Nebula Rescue is not granting any of those, so I hope some of the Delta Queues are next on the agenda.

    Agree here fully. Optional optionals is very nice in and of itself.
    Wow. There is a new KDF Science ship. I'll be!
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    chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The issue I have is with the wording of the queues... if the "optional" objectives become "manadatory" objectives in the advanced and elite queues... then they are no longer optional... and thus... the words "optional" should be removed from advanced and elite queues.

    It is removed. They're mandatory objectives. They're not optionals anymore.

    Entirely new optionals that weren't in Normal are then introduced.

    Again in Conduit: preventing Nanites from healing the Transformer is optional in Normal - in Advanced, it's not considered optional anymore, and is clearly mandatory and listed as a fail condition in the queue objectives.
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    yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Let's see how this works out.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
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    spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    And what exactly is an "undergeared" player supposed to do while they are grinding away at crafting and dilithium and contributing to fleet projects for the hope of getting better gear that could otherwise be obtained in less than a week via the advanced queues? Are they just supposed to sit around and twiddle their thumbs? Replay the same "skill-level appropriate content" over and over and over again for months while they grind their crafting rep and try to save up millions of EC needed to buy the DOFFs required to actually craft something once you've spent 40 days getting a school to level 15?

    And yes, like every other human being on the planet, I want the most reward for the least amount of effort. STO is a game, after all, not a job. I already have one of those. I don't want to come home and start another one for "fun".

    So if you don't like the Battlezones? Well tough **** for you, do them anyway, cause that's where you'll find those elite marks you need? So what if they make you work 10x harder, and take 10x longer than what it takes to get an elite mark in an advanced queue. You're inferior! You must WORK for it! I'm sorry, but that's bull****. It's a game. It's supposed to be fun, not a chore. If it's not fun I'm not going to play. I don't find Battlefields to be fun. And I'm not a big fan of ground combat. So all the alternatives you listed are not viable to me, and I'm betting many others since all of those zones are designed for advanced players to begin with. So again, you're telling people with crappy gear who want better gear that they shouldn't be going into the only places where they can get the materials they need for better gear. Uh-huh.

    And yet you still don't see the problem. Almost as if you don't really want the unwashed masses obtaining better gear because then they have the chance of being as good if not better than you. And we can't have F2P players do that! They need to know their place! Like flying a T4 ship using Mk X white gear! And to Hell with them if they want better. Grind, you cheapskate! GRIND!!!

    Hmm, I get how you think.

    But honestly after thinking a lot on why some players so much is against all having access to content in game I actually don't think it is because they are elitists. They are just selfish.

    If a lot of people do not have access to the advanced and elite content they are pretty much locked out of crafting...... and that opens up a very lucrative market for those that do. So just selfish. :P

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
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    spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    My only problem with Azure Nebula is that it gives too little marks, I prefer Mine Trap but it seems everybody in this game are too scared to play it.

    They probably should remake Mine Trap into a 5 man STF. That way it would at least be possible to get enough people (have not seen queue go above 10 any time I was joined to it).

    They could also do a Mine Trap event to get people to play it..... why is there no ground event? :confused:

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
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    whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    spookpwa wrote: »
    But they would be learning with the changes so they could perform better, and with scenario not having failed they probably would start to get advice from those that know better then just have us leave fuming over the lost time (OK, I admit I could have advices more new advanced player but after losing the entire scenario one is not always .... very happy :rolleyes:).

    An example. I used to have scripted saved in word that I copied and pasted in the beginning of Infected Advance/Elites teamchats saying not to blow the generators untill the cubes and oher generators were close to popping, just in case someone was new to it. What happened half of the time? Someone rushes the area and alpha strikes a gen, blowing it well before other people have whittled down the other gens. I wasnt nasty, rude or negative either.

    With all the assets out there, including fleet membership, I dont see how some of those optionals get failed at such a high rate, unless a person is unwilling to learn/work as a team member or they are griefing.
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    spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    An example. I used to have scripted saved in word that I copied and pasted in the beginning of Infected Advance/Elites teamchats saying not to blow the generators untill the cubes and oher generators were close to popping, just in case someone was new to it. What happened half of the time? Someone rushes the area and alpha strikes a gen, blowing it well before other people have whittled down the other gens. I wasnt nasty, rude or negative either.

    With all the assets out there, including fleet membership, I dont see how some of those optionals get failed at such a high rate, unless a person is unwilling to learn/work as a team member or they are griefing.

