Q: How many Klingons can you crew a Bird of Prey with?
A: 30. But the question is ... how do they (all?) fit in there?
I mean, the Captain's CHAIR wouldn't even fit inside a forward hull that small(!) ... let alone the rest of the Bridge Deck ...
Is this ship crewed by CHILDREN?!?
Just the Main Engineering ROOM is bigger than the WINGSPAN of this entire ship!
I knew it! Kal Danno, that TRAITOR, gave subspace fold technology to the KDF for their Lieutenant Grade Birds of Prey! They're bigger on the inside than on the outside!
Wait ... do my eyes deceive me, or is this ship so "shrunken" after being washed that its landing claws can't even reach the ground?
Photo credits for this "Happy Meal Bird Of Prey For Kids!" ship go to the mission The Kuvah'Magh in which you can find the ... er ... ship ... landed (but still hovering above the ground) on the top hill off to the right.
I was running my science alt through Revelations in The Delta Quadrant story arc. When it came time to beam down to the Turei homeworld, she beamed into a rather awkward position...
If I still had that ship-glitch, I'd rename it the USS Lockbox. A lot of peeps have called it that.
Hey, look on the bright side! At least we don't have to catch these ships in order to get a lockbox. Think of it - Star Trek, Pokemon style! Gotta catch 'em all!
FUN FACT: I got my ship stuck in the (larger) stars in STO. I should have taken a screenshot.
FUN FUN FACT: you can kill EVERYONE and ANYONE in the Foundry (like the NPCs in Starfleet Academy, but they respawn)
NEW Risian powerboards! Now you can surf underwater!
Haha, I can fly my fighter in ESD. Can you?
My ship, not so much...
I think I landed it on C-47!
RIP. so many mechs...
Overdoing special effects there...
Although it may seem like perspective, the Tholian widow is actually massive compared to the Samsar cruiser.
When you combine the Foundry's "very excellent" ai magic with a connection loss
Episode: Butterfly (Iconian War). Remember when you go back into time and find all that borg? How the collective encompassed the Romulan system?
Apparently, that's all a backdrop... The borg had budget cuts after the Battle for the Cloaking Device.
Playing through the Iconian story arc finally on my TOS Captain. I beamed into the Krenim research station to a bit of a messed up interface. I felt more like I had beamed into 1967's Batman than Star Trek! Where's Adam West, man?! What was really a kick was how much the slanted interface messed up the simple act of jogging through the corridors.
Gonna press it.
Protonic Kool-Aid Down The Drain Cruiser
Immortal BOff Skills combo for Ground
A: 30. But the question is ... how do they (all?) fit in there?
I mean, the Captain's CHAIR wouldn't even fit inside a forward hull that small(!) ... let alone the rest of the Bridge Deck ...
Is this ship crewed by CHILDREN?!?
Just the Main Engineering ROOM is bigger than the WINGSPAN of this entire ship!
I knew it! Kal Danno, that TRAITOR, gave subspace fold technology to the KDF for their Lieutenant Grade Birds of Prey! They're bigger on the inside than on the outside!
Wait ... do my eyes deceive me, or is this ship so "shrunken" after being washed that its landing claws can't even reach the ground?
Photo credits for this "Happy Meal Bird Of Prey For Kids!" ship go to the mission The Kuvah'Magh in which you can find the ... er ... ship ... landed (but still hovering above the ground) on the top hill off to the right.
Protonic Kool-Aid Down The Drain Cruiser
Immortal BOff Skills combo for Ground
Protonic Kool-Aid Down The Drain Cruiser
Immortal BOff Skills combo for Ground
Seven of Nine: "My eyes are up here, cadet!"
"No matter where you go...there you are."
My Cargo Ship (was playable for a while):
And the twins:
Hey, look on the bright side! At least we don't have to catch these ships in order to get a lockbox. Think of it - Star Trek, Pokemon style! Gotta catch 'em all!
It reads Vauthil, but I've done the Mirror Invasion so many time now that it's starting to sound like Falafel.
FUN FUN FACT: you can kill EVERYONE and ANYONE in the Foundry (like the NPCs in Starfleet Academy, but they respawn)
NEW Risian powerboards! Now you can surf underwater!
Haha, I can fly my fighter in ESD. Can you?
My ship, not so much...
I think I landed it on C-47!
RIP. so many mechs...
Overdoing special effects there...
Although it may seem like perspective, the Tholian widow is actually massive compared to the Samsar cruiser.
When you combine the Foundry's "very excellent" ai magic with a connection loss
Episode: Butterfly (Iconian War). Remember when you go back into time and find all that borg? How the collective encompassed the Romulan system?
Apparently, that's all a backdrop... The borg had budget cuts after the Battle for the Cloaking Device.
Seating (and standing) problems:
The hologram doesn't care...
A little room, Tuvok?
VIEW MORE (also from other games) HERE: http://quantumquantonium.ddns.net/images_and_videos/screenshots
(hint: click the image to go to my youtube channel)
"Officers are reminded that the water fountains are not a recreational area."
(hint: click the image to go to my youtube channel)
You should have triggered the Orb of Possibilities for that pic
Don't you get the feeling that sometimes when trying to explain things to Admiral... it's like talking to a wall?!
(It has three settings - stun, kill and vibrate. Just don't mix them up.)
Kirk: We know nothing about the inhabitants of this world, so set your Phasers on stun.
Spock: Captain, according to my tri-corder readings, the inhabitants of this world are beautiful women.
Kirk: In that case, set your Phasers on caress.
And I was like ... ???
Man, the lighting revamp to this game cannot come soon enough to PCs ...
Protonic Kool-Aid Down The Drain Cruiser
Immortal BOff Skills combo for Ground
I seem to have discovered a new Universe:
Someone put a lot of effort into commissioning a giant Vaadwaur escort:
When Tech Upgrades were first launched:
The mysterious Aenar:
I have no idea:
Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend
It drops away from time to time.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Kurland Hears