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  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    fovrel wrote: »
    This is no surprise. Remember the start of Delta Rising? The level cap was increased and it was supposed to take some time to get to the new cap. Within a few days some players were at level cap by farming xp points in Tau Dewa. Tau Dewa was closed and players were reset on there xp. Later this reset was canceled. This all is just horrible game design and management.

    So the bad ones have to go. Perhaps some good ones are brought in, because the game still need some fixes.

    The background. (just guessing). The dev team got too much involved with the famous Startrek characters that were hired for voice acting. Game play and game mechanics came on the short end of the stick.

    I cant speak for other players but I was level 60 in 3 hours and 27 minutes. And I hadn't even run a patrol in Tau or the Delta quadrant. Still go hit by the nurf bat for exploiting though, and still don't know what I did that was an exploit.
  • nyxadrillnyxadrill Member Posts: 1,242 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    tousseau wrote: »
    Well... I'm not to sure it is financially motivated, as Cryptic is currently hiring...


    I nearly spat my coffee out at that openings page. They are looking for QA staff. Oh the irony....:rolleyes:
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    arnthebard wrote: »
    Don't they think that the lack of communication is a crucial component to keeping its fanbase? Frankly I would be happy with the corporate line "We are making changes to facilitate a better gaming experience" rather than silence.

    Most of the "fanbase" isn't on the forums.

    Most of the "fanbase" are probably unaware of any layoffs at all.
    starkaos wrote: »
    While it is none of our business, it is expected for employees in the public eye to inform us that they are leaving or have left.

    Personally, not leaving this type of message gives the impression that it was just a job to them and not something they had passion for.

    Who expects this?

    A person is a person. Each one can decide for themselves if they want the world to know why they are no longer working for whomever they were working with/for immediately prior.

    Publicly traded companies lay off employees constantly and no one is demanding to know the names of the employees, the resons for their terminations, or any other personal information about these people.

    If there is some major scandal developing and wrongful termination suits start flying around then yeah, there will be an investigation and some if this information will be made available. Some.

    But quite frankly it is none of our business what happened unless we have a stake in the company.

    They either won't explain anything or they will have some stock answer about eliminating redundant positions and adjusting the staff to the projected workload using the new tools at their disposal.

    In either case the game will go on until it doesn't.

    And as far as a farewell speech goes, not always an option.
    And who cares if it was a "passion" or "just a job" to him anyway? There is nothing wrong with someone doing a job because that is what they get paid to do.
    A person loving their work doesn't suddenly make it more noble.
    Heck, I think someone is pretty noble for getting up each day and doing what they have to do to support themselves and their family even if they don't really love the job itself.
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    Most of the voice talent is far cheaper then you realize. The SAG rate is less then $1,000.00 per day for video game voice work - and everyone's work could have been done in a single day. Heck, Ethan did his over Skype, so he did not even need to come to a studio. For better or worse Jeri is the only "star" in the recent group. Most of the actors in Trek are working for scale - there are people whose only income comes from convention appearances.

    All the VO work for DR probably cost less then $10,000.00. They only needed to sell 80 Delta Packs to pay for it. :)

    But how many people did buy the packs?

    I would like to see numbers comparing lifers to subscribers to F2Pers, and then see how much additional money each group is spending for zen, expansion packs, or whatever other offers might be out there.


    Regarding the voiceovers, though... Whatever.

    The new Trek people don't sell me. Every new Trek show got less and less interest. Jeri Ryan was brought in to sex up Voyager and to try and bring in more young male eyes. Enterprise didn't wait to put their Vulcan hottie in some tight or barely-there outfits, and that still didn't do much to help Enterprise.

    And these new stories? These characters don't just serve as contacts or information sources; They are thrust upon you. I can't investigate this with my own crew. No. I have to leave my people behind and bring along someone else because... Well, never mind why! Just do it. You should be proud to have the great 7 of 9 accompanying you.

    You aren't smart enough to figure this stuff out on your own, nor are your engineering, science, or tactical specialists. Only she can solve the problems and then tell you what you have to do while she stands around being useless.

    That killed me. I have to drag her from point to point so that she can tell me what the problem is and then leave me to fix it while she stands around doing nothing.

    I was (and still am) an original Trek guy, growing up with the reruns as a kid.

    I am sure this is going to be an unpopular stance to take, but I would rather have had a game set in the Abrams-verse.
    Let us get out and explore the galaxy on our own.

