its not in the nature of new paywall ships and their new grind and pay wall station powers to play by good and fair game design rules, they exist to trump checks and balances and be better then alternatives, so you will buy them and permanently park your fleet of tier 5 ships you spent a fortune on already.
and thats why why i have enough self respect not to log on anymore.
Broken? Dude there's nothing broken with that ability, you can slot DEM3 and still be cool without it, nowhere to the level of SS3 as weapon-enhancing ability.
And it's currently not applying accuracy debuff. To counter it fly outside the attacker's range and it gets immediately cleared, it's not that hard to escape a cruiser you know.
Broken? Dude there's nothing broken with that ability, you can slot DEM3 and still be cool without it, nowhere to the level of SS3 as weapon-enhancing ability.
And it's currently not applying accuracy debuff. To counter it fly outside the attacker's range and it gets immediately cleared, it's not that hard to escape a cruiser you know.
We don't compare it to SS3. I don't even consider SS3 to be broken atm, it's just unbalanced and as a conclusion OP.
In my opinion there should be an immunity provided at least by omega. The movement debuff of SB works quite similar to Warp Plasma, and that debuff is completely negated by APO or totally cleared with hazard. I don't see why there should be movement debuffs, that can't be countered by any skill, but just weakened. I don't even doubt that passive resistances, provided by skill points in ID, might not work against it, after cryptic has brought a bunch of abilities, being not resistable with ID. But i guess, that this has to be confirmed by testing first.
bug report posted. Maybe they'll say it's "Not supposed to be THAT good." After all, Ionic Turbulence turned out to have gone live with defects too...
but I got a question for the OP...
Did you try hitting the source with a placate-to disrupt their target lock-if it DOES clear when they lose the lock, maybe...jam targeting sensors?
It's a debuff, that is applying for 2 secs after every hit on the target. Breaking target lock would of course stop you reapplying the debuff on that target. But that's not a clear, although the debuff disappears quite fast due to it's low duration. A guy fawing with SB is possible to set a full team under its debuff effects. That would require everyone applying jam sensors on him, to be fully protected. Also jam sensors is cleared by a couple of things, for example by redundant sensors (passive!) or sci team.
It's a debuff, that is applying for 2 secs after every hit on the target. Breaking target lock would of course stop you reapplying the debuff on that target. But that's not a clear, although the debuff disappears quite fast due to it's low duration. A guy fawing with SB is possible to set a full team under its debuff effects. That would require everyone applying jam sensors on him, to be fully protected. Also jam sensors is cleared by a couple of things, for example by redundant sensors (passive!) or sci team.
or use scramble to have that dude apply the debuff to his whole team. I think the short duration is it's balance. Has anyone tried SNB? It's a buff to weapons; I'm pretty sure it can be cleared by SNB or that intel power. Giving it total immunity from APO or A2D would just make it just another LOL power.
or use scramble to have that dude apply the debuff to his whole team. I think the short duration is it's balance. Has anyone tried SNB? It's a buff to weapons; I'm pretty sure it can be cleared by SNB or that intel power. Giving it total immunity from APO or A2D would just make it just another LOL power.
APO making you immune to almost every other movement debuff doesn't make most of them LOL powers. That would just require you to time this ability. Like tractor beam for example. Like every other. And i'm not an advocate of A2D providing immunity to it. It's not the intended function of A2D. APO has a gap, A2D does have a shorter one or none.
SNB indeed clears it, but really it's nowhere broken. Omega and ID kind of soften up the effect, but not entirely. The counters are easy, aka fly out of range, jam, scramble, cloak. I can't see the issue with it. It doesn't kill me, it's not uncounterable.
It's more broken that ignores aux2damp, even if it's active when it hits.
Suppression barrage doesn't appear to effect escorts all that much to be honest, and since omega and evasive is up almost permanently and all other command abilities are cleared with tac team I'm not sure this proposed nerf/bugfix is justified.
I hope they fix the acc bug soon though.
I simply want abilities to work as advertised. Omega gives you "Immunity to Movement Debuffs"
What is part of Suppression Barrages effect ... right!, a movement debuff ...
