Alright folks, here it is. Cryptic needs our money. There are far too many systems in the game that we get for free and I think we should monetize them all. Here are my suggestions with suggested cost:
Transwarp - 1000 dil - The ability to hop across space means we spend less time flying around and therefore less time in the game.
Mission Replays - 500 dil - Consider it a residual payment for the artists involved, like paying royalties.
Sell an item on the Exchange - 1000 dil - It's like those fees Ebay takes whenever you sell something.
Reclaiming a dismissed Zen ship - 100 zen - You're not buying a new ship so Cryptic are losing out.
ok in dollars and cents by cryptics current value on digital content witch is not real not a real item with mass that if the power goes out its all gone for all meaning of the ward gone and with cryptics values my account is worth 10s of thousands of dollars between hundreds of hours logged in a lifer subscription $200 us on sale and over $900 micropayments far less than the average and mean because those that start playing after paying over $10000 and a month later are past my level of progress and with delta rising completely out class my gear now before free to play models came to be a person could only pay for access ranging from $400 to $900 those games neted more than box office hit in thare first year far more an enuff to keep the game going for 5 more years I know for a fact sto delta rising neted more than all of those in preorder content perchases that came 2 months before now it is 2015 the net value has got to be more than all of those pre free to pay games ever thought thay could net thare is just no way it makes sense thay are struggling the server tech is 5 time more powerfull but most inportand half the cost of 10 years ago
players have already quite becose thares little to no mantenence being dune to sto that is effectively made leaps and bounds to greed content stuff you have to buy to replace the old or be out classed when a rich kid can start playing and have 10 grand to spend in sto first week to get about 2 years ahead thare no real test to one self in pvp so all those that enjoy fair pvp and understand that is truly lost with delta rising cryptic looses all those players but this goes for the mmo comuity as a whole vs free to play turning into pay to win then shortly pay most to win mo players are getting tired of the trends I my self am on my 3rd game ruined by getting to the point of pay the most to win now stop this greedy madness or you may find you only have players that enjoy cheating with a credit card number witch as already can be seen is not enuff for the endgame activities
2 hour respawn timer on death, instant respawn costs 100 zen. Ship and equipment health on respawn is 10%, unless you also pay a 1000 zen premium.
5000 dili for each server crash, because it is obviously the players' fault for causing so much load.
"revival hypospray" for 100 zen a piece to revive dead team mates.
equipment decays and must be repaired for 10 zen per percentage point.
ships take permanent damage that must be repaired, at 100 zen per percentage point.
If your ship is destroyed, you must buy a new one for 3000 zen.
Also all the equipment on that ship gets destroyed (item health down to 0%, requiring a repair)
You now longer get a free miranda when you start a new character. You must buy one for 1000 zen.
You no longer get free ships on reaching a new rank. You must buy one in the zen store.
Promotion to a new rank costs 1000 zen.
If you fail or die during a story mission, you get demoted to the previous rank and get fined 1000 zen at Lt. rank. If you refuse to pay, your character gets deleted. The fine doubles with each rank. 2000 for being demoted from Lt. Cmdr, 4000 for being demoted from Cmdr, etc.)
beams: 5 dili per tick
cannons ( we all want them anyways ): 25 dili per tick
torpedoes: 50 dili per torp
activating bridge officer powers 100 dili per single use - if the usage is incresing a weapon like torpedo spread and you fire 10 torps it´s easy you need 100 dili + 10*50 dili...600 dili yeah sounds good I would look for it asap...:rolleyes:
None of the suggestions thus far truly capture the spirit of Cryptic.
My idea: upon creation, each new character gets an NPC assigned to it, named "STO Developer." Unless "STO Developer" is paid a sum of dilithium each day, every five minutes, it will teleport next to your character, and kick it in the nads. This disables you on ground maps. Space? Don't even think about space. "STO Developer" also spawns there, and flies an Iconian-enhanced tactical cube.
Specialization Points - Let us buy Specialization points for Zen. 500 per point, limitation of 5 points per week per character; resets every Thursday, coinciding with maintenance. Requirement: Characters you plan to buy Specialization points for MUST be level 60. It would at least make more money than those useless XP boosters.
Reputation Daily Speed Boost - Let us pay Zen (with an alternative payment of Dilithium for non-spenders) to complete a Daily Reputation project, with a limitation of 1 use per Daily every 20 hours. Cost would be a flat 100 Zen (or a flat 18000 Dil). In effect, players could spend 600 Zen (or 108000 Dil) to quick-finish 1 of each Rep Daily, and start up a second one. R&D Daily is already time-gated with an optional Dilithium quick-finish, just needs to be ported over to Reputation Daily.
Increased Dilithium Refinement Limit for Gold and Lifers - An extra 1000 Dil to be refined for Gold, and 2000 for Lifers. Might encourage more subscriptions as a means to help offset the increased Dilithium use of all recent additions.
