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Where is everyone and their command ships?



  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    All past 3 Pack ships have also been Fleet Level ships.

    It's pretty consistent with the past, so I think that is why few care to get enraged about it.

    The question then just shifts to, Why no 3-pack Intel?!

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I hear'd we're not gonna get Fleet Intel until Season 10. So we may be looking at waiting yet an entire extra year.
  • solarwraithsolarwraith Member Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    hypl wrote: »
    This is very strange. I don't see many command ships flying around. This is against the laws of nature and the universe itself. There are new shiny toys out, but no one is flying them! WHERE ARE THEY!?

    Am...Am I losing my mind? What is happening? :eek:

    I've seen a handful of them from time to time, but not many. I know I won't be caught in any of them since I'm suffering from ship glut as it is. Add the ever creeping expense of these ships and...well, no thanks.
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I've got captains (on now obsoleted T5 zen ships) I could repurpose to T6 zen ships but DR is very anti-alt with the spec point grind so I'm down to just three captains (one of each profession, the heady days of duplicate professions across different species are dead and buried with DR) I'll do anything with of any note.

    I don't want to throw good money after bad so I'm not upgrading my fleet of T5 zen ships only to have to buy T6 ships to get traits on them so I'm sticking to the free T5-U ships I have.

    If I did buy a T6 ship I'd likely have to respec one of the main three and put the current ship into the scrapyard or start the spec grind from scratch and have to respec one of the retired captains. It sets a pretty high barrier to switching ships.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    The question then just shifts to, Why no 3-pack Intel?!

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I hear'd we're not gonna get Fleet Intel until Season 10. So we may be looking at waiting yet an entire extra year.
    1) Season 10 is not a full year away. It's the very next update.

    2) Why certain ships are 3-packs and some are not I don't know. I know that 3-pack ships are in a way a pretty "Lazy" way of making ships - you make 3 variants and give them 3 slightly different BO layouts and invent new consoles. Many (but not all) single ships are retrofits, which means they already have a lot of (Free) ship costume parts going for them.
    Basically, if you buy a 3-ship, you buy 3 skins, but if you buy a stand-alone ship, you get the ship's skin and access to several others (unless you're KDF and don't buy KLingon ships, and Romulans always have to make do with less costume options).
    Sure, you an buy just one ship in a 3-pack, but you get only one single custome for it, and the tailor mocks you with the cool alternate options you would have had if you just bought the 3-pack, and your special console tooltip mocks you with the cool set abilities you could have had if you just bough tthe 3-pack. But at least whether you buy only a single of the 3-pack or a full 3-pack (or even the 9-pack), you get a fleet level equivalent ship, and don't need to buy additional modules and fleet credits and what not.

    OF course, the Fed and KDF flag ship 3-packs are much worse than the newer ones - you get actually only get a single costume for that money. :(
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • nickcastletonnickcastleton Member Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    when i saw them on facebook especially the fed ship pic here i thought "ohh a sexy 25 Excelsior vessel.

    But truth be told i haven't been playing STO for a while now (since about early December actually) its not that im done playing or a rage quit or anything, its just ive been less interested in coming back.

    As for buying them ,well the ships are nice but my captains all have ships that im happy with, if i did buy one id have to buy a character slot and yet make another character and i dont have the time for MMO lvling right now.

    Will i get one? probally one day but right now to much to do.

    "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    IMO, the Command Boff skills are mostly garbage. Testing out the Kobali Frankenship for the past couple weeks has taught me that.

    If you want a cruiser with lt cmdr SCI, you have it with the anniversary ship. If you don't like cruisers, you won't like any of these things, anyway.

    These ships seem like the answer to the question no one was asking. I'll wait for Fleet Matha, thanks.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I've been flying my goblin rocket on WoW! Much more fun! Didn't have to spend really money to get it! Don't have to worry about my class being ignored for years on end (like science in this game) don't have to worry about the devs not listening to their own forums or the needs of their playerbase or shareholders who are in control of the development process.

    It's far superior.

    I suggest that if you have a problem with any part of the game (which I suspect is widespread) that you logout go find something else to play as I have and vote in the only way they'll listen, with your wallet!
    Which clas?? :P
    My character Tsin'xing
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Those ships offer me nothing I don't already have in the armada of ships I collected over the years, and I don't use a fraction of those.

