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should npc ships use pvp/kerrat builds?

skollulfrskollulfr Member Posts: 5,407 Arc User
at least in the case where player versions of ships exist, should these npc's by default use the same builds as those used in pvp? and have their HP restricted by the same limits the players have.
possibly those used effectively in kerrat.

despite likeing a lot of what DR had to offer, one of my biggest gripes, and shared by many others, is the issue of delta npc's being bottomless pits of hp, especially on the harder difficulties.
which took the shine off the novelty of the increased activity these npc's displayed. since it essentially forced the path of least resistance for the players, to be sustained high dps unless they could consistently pull off 150k spike damage to kill even the smallest targets outside easy.

as it stands, the current ethos seems to be annoying everybody.
the RPers just want to faceroll through unchallenged, and nobody with a dps build is going to call more hp a source of real difficulty.

half the high dps builds are only viable due to lack of npc's using fbp or aceton assimilators.
startrek online - to seek out new life, and seduce or kill it.
heh heh
Post edited by skollulfr on


  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    If I were to guess, I would say we ended up with we did because of player feedback on something that the devs wanted to do.

    Cryptic has attempted many times to introduce NPCs with better AI and using more abilities. The forums flood with tears about the difficulty. Things can end up being nerfed half a dozen times before it even hits Holodeck...only to end up being nerfed further once it gets there cause apparently some folks missed the opportunity to complain about it on Tribble.

    So if Cryptic wants to slow things down - cause combat encounters are happening too fast - but they can't actually go about increasing the difficulty, then increasing HP would be a means for them to do that, yeah? Slows things down without increasing difficulty, that compromise of what Cryptic wanted and what the player wanted.
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Ker'rat builds? Do they come with built in whining about "broken builds" or "zombie fail ships" when they fail to kill you?
    Free Tibet!
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,463 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    The Vaadwaur have a more interesting AI, Fed NPC ships use more abilities, I think a few KDF NPCs do...
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    If I were to guess, I would say we ended up with we did because of player feedback on something that the devs wanted to do.

    Cryptic has attempted many times to introduce NPCs with better AI and using more abilities. The forums flood with tears about the difficulty. Things can end up being nerfed half a dozen times before it even hits Holodeck...only to end up being nerfed further once it gets there cause apparently some folks missed the opportunity to complain about it on Tribble.

    I complained about the Undine but not the Voth. The Voth are challenging to fight in a glass cannon, and I think they helped to get rid of the "Escorts Online" thing by driving people towards cruisers and forcing them to think about their positioning.

    The Undine are just annoying and spammy as hell with the stupid snotballs, and "Viscous Cycle" is a pain in the TRIBBLE.
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  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I complained about the Tholians and Undine, but not the Voth.

    The Undine need more hard counters for their pulling snot bubble rifts, and the space set blast should destroy any that are in a 5km radius of you.

    I personally think the addition of more powers and possibly a restructuring of how hard counters work would be nice.

    And, as always, I advocate and support the DPS Meta STO has to be reigned in and give support builds a reason to contribute meaningfully to the game without seeing what their Tactical capabilities are.

    This, in turn, could be reflected in how the NPC behavior is.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,463 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    The Tholians are annoying with what appears to be a combined Beam: Target Shields or Weapons/Beam Fire at Will thing.

    The Undine... ugh... Eye of Sauron grav well is evil, and so is the Space Snot. Pack lots of ability to repair engines too.

    Voth... were pretty tough when they first came out. Even in my geared Assault Cruiser Refit I didn't want to tangle with anything over a Bastion Cruiser alone. Having to be aware of your position was a nice touch though.

    Vaadwaur... space Artillery strikes, constrictor drones that have NO counter to break free other than destroy the anchor drone, hit and run... decent challenge.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    skollulfr wrote: »
    no real way of ascaping the dps meta in a combat game.
    the path of least resistance is allways going to be who can kill the fastest to get teh rewards soonest and there isnt a lot of ways around that.
    especially if you want to have an mmo.

    Other games have been able to address it by offering rewards to dedicated support builds. Critical heals, heals with beneficial after-effects if used strategically. A merit system on how well you're able to keep your team alive.

    The main thing is the gameplay would need to be drastically altered to fit this. A scoring system based on how well a team plays together rather than how fast they can get through a mission together.

    This would mean the removal or reduction of timers. If Cryptic wants us to take longer in missions, a perfectly valid alternative to super-buffed HP of enemies is by purposefully gimping players by offering them greater rewards for teamwork.

    Did you nearly save a teammate from getting killed? You get a cookie.

    Did you make sure nobody died? You get a cookie.

    Did you strategically use your non-DPS abilities in a combination to create an even bigger effect? You get a cookie.