SNB indeed clears it, but really it's nowhere broken. Omega and ID kind of soften up the effect, but not entirely. The counters are easy, aka fly out of range, jam, scramble, cloak. I can't see the issue with it. It doesn't kill me, it's not uncounterable.
It's more broken that ignores aux2damp, even if it's active when it hits.
dude, u really try to defend another ability which probably is flagged as no resistable?
seriously, this needs to have a counter which is not SNB lol, regarding its 15s cd it should at least be cleansed with hazard emitters or omega. it is a major problem with new powers that one cant counter them. you know, before they introduced these new abilities every single "old" skill has a hard counter. the game can only work this way, it gets broken when you dont have hard counters. i cant understand how u can support sth like this. even if u like the concept there must be a counter to it...
Suppression barrage doesn't appear to effect escorts all that much to be honest, and since omega and evasive is up almost permanently and all other command abilities are cleared with tac team I'm not sure this proposed nerf/bugfix is justified.
I hope they fix the acc bug soon though.
thats simply not true. my escort is at a standard impulse speed of 150. when i pop evasive or omega i should be able to escape nearly all situations. in fact, i am. but not vs supression barrage, it slows my ship to 50 impulse, 60 with evasive. i really dont have any problems with any other cc there is. but supression barrage, as it is, cant be countered or resisted and renders ur speed useless. this is one of the most broken abilities i ever seen apart from viral torp and ionic chain stuns.
dude, u really try to defend another ability which probably is flagged as no resistable?
seriously, this needs to have a counter which is not SNB lol, regarding its 15s cd it should at least be cleansed with hazard emitters or omega. it is a major problem with new powers that one cant counter them. you know, before they introduced these new abilities every single "old" skill has a hard counter. the game can only work this way, it gets broken when you dont have hard counters. i cant understand how u can support sth like this. even if u like the concept there must be a counter to it...
I'm just saying what I think about it. It hasn't created any issues for me, I just fly out the cruiser's range (.15 impulse mod and 8 turn, they're not fast after all). The fact that it's continuously applied every 2 secs can potentially make you suffer it for a few seconds, wait a bit and get back in the fight. If majority says that for them is too hard to counter and needs stronger resists provided by AtD and APO, so be it, just saying my point of view. However, they should not completely counter Suppression. Lemme explain
+24.3 kinetic damage resistance for 15 seconds +33.3% flight speed strength for 15 seconds
+66.6% turn rate strength for 15 seconds
Immunity to Disable for 15 seconds
Immunity to Repel for 15 seconds
+24.3 able crewmen resistance for 15 seconds
+24.3 alive crewmen resistance for 15 seconds
+16.6% All Damage strength for 10 sec
+25 All Damage resistance for 10 sec +40% Flight Speed strength for 5 sec
+40% Flight Turn Rate strength for 5 sec Immunity to Movement Debuffs for 10 sec
Immunity to Disable Debuffs for 10 sec
+30% Defense strength for 5 sec
Immunity to Teleport for 10 sec
I agree, that APO3 should counter the movement debuff, and AtD partially counter it.
However, -100% accuracy and -50% outgoing damage should not. APO and AtD are not designed to counter them as well. In that case, the counter is, as I said earlier, jam/scramble/cloak/run.
But probably my bad, I've reread what I wrote, I was trying to explain something but ended up saying a different one. Pardon I was on the phone lol
I'm just saying what I think about it. It hasn't created any issues for me, I just fly out the cruiser's range (.15 impulse mod and 8 turn, they're not fast after all). The fact that it's continuously applied every 2 secs can potentially make you suffer it for a few seconds, wait a bit and get back in the fight. If majority says that for them is too hard to counter and needs stronger resists provided by AtD and APO, so be it, just saying my point of view. However, they should not completely counter Suppression. Lemme explain
+24.3 kinetic damage resistance for 15 seconds +33.3% flight speed strength for 15 seconds
+66.6% turn rate strength for 15 seconds
Immunity to Disable for 15 seconds
Immunity to Repel for 15 seconds
+24.3 able crewmen resistance for 15 seconds
+24.3 alive crewmen resistance for 15 seconds
+16.6% All Damage strength for 10 sec
+25 All Damage resistance for 10 sec +40% Flight Speed strength for 5 sec
+40% Flight Turn Rate strength for 5 sec Immunity to Movement Debuffs for 10 sec
Immunity to Disable Debuffs for 10 sec
+30% Defense strength for 5 sec
Immunity to Teleport for 10 sec
I agree, that APO3 should counter the movement debuff, and AtD partially counter it.
