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Tribble Maintenance and Release Notes - January 22, 2015



  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,052 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Total logic fail cryptic, by nerfing the rewards and making the pve more difficult, you are killing the game.

    I'll get the digger and dig the game's grave for ya.

    The problem is the grind pure and simple, only reason I log in is for social calls to my fleet and doffing.
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • chaosgod777chaosgod777 Member Posts: 237 Arc User
      edited January 2015
      I have to say first I "Was" excited about the aniversery update...but I knw=ew it was too good to be true. I'm thankful for the bug hunt buff, but you should have left the others alone and focused on balancing the other queue's so people would want to play them again. In four years I never once thought this game would get to the point that players just don't want to play it, even the f2p doom was not this bad.

      If instead you redesigned the queue's to tell a story kind of ike bug hunt and BD do then I could see some retooling the rewards, but your not! you are scaling back the rewards and making it harder to do the same content we already have and have had for years. NO ONE WANT'S THAT!! The only thing you have succeded in doing was turning a once nicely populated system in the game to a wasteland with a scattered few. Way to kill the fun! More over you translated the ludacris changes advanced and elite difficulty to regular missions making it harder to do, not so bad until you include your generous xp nerf, which was both stupid and pointless except to make people lose all interest in playing any part of this game.

      This was the first time since DR that I thought things might get better...then you go and pull a play fake on us. I am again sad to see my faviorite game in its dying breath but that's exactly where I see this leading. When you ignore the player base and try to heard them like sheep to what you want them to do, instead of making it fun enough that the player wants to do it anyway, you end up alienating those players instead. I already spend more time in other games now, I'm sure others do the same.

      This is going the way of Star Wars Galaxies...The difference however is after the debockle soe caused they learned from mistakes and started listening to the player base. when the player base started having fun they started to do even better. learn their lesson before its too late, I beg of you.
    • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
      edited January 2015
      Here is the Forum Post about these changes with more details for everyone.


      Have a look through and please post feedback and questions in the linked thread.


      Just a heads up, his posts no longer show in the Dev tracker.
      Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
      True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
    • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
      edited January 2015
      Already been phasing queues out of my rotation when I need marks because they're not worth the time investment to me, reducing mark payouts just pushes me farther in that direction.

      I really don't understand this at all.
      It's the same principle that was behind the nerf of non-Delta patrol XP and the buff of XP in Delta patrols.
      They want everyone to grind the new stuff, probably because their metrics are saying the new Content isn't played as much as it should be, being a full-fledged Expansion.

      Essentially, this will make Bug Hunt the Argala of PvE Queues.
    • zuigje010zuigje010 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
      edited January 2015
      Now I will have no motivation to play this game anymore, well done PWE and Cryptic into taking Star Trek Online to a deeper low.........
    • tarastheslayertarastheslayer Member Posts: 1,541 Bug Hunter
      edited January 2015
      This is a new low indeed, and proves what I was saying true about the queue issues. Cryptic were never interested in the real reasons the queues weren't popping, they just wanted to make the DR content what everyone played, and it's not like Bug Hunt is even working right due to poor game design at the end and odd parts in-between which have already been reported to death.

      I'm sorry, but while the last two patches were going good places, this just shows how the real issues in the game will never be addressed.
      Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
      I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
    • deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
      edited January 2015
      While I agree with the reward nerfing being a bit... excessive, I do see that they have a point, advanced is too easy on some things especially CSA.
    • edited January 2015
      This content has been removed.
    • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
      edited January 2015
      It's almost comical to the point you think it's crazy while your laughing and then start crying.

      Look on the bright side ... at least the Patchnotes are entertaining ...
      Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
    • pennylongpennylong Member Posts: 199 Arc User
      edited January 2015
      I think the metrics are being incredibly badly misinterpreted.

      I think instead of nerfing PVE they should be revamping it, giving people a reason to play them again.

      Speaking as a long time customer, the game is really in a pitiful state now.

      All this mission tweaking should play second fiddle to sorting out the repeatable PVE core of the game.
    • amaresh1amaresh1 Member Posts: 188 Arc User
      edited January 2015

      The Cure Space Changes are reasonable. I only play Cure on private queues. The only Pug queues that I play now are CCE. The Crystalline Catastrophe increase in difficulty must be removed. To be honest, it will end up hurting your bottom line more than anything else. Why do people by CCA? Let me give you a hint its not for the marks or the dilithium. It is for the Radiogenic particles. Since players need crazy amounts of Radiogenic particles to upgrade weapons and consoles, this is the only way to get them. Upgrades cost dilithium and dilithium cost leads to monetization. So.. Why would cut your revenue stream like this? For me, I will just play with the other top players and adapt to the new difficulty. But instead of PUGGING CCA and helping people get their particles so that they can upgrade their ships and get better. (i.e. spend money with you.) Now top players will be huddled in the dps channels using ships that have already been upgraded or not play CCA at all. Also, why should I upgrade my alts since it is so much harder to get Radiogenic particles? Again you are losing money by player like me not upgrading alts.