    People keep saying that 9 ships for 12k Zen is a sweet deal, while in reality no one would use all 9 ships, at most one per faction. And then you have a ridiculously overpriced ship with extra special consoles and more skin options. And using the same thing as with the Dyson pack, where one set item has to be aquired from elsewhere ? Oh, hell no !

    The game has become very alt unfriendly with DR and I used to love creating new charaters for new ships.

    I even have an analogy that is not about cars !:

    Imagine you eat soup every day, it's the same soup over and over. But rejoice, you get to buy a new spoon once in a while. Yet, the same soup.

    That's how I feel about the ratio of new shinies vs. actual content I can play with those.

  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    qjunior wrote: »
    Those ships offer me nothing I don't already have in the armada of ships I collected over the years, and I don't use a fraction of those.

    People keep saying that 9 ships for 12k Zen is a sweet deal, while in reality no one would use all 9 ships, at most one per faction. And then you have a ridiculously overpriced ship with extra special consoles and more skin options. And using the same thing as with the Dyson pack, where one set item has to be aquired from elsewhere ? Oh, hell no !

    The game has become very alt unfriendly with DR and I used to love creating new charaters for new ships.

    I even have an analogy that is not about cars !:

    Imagine you eat soup every day, it's the same soup over and over. But rejoice, you get to buy a new spoon once in a while. Yet, the same soup.

    That's how I feel about the ratio of new shinies vs. actual content I can play with those.


    I agree completely.

    My issue is that as much as I love the look of the Command ships, even with Fleet Stats they are inferior to my Guardian. The Command abilities just aren't good enough to warrant buying a Command ship.

    If I could get them in an Intel variant instead, that might actually tempt me to open my wallet, but I'm not paying $30-$120 for cool looking ships that are inferior to what I already have.

    I'll just wait for Fleet Intel ships.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    but I'm not paying $30-$120 for cool looking ships that are inferior to what I already have.

    im not pay $30-120 for any ship. period.

    Aside from being way overpriced for a bunch of pixels, the game has too many bugs. If my cable goes out every couple of hours, I don't upgrade to the Platinum package.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    qjunior wrote: »
    Those ships offer me nothing I don't already have in the armada of ships I collected over the years, and I don't use a fraction of those.

    People keep saying that 9 ships for 12k Zen is a sweet deal, while in reality no one would use all 9 ships, at most one per faction. And then you have a ridiculously overpriced ship with extra special consoles and more skin options. And using the same thing as with the Dyson pack, where one set item has to be aquired from elsewhere ? Oh, hell no !

    The game has become very alt unfriendly with DR and I used to love creating new charaters for new ships.

    I even have an analogy that is not about cars !:

    Imagine you eat soup every day, it's the same soup over and over. But rejoice, you get to buy a new spoon once in a while. Yet, the same soup.

    That's how I feel about the ratio of new shinies vs. actual content I can play with those.


    Normally I would agree with you.
    Lets pretend I had an interest in this class of ship (I do not actually care for eng-heavy ships, but we can set that aside).

    I could see buying THIS bundle more than most. Here is the why:

    with 4 sci consoles, the science version is as good as *anything else* I can get for my sci toon (who unfortunately is romulan).

    the tac versions are a given for my tac toons, and that includes 1 of each faction (fed, rom, and kdf). I would not really use it on my dps themed rom, so really just fed and kdf tacs might fly it *sometimes*.

    And I have an engineer for (rom, fed). The fed eng *might* use the tankiest version.

    So we are up to 4 ships that I could use as a guy with too many alts. 4 ships is the same as buying the bundle.... so the bundle makes a tiny bit of sense. Because this ship seems to be friendly to all 3 captain classes -- its not a dps monster but with 4 tac consoles a tac player can make use of it, its not a sci ship but its as good as the other TRIBBLE we have for kdf/rom, and as an engineer, its a tank if you are into that sort of thing. Its a shame really... like I said earlier.. its a great set of ships for a game that does not need a support role and so we have the ships with nothing to do with them.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    sinn74 wrote: »
    IMO, the Command Boff skills are mostly garbage. Testing out the Kobali Frankenship for the past couple weeks has taught me that.

    If you want a cruiser with lt cmdr SCI, you have it with the anniversary ship. If you don't like cruisers, you won't like any of these things, anyway.

    These ships seem like the answer to the question no one was asking. I'll wait for Fleet Matha, thanks.