However, -100% accuracy and -50% outgoing damage should not. APO and AtD are not designed to counter them as well. In that case, the counter is, as I said earlier, jam/scramble/cloak/run.
But probably my bad, I've reread what I wrote, I was trying to explain something but ended up saying a different one. Pardon I was on the phone lol
1. read my second post above.
2. do some more testing with it.
3. it is AOE.
4. try to escape with 50 impulse, lol and that on scort with p2w speed console equipped... (as i said evasive or APO get u to 60 impulse all with active epte ofc, yay)
5. so ure saying -100 acc and -50% dmg is totally fine to not be resistable and being applied to a full team?
6. it has 2/3rd uptime
1. read my second post above.
2. do some more testing with it.
3. it is AOE.
4. try to escape with 50 impulse, lol and that on scort with p2w speed console equipped... (as i said evasive or APO get u to 60 impulse all with active epte ofc, yay)
5. so ure saying -100 acc and -50% dmg is totally fine to not be resistable and being applied to a full team?
6. it has 2/3rd uptime
you can still speed tank at 50 speed which is fine. Max defense and cycle APO and A2D and you're good to go. The issue with 150 speed is it introduces huge latency issues and other glitchy problems.
you can still speed tank at 50 speed which is fine. Max defense and cycle APO and A2D and you're good to go. The issue with 150 speed is it introduces huge latency issues and other glitchy problems.
And a felling that you are faster than torpedos...
regarding team play, lol: what would u do against 3 guys spamming SB3 with 100% uptime? nuke every 15 seconds?
this skill is ridiculous in its current state and negates all team play efforts.
try to make a kill while being affected by SB3...
as a team, you can also scramble, move away (it only lats 2 seconds), jam sensors, and not only SNB but there's that intel nuke also. With all hands on deck, yeah 1 science character can nuke quite often now.
as a team, you can also scramble, move away (it only lats 2 seconds), jam sensors, and not only SNB but there's that intel nuke also. With all hands on deck, yeah 1 science character can nuke quite often now.
That's never been true and it's not true now. You're relying too much on 1 play style.
well, you are forgetting that it gets constantly reapplied.
you can try and come to pvp with a non tank ship below 100 impulse. you cant catch up with the others. you cant kill anyone nor heal if u cant catch up.
and in a scenario with 3 people spamming SB3 theres no way to counter it... you see one can clear a scramble f.e. but one CANT clear SB debuff...
so how is this counterable?
well, you are forgetting that it gets constantly reapplied.
you can try and come to pvp with a non tank ship below 100 impulse. you cant catch up with the others. you cant kill anyone nor heal if u cant catch up.
and in a scenario with 3 people spamming SB3 theres no way to counter it... you see one can clear a scramble f.e. but one CANT clear SB debuff...
so how is this counterable?
1. read my second post above.
2. do some more testing with it.
3. it is AOE.
4. try to escape with 50 impulse, lol and that on scort with p2w speed console equipped... (as i said evasive or APO get u to 60 impulse all with active epte ofc, yay)
5. so ure saying -100 acc and -50% dmg is totally fine to not be resistable and being applied to a full team?
6. it has 2/3rd uptime
If APO and AtD countered the movement debuff, something I support, you'd escape the 10km without any issues.
BO3 antiproton with Crtdx4 or higher aren't really fine, Barrage can mitigate a 70k striking beam overload, that's why I'm fine with it. If the movement thing was counterable, there would be no issues with pointing your guns.
Lets just not nerf SB3 in the "LOL powers" category. It's already a commander ranked ability, you're giving up a lot to use it. Again, if the movement debuff was counterable, the counter to acc and damage debuff would be cleansed in an instant by flying away from the Command ship, and pointing your guns elsewhere. Easy.
