The Empire has allowed the weakling Federation and the backstabbing Romulans to hold the DPS records for too long.
We are Klingon! We will not suffer our warriors to be third place to some explorers and homeworld-less vagabonds!
The war might be over, but we still need to put them in their place - so brave warriors of the Empire, it is time we departed Ker'rat and the queues, and go DPS racing.
It will be costly. It will require learning new stuff. It will require adapting to different methods of play and ships we would never normally use, but just the fact we are Klingon is enough to overcome the disadvantages we have by intentional game design.
For the honour of the Empire!
Ahem. PvPer KDF players wanted for a different sort of Fed bashing to normal Fed bashing.
The Empire has allowed the weakling Federation and the backstabbing Romulans to hold the DPS records for too long.
We are Klingon! We will not suffer our warriors to be third place to some explorers and homeworld-less vagabonds!
The war might be over, but we still need to put them in their place - so brave warriors of the Empire, it is time we departed Ker'rat and the queues, and go DPS racing.
It will be costly. It will require learning new stuff. It will require adapting to different methods of play and ships we would never normally use, but just the fact we are Klingon is enough to overcome the disadvantages we have by intentional game design.
For the honour of the Empire!
Ahem. PvPer KDF players wanted for a different sort of Fed bashing to normal Fed bashing.
I really REALLY want to see this happen.
Any "all-KDF" DPS records might drive people to play KDF more, because "wow! I can do x DPS with a Klingon!!!oneoneone"
I'd love to see something like this, but personally I lack the skill...
And Feds have the Reciprocity+Battle Ready combo and better base stats, Roms have better ships (okay, just the Scimitar ) and the ability to stack a full crew of SRO, and the KDF has... standard cloaks and Overwhelming Force. That leaves us with a harder time maintaining Tac/Intel cooldowns relative to a team of Feds, and the standard cloak we have available on most ships requires long enough between engagements that you'd end up lowering DPS more than gaining from the cloak. Maybe if the shield drain from CPB did something useful (and showed up in a parse) we could come closer with Overwhelming Force, but I'm not sure mechanically how the KDF could outperform the Feds/Roms in a DPS race once a decent Fed/Rom team saw the tactics being used. We can compete in spike damage, but DPS is unlikely.
To clarify, I'm not trying to be gloomy here; the current mechanics simply do not favor the KDF in terms of DPS racing. Even if a skilled KDF team could overcome those mechanics, a less-skilled Fed/Rom team could probably outperform them by watching the vid and learning from how the KDF team did things. There are no mechanics that I can think of that the KDF has exclusive access to that provide a significant benefit for DPS racing.
Maybe the Command ships will change that, but if it's set up as T6 Oddy/Bort/Scim as some have suggested the KDF is screwed in that deal... unless we get the badass Starship Traits this time (they'd need to be seriously OP to sell me a T6 Bort). :P
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
I'd love to see something like this, but personally I lack the skill...
And Feds have the Reciprocity+Battle Ready combo and better base stats, Roms have better ships (okay, just the Scimitar ) and the ability to stack a full crew of SRO, and the KDF has... standard cloaks and Overwhelming Force. That leaves us with a harder time maintaining Tac/Intel cooldowns relative to a team of Feds, and the standard cloak we have available on most ships requires long enough between engagements that you'd end up lowering DPS more than gaining from the cloak. Maybe if the shield drain from CPB did something useful (and showed up in a parse) we could come closer with Overwhelming Force, but I'm not sure mechanically how the KDF could outperform the Feds/Roms in a DPS race once a decent Fed/Rom team saw the tactics being used. We can compete in spike damage, but DPS is unlikely.
To clarify, I'm not trying to be gloomy here; the current mechanics simply do not favor the KDF in terms of DPS racing. Even if a skilled KDF team could overcome those mechanics, a less-skilled Fed/Rom team could probably outperform them by watching the vid and learning from how the KDF team did things. There are no mechanics that I can think of that the KDF has exclusive access to that provide a significant benefit for DPS racing.
Maybe the Command ships will change that, but if it's set up as T6 Oddy/Bort/Scim as some have suggested the KDF is screwed in that deal... unless we get the badass Starship Traits this time (they'd need to be seriously OP to sell me a T6 Bort). :P
Sadly, I agree with all of this. Not only are there more ship traits available to the Feds, but theirs are just plain better. And Romulans have the luxury of inherently better criticals.
