Please reply with 3 things that you have fun doing in STO.
- Leveling a toon
- Finishing a project
- Beating a map
- Playing with friends
I have lost my fun. I do nothing but grind. Yet I keep falling further behind. Like many players, I have sadly decided to trim down my roster. I will reduce my toons from 8 to 4. Even then I am not likely to get them all to elite level. At this point I ask myself why I bother playing at all. Please help me remember.
2) Beating some Challanges (lets try to win against Fleet XYZ in arena)
3) Creating new team setups and strats for PvP
So DR brought everything to make those things even more fun:
1) Friendlist is almost empty now
2) We can't beat fleet XYZ since PvP is dead and some teammembers even quit STO
3) My arena Team doesn't exist anymore - some guys quit, others (like me) can't keep up with the grind
2. Leveling my new Gorn character.
3. RP in an Open Starbase.
I actually enjoy the STFs. They take a few min to form a group these days but its fun.
I like to level new chars. Every so often I just start a new one. Right now I am working on a toon who only uses what he finds himself for gear, no fleet/rep/supercrafted. It may never amount to much, but at least the content / fights are challenging again.
I like new ships, and its rewarding to pile up the dil and lobi and EC to earn the next one.
Played as a team
Repeatable with branching outcomes.
chatting with fleet/friends(DR killed this hard)
the odd Dyson/Kobali BZ run
those would be the top 3, but #3 leads to #4
turning in a mountain of dil for zen
sadly I cannot stomach grinding enough to do that often
- level a new toon after deleting ones I'm bored with
- fly what ships I want, and equip them how I want
- avoid any and all grind like the plague
- to help with the above, stick to normal difficulty and don't bother with reputations, specs or any other pointless 'progression' once hitting level cap
And that's my game in a nutshell.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
please don't burn me at the stake, as i have an imaginary wife and children
1) Being able to play how i choose to play the game. If I want to go collecting dilithium, I can. If I want to focus in on advancing my characters, I can do that too.
2) When foundry is open, being able to work on my missions there.
3) Having fun with my friends when they choose to log on. Honestly, the game is more fun when you do it together.
Stop grinding and play the game, for fun and entertainment.
My top 3:
1) Grind
2) Grind
3) Grind
2 My Reman ground build. Nimbus is fun!
3 Fun with your fleet. A great fleet is like cake and ice cream. Ok fleets are like Pop Tarts
Having to discover some work-around for a new bugged mini-game
Having to adjust my graphics settings to compensate for server lag
Having to reload my BOffs every time I log in
Having my leveling goals rewritten every 3 months
Having to pay dil for things that were previously an EC cost
Being solicited to buy stuff I don't want, and never asked for
Having my mission rewards nerfed while mission NPC's get buffed
Waiting indefinitely for known bugs to improve
Other than that, I have some measure of fun with the entire STO galaxy...:eek:
Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013
I guess fun would be thinking back to when the UI didn't have terrible input lag, before everything became time gated and you were stuck in a never ending grind for specialisation points with increasingly nerfed xp gains.
No, this game isn't really fun anymore. I hardly play anymore, my KDF and Romulan toons aren't even at 60 yet. Too much grind, not enough reward. I really want to get one of the Romulan command ships, just because the model is so nice. However, nothing really to do so whats the point. Might as well spend that £30 on ArmA 3 or something. The fact I can get a full price game/simulation like ArmA for one ship in STO speaks volumes.
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1. Being teamed with friends and talking in character while making bad guys go boom (note, I dislike standing around a social zone roleplaying. Almost bordering on hate such rp. I love talking in character while actually playing missions).
2. The dyson ground zone. Especially in teams. Nonstop action, very low gear requirements. And awesome rewards all rolled into one.
3. The tailor. I... Spend more zen on costumes than gear and I spend hours in the tailor instead of grinding.
2) First time episode play (or re-runs after I've long forgotten what happens).
3) Giving quick pointers to new players who ask for help (not handouts)
Current Reality:
Why grind then? To be able to take part in advanced STFs and advanced difficulty missions to still have access to rewards while everyone else is buying powercreep/grinding even harder for a game that's selling power at an exponential rate that's making yesterday's stuff borderline competitive or obsolete.
And still considering the time being invested in this game vs fun coming out of it.
*checks DPs league records.... Lots and lots of t5u ships (especially scimitar and recluse)... Not very many t6 ships at all*
*compares new command vs older intel.... Nope, not seeing the power creep here either*
I'm not seeing this p2win you're concerned about. I see people think it, and complain about it, but outside of the faeht and phantom in PvP many top ships are t5u, and command is not game changing like Intel was.
Pve you can still do everything with mirror ships and mark 11/12 gear. Even in advanced queues.
Nothing is obsolete yet.
1 - Playing my Fed, KDF, and Romulan. Each one is different in their style and what happened to them. So for RPing this gives me a lot of ways to do stuff.
2 - Ground and space battles. These are fun and lately proven challenging. This is good since it makes me think and makes it fun.
3 - Stories. These just keep getting better. Keep them coming! This is one of the primary reason why I play.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I can do very nice spike damage, I can drop Grav Wells, and you have the Cloaking & Flanking games. The only thing you can't do is take any damage at all :P
BoPs are not for everyone. That's why you don't see a ton of them even amongst KDF players. A lot of the content isn't very friendly for the BoP style of play. However, it's still very rewarding for dedicated BoP pilots.
IKS Korrasami (Fleet B'rel Bird of Prey Retrofit T5-U)
2. Log Out
3. Play something Fun, instead ...
1-Hanging out with fleet mates, and friends.
2-STF and PVE runs as they came off cool down.
3-Testing new builds, and setups.
4-Playing on all of my 13 characters evenly (I had no main).
5-Doing almost everything but ground combat, unless I needed dil to get something.
After both the Crafting system, and DR release:
1-Sitting, and chatting with friends (only because I don't have a way to pm with them outside the game).
2-Finishing the DR episodes (not the ridiculous grind to do them).
3-......sorry, can't think of anymore.
Honestly, I have missed seeing a LOT of friends online. The first few days of the anniversary grind brought them back, till the lag, rubber banding, and bugs reminded them why they left. Now, I only log in to do the Anniversary grind, and finish the episodes (which I am taking my time with, since there is nothing else I have left to do that is fun).
I have all the reps done on my new character, which I made my main since it is pointless to have more than one. And since we can no longer get the bonus Dil for the marks we saved, that killed what little desire I still had for the STF/PVE queues now that the rep systems are done, and the advanced queues are still DPS races that I have no care for.
As for crafting, I am leveling it up, but I have no desire to get it done. If it ends up leveled, then it is. If not, I don't really care.
As for upgrading weapons or gear, I started, but instead of giving us a break from the ridiculous Dil amounts, they tried to use the anniversary grind to draw more players with the Omaga upgrade. After the event, and the traces can no longer be obtained, we will still have the extremely overpriced Dil charge.
And now, instead of trying to fix problems with the queues, bugs, etc. they just throw more ships on the C-Store to try to sell power creep.
Honestly, the things that were fun in the game have been so messed up that a lot of casual players can't keep up, and even a lot of regular players like myself have lost interest in it. I am just waiting for the next rep grind, new FE, or grind event to get a T6 ship, because they are not worth buying from the store.
To others that like the game like it is, congrats. Personally, I liked it when it was something that both casual and hardcore players could do, and the difference only mattered when they went into PVP. I have chased the DPS rabbit before, and when there is little (if any) reward, it is not fun for me.