    Did you use a tractor beam before deploying Boarding Party I? You get a cookie. Did you use it with Boarding Party III? You get an even bigger cookie.

    Outside the box thinking is how you reign it in. You reward that, you get rid of the DPS meta.

    Other combat games have made support roles extremely rewarding and fulfilling. STO has that potential. It just requires Cryptic to be willing to get off the teat of players thinking Tactical consoles and Universe/Tactical bridge officer seating is the only way to win.

    I can't blame Cryptic. It's a low-hanging fruit and it's easy to capitalize on. But in the end it just makes cruisers and science vessels wish they were more like Escorts.

    Do people want to earn more spec points faster than Argala by playing routine content?

    Give them expertise points each time they do something else in a match other than concentrate on burning through enemies as fast as possible.

    Do people want to see the Galaxy-class 'fixed'? Make Cryptic alter the gameplay to the point where 5 engineering consoles and 2 tactical consoles on a ship is a very lucrative way to get awesome things and contribute meaningfully to a team.

    Make people want more Engineering/Science slots for something else other than universal consoles.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Cryptic has attempted many times to introduce NPCs with better AI and using more abilities. The forums flood with tears about the difficulty.

    Because Cryptic failed so badly at it. Do you remember the borg sphere's with EP2E that would randomly fly off into nowhere land? It didn't make things more challenging it just made them more annoying. The new hit point sponges they introduced in DR are the same. The only thing hard about them is when you have a time limit along with low damage team members which make the mission an auto-fail.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    It'd be a quagmire for leveling, but the pathway to leveling would be replaced by skilled players being able to play well together instead of how fast they can burn through it.

    Timers artificially create tension, but the only valid response to beating the timers is by killing enemies fast enough, or killing them fast enough to rescue other ships or perform some other action. In either scenario, it exists to further the DPS Meta.

    If routine content is scored on how well players know their ships and use their abilities, you could achieve similar results with less grind.

    What if Boarding Party III landed on a ship and created a series of kinetic explosions that outright obliterated massive chunks of the enemy's HP faster than a Scimitar or Escort could burn it down?

    That'd make ships with a Commander Engineering slot pretty lucrative, wouldn't it? The trick would be making sure your shuttles landed on the enemy ship first, so you'd need other team members to defend them while you're performing this boarding maneuver.

    Secondary Deflectors scratched the surface of what the game can do in regards to support ships, and I think if these abilities were given an equal amount of viability as damage dealing, or allowed to deal similar damage by using powers strategically, you would see more desire for those kinds of ships in team play.

    5 Scimitars burn down a Tactical Cube in 10 seconds. Fine.

    1 Scimitar, 2 escorts, a Cruiser, and a Science ship are able to chain a combination attack and destroys the same cube in 30 seconds. But each of the team members who attacked together get way more Expertise and Skill Points, and if they're good enough maybe they get an extra cookie out of it like Contraband for each participant.

    Yes, it purposefully delays the mission time. That's the point. But the enemy wouldn't necessarily need a bunch of HP, and bigger rewards are reaped from doing the same thing as burning a target down, but using a different way of going about it.

    If the Cruisers/Science Ships are able to save a team member from impending death, the whole team gets a bigger score.

    You distill 5 or 6 Argala runs into one mission as long as everybody can play their ship to its strengths, and do it well.
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    iconians wrote: »
    edited not to make this page drag on/QUOTE]

    This reminds me of DDO. Dungeons (Pretty much missions and STF in STO terms) had a base XP payout. You could add bonuses to the payout by not dying, wrecking things, finding hidden doors, taking out traps, and killing mobs.

    Something like this is what you are looking for?
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    deokkent wrote: »
    What are you talking about? Did this happen before season 5?

    They didn't really improve the AI per say.. they just tacked on some added skills to some of the NPC's and called it a day. Unfortunately, the NPC's, in most cases, didn't know how to handle the added skills. The borg sphere's with Emergency power to engines that I mentioned in my earlier post for instance would activate the skill and fly off the edge of the map or get stuck in the gate. There was no real challenge unless you call chasing down a bunch of rogue sphere's challenging.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    iconians wrote: »
    Other combat games have made support roles extremely rewarding and fulfilling.

    There are people that run support in this game while finding it rewarding and fulfilling.
    deokkent wrote: »
    What are you talking about? Did this happen before season 5?

    Did you fight the original Elachi on Tribble during the LoR beta? It was awesome, they worked together - it was like pugging PvP.