Not only that, but there are less players KDF side, which means less large fleets, which means less easy access to fleet gear (something which has always plagued me). Even buying T6 lockbox ships for the traits won't help (at the moment), since there's nothing really helpful there right now anyway, as far as that goes.
All that being said:
It would only make the accomplishment that much more impressive, would it not?
I'm not really sure HOW to do it, but it's something you really can't replicate Fedside or Romside, and just the tactics needed for such a team to survive a run wouldn't really be possible for Feds OR Romulans-they're adapted and used to the BFAW meta.
Except the meta they build by is entirely around 'dead things can't hurt you' and killing super quickly, so would even the fragility of the BoP cause that much of a problem? I mean if you set up say a F5u B'rel as an almost battlecruiser (call it the K'vort build)
4 DBB AP, Ancient AP Array, Omni-Directional AP Array or KCB
Eng Consoles: Leech, Assimilated Module, Fleet Neutronium (Thin hull needs SOME armor), Pilot's Choice
Sci Consoles: Plasma Flow Caps x3
Tac Consoles: Fleet AP Locators x4 (I figure they'll patch that whole doping exploit soon enough so why buy something that'd be nerfed?)
Either do the standard Nukara Shield+Deflector plus Rom engines for max offense, or Counter-Command Engines+Deflector plus Fleet Resilient for the defense bonus and hyper engines, either way with an Amp warp core.
I mean it isn't at all a creative build and the Mat'ha or a Tor'khat could do the same thing better, but it IS a BoP that fits the standard fawboat loadout. If you were willing to pay for it, I don't see why it wouldn't work.
They are never going to allow bops to be a threat or more youtube videos will emerge about how the cloaks are too op because they can be cloaked before they have a chance to know when you are going to attack and its too op.
As well the fed players have always cried their eyes out over the b'rel of all ships because it could fire torpedoes and mines when using EBC lol. They even gave them mechanics built in where its defenseless so they don't have to use any tactics lol. I mean cryptic isn't even going to even begin to try to develop the bops with people like that will cry on the spot. Its like if they do anything for the KDF they want cryptic to instantly blow up the KDF ships after being bought lol. *Disclaimer due to federation rights your ship will explode as soon as you hit the purchase button*.
I think the problem with trying to use BOPs for silly STF DPS is that not only are they not designed for it....they're designed not to be able to do it. If that makes any sense? The FAW thing would likely just result in multiple respawn timers.
The likely candidates would have to be the T6 ships, IMO.
Except the meta they build by is entirely around 'dead things can't hurt you' and killing super quickly, so would even the fragility of the BoP cause that much of a problem? I mean if you set up say a F5u B'rel as an almost battlecruiser (call it the K'vort build)
4 DBB AP, Ancient AP Array, Omni-Directional AP Array or KCB
Eng Consoles: Leech, Assimilated Module, Fleet Neutronium (Thin hull needs SOME armor), Pilot's Choice
Sci Consoles: Plasma Flow Caps x3
Tac Consoles: Fleet AP Locators x4 (I figure they'll patch that whole doping exploit soon enough so why buy something that'd be nerfed?)
Either do the standard Nukara Shield+Deflector plus Rom engines for max offense, or Counter-Command Engines+Deflector plus Fleet Resilient for the defense bonus and hyper engines, either way with an Amp warp core.
I mean it isn't at all a creative build and the Mat'ha or a Tor'khat could do the same thing better, but it IS a BoP that fits the standard fawboat loadout. If you were willing to pay for it, I don't see why it wouldn't work.
I was doing something similar but using the Biomolecular disruptor beam arrays on a kdf engy in a MU Kitang was actually pretty effective surprisingly irrc it was.....
CMDR - TT-1, BFAW-2, BFAW-3, APB-3
LTC - HE-1, ST-2, TSS-3
LTC - EPTW-1, A2B-1, A2B-2
3 - Technicians
1 - Warp Core cleanse doff
2 - Forget what these were? (had spire +1 doff slot)
6 - BM Disruptor Beam arrays mk XII [CrtD]x3
Full Borg Mk XI space set
strategy was just to use decloak dmg bonus and raider flanking as much as possible worked pretty well, very squishy but hey it a BoP can't expect to live forever but usually would only die 1-2 time max if I died at all.
Could the new T6 raptor or T6 Battlecruiser be used to do it?
Plasma Doping? like Lance Armstrong???
