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Missing tailor uniforms [Romulan Federation 1 and 2]

presqueislepresqueisle Member Posts: 6 Arc User
edited March 2015 in Graphical and Sound Issues
The Romulan Federation 1 and Romulan Federation 2 jackets have recently gone missing from the tailor. I recently obtained a new Romulan bridge officer on my Romulan-Federation character. As I was commissioning him, I opted to change his uniform to match my other Romulan bridge officers but the jacket that they are all wearing, Romulan Federation 1 (or 2), wasn't available. Also, when I attempted to load a saved uniform with that jacket to him, I got a message "Unable to use this costume in this slot due to type or old costume data" and it put a random jacket on him.

The Romulan Federation 1 and 2 pieces have been available to Romulan-Federation captains for themselves and their Romulan bridge officers (though not their other bridge officers, unfortunately). My captain is Romulan-Federation and this bridge officer is Romulan. The Romulan Federation 1 and Romulan Federation 2 pieces were available as recently as a couple of weeks ago and I loaded saved uniforms with those pieces included as recently as a week ago (maybe more recently).

Also related - when trying to load a saved costume to a character or bridge officer, the checkbox "Just outfit" doesn't work. You can check it but it loads the body, head, and face of the saved costume anyway. Unchecking and rechecking it doesn't work. This checkbox worked as recently as a couple of weeks ago.

Edited to add: The Romulan Federation pieces are available at the tailor on my captain and Romulan bridge officers who are currently wearing them but not my new Romulan Engineering bridge officer.
Post edited by presqueisle on


  • grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    KDF ones are missing as well.

    Old BO's have lost the options for some items. There is a top but no pants

    New BO's have none of the options at all and are stuck pre-aligment. They are also missing other options aside from Aligned Romulan.

    Embassy BOs are considered aligned with you forced faction and aren't Romulan so they have limited options as well

    My suggestion is to:

    1) End all this silly alignment nonsense in the Tailor at least and simply offer Romulan outfits. There is simply a contrivance from levels 1-10 that causes more problems than a poor storyline is worth.

    2) Offer ONE Romulan palette for all items. As KDF I have THREE palettes so its hard to mix and match since some items use the limited KDF palette, Some items use a generic palette and some a Romulan palette
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