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Abilities-Activation delayed

czuryloczurylo Member Posts: 14 Arc User
edited January 2015 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
1. The Activation of the abilities-keys ist strongly time delayed (about 1 - 1.5 seconds) in Combat this is just devastating!

2. The cooldowns of the activated abilities are suddenly also completely out of sync. Pressing e.g. 3 skills at the same time, they have not the same cooldowns as it was before patch.

3. The new icons, especially the ones for the tactical abilities (red graphics) are represended really bad. It can be seen very badly when cooldowns are finished and the abilitie is available again.

This cannot be just a serverissue because for example controls of ship and character, interacting with buttons and so on are working as always with no delays. Only the activation of abilities is strongly delayed.
Post edited by czurylo on


  • themic609themic609 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I've been getting this as well. Never had it before the patch.. Really ruins space combat for me. Hope they fix it :(
    "Helm Prepare Maneuver Circle Target Alpha, Tactical Prepare BFAW3 and mash Spacebar"

  • trooper1023trooper1023 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I thought this was what was happening the second I got into combat, and boy was I MAAAAD.

    However, after a little testing it appears that the skills tray is what's delayed, along with the weapons refire tray. On both, the cooldown indicators now have a distinct stop-and-go tick to them, rather than progressing smoothly.

    I ran some tests on my tac escort. Starting out of combat, popping cannon rapid fire 3, while bumping space bar a fraction of a second later to fire.

    Result: cannons rapidly firing 9/10ths of a second before the skills tray told me the skill had been used.

    Conclusion: eeeeeeeeeh... Kinda disconcerting, but not actually combat-breaking.
  • swamarianswamarian Member Posts: 1,506 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm seeing the UI delayed, but every power I clicked on did fire. This is an improvement over the past where if I clicked on 3 powers quickly, I'd see the third animate to show that it was clicked on, but nothing would happen. Eventually, in heavy combat, I'd click on a button 3-4 times to get its power to fire.
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