Its not as if everything in the world was fine up until 1/7/15, and people diverse beliefs and opinions were accepted.
So many Christians, Yizidis, Turkomen, Assyrians, Shi'a and Sunni men, women and children have been crucified, executed, beheaded, r4ped and sold into slavery JUST within the past 6 months. And I'm only talking about whats happening in Syria and Iraq, never mind Boko Haram in Africa and the car bomb that went off yesterday in Yemen that killed 37. Appeasement and false ideas of containment don't work.
Al Qaeda.
The Taliban.
The Islamic State.
They want us to either pay a tax for non-conversion (Jews or Christians only IF they're feeling generous), submit to their ideology and convert to hard-line Islam, or die. It really is that simple. There's no negotiating with them, or persuading them to "celebrate diversity." If you are an apostate or you slander their beliefs, they feel they are entitled and completely justified to kill in retribution.
THAT is what happened in Paris.
And THAT and WORSE is what has BEEN HAPPENING in Syria and Iraq.
Time to wake up, world
Well said.
I will also add that as for Syria in particular, Assad's regime has been having children killed and tortured on a daily basis for, what, four years? More? Not to mention the hundreds of thousands killed and displaced by the sheer d*ckery of the Assad regime.
Please note, however, that these statements apply to al-Qaeda, the so-called "Islamic State", and the tattered remnants of the Taliban, not to Islam in general - as was so brilliantly pointed out in that open letter Worffan linked to.
Oh, no I got it, but since you somehow thought it necessary to take on two obvious bait posts, I decided to take on your relatively weak response. Oh, let's leave out the other billion or so Muslims and focus on one police office who has an Arabic-sounding name, but we actually have no idea what his beliefs were and how seriously he held said beliefs (or lack thereof).
BBC was saying that the dead officer was Muslim, earlier, and apparently they got it straight from the French media.
I will also add that as for Syria in particular, Assad's regime has been having children killed and tortured on a daily basis for, what, four years? More? Not to mention the hundreds of thousands killed and displaced by the sheer d*ckery of the Assad regime.
Thank you - I actually just met a Kurdish singer who fled Demascus in 2012, and a Persian Jew whose family left Iran due to "restrictions" placed upon her family's faith. A coworker of mine is Assyrian, also from Iran. Her family fled from there as well, but not before her uncle was executed. They all have one thing in common - freedom of expression apart from the state religion is crushed on many levels, and it is endorsed by traditional religious beliefs.
Turkey is currently on a downward spiral away from it's secular society, so much so that a friend of mine who's Turkish believes that it can all be lost at any moment due to the policies of Erdogan and his cadre.
Let's not delve into Turkish politics. There's a lot more going on there than religion, politically, at any rate. While I think Erdogan is an idiot, it's not like Turkey was a free state prior to his spiral into megalomania. Let's not forget the military coups and the overt discrimination against people openly identifying as religious. Secularism in Turkey has/had a much different meaning than it does in the states, or elsewhere.
Erdogan needs a 2x4 to the head and a sudden immersion in Arctic seawater.
Let's not delve into Turkish politics. There's a lot more going on there than religion, politically, at any rate. While I think Erdogan is an idiot, it's not like Turkey was a free state prior to his spiral into megalomania. Let's not forget the military coups and the overt discrimination against people openly identifying as religious. Secularism in Turkey has/had a much different meaning than it does in the states, or elsewhere.
I know it too well with regards to how they treat the Kurdish population today (and the Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians slaughtered almost 100yrs ago). But the point remains that Turkey, known for being much less restrictive and arguably the most secular Muslim country in the Middle East, is now moving away from that towards a much more controlled and intolerant society.
How did a topic about a terror attack in Paris end up in a debate about Turkish-Kurdish politics?
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Can't we all just take what Rodney King said to heart? "Can't we all just get along?"
It is unfortunate that there are still many people who can't get the basic concept of coexistence wraped around their brains. After all, isn't one of the teachings of most religions "love thy neighbor?"
While what happened in Paris is horrific and I feel for the families and friends that lost loved ones in the attack, I'm going to have to shut this thread down.
While yes, some politics are being discussed now which is already against the rules, it will just go further downhill and I don't want to have to give out warnings.
Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care. Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker. Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
Well said.
I will also add that as for Syria in particular, Assad's regime has been having children killed and tortured on a daily basis for, what, four years? More? Not to mention the hundreds of thousands killed and displaced by the sheer d*ckery of the Assad regime.
BBC was saying that the dead officer was Muslim, earlier, and apparently they got it straight from the French media.
Let's keep this polite, guys.
Turkey is currently on a downward spiral away from it's secular society, so much so that a friend of mine who's Turkish believes that it can all be lost at any moment due to the policies of Erdogan and his cadre.
Erdogan needs a 2x4 to the head and a sudden immersion in Arctic seawater.
Well said.
It would seem the thread has been highjacked by terrorist trolls.
It is unfortunate that there are still many people who can't get the basic concept of coexistence wraped around their brains. After all, isn't one of the teachings of most religions "love thy neighbor?"
I see what you did there.
Nah, what happened was our local brilliant sociopath, Nabreeki.
Not necessarily a bad thing. And definitely not terrorists or trolls; Nabreeki's only been a tiny bit of a jerk so far.
While yes, some politics are being discussed now which is already against the rules, it will just go further downhill and I don't want to have to give out warnings.
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113