If APO and AtD countered the movement debuff, something I support, you'd escape the 10km without any issues.
BO3 antiproton with Crtdx4 or higher aren't really fine, Barrage can mitigate a 70k striking beam overload, that's why I'm fine with it. If the movement thing was counterable, there would be no issues with pointing your guns.
Lets just not nerf SB3 in the "LOL powers" category. It's already a commander ranked ability, you're giving up a lot to use it. Again, if the movement debuff was counterable, the counter to acc and damage debuff would be cleansed in an instant by flying away from the Command ship, and pointing your guns elsewhere. Easy.
BO3 antiproton with Crtdx4 or higher aren't really fine, Barrage can mitigate a 70k striking beam overload
And that is the real issue here. They can take less maneuverability and getting killed, but not taking away their vaping and having a one for one situation since the "GET IN, BO3, VAPE, ATD, APO, GET OUT UNTIL IT ALL COOLDOWNS" is the only thing working for escorts beside Manasa (oh boy im having wet dreams with Manasa + Voth BC set...)
and thats why why i have enough self respect not to log on anymore.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
Not quite. This one has a spelling error in the title
Ah yes well that makes them totally different then.:rolleyes:
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
And it's currently not applying accuracy debuff. To counter it fly outside the attacker's range and it gets immediately cleared, it's not that hard to escape a cruiser you know.
We don't compare it to SS3. I don't even consider SS3 to be broken atm, it's just unbalanced and as a conclusion OP.
In my opinion there should be an immunity provided at least by omega. The movement debuff of SB works quite similar to Warp Plasma, and that debuff is completely negated by APO or totally cleared with hazard. I don't see why there should be movement debuffs, that can't be countered by any skill, but just weakened. I don't even doubt that passive resistances, provided by skill points in ID, might not work against it, after cryptic has brought a bunch of abilities, being not resistable with ID. But i guess, that this has to be confirmed by testing first.
It's a debuff, that is applying for 2 secs after every hit on the target. Breaking target lock would of course stop you reapplying the debuff on that target. But that's not a clear, although the debuff disappears quite fast due to it's low duration. A guy fawing with SB is possible to set a full team under its debuff effects. That would require everyone applying jam sensors on him, to be fully protected. Also jam sensors is cleared by a couple of things, for example by redundant sensors (passive!) or sci team.
or use scramble to have that dude apply the debuff to his whole team. I think the short duration is it's balance. Has anyone tried SNB? It's a buff to weapons; I'm pretty sure it can be cleared by SNB or that intel power. Giving it total immunity from APO or A2D would just make it just another LOL power.
APO making you immune to almost every other movement debuff doesn't make most of them LOL powers. That would just require you to time this ability. Like tractor beam for example. Like every other. And i'm not an advocate of A2D providing immunity to it. It's not the intended function of A2D. APO has a gap, A2D does have a shorter one or none.
It's more broken that ignores aux2damp, even if it's active when it hits.
I hope they fix the acc bug soon though.
What is part of Suppression Barrages effect ... right!, a movement debuff ...
dude, u really try to defend another ability which probably is flagged as no resistable?
seriously, this needs to have a counter which is not SNB lol, regarding its 15s cd it should at least be cleansed with hazard emitters or omega. it is a major problem with new powers that one cant counter them. you know, before they introduced these new abilities every single "old" skill has a hard counter. the game can only work this way, it gets broken when you dont have hard counters. i cant understand how u can support sth like this. even if u like the concept there must be a counter to it...
thats simply not true. my escort is at a standard impulse speed of 150. when i pop evasive or omega i should be able to escape nearly all situations. in fact, i am. but not vs supression barrage, it slows my ship to 50 impulse, 60 with evasive. i really dont have any problems with any other cc there is. but supression barrage, as it is, cant be countered or resisted and renders ur speed useless. this is one of the most broken abilities i ever seen apart from viral torp and ionic chain stuns.