    They want to borrow some actor or another for voice work, as they did with Leonard Nimoy introducing sector blocks (and a guest appearance as Mr. Spock) or Zachary Quinto as a mission giver then great, but these are supposed to be the stories of my crew.
    Instead I get to tag along now as I continue the adventures of the Voyager crew... My least favorite of all the crews.

    Anyways... Off-topic but since those voice actors (as those characters) was brought up I just wanted to vent.
  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    leceter wrote: »
    As a Dev with a scrap of moral decency and self respect I would have left Cryptic with the introduction of f2p / p2w and the conversion of their mmorpg into mmocasino.

    I don't miss and wont be missing anyone of the ones, who stayed.

    I take it you've never held a job for long...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • lored2deathlored2death Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    iconians wrote: »
    The world revolves around STO. STO fails so hard it has caused layoffs at Daybreak Studios, has shuttered Maxis, and Delta Rising continues to strangle the video game market by forcing studios all across the planet to lay off workers.

    Not that I expect many players in the forums to recognize the big picture and put two and two together, and see this is an industry problem.

    No, we can't see past our own noses and believe that STO and Delta Rising is the cause of all of this. I see a bunch of people on the forums acting like cats who sniff the finger instead of the food the finger is pointing at.

    This is why people think the STO forums are full of morons. Because it is.

    I'm only dropping in to make these comments:

    People can paint the "big picture" all they like. If STO was truly healthy and growing and making PWE a good profit, people wouldn't lose jobs. Cryptic would be hiring even more. It is astonishing to see the lengths people will go to in order to not see what so many players who have left already saw...

    STO is going in the *wrong* direction in appealing to players. While there are some who will throw money at this current state of the game, many others have stopped.

    Everything they've been doing has had the focus be how to manipulate the players into buying more rather than focusing on just making the game fun. XP nerf after nerf, paltry reward systems, overpriced features, non-stop introduction of systems re-made to cost something....the whole feel of grind at every turn.

    It sucks people may have lost their jobs without a doubt but inferring that STO is successful at this point goes beyond the bounds of reason. There were (and are) smart ways for Cryptic to make money off of STO and, with every release in the last two years, they keep going in the wrong direction from many players' perspectives.

    Hopefully, Cryptic wakes up. By everything I've seen with one or two exceptions, it looks like they've chosen to double-down on monetizing every aspect of STO that players will stand. Tech bubbles or world economic status would have far less impact if Cryptic's design decisions were more player friendly and less based on quarterly profits. Good games make money and good game designers hire people, they don't hand out pink slips.

    If anyone lost their job, and Im sorry if that's happened, that rests squarely in the upper management at Cryptic.
  • xapocalypseponyxxapocalypseponyx Member Posts: 577 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    STO is going in the *wrong* direction in appealing to players. While there are some who will throw money at this current state of the game, many others have stopped.

    Everything they've been doing has had the focus be how to manipulate the players into buying more rather than focusing on just making the game fun.

    At one time, I really liked STO and where it was going. Enough so, that I allotted myself a monthly Zen purchase. So, I could purchase things I may want, of course, but also to support further development.

    Now, I just coast along, earning what I can. I haven't made a purchase in months. I bet you can guess about when. What I'm seeing isn't really encouraging. From MY point of view, the fun factor seems to be dwindling.

    I was never a so-called whale, but I wonder just how many minnows the game can stand to lose.
  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Or he never had to hold a job. :rolleyes:

    Well, that was also kinda implied, but yes... That too...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    iconians wrote: »
    This is why people think the STO forums are full of morons. Because it is.

    I could not have said this better myself! Thank You Iconians.
  • thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I was (and still am) an original Trek guy, growing up with the reruns as a kid.

    I am sure this is going to be an unpopular stance to take, but I would rather have had a game set in the Abrams-verse.
    Let us get out and explore the galaxy on our own.

    They want to borrow some actor or another for voice work, as they did with Leonard Nimoy introducing sector blocks (and a guest appearance as Mr. Spock) or Zachary Quinto as a mission giver then great, but these are supposed to be the stories of my crew.

    Instead I get to tag along now as I continue the adventures of the Voyager crew... My least favorite of all the crews.

    Anyways... Off-topic but since those voice actors (as those characters) was brought up I just wanted to vent.

    I agree with you Mithros 100 Percent.
  • thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    valoreah wrote: »
    Including yourself in his categorization too, I hope? ;)

    Nah, just the usual village idiots.

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  • pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Closing this down because any flamewars are badwars.
This discussion has been closed.