    Well, considering the speed and amount of DPS some have that blow that first generator, before anyone else even get close to the cube, I guess we have a few trolls out there that enjoy ruin others STF. :rolleyes:

    Will not be all that fun for them any more now though. All they do is cause a longer STF and everyone still get reward even if a bit less. :P

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
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    thegreathibikithegreathibiki Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    As long as this fixes the issues when implemented in other venues about not getting the correct (IF at ALL) required mark item i.e. Ancient Power Cells then I am all for it. I haven't gotten more than 2 in all and I am tired of the supposed win of Borg Disconnected where it says you get APCs or at least a BNP. No offence I don't play it because I usually get jack and crack IF the pug group works right. I've had 2 BNPs since you 'revamped' the PvE with delta quadrant addition and haven't gained one more to at least get 1000 dilithium for it.

    This is a long awaited first step in the right direction, Cryptic. I applaud.

    This is also a nice thing because actions that feel similar to the whole revamped PvE that started this issue seem to be happening all around me without any of my opinion in RL is annoying. So seeing a positive change is nice. Good Timing.

    Also having tried for the first time all the ques that at least HAD someone in them, I believe only 2 out of I assume 25 runs ended with the optional done and only 4 with the mission succeeded beyond those. 6 out of 25 missions people. 6/25 worth doing??? Did newbies get hit with the stupid stick too much or am I too old to understand the little kiddies behavior now a days? More often than not someone would not listen to those who have done the mission a hundred freaking times and broke some core component to winning and then ignored anyone trying to help them. All it takes at the moment is one person doing their own thing and you get overrun in the worst way and all accomplishment is ruined.
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    mcevergreenmcevergreen Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    First one to tried the "new" Azure Nebula Rescue (Advanced).

    I have to say, it was much more fun than the "old" one. :-)
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    topabosstopaboss Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2015
    Thank you so much. This is a huge improvement, I've struggled finding a ship that can handle playing with randoms on advanced space queues since I typically have to do 90% of work, but I hate spending half hour trying to preform a team. This will relax the damage requirement and builds I was forced to bring. I've almost quit because it was simply too difficult after several recent reductions in available damage for my sci fed captain.

    Those who are complaining about making this easier, I don't understand you. If you want a challenge, create a challenge for yourself, why force it on everyone else other than selfishly feeling superior at their struggle. I do missions in a shuttle or using ridiculous builds or play hardest queue possible even though there are easier ones available for a challenge. All this does is add variety to how this game can be played.
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    spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    First one to tried the "new" Azure Nebula Rescue (Advanced).

    I have to say, it was much more fun than the "old" one. :-)

    Yup, though I should upgrade the weaponry from MK XII to MK XIV on the alt I tried it with.

    Tough little ships aren't they, that or my polaron cannons are malfunctioning a bit to much. ;)

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
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    chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    An example. I used to have scripted saved in word that I copied and pasted in the beginning of Infected Advance/Elites teamchats saying not to blow the generators untill the cubes and oher generators were close to popping, just in case someone was new to it. What happened half of the time? Someone rushes the area and alpha strikes a gen, blowing it well before other people have whittled down the other gens. I wasnt nasty, rude or negative either.

    With all the assets out there, including fleet membership, I dont see how some of those optionals get failed at such a high rate, unless a person is unwilling to learn/work as a team member or they are griefing.
    Also having tried for the first time all the ques that at least HAD someone in them, I believe only 2 out of I assume 25 runs ended with the optional done and only 4 with the mission succeeded beyond those. 6 out of 25 missions people. 6/25 worth doing??? Did newbies get hit with the stupid stick too much or am I too old to understand the little kiddies behavior now a days? More often than not someone would not listen to those who have done the mission a hundred freaking times and broke some core component to winning and then ignored anyone trying to help them. All it takes at the moment is one person doing their own thing and you get overrun in the worst way and all accomplishment is ruined.

    You've both got the issue nailed down. It's often the players who are causing the most problems in PvEs - not the PvEs themselves. Mind you, I do appreciate the devs working to find a good balance in PvE content and rewards.

    But seriously, the amount of times I've seen a queue fail and someone pops into chat saying "why did it fail???" is pretty concerning. Cryptic can do absolutely nothing to prevent players from completely ignoring even the most basic, clearly stated of objectives.
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    pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    *Round of applause*

    Well done and thank you guys. This looks like a sensible and necessary change. Keeping bonuses to the advanced, maintaining usefulness of normal, and not penalising people unfairly for trying to move up the ranks, or for having people trying to move up in your team.
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    takfeltakfel Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Just make sure you prevent players from entering Azure Nebula with a shuttle to cheat the system. I can not recall on both hands how many times someone used a shuttle to "sneak" by the Tholians and remove the tractor beams...
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    elliesspb1elliesspb1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    anra doesnt working xD Great work Cryptic! :D:D:D
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    spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hmm, it has gotten laggy to an unbelievable level on my last run.

    Our attacks got unselected with a delay and we kept rubber banding back and forth. :(

    But at least we got a reward at end. ;)

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
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