Payment to Post In Information and Discussion and Feedback sub-forums excluding PvP Gameplay (since it's relatively dead) - One-time fee of 5 USD to unlock posting permission in Information and Discussion and the Feedback sub-forums excluding PvP Gameplay. Also removes the requirement of needing 50 or so posts before opening your own thread. Cuts down on alt accounts used just to troll or harass. Confirmed Lifers and existing members with 150-250 posts under their belt exempted. Bonus includes 1 in-game item: A Comm Tribble, which allows use of a "global" Chat option known as Galactic Announcement, which effectively allows the holder to post up to 3 chat messages per day (server time) to everyone, regardless of channel or zone.
500 Dilithium or 50 Zen to Send Priority Support Tickets - These are sent to a separate system that Devs and support staff will actually read and respond to with valid responses within 12 hours. Restriction of 2 being sent per hour; the second mainly in the event you need to add more detail. Priority Support Tickets can also be closed by the Player if the situation is self-resolved, and will provide a full refund if it has not received a reply before being closed by the player (automated messages notifying you that your Priority Support Ticket was received and in process of being reviewed do not count as an actual reply).
Alt Character EXP Reduction Token - Pay 2500 Zen to cut all XP requirements for ONE Alt by 50%, up until they reach level 60 + However many spec points the highest level character on the account has. Must purchase more than one if wanting to work on multiple alts. A discount bundle of 4 50% EXP reduction Tokens is available for 7500 Zen. All Tokens have to be bought on any level 60 character of the account, and distributed via Account Bank. Requirements and Restrictions: MUST have 1 character already level 60. Any alt character that exceeds the number of spec points the highest level character on the account has becomes the main character, and loses the 50% XP reduction. Does NOT return even if another alt passes the former boosted alt. Must be repurchased and reapplied.
Alright folks, here it is. Cryptic needs our money. There are far too many systems in the game that we get for free and I think we should monetize them all. Here are my suggestions with suggested cost:
Transwarp - 1000 dil - The ability to hop across space means we spend less time flying around and therefore less time in the game.
Mission Replays - 500 dil - Consider it a residual payment for the artists involved, like paying royalties.
Sell an item on the Exchange - 1000 dil - It's like those fees Ebay takes whenever you sell something.
Reclaiming a dismissed Zen ship - 100 zen - You're not buying a new ship so Cryptic are losing out.
+Forum postings - 10 dil per character used in post, 1000 dil if post includes a custom signature, 500 dil if posts are made within 10 mins of last post, will be retroactive soooo.....
Virusdancer can just sign over his house now :rolleyes::P:P
ok in dollars and cents by cryptics current value on digital content witch is not real not a real item with mass that if the power goes out its all gone for all meaning of the ward gone and with cryptics values my account is worth 10s of thousands of dollars between hundreds of hours logged in a lifer subscription $200 us on sale and over $900 micropayments far less than the average and mean because those that start playing after paying over $10000 and a month later are past my level of progress and with delta rising completely out class my gear now before free to play models came to be a person could only pay for access ranging from $400 to $900 those games neted more than box office hit in thare first year far more an enuff to keep the game going for 5 more years I know for a fact sto delta rising neted more than all of those in preorder content perchases that came 2 months before now it is 2015 the net value has got to be more than all of those pre free to pay games ever thought thay could net thare is just no way it makes sense thay are struggling the server tech is 5 time more powerfull but most inportand half the cost of 10 years ago
players have already quite becose thares little to no mantenence being dune to sto that is effectively made leaps and bounds to greed content stuff you have to buy to replace the old or be out classed when a rich kid can start playing and have 10 grand to spend in sto first week to get about 2 years ahead thare no real test to one self in pvp so all those that enjoy fair pvp and understand that is truly lost with delta rising cryptic looses all those players but this goes for the mmo comuity as a whole vs free to play turning into pay to win then shortly pay most to win mo players are getting tired of the trends I my self am on my 3rd game ruined by getting to the point of pay the most to win now stop this greedy madness or you may find you only have players that enjoy cheating with a credit card number witch as already can be seen is not enuff for the endgame activities
Are you Implying paying to play is cheating??? REMEMBER people who pay to play keep this game so it is free for you:mad:
Or that players will use credit card fraud to pay???
5000 dili for each server crash, because it is obviously the players' fault for causing so much load.
"revival hypospray" for 100 zen a piece to revive dead team mates.
equipment decays and must be repaired for 10 zen per percentage point.
ships take permanent damage that must be repaired, at 100 zen per percentage point.
If your ship is destroyed, you must buy a new one for 3000 zen.
Also all the equipment on that ship gets destroyed (item health down to 0%, requiring a repair)
You now longer get a free miranda when you start a new character. You must buy one for 1000 zen.
