Idk if someone already reported this, but in 3 occasions from last patch, exactly yesterday and today, i got a timed out connecting to game server error when loading bug hunt elite map and crystalline catastrophe advanced map, with 2 different toons. Some fleetmates reported this problem in chat as well several times.
Problem solved logging in with safe mode after the error with a reform from the team (they were private instances), but it can't be done with a pug one, so you will lose the q and the run
Toons data:
Loading map from Earth Spacedock to Crystalline Catastrophe Advanced map
Nothing changed in boff/doff/inventory/slot before to load the map
Got the timed out connecting to game server error while loading the map
Tried to login multiple times, always got the error at almost 84% of loading map, then logged in with safe mode back to ESD
(2 times today)
Loading from New Romulus Command Center to Bug Hunt Elite map
Same behaviour as Nandos
(1 time yesterday)
Please if someone having the same problem, report under this post.