    Yeah, I may be getting upset over nothing. :) So far all of Command looks kinda 'meh' to me, honestly.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    questerius wrote: »
    Personally i dislike the design and the trend of going bigger all the time. Beside that, I'm working on my Kobali cruiser.

    Can't say i am fond of the intel ships either, though i would love to use SS/OSS on higher levels. The only zen i am planning to spend is on a Dauntless and I'm waiting for a ship discount for that one.

    When the avenger and moth came out I was happy to see smallmships. Then the dyson destroyers were also little and all was good. Then big, bigger, huge, ginormous, and OVER90000!!!1!!one!!


    I do wish they'd chill out on the whole size thing.
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Simply put, the command abilities are meh.

    Intel makes people dance and turns simple guns into doom mortars.

    Command does... nothing.
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    These ships aren't spectacular new layouts or anything. The Intel ships actually switched up builds, away from existing ones.

    Seriously, the Tac variant basically results in an upgraded non-A2B FACR/Avenger, while the Sci/Eng variants allow for a replication of A2B FACR/Avenger builds.
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I dunno, guys, I'm having fun with mine so far. It's a really good support cruiser, and while I'm not overloaded with too many Command abilities, the ones I do have are very useful in the right situations. The Inspiration mechanic is also pretty interesting so far, too. I've managed to pop a few at just the right times, and they really make a difference depending on how you use them.
    I think people are still far too turned off by them because a lot of their abilities are more useful only in full team situations, and are almost exclusively support and buffs and almost no damage dealing powers. Everyone is too focused on DPS still, I guess.
    ".... you're gonna have a bad time."
  • nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,568 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The science ships don't even have science stuff I'm told. (Secondary deflector, etc) Really a waste of money if each version doesn't have traits specific to it's type of captain it's for.
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    So basically it comes down to this:

    The Command tree, specialization, and abilities are MEH at best. So if they altered command and made it more powerful/effective, suddenly peeps would want it, they'd sell more, and command would get used more.

    But what is likely to happen instead: NOTHING.

    Reason being:

    Dozens if not hundreds of people already bought the command cruisers, and hundreds more are likely to do so before the weekend is out, therefore making them a successful release.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    So basically it comes down to this:

    Different people like different things.

    Not everything is going to appeal to everybody.

    Not everything that Cryptic adds to the game is going to be some sort of upgrade/replacement for everybody.

    Folks can't understand that different folks might like different things.

    If something doesn't appeal directly to them, then whatever it is must be a total failure without any value.

    If any time is spent on something that doesn't directly appeal to them, then whatever it is has been a complete waste of time.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    darkjeff wrote: »
    These ships aren't spectacular new layouts or anything. The Intel ships actually switched up builds, away from existing ones.

    Seriously, the Tac variant basically results in an upgraded non-A2B FACR/Avenger, while the Sci/Eng variants allow for a replication of A2B FACR/Avenger builds.

    What you get out of the Command Cruisers is all dependent on what you primarily play for.

    If DPS is important to you, there's Cruisers better suited to that role. Since these Command Cruisers are essentially FDCs like the KDF Fleet Dacoit, they're lacking in the Weapon Efficiency Cruiser Command and the problems that present for maintaining good weaps power. Not saying you can't do good dmg output with these things, but other Cruisers will let you do that better.

    What these ships are though, esp in conjunction with certain Command abilities, is that they're very tough ships. One should be embarassed if they die in one of these ships. But then again, you can make very tough builds in other Cruisers also. But they are good in improving the performance of the team. If you like Support, these ships are your ticket.

    Consoles: The 4 consoles are gimmick ability consoles. They're nice toys and add flavor. Cryptic went in and added some 4 piece bonuses for it make to make it all more enticing. But 4 console slots is a high price to pay for these gimmick ability consoles that have 2 minute CDs. The 4 piece bonus does not compensate for such huge build limitations. If you're one to like clicky ability consoles, you'll like these consoles and their bonuses for all 4. But if you're one to desire REAL stats that always stay with the ship, these consoles are terrible even with the full 4 piece bonus.

    Traits: Just looking at them, 2 of them are very "meh" and 1 of them is pretty cool, but YMMV depending on if you're a starship traits collector and are a Fed or not. The best one of the 3 is from the TAC version, the trait "All Hands On Deck." When using TAC or Command abilities, it cuts down the CD of SCI BOFF and Captain Abilities.

    Most could find a lot of use for that trait. It's a very big win. But for Feds? If you've collected the Phantom's "Reciprocity" and Eclipse's "Battle Ready" trait, those 2 with "All Hands on Deck" have ridiculously good synergy.