    Heh, it's kind of funny thinking back to it...them tossing debuffs, healing each other, moving around...it was awesome. They got nerfed into the ground...they got nerfed so far down into the ground they went from one side of the planet to the other compared to what they were originally. :(
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I think it would be wonderful if NPC ships had the same potential as their player counterparts, if the AI was built to fly them in a sensible manner and to build them in a decent manner, with elements of randomness, otherwise we would end up with cookie cutter NPCs, NPC ships should also have random captain classes, just to keep experiences varied.

    The problem with the devs dabling so far is they add more abilities but the potential of these abilities in the NPCs hands far exceeds the capacity of players using the same ability on the same ships. it also doesn't help that these ships despite getting all these nice new abilities still have silly HP levels which ultimately make the game less fun.

    NPCs should not be designed to do an amount of damage and die, they should be designed to impede the player's progress, the lazy way is to build the HP walls we have now, the harder but better and ultimately more rewarding both in gameplay and in feedback is to take the time to do the AI properly and build NPCs that have the same maximum potential as a player at a given level with a given ship/class, NPC ships that have this potential improve the re-playability of any content because no two fights against the same NPC are the same, it keeps the player thinking rather than putting together automated point and shoot builds that roflstomp anything in their path.

    If need be devs can fix the base of all NPC ship classes, for example adding cycle-able EPtX to cruisers and escorts, giving raiders built in damage powers, they could fix Neutronium consoles to some or all NPC classes in case the AI doesn't.
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'd love to see some actual capable npcs in this game an not just brain dead zobies with like a million hp (looking at you vaadwaur artillery ship:mad:) but to make something like that work cryptic would need to implement two things that they have no concept of, proper AI and frigging balance.

    Stuff like the spheres that got lost in space thanks to their EptE and the undine rifts and snot balls are among the best examples for this.
    I also remember something about npc's feedbackpulses taking down beamboats before their first firing cycle was even complete.

    I really would like to see smart enemies in the game but what I'd expect if cryptic announces something along those lines are overpowered instakill ships with like 2 million hp, and skills equivalent to grav well XVI and BO XX.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Meh, reminds me of that period of time when the Voth were buffed...but they weren't buffed, they were bugged. Everybody complaining cause their glass cannons were fodder...while others could just play on through and have an engaging engagement. So of course the bugged Voth were fixed.

    Reminds me of the time when the Borg were buffed...but they weren't buffed, they were bugged. Everybody complaining cause their glass cannons were fodder...while others could just play on through and have an engaging engagement. So of course the bugged Borg were fixed.

    Reminds me of the initial Crystalline Advanced...everybody complaining cause their glass cannons were fodder...while others could just play on through and have an engaging engagement. So of course it was nerfed.

    There's been quite a few things like that, stuff that was bugged but enjoyable as Hell...unless you were flying a glass cannon. Stuff that was purposefully made more difficult and was engaging as Hell...unless you were flying a glass cannon.

    No, I'm not talking about Tac Cubes slinging 300k torps or Spheres tossing 80k torps...not that extreme stuff...

    ...but if NPCs were actually a threat, so folks had to build to deal with that threat either individually or as teams...

    ...oh well, doesn't matter.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Do you remember when the D'Deridex Defender would pop up at random in any mission that could spawn a D'Deridex? That made for a fun fight! :D

    I think the Elachi have the same abilities, they just use them less often. Kinda like how you used to need two EngTeam to fight them in space because they would spam Viral Matrix endlessly.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • gregkanegregkane Member Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Lol if they gave npcs even a 3rd of a pvprs skill 90% of the player base couldnt do the content, instead of lets make them uber hp mayb 2 or 3 skills ie tact team hazards empts perhaps but thats to difficult to code im sure ;)
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I remember the old Mirror Invasion, before S6. Even as a lv50 char fully equipped, it could happen that you flew to fast forward and got into one mob, which obliterated you, while being able to lose no ships at all. Part of that was the ridicoulusly skilled TBRs of the Battleships, but also the healing of fregattes and cruisers (Extend shields, ET). Like now, the Battleships and cruisers also featured EPtS, which was quite powerful at that time.

    During S6 you could fly in the same mobs, and either eternally tank them or destroy them (CSV-Escort) within seconds. In this scenario, they werent nerfed, but powercreep began.

    On the other hand, you can be sure, that the moment you introduce smart AI with BO-Skills, the whining about DR and HP-Spongs and Obligatory optionals would have been a joke.
    The moment you only increase HP, the solution is rather simple: Either increase damage yourself or bet for one of those evil DPS-Guys to be in your pug, so he will pull you through.

    Now, if they would increase the AI, the builds would have to change fundamentally, hence in pugs the dps would decrease, and obligatory optionals might not be reachable. There wouldnt be an obvious choice (yes, "adapt" is not obvious to most ppl) and most likely the evil DPSers would either adapt too (most likely reducing their DPS in pugs in the process), and this wouldnt be able to pull as much players as before through, or they would just fly more with friends and DPS-Chans.

