The time before rep 6k dps was good in elite stf. Even the queues were busy then and was fun. Now if you do 6k your looked down as a person who doesn't know how to play. It is a shame how things have turned out in game. Yeah the rep has increased the dps and they nerfed the rep to slow power creep. But now the power creep is the game with huge HP npc that take forever to kill but can kill you in one shot lol. Yeah even before rep you got killed in one shot but the game was balanced compared to now.
I miss those days it was a lot more fun and if you wanted the good gear you had to do missions to get them. Everyone hung out at DS9 then was a busy place lol. I know it will never be like that again those were the good old days to me.
If they kept the old system they would not need to make people play new content. If they wanted the gear they had to do mission get gear.:)
But Cryptic needs to make money ya know.
I for one play at my own pace, which... Tbh brings the pressure down to very reasonable levels.
Edit: darn you, mobile!
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
umm Cryptic didn't make money in the old system?
So making game unbalanced and queues empty creates profits? That is a good one lol
Selling power, and then changing content to require even more power would look like a way to increase sales.
Yeah lol but I just really wanted to see how many players remember what it was like before rep. The game has changed a lot since then and not for the better.
Guess I should of asked how many remember in first post.
Right, but what you're talking about(or at least I think you are)is when the game was P2P. So because it was P2P they didn't rely so heavily on shinnies as you had to pay to play the game.
Even after F2P was launched, I'm sure their sales/revenue was doing still ok because of many new players jumping in and the Rommies with Tovan added to the mix.
But after a while, well, you know the rest. I don't at all agree with majority of the changes, but Cryptic/PWE is a company like every other, they need $$$.
No it was F2P before LOR and you only needed to buy ships T5 and some consoles ( which you really didn't need to play). If you wanted MK12 weapons and gear you needed to do stf to get the stuff. I started the day it became F2P and had so much fun and became a lifer. I understand they need to make money. I didn't mean to have this post about money in fact there is no comment about money in my first post.
It was meant to see how many people remember what it was like before rep lol. How it became about money I have no clue.
That was a good time indeed. There is not more fun in the game nor build diversity right now. It sux big time.
But alot of the blame for all this DPS TRIBBLE that is totay has those stupid parsers. Cryptic shouldve never allow players to look at more in-sight aspects of the game, they shouldve banned them. This killed team gameplay, since once players learned how to DPS, all teamplay went away. In other games I've played in like 10-15 years, every 3rd party program that you use along with the game is frowned upon and a bannable offence. Even if it "just reads stuff", like the log in our case, is still an outside program source.
Allowing players to parse DPS also killed the fun from trial and error method to improve, from experimenting with various builds and stuff like that.
And is not about making money, since Cryptic did alot of money even pre-LoR. Like I remember the JHAS promos lol
thats the problem with underestimating human competitive nature, you allow an avenue to exist accidental or not, someone will ALWAYS and i mean always exploit it for their own ends, and where one does it many others follow because if one can get away with it, they all can.
there have been in the past a few events where cryptic have allowed or dropped the ball on not designing a more airtight system to keep players from finding ways around the game. anyways, its far far too late to try close the gate, the horse has long bolted, died and now being flogged around.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Wait, what? Is everyone doing solo STFs now? Have you seen the teamwork on the 100k+ runs? You do understand that good teamwork improves DPS, correct?
It's fun to spend hours upon hours of guessing? I disagree. And not just a little. I don't have the time for that nonsense, frankly. By your logic, no one should even ask questions about builds, because it ruins the trial and error method- which is the slowest, least efficient way to improve.
Why 'improve' when it isn't needed? To get more RPM on the hamster wheel? No real benefit to doing so, so why bother?
And what teamplay now? Everyone is a DPS. What if you want to play a classic tank or a proper healer or a dedicated debuffer? What happened to all kinds of players having a role?
Why improve? Everyone should just stay at noob levels? I'm not sure if that's a joke or not.
How does your dedicated healer finish FEs? Healing your enemies to death, or do you use damage?
Everyone does damage in this game. You would have to make a concerted effort not to do so.
BTW, I play SCI more than anything else.
^^ Sad, but true.
Why? If you had enough to succeed at the mission what does more add? The already too-short missions to be over even faster? People went all minmax-munchkin on their DPS and all that resulted in was the idiotic HP-bag gameplay of DR and further game stratification. Thanks DPS-chasers!
Frankly I'd rather play a heavy tank with 20 ships flailing pointlessly against me while the rest of the team handles cleanup effectively unopposed, or the healer behind the tank turning the 20 ships worth of damage into a nice massage, or the debuffer that sets up the swarm of mobs like an exploding Rube Goldberg machine just waiting for that elegant display to unfold. But the damage role, other than sometimes playing the precise and patient sniper, doesn't particularly interest me.
Sure there's damage in this game, but there used to be more than JUST damage, and it wouldn't be a bad thing to go back to if we could.
And before that, I remember when Sci ship dominated.
But then, powercreep+nerf happened. Powercreep sells, nerfing keep selling.
It also doesn't help that the devs made aggro tied to dps.
