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What is you character's greatest fear?



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    antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Great thread topic!

    An'riel's (Fed-based Romulan science) greatest fear? The simulation and conditioning never ended during the Tal Shiar adventure, or worse, was never completely expunged. The Romulans more or less mastered the 'Manchurian Candidate' process, after all.

    Antonine (Starfleet engineer) - a meaningless death. Sacrifice inn the line of duty has seemed likely more than once, and going down giving their all is a rational acknowledgement that sometimes, you just don't have enough ship. To simply die or be brushed aside as useless in spite of all their work would be... disquieting. It's not so much a warrior ethic as death is the most likely complete failure, and being fast-tracked like she was, failing all that for herself and other rapid promotions is too much.
    Fate - protects fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise Will Riker

    Member Access Denied Armada!

    My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
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    kiloacekiloace Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    This sounds like fun!

    John Harrison - Game Over - As an augmented humanoid refugee from the Mirror Universe, John has been exposed to more than his own fair share of brutality, war, and chaos. Having escaped and redeemed himself, he has sworn his life to upholding and protecting the values of the United Federation of Planets, and will gladly risk himself and his ship if it is the price for freedom and liberty.

    Yet, in all of his victories and successes, John's one nagging fear is losing. He will readily sacrifice anything necessary if that's what it takes to win, but he doesn't believe in the no-win scenario, and he fears it because he cannot accept it.

    Fenix - Treachery - Remans have a long history of strife in the wake of the Romulan Star Empire. Fenix has endured through it all: slavery, torture, manipulation...since he saw his parents publically executed by a squad of Romulans at a young age, he vowed to make every last Romulan pay for their sins against his race in their own blood. With the rise of the Romulan Republic, Fenix has transformed his focus from one of vengeance to that of servitude, and has willingly given up his own priorities to protect others from the demons of his own past. Yet, even as an operative in the Romulan Republic's fleet, he fears that D'Tan and his followers have a greater agenda.

    Slade - Death - The duty of a warrior in the KDF is to enter the glory of battle without the slightest fear of death. Slade's hard exterior has convinced everyone who knows him that he is a fearless, merciless killing machine, but deep down inside, he is merely a coward. He fights for his own personal gain - the Nausicaan pursuit of wealth, power and control - but he constantly fears that death will separate him from his destiny before he can attain it.

    Kane - Homeworld - Kane is a Kilon, one of the last of his kind from a distant planetary system near the Galactic Core. The Kilons were once an advanced, enlightened and extremely powerful interstellar government, but their rigid, militaristic culture drove them into a war they had no possible hope of winning. Instead of dying for his race, Kane abandoned his people to their extinction and traveled thousands of lightyears in the direction of the Beta quadrant. He was recently discovered by Federation explorers and given a home and career in Starfleet. Now, with hundreds of years of combat experience and galactic wisdom, Kane's only fear is the unexpected return of his own species.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Firstly, Moonshadowdark, have a cookie for that dream sequence! :P

    Now, what scares Ryan? Failing to protect his crew. His parents died with his mother staying aboard to help patients get off and his father taking command. He saw his parents' ship explode on FNN as an Academy Freshman, an experience which still has a traumatic mark on him. His fear is that he won't be able to protect his crew from that fate - to die for a pointless battle.

    As for Dannover, two words: THE BORG!!!! I go into this a little in my fanfic 'Old Wounds', the link to which you can find in my sig.

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    sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Jesu LaRoca - Breaking his word. Jesu was taught at a young age that your word is the one thing you have that no one can take from you. And when you give it to someone, you can't take it back without breaking it. And once your word is broken, it is worthless. This became a core tenet of his idea of honor and [shamelessplug]is central to the conflict of my current story, "The Sign at the Crossroads."[/shamelessplug]

    LaRoca Rusty - Losing his brother, drowning. When Rusty hatched, he imprinted on the first face he saw and the first body he smelled, which was his brother Jesu. He is biologically hardwired with a need to be close to and to protect his brother. The three times in his life that he came closest to losing Jesu all involved drowning, so that's an acquired fear that's nearly as strong as his ingrained fear.

    Ssharki - Losing his family. To a Gorn, family is everything. Ssharki lost his parents and brothers in a terrorist attack on Cestus III, and then finally lost his sister - the last member of his family - in the Battle of Gila IV. He has built his own family now, adopting two war orphans and becoming father-in-law to a disowned Klingon woman. He knows the pain of losing everyone you love.

    Sway - Fear itself. There's a lot for Sway to be afraid of. Losing his family, dishonoring his father or his par'Mach'kai, loss of identity, death; all of which he has experienced or nearly experienced in some fashion. But what he truly fears is giving in to any of those fears, letting his fear override his sense of honor and duty.

    I wonder what scares Three?

    I lol'd. Hard.

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
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    sistericsisteric Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Good Topic!

    So fears....

    Fleet Admiral Zombee....(Alien Fed Tact) Freedom. Rather the loss of it. If his family lost the thier leadership, including his two older brothers, he would have to resign his Starfleet commision and his freedom to take his place at the ClanTable for his family.

    Vice Admiral Danic...(Vulcan Fed Sci) Children. Specifically being responsible for children not his own. Especially for races with strong emotional reactions.

    Vice Admiral Daniel...(Human Fed Eng) Dieing. As a 20th Century Human that was awakened in the current timeline, he has already lost friends, family and any semblance of normalcy for him. SO now he just hopes he doesn't die before he finds out why he's here.

    Lieutenant General Sisteric...(Gorn KDF Eng) He really doesn't have any major fears. He is aware of his emotions regardling death, loss and other normal things. But none of it drives him or holds him. He's not fearless, just respectful of all things and thier place in the universe.

    Fleet Admiral Grell...(Alien RomFed Eng) Anominity. He is afraid that no one will remember him when he is gone. That what he does will not make a difference in the universe. That he will be forgotten.

    Lieutenant General Kan...(Liberated Borg Klingon KDF Tact) Accepted. He fears that he will never be seen and accepted as a Klingon again after what the borg has done to him.

    General Torc...(Alien KDF Sci) Failure. He fears that he will prove his Clans worth to the EMpire and by default, the usefulness and honor of being a Scientist. He fears that he will not be taken seriously.

    Vice Admiral Zemo...(Reman RomKDF Tac) Family. He fears he will never find out who he is and what happened to his family. He is an Orphan among the stars.
    Federation: Fleet Admiral Zombee (Alien Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Danic (Vulcan Science)::Fleet Admiral Daniel Kochheiser (Human Engineer)
    KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
    RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
    RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
    TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
    Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
    Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)

    CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
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    groomofweirdgroomofweird Member Posts: 1,045 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Benjamin (my main toon, its not cheesy because its my real name)'s greatest fear is that the Federation should fail.
    He believes 100% in every way in the future of the federation, to the point of being fanatical about it.
    He is a shady fellow in a long black coat who TECHNICALLY is not officially part of the Federation as their methods and his differ in their subtlety and delivery ;)
    His will be the last phaser to fall should the Federation ever meet its end.
    This is his worst fear and all consuming motivation to never fail in his duty to protect the Federation and drive its interests whatever the cost.
    My other toons aside from my science chap all have backstory's, I haven't thought of one for him yet he was something of an impulse build.
    "If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
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