    Of course, I lied when saying there wouldnt be a obvious choice, of course there is, but its not in the game itself. Its going to the forums and whine "its too hard, its for too specialized builds, it only caters the top 0.x percent" hence forcing cryptic to nerf the content so hard it nearly auto-completes.

    That happened for example with the most epic battle yet: The Battle of New Romulus.
    From going to "your friendly NPCs could get wiped out" its gone to "your friendly NPCs mob the floor with the invasion fleet, just cross the lines for auto-completion".
    And that was a battle you could have won with a little wits...
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    edalgo wrote: »
    You mean that the Borg would actually adapt and defend themselves? ? ? ?

    I'd love it!

    But seriously this has been suggested numerous times and rejected and ignored everytime.

    This. On equal kit you could just about make an Elite NPC be able to do PvP tournaments if you scripted it properly, and you could easily scale it down for lower difficulties.

    They just don't care.
  • jjdezjjdez Member Posts: 570 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I choose to blame the voyager series for creating such limp enemies, absurd plot armor, and bringing in a fan base that somehow thought janeway rivals Picard or Kirk. Seriously, voyager probably should have exploded in an anticlimactic warp core breach about 170 times. DR is the culmination of all of this in STO.

    This is related, I swear...
  • nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    If I were to guess, I would say we ended up with we did because of player feedback on something that the devs wanted to do.

    Cryptic has attempted many times to introduce NPCs with better AI and using more abilities. The forums flood with tears about the difficulty. Things can end up being nerfed half a dozen times before it even hits Holodeck...only to end up being nerfed further once it gets there cause apparently some folks missed the opportunity to complain about it on Tribble.

    So if Cryptic wants to slow things down - cause combat encounters are happening too fast - but they can't actually go about increasing the difficulty, then increasing HP would be a means for them to do that, yeah? Slows things down without increasing difficulty, that compromise of what Cryptic wanted and what the player wanted.

    eh, we've never seen good AI in STO.

    If I remember correctly the AI has always been pretty bad, and that standard AI hasn't changed much; what made things so bad in the new style missions. They took a bunch of ships that you fight singely in episodes and then imported them dozens at a time into encounters. It seems ok, until there are now 30 ships out there with SNB all firing them off at the same time, because the AI does everything the same way everytime.

    So I don't think the complaints were not valid, having that many ships all using warp plasma, SNB, TBR, etc in encounters was just insanity, you'd escape one to hit another over and over.

    Still, giving the AI all of a players abilities don't mean much when they don't know how to use it. Just using what is available isn't effective, there are no checks for active buffs, no intelligent usage on anything. And if they did get the NPCs abilities, they need to remember having 15 NPCs use BO on you all at once isn't fun in any way.

    Examples like the STFs borg "invisi" torps are pretty bad to bring up. They were clearly bugged, they could one shot some cruisers even, and there is no way plasma torpedos should have been 90%+ of the damage output of STFs, but they were. Too bad when they fixed them nobody (has or since) gone back to look at the overall damage output of the STFs, because its pathetic.

    I always wondered how much the AI limitations were caused by server load concerns
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  • zathri83zathri83 Member Posts: 514 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    They would do even less damage and be unable to ever adapt.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Several small groups, large group, fixed emplacements...players charging in and getting overwhelmed is a player issue. Directed AoE abilities, high accuracy and increased damage...players parking and shooting is a player issue.

    With the Elachi, they were in various groups - the used their abilities in groups - yes, you could charge in with FAW and light up multiple groups...then get overwhelmed by those groups. Same can happen with multiple enemies. That's a player issue...they're not thinking...but they'll have no problem coming to the forums to complain about what the game did to them even though they did it to themselves.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I still remember the original version of Devil's Choice. It was a lot of fun. :D but... it was kinda like playing on hard mode even when you were actually playing on normal. which is where the river of QQ on the forum came from. people tried it and got curbstomped. Not everyone of course, just those who were unprepared.

    I still remember what it felt like doing an exploration cluster mission afterwards with the same ship and build I used in Devil's Choice. It was like stepping on bugs.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • heckgoblinheckgoblin Member Posts: 685
    edited January 2015
    If NPCs were anything like PVP players, most PVE players would quit due to sucking too much against them.
    I AM WAR.
  • hfmuddhfmudd Member Posts: 881 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    heckgoblin wrote: »
    If NPCs were anything like PVP players, most PVE players would quit due to sucking too much against them.

    Or because a wave bugged out and never spawned, as it was too busy posting on the forums about the size of its DPS-epeen and how much carebears suxx0rz.
    Join Date: January 2011
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