Lol I love it, pure anarchy everywhere! Every dps channel i have, every public help channel, every zone, everywhere people at each others throats, people blacklisting each other fighting about whether keys or the mouse are faster in the omega scan, when it's working. People screaming and cussing each other out because they're all pissed off about the lag on ESD, Academy, etc etc etc, preventing them from chasing the critters, can't figure out which Q is which because there's 3 in the same location, rubber-banding off trees, being thrown into the ponds, pretty sure I saw Boothby tending some flowers until the server caught up with the 24th century, more black listing. Fleet mates freaking out wanting to quit the game because they're tired of reposting the same issues again and again. I'd personally like to leave the game for a week or two just to bring back my own personal interest in it, but can't do that when there's a deadline to meet for the "free ship".
All h3ll has broken loose, and it's all thanks to you PWE, happy anniversary, we love you too!

(yeah i posted this in bug reports, devs won't be reading any other categories for a looooong time)