Qib would work fine other than the lack of Reciprocity (though various doff combos could probably get around that for a couple hundred million ec). I think it was more a question of using a ship class that is both uniquely Klingon and often regarded as throwaway trash by too many people, simply as a middle finger to those people.
And Plasma Doping is an exploit some people found that recently got publicized in General Discussion, basically a way to buff the embassy-console plasma burns to silly levels on non-plasma weapons. So actually very much like Lance Amstrong: a cheater with no [REDACTED].
And Plasma Doping is an exploit some people found that recently got publicized in General Discussion, basically a way to buff the embassy-console plasma burns to silly levels on non-plasma weapons. So actually very much like Lance Amstrong: a cheater with no [REDACTED].
on non-plasma weapons? That sounds like a huge bug.
I dunno. +Beam consoles boosting plasma burns of Embassy sci consoles, but only when used on non-plasma weapons, that just sounds like a database snafu somewhere. Plus when you consider how years ago +Plasma consoles did boost plasma burns and that got nerfed hard despite being a far more logical synergy (crippled a fun plasma Tor'khat I was using too), I can't see this being intentional.
And thats if its even true; still sounds fishy to me, but I'm not gonna throw away a few hundred thousand fleet credits just to try out something that'll probably get patched out anyways.
This is a worthy goal for a warrior. Reading through the posting so far you are off to a good start. To sum up the info so far we have:
Platform: Battlecruiser (Mogh/Qib)
Boff and Doff: 2xAux2Bat, 2xBFAW, EP2W, w/ supporting doffs.
Other: Plasma Doping (until further nerfing occurs.)
How far do you think a F2P ship would get? I think designing a high damage F2P ship design would go a long way for the common players. A standard so to speak that we could give out to help players with damage output. I'm not saying the most dps capable but with more warriors doing more damage would be a great thing to draw more to the faction.
I was Klingon before Klingon was cool.
One thing I learned about my time with sto after playing this other mmorpg for awhile now is that the content and pvp is severely handicapped. Reason I say this is you have millions playing said game and just about everyone playing is as good as you are or better lol. Going from sto to a hardcore mmorpg made me feel like sto was dulling my skills as a warrior.
It is all good though but maybe if sto is still alive in 10 more years they might form a pvp team and maybe a team that deals with non-federation content. Is why I'm giving it about 10 years and if it doesn't happen by then it will never happen for this game lol.
Embassy BOffs for SRO
Embassy Consoles for Plasma Doping
+Beam Damage to make Plasma Doping better
[CrtD]x3 AP beams
[AMP] Warp Core
Tractor Beam Repulsor for even more damage.
Lobi consoles to jack your Crit Severity as high as possible.
Filling out your Intel Spec Tree for Intel Fleet.
Having a Recluse along with APB pets
And, of course, being a Tac Captain.
I really REALLY want to see this happen.
Any "all-KDF" DPS records might drive people to play KDF more, because "wow! I can do x DPS with a Klingon!!!oneoneone"
....or not. You know, either way. :P
Current best KDF area is 60-70k or so, we need to step up.
And Feds have the Reciprocity+Battle Ready combo and better base stats, Roms have better ships (okay, just the Scimitar
To clarify, I'm not trying to be gloomy here; the current mechanics simply do not favor the KDF in terms of DPS racing. Even if a skilled KDF team could overcome those mechanics, a less-skilled Fed/Rom team could probably outperform them by watching the vid and learning from how the KDF team did things. There are no mechanics that I can think of that the KDF has exclusive access to that provide a significant benefit for DPS racing.
Maybe the Command ships will change that, but if it's set up as T6 Oddy/Bort/Scim as some have suggested the KDF is screwed in that deal... unless we get the badass Starship Traits this time (they'd need to be seriously OP to sell me a T6 Bort). :P
Bah, a list of Romulans, Tholians, traitors, and spies. Where's the honor in that? We're not vassals of Duras here!
Your people tried before! Duras's bloodline still lives!
Sadly, I agree with all of this. Not only are there more ship traits available to the Feds, but theirs are just plain better. And Romulans have the luxury of inherently better criticals.
Not only that, but there are less players KDF side, which means less large fleets, which means less easy access to fleet gear (something which has always plagued me). Even buying T6 lockbox ships for the traits won't help (at the moment), since there's nothing really helpful there right now anyway, as far as that goes.
All that being said:
It would only make the accomplishment that much more impressive, would it not?
