Hi, I recently purchased a captain retrain token for 500 zen from the c-store. Then I went to the ESD area where Okret is and began my respec. This is where it all went wrong.
I had 500 points left I could not allocate to any skill and therefore ( I later found out ) my respec would not work. I decreased one of my ground skills and it asked me did I want to accept it ( I don't see how this was possible as you cant change a value once you've accepted it right ? ). I did. It took my token and my skills did not reset. I contacted support who very politely suggested I may have used it on another character or I was pulling a fast one. I did not rise to this, after waiting 10 days to convert dilithium to zen, I just wanted my skills reset rather than be called a thief. If you do manage to look at this my character is evierin@evierinforum. You being the devs will be able to see what happened and that any character on my account did not have any skills reset. I think the respec should just respec, regardless of how many points you have left. Because if you have chosen one section that you regret and need to change, the amount of points left is irrelevant, as the reason you are retraining is because of that. Thanks for listening and I hope this is in the right place.