    1. Reciprocity reduces the CD of TAC & Intel abilities when anything misses you; Short CD exists.

    2. Battle Ready increases resists and defense when using Intel & ENG abilities. Targets will miss you more of course, and then i refer you back to Reciprocity cutting down on specific abilities again.

    3. All Hands on Deck: I refer again to earlier about what this trait does for you, and the easier TAC ability spam possible. With SCI abilities and Captain abilities being cut down by TAC spam, Feds easily profit from this far more.

    None of the KDF & Rom T6 ship traits have anything that cut down ability CDs in anything other than from the "All Hands on Deck" trait, which is not unique to them. They have no traits that synergize as well as the Fed T6 traits do. All Hands on Deck would still be very useful, but Feds having Phantom & Eclipse traits already would gain far more from all this. This Fed ship trait synergy can be applied on any ship they fly, regardless if it's T5U, T6, Intel/Command ship or not. Their synergy of TAC, ENG, SCI is unmatched.

    Rom & KDF starship traits are a motley crew of random walk-ons.
  • tigrovaya13akulatigrovaya13akula Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It's still Thursday. Payday for many is tomorrow.

    And "tomorrow" is now today :D It's Friday! The 13th! My lucky number too!

    But, so solly Cryptic, "No Soup ($$) for YOU!"

    I have been, still am & will continue to be just fine & dandy with my T-5U Fleet Avenger; decked out with Non-upgraded Rep & Fleet gear.

    Now, the main reason for my post: @ ddesjardins, AWESOME sig man! Awesome. Love the homage to Soylent Green and Charlton Heston.
  • sathyannesathyanne Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Several things:
    * the Battlecruisers pack cost a significant sum of money and I am reluctant to spend more money on ships I would not use even if I do like the Romulan and Federation ships designs. The ship modelling team did a great job.

    * I am still scratching my head on how would I set one up: the command abilities are a total unknown to me: I am planning on trying the command abilities once I get the Anniversary Samsar

    * Command cruiser are a different play style for me: this is out of my Narcine comfort zone and my usual play style of killing everything that is an orange target. It would be a team support role and I do not know how I would perform. May be I can adapt to it, may I will fail miserably

    * I may be having a cruiser overdose: I have already plenty of cruisers.
  • amaresh1amaresh1 Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Buy the one with the all hands trait when it goes on sale. Grind Argala to get the ship to tier 5 and slot the trait on your high quality Tier 5u ship. Mothball the Command cruiser. However, someone needs to fly these with the infected group to boost dps of the others. I.E. fall on the sword. I wish cryptic would offer the all hands cruiser for all 3 factions for 6k zen. To be honest, the other ones are pretty easy to skip. If there was no all hands trait, I would skip them all.
  • inthefluxxinthefluxx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I really don't see the point in buying a new ship. I mean, all the ships are basically the same. If the consoles that the ships came with were built into each of the ship, I might buy a ship because it came with a cool set of abilities.
  • pilot2012pilot2012 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Makes no sense to buy a ship if you're not playing. Besides, they'll be obsolete in 4 months just like the Intel ships.
  • bobtheskull99bobtheskull99 Member Posts: 706 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    pilot2012 wrote: »
    Makes no sense to buy a ship if you're not playing. Besides, they'll be obsolete in 4 months just like the Intel ships.

    the actual content of this very thread seems to radically contradict this statement :rolleyes:
  • robertcrayvenrobertcrayven Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    sinn74 wrote: »
    I've bought all of them that I will buy. None.


  • synthiasuicidesynthiasuicide Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    pilot2012 wrote: »
    Makes no sense to buy a ship if you're not playing. Besides, they'll be obsolete in 4 months just like the Intel ships.

    lol. Intel ships aren't obsolete. Not even T5 is obsolete. This is getting crazy. This is mostly a ship combat game. And they sell ships. wow, thats odd.

    I do hate when I get Pizza from a Pizza place.
  • hfmuddhfmudd Member Posts: 881 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The OP is a silly goose, and/or was apparently intent on proclaiming that because the sky wasn't filled with CCs half an hour after maintenance ended - with the US and even the EU workday still going on - they were an utter failure.

    I've now seen them all over the place, and remarked to fleeties (some of whom have been flying theirs) that Cryptic definitely has got their money's worth from sales thereof.
    Join Date: January 2011
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