You no longer get free ships on reaching a new rank. You must buy one in the zen store.
Promotion to a new rank costs 1000 zen.
If you fail or die during a story mission, you get demoted to the previous rank and get fined 1000 zen at Lt. rank. If you refuse to pay, your character gets deleted. The fine doubles with each rank. 2000 for being demoted from Lt. Cmdr, 4000 for being demoted from Cmdr, etc.)
500 dil to trade with someone.
500 dil to join a private channel.
500 dil to join a fleet, 5000 dil to leave a fleet.
Later extort 500 dil or threaten to make that PM public
Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
Nothing to do anymore.
Visit our Youtube channel
beams: 5 dili per tick
cannons ( we all want them anyways ): 25 dili per tick
torpedoes: 50 dili per torp
activating bridge officer powers 100 dili per single use - if the usage is incresing a weapon like torpedo spread and you fire 10 torps it´s easy you need 100 dili + 10*50 dili...600 dili yeah sounds good I would look for it asap...:rolleyes:
My Foundry missions | My STO Wiki page | My Twitter home page
My idea: upon creation, each new character gets an NPC assigned to it, named "STO Developer." Unless "STO Developer" is paid a sum of dilithium each day, every five minutes, it will teleport next to your character, and kick it in the nads. This disables you on ground maps. Space? Don't even think about space. "STO Developer" also spawns there, and flies an Iconian-enhanced tactical cube.
Reputation Daily Speed Boost - Let us pay Zen (with an alternative payment of Dilithium for non-spenders) to complete a Daily Reputation project, with a limitation of 1 use per Daily every 20 hours. Cost would be a flat 100 Zen (or a flat 18000 Dil). In effect, players could spend 600 Zen (or 108000 Dil) to quick-finish 1 of each Rep Daily, and start up a second one. R&D Daily is already time-gated with an optional Dilithium quick-finish, just needs to be ported over to Reputation Daily.
Increased Dilithium Refinement Limit for Gold and Lifers - An extra 1000 Dil to be refined for Gold, and 2000 for Lifers. Might encourage more subscriptions as a means to help offset the increased Dilithium use of all recent additions.
Payment to Post In Information and Discussion and Feedback sub-forums excluding PvP Gameplay (since it's relatively dead) - One-time fee of 5 USD to unlock posting permission in Information and Discussion and the Feedback sub-forums excluding PvP Gameplay. Also removes the requirement of needing 50 or so posts before opening your own thread. Cuts down on alt accounts used just to troll or harass. Confirmed Lifers and existing members with 150-250 posts under their belt exempted. Bonus includes 1 in-game item: A Comm Tribble, which allows use of a "global" Chat option known as Galactic Announcement, which effectively allows the holder to post up to 3 chat messages per day (server time) to everyone, regardless of channel or zone.
500 Dilithium or 50 Zen to Send Priority Support Tickets - These are sent to a separate system that Devs and support staff will actually read and respond to with valid responses within 12 hours. Restriction of 2 being sent per hour; the second mainly in the event you need to add more detail. Priority Support Tickets can also be closed by the Player if the situation is self-resolved, and will provide a full refund if it has not received a reply before being closed by the player (automated messages notifying you that your Priority Support Ticket was received and in process of being reviewed do not count as an actual reply).
Alt Character EXP Reduction Token - Pay 2500 Zen to cut all XP requirements for ONE Alt by 50%, up until they reach level 60 + However many spec points the highest level character on the account has. Must purchase more than one if wanting to work on multiple alts. A discount bundle of 4 50% EXP reduction Tokens is available for 7500 Zen. All Tokens have to be bought on any level 60 character of the account, and distributed via Account Bank.
Requirements and Restrictions: MUST have 1 character already level 60. Any alt character that exceeds the number of spec points the highest level character on the account has becomes the main character, and loses the 50% XP reduction. Does NOT return even if another alt passes the former boosted alt. Must be repurchased and reapplied.
33% taxes !!! do you think we're all french here ??? lol
Exactly 51%... we all know who the major player is here.
Tailor, both ship and player
Gear vendor
Believe me, the jokes being thrown around with "anything you can click" they are spot on
+Forum postings - 10 dil per character used in post, 1000 dil if post includes a custom signature, 500 dil if posts are made within 10 mins of last post, will be retroactive soooo.....
Virusdancer can just sign over his house now :rolleyes::P:P
2000 Dilithium to log into your account on ARC. and 250 Dilithium while logged in (if you don't play STO they will take zen from you instead)
2500 Dilithium to run an PVE Adv and 5000 for PVE Elite.
200 Dilithium per hour while flying in space.
100 Dilithium to talk in ESD zone chat. ONLY on ESD Zone chat Per sentence.
50 Zen for keys because we all know that TRIBBLE is over priced.
8000 Dilithium to me if you believe this is an honest suggestion.