Except the meta they build by is entirely around 'dead things can't hurt you' and killing super quickly, so would even the fragility of the BoP cause that much of a problem? I mean if you set up say a F5u B'rel as an almost battlecruiser (call it the K'vort build)
4 DBB AP, Ancient AP Array, Omni-Directional AP Array or KCB
Eng Consoles: Leech, Assimilated Module, Fleet Neutronium (Thin hull needs SOME armor), Pilot's Choice
Sci Consoles: Plasma Flow Caps x3
Tac Consoles: Fleet AP Locators x4 (I figure they'll patch that whole doping exploit soon enough so why buy something that'd be nerfed?)
Either do the standard Nukara Shield+Deflector plus Rom engines for max offense, or Counter-Command Engines+Deflector plus Fleet Resilient for the defense bonus and hyper engines, either way with an Amp warp core.
Cmdr Tac (SRO Romulan)
Lt Tac (SRO Romulan)
LtCmdr Eng (Pirate)
Lt Sci (Pirate)
ST1, HE2
Doffs: 3 DCEs, 2 Zemok (or whatever the KDF counterpart is), 1 Fabrication (RSP)
I mean it isn't at all a creative build and the Mat'ha or a Tor'khat could do the same thing better, but it IS a BoP that fits the standard fawboat loadout. If you were willing to pay for it, I don't see why it wouldn't work.
As well the fed players have always cried their eyes out over the b'rel of all ships because it could fire torpedoes and mines when using EBC lol. They even gave them mechanics built in where its defenseless so they don't have to use any tactics lol. I mean cryptic isn't even going to even begin to try to develop the bops with people like that will cry on the spot. Its like if they do anything for the KDF they want cryptic to instantly blow up the KDF ships after being bought lol. *Disclaimer due to federation rights your ship will explode as soon as you hit the purchase button*.
The likely candidates would have to be the T6 ships, IMO.
I was doing something similar but using the Biomolecular disruptor beam arrays on a kdf engy in a MU Kitang was actually pretty effective surprisingly irrc it was.....
CMDR - TT-1, BFAW-2, BFAW-3, APB-3
LTC - HE-1, ST-2, TSS-3
LTC - EPTW-1, A2B-1, A2B-2
3 - Technicians
1 - Warp Core cleanse doff
2 - Forget what these were? (had spire +1 doff slot)
6 - BM Disruptor Beam arrays mk XII [CrtD]x3
Full Borg Mk XI space set
strategy was just to use decloak dmg bonus and raider flanking as much as possible worked pretty well, very squishy but hey it a BoP can't expect to live forever but usually would only die 1-2 time max if I died at all.
Plasma Doping? like Lance Armstrong???
Qib would work fine other than the lack of Reciprocity (though various doff combos could probably get around that for a couple hundred million ec). I think it was more a question of using a ship class that is both uniquely Klingon and often regarded as throwaway trash by too many people, simply as a middle finger to those people.
And Plasma Doping is an exploit some people found that recently got publicized in General Discussion, basically a way to buff the embassy-console plasma burns to silly levels on non-plasma weapons. So actually very much like Lance Amstrong: a cheater with no [REDACTED].
on non-plasma weapons? That sounds like a huge bug.
I dunno. +Beam consoles boosting plasma burns of Embassy sci consoles, but only when used on non-plasma weapons, that just sounds like a database snafu somewhere. Plus when you consider how years ago +Plasma consoles did boost plasma burns and that got nerfed hard despite being a far more logical synergy (crippled a fun plasma Tor'khat I was using too), I can't see this being intentional.
And thats if its even true; still sounds fishy to me, but I'm not gonna throw away a few hundred thousand fleet credits just to try out something that'll probably get patched out anyways.
Platform: Battlecruiser (Mogh/Qib)
Boff and Doff: 2xAux2Bat, 2xBFAW, EP2W, w/ supporting doffs.
Other: Plasma Doping (until further nerfing occurs.)
How far do you think a F2P ship would get? I think designing a high damage F2P ship design would go a long way for the common players. A standard so to speak that we could give out to help players with damage output. I'm not saying the most dps capable but with more warriors doing more damage would be a great thing to draw more to the faction.
I was Klingon before Klingon was cool.
It is all good though but maybe if sto is still alive in 10 more years they might form a pvp team and maybe a team that deals with non-federation content. Is why I'm giving it about 10 years and if it doesn't happen by then it will never happen for this game lol.