      The smart thing is to keep CCA easy and getting Radiogenic Particles easy so that people spend more money. Lower the Dilithium or mark rewards but keep CCA easy so that people can upgrade their ships. To be honest, I thought that was always the plan because easy Radiogenic particles leads to monetization.

      The patch on Tribble is a stupid business decision and will cost you money. But go ahead and do it and prove my point.
    • bioixibioixi Member Posts: 764 Arc User
      edited January 2015
      so, 8 pages of complaints, will they ever listen to player feedback? STO history says nope.
    • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
      edited January 2015
      bioixi wrote: »
      so, 8 pages of complaints, will they ever listen to player feedback? STO history says nope.

      That's just the "vocal minority", everyone else is having fun playing PVE Queues right now ... oh wait ...
      Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
    • zathri83zathri83 Member Posts: 514 Arc User
      edited January 2015
      Should have nerfed pvpers instead. :cool:
    • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
      edited January 2015
      I wont speak for anyone else, but I'd like to know what the justification for this round of Nerf's to the Queue rewards are? because this is becoming old, real fast guys. Are you deliberately trying to force the average joe out of the queues?

      People are screaming for rewards and Xp to be buffed and you guys trim them down even more.
      If you want to nerf something so badly why not nerf the Advanced HP levels of the enemy mobs back to what they were pre DR, so they're like you know equivalent to the old elite like they were meant to be.
      [*]The Cure Applied:
      • Decreased IKS Kang’s HP and Damage in Advanced mode.

      Also some clarification on the Damage portion of the nerf, because if memory serves the Kang doesn't actually do anything other than sit there and look pretty, so again why or what "Damage" is being reduced?
      Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

    • edited January 2015
      This content has been removed.
    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,052 Arc User
      edited January 2015
      yup GG cryptic, not exactly the best business decision.

      PVEgate will be a fiasco, this combined with the XP nerfs and the really bad grind that came with DR will not do the game any good in the long run.
        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
      • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
        edited January 2015
        Whats a 180 on the tribble notes, I as ACTUALLY looking forward to the anniversary a lot of nice changes and I was really going to have fun with the new Bridge Officer update but this just ruined the moment.
      • tinead51tinead51 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
        edited January 2015
        Tribble is being brought down for maintenance to update it to build ST.47.20150112a.6.


        So many reasons why my playtime in STO is now non-existent... :o
      • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
        edited January 2015
        If this makes it to holodeck then PVE is completely dead and so will be this game.
        Cryptic shows us once more what the definition of "bad decision" is.
      • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
        edited January 2015
        swatop wrote: »
        If this makes it to holodeck ...

        No way they're going to test it in detail ... listen to player feedback of multiple Tribble-Testers, and than adjust it if necessary ... since we all know that's what Tribble is for ...

        -> nah sorry just messing with you :P
        Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
      • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
        edited January 2015
        What is wrong with you Cryptic?
        King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
      • tinead51tinead51 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
        edited January 2015
        No use complaining in here, however, if you use FB, Twitter etc... :rolleyes:
      • solemkofsolemkof Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited January 2015
        As long as [somebody] can login and get every queue going in 30 seconds, a little adjustment to a few rewards should have no devastating effect on activity. Right?
      • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
        edited January 2015
        zathri83 wrote: »
        Should have nerfed pvpers instead. :cool:

        What PvPers? With what's been done with Intel powers; PvP is non-existent except for a few hardcore groups that still do some private matches. The public PvP queues have been EMPTY (oh, sorry - I mean the 'reporting bug' that Geko talks about in recent interviews); and there is no public PvP in STO to speak of atm.
        Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
        PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
      • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
        edited January 2015
        Reduced the time and Dilithium cost for making PADDs in the R&D Officer Training School.

        Dilthium cost has been reduced to 200.
        Creation time has been reduced to 30 minutes.
        Good. Everything else ? Not good.
        Do you really think nerfing queues will bring more people into them ?
      • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
        edited January 2015
      • mikoto8472mikoto8472 Member Posts: 607 Arc User
        edited January 2015
        Cryptic, no, please, don't nerf the STF rewards!

        We get barely enough as it is. Please don't nerf them further.
      • tdokillersunitedtdokillersunited Member Posts: 10 Arc User
        edited January 2015
        I have 3 words to add:

        useless ****ing idiots...
      • hitonozanshihitonozanshi Member Posts: 176 Arc User
        edited January 2015
        The XP nerf was a really stupid move, because there isn't enough new content to justify doing so to the old. Now, with the nerf in rewards to the PvE queues, they'll be deader than they are now. There are 3 dailies for fleet marks: The Big Dig, Klingon Scout Force, and Gorn Minefield. Big Dig and Klingon Scout Force are DEAD, and this nerf will kill off Gorn Minefield. It's become increasingly hard to get enough people to queue, even for Gorn. I can't do a private queue with my fleet because THEY ALL LEFT THIS GAME BECAUSE IT GOT TOO GRINDY AND BORING!

        Serioulsy, who is making these STUPID decisions and why?!
        The Jar kitty is watching you. :D
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