I'm just saying what I think about it. It hasn't created any issues for me, I just fly out the cruiser's range (.15 impulse mod and 8 turn, they're not fast after all). The fact that it's continuously applied every 2 secs can potentially make you suffer it for a few seconds, wait a bit and get back in the fight. If majority says that for them is too hard to counter and needs stronger resists provided by AtD and APO, so be it, just saying my point of view. However, they should not completely counter Suppression. Lemme explain
+24.3 kinetic damage resistance for 15 seconds
+33.3% flight speed strength for 15 seconds
+66.6% turn rate strength for 15 seconds
Immunity to Disable for 15 seconds
Immunity to Repel for 15 seconds
+24.3 able crewmen resistance for 15 seconds
+24.3 alive crewmen resistance for 15 seconds
+16.6% All Damage strength for 10 sec
+25 All Damage resistance for 10 sec
+40% Flight Speed strength for 5 sec
+40% Flight Turn Rate strength for 5 sec
Immunity to Movement Debuffs for 10 sec
Immunity to Disable Debuffs for 10 sec
+30% Defense strength for 5 sec
Immunity to Teleport for 10 sec
-66,7 Flight Speed and Turn rate
-100% accuracy
-50% outgoing damage
I agree, that APO3 should counter the movement debuff, and AtD partially counter it.
However, -100% accuracy and -50% outgoing damage should not. APO and AtD are not designed to counter them as well. In that case, the counter is, as I said earlier, jam/scramble/cloak/run.
But probably my bad, I've reread what I wrote, I was trying to explain something but ended up saying a different one. Pardon I was on the phone lol
1. read my second post above.
2. do some more testing with it.
3. it is AOE.
4. try to escape with 50 impulse, lol and that on scort with p2w speed console equipped... (as i said evasive or APO get u to 60 impulse all with active epte ofc, yay)
5. so ure saying -100 acc and -50% dmg is totally fine to not be resistable and being applied to a full team?
6. it has 2/3rd uptime
I remember when 50 impulse was fast lol
team play
better times imho, nerf speed tanking anyway
you can still speed tank at 50 speed which is fine. Max defense and cycle APO and A2D and you're good to go. The issue with 150 speed is it introduces huge latency issues and other glitchy problems.
regarding team play, lol: what would u do against 3 guys spamming SB3 with 100% uptime? nuke every 15 seconds?
this skill is ridiculous in its current state and negates all team play efforts.
try to make a kill while being affected by SB3...
btw, current meta forces one to have at least 100 impulse speed or ure dead or cant kill anything. just sayin
And a felling that you are faster than torpedos...
Know the difference
It could save your life...
as a team, you can also scramble, move away (it only lats 2 seconds), jam sensors, and not only SNB but there's that intel nuke also. With all hands on deck, yeah 1 science character can nuke quite often now.
That's never been true and it's not true now. You're relying too much on 1 play style.
well, you are forgetting that it gets constantly reapplied.
you can try and come to pvp with a non tank ship below 100 impulse. you cant catch up with the others. you cant kill anyone nor heal if u cant catch up.
and in a scenario with 3 people spamming SB3 theres no way to counter it... you see one can clear a scramble f.e. but one CANT clear SB debuff...
so how is this counterable?
Know the difference
It could save your life...
probably the best solution these days with the current meta...
If APO and AtD countered the movement debuff, something I support, you'd escape the 10km without any issues.
BO3 antiproton with Crtdx4 or higher aren't really fine, Barrage can mitigate a 70k striking beam overload, that's why I'm fine with it. If the movement thing was counterable, there would be no issues with pointing your guns.
Lets just not nerf SB3 in the "LOL powers" category. It's already a commander ranked ability, you're giving up a lot to use it. Again, if the movement debuff was counterable, the counter to acc and damage debuff would be cleansed in an instant by flying away from the Command ship, and pointing your guns elsewhere. Easy.
I totally agree with this post.
And that is the real issue here. They can take less maneuverability and getting killed, but not taking away their vaping and having a one for one situation since the "GET IN, BO3, VAPE, ATD, APO, GET OUT UNTIL IT ALL COOLDOWNS" is the only thing working for escorts beside Manasa (oh boy im having wet dreams with Manasa + Voth BC set...)
Know the difference
It could save your life...