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Vaadwaur Lockbox & Lobi Gear Bug Report Thread



  • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Not sure if it's been mentioned, but the bonus pool for marks doesn't list delta, not sure if that is just a text mistake or doesn't include them.
  • supercryomancersupercryomancer Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Not sure if anyone else is having this isue but my rapid fire missile launcher from the lobi store is firing photon torpedoes instead of missiles and is only firing within the foreward 90 degree arc, rather than the full 180 degrees listed on the weapon stats.
  • asimosaasimosa Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The Vaadwaur Polaron Assault Debilitator does not appear to get a new weapon mod (CrtH, Dmg, whatever) when it increases in quality to Ultra-Rare.
    EGO operor non vere tutela
  • sirbelisknersirbeliskner Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The sections of the hull on the Astika no longer fold out on activation of Assault Mode, since the Iconian update. Seconded by all other Astika owners I've spoken to.
  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The sections of the hull on the Astika no longer fold out on activation of Assault Mode, since the Iconian update. Seconded by all other Astika owners I've spoken to.

    :eek:I didn't even know it did that! lol

    /please fix?
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