Making the queue's a timed race, would only ever end up like it is now.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around not wanting to get better at doing something, which is...bizarre coming from a human being. I mean, why bother playing a game if you just want to basically do nothing? What you describe is the most boring version of a video game I have ever heard.
You do know that you don't have to be all about DPS to not be considered useless on a team, right? I have not one minmaxed build. I could change a bunch of things to do so, but that's not my fun.
Sounds to me like you want a semi- controllable movie. Or the outdated MMO trinity. Or Godmode.
What improve gameplay? Ohh you mean exploiting the curent OP metas?? Thats not an improvement. It may be for your DPS gameplay, but certainy not for a STAR Trek game that the majority of players loved. If it means improvement to put AP beams on an escort to "improve your gameplay", then Cryptic may allready cancel their IP license and call this crapy game DPS Numbers Online lol
And speaking of that, escorts with beams dominating:eek: Like that alone should tell Cryptic how screwed up the game is right now...
Hardly call teamwork talking in advance how to split in an ISE and call out the succesion wich team buffs are casted. The majority of DPS builds allmost ignores heal skills. I have yet to see a DPSer, in a PUG, not in premades, toss a heal at someone else. Whatever was another DPSer or a noob, still a team mate non the less.
Hmmm, you seem that you canot grasp the concept that different ppl like different things and ppl have diffrent concepts of fun.
Some may like a challange in a game, some may want to relax while playing.
I find more bizarre this need for compete and "improving" wich I see at some folks. Maybe its becouse not enuf challanges and improving in RL and thus the seek for those in a game, and for validation aswell. Its quite interesting from a psyhological point of veiw in fact.
1. There are skills that plain suck. There are some that are vastly higher performing than most. Why would you not want to know which is which? I'd rther not have to spend hours on seeing if a skill is completely useless, because the game won't tell you.
2. LOL@ my "DPS gameplay." :rolleyes: I don't minmax. I get to "not useless" levels and I'm done with it.
3. I don't understand why people complain that there is only no build variety, and complain about [x] build, because they don't use it. And, isn't it Scimitars doing the most DPS? They aren't escorts...
4. What do you call teamwork? It isn't people on Teamspeak coordinating their efforts? Sorry, but that is teamwork.
5. Because you don't heal someone else, you aren't a team player? Just no.
6. Why is everyone who knows their DPS a "DPSer?" Because they know which people are pulling their weight, and have non-anecdotal evidence? A parser parses heals, damage taken, AND damage dealt, among several other things.
5. Did Kirk tank? What about Picard? Oh, the Defiant was a healer, right? Seriously, the MMO trinity is so NOT Star Trek it isn't even funny.
So, you use a T1 ship throughout the whole game? You've no need to improve. Why is it about me vs you? I don't see it that way. Maybe some have an inferiority complex, which is quite interesting from a psychological point of view, in fact.
It's a good thing you have nothing to do with pro sports. Every game would end 0-0 and be called "nap time."
On the note about challenge, dps is not challenging, you slap 8 beams on a ship, duplicate TT, FAW and APB, grab some conn doffs, grab some DCEs, have EPtS and EPtW somewhere on your ship, choose between RSP and DEM (have both if you're flying a cruiser), use the T4 offensive Nuke passive, run 100 base wep power, everything else in aux and load up on crit consoles for your energy type. For best numbers take a team of these builds.
Now for something that is challenging, NPC ships with the same build potential as their player versions and an AI that can use them properly, NPCs that heal and throw reasonable disables at you in an effort to stop you killing them. Things that would make straight dps a weak build.
If it gives you any comfort, I and many other people that are not very vocal on the forum (because the forum is a cryptic bashing only zone) agree with your statement. I have yet to see a game especially an MMO that actively supports NON PROGRESSION. I guess if playing digital star trek barbie is the only reason people play STO, progress is of no importance.
and yeah..6k dps was good pre f2p. when they introduced the new borg STFs 6k dps was mediocre. Infact, the first implementation of those elite stfs weren't doable with only 6k dps, since the mobs were lvl 52, then they got tuned down to lvl 50.
My thoughts exactly. Cryptic went to the path of least resistance to grab more revenue.
Massive HP increase for NPCs and the availability for players to have massive increase in DPS. So, hardly any innovation was involved which required less time and effort to pull off while at the same time made players dump larger amounts of dilithium to squeeze out just a little more DPS.
Sad and true!
And they achieved their goal. But some realized they had an insne amount of DPS and no content that needed it. There were complaints about that for a long time - "we need something "real Elite" to test our skills."
And with Delta Rising, Cryptic finally delivered that. Unfortunately probably also proving that it's not wise to isten to the forum,s because suddenly people that were not part of the DPS hype realize that things got more difficult for them, too, and they never wanted that.
We'll see how Cryptic will react to that in the next months, I think.
*) Certainly not all. There was power creep undoubtedly. But what are the key ingredients to DPS these days? How much of that is really new to the game, or just stringent application of abilities that were in the game for a long time? Stuff like Attack Pattern Beta stacking and the like.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.