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Steam Wallet restrictions - Help us, help you.

herrrmansenherrrmansen Member Posts: 15 Arc User
edited February 2015 in C-Store, ZEN, and Promotions
Like many others I've been hit by the "up to 10 days" restriction, which so far has costed Cryptic at least 10 Master Keys worth of ingame Zen purchases. (I like to have the option to sell whatever comes out of the boxes)

Now I'm not complaining about that - I knew I what I was going into. I am suggesting a change to the system to avoid the issue of having to apply fraud protection to an extent.

First - Why would anyone use the Steam Wallet system instead of ARC's option? Zen for Zen there isn't a huge difference and the payment options are the same (at least for me - CC or Paypal in both places)

So why would I buy Zen through Steam instead of ARC? Amount choice - If I want to buy a T6 ship in the C-Store for 3000z I can either choose to buy exactly that amount through Steam... Or have to pay 45€ to get enough Zen in one purchase through ARC or do a double payment (which adds additional transaction costs on my end and more paperwork)

So what can be done about it? Instead of having tiers of real life currency, emulate the Steam Wallet options and let us buy Zen amounts instead of having to pay a set amount of real currency and get odd amounts of Zen in return (not that I am complaining about the "bonus" Zen, but when you can't even buy "just a T6 ship" you know you're doing something wrong.

And let's be honest - you should definitely work towards cutting down on the "fraud processing" time. I'm on day 6 so far and I'm probably going to miss the current Key Sale which is a shame for both you and me. I don't get keys - you don't get my money.

Just my 2 zen. :)
Post edited by herrrmansen on


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    argent007argent007 Member Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I agree completely. Alienating people who purchase their Zen through Gaben is just going to lose them a great deal of income.

    We are not crims, Cryptic. Please quit treating us as such. I for one have been with the game since 1st anniversary. Four years of a solid purchase history, and almost none of that was to fluff up my EC numbers. That's right, I spent that Zen to further my own characters and account pretty much. So why the fraud prevention system now? Why hit this honest player with it, who's had FOUR years with the game?

    DRM like this is nothing but a choke-kill.

    Further, please remove the account-binding on my R&D Materials, or at the very least, allow restricted items to stack and make the stack restricted-on-stack. For example, the 60-something-odd Lobi from the boxes that are account-bound, won't stack with the 20 lobi that are account-bound that I already had. What is up with that??????????
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    cretacuscretacus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    At least you can buy through steam, the window to buy zen through steam comes up blank. This issue was apparently fixed for specific countries. I live in Singapore.
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    theredcomettheredcomet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    singapore? lovely place. =)
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