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Crippling instance lag results from interaction between the 2 Nanite Starship traits

citadelagentcitadelagent Member Posts: 6 Arc User
edited January 2015 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
Over the past week I've been noticing almost constant freezing lag where the Space instance I was in would grind to a halt for me, and other team members would report the same result. It usually would result in server disconnects for multiple people.

Initially I attributed it to miscare of server hamsters, but I quickly realized it was almost entirely on one character that happened to have maxed out the Sarr Thein trait. Some experimentation has followed.

Required are two T6 starship traits:

Radiant Nanite Cloud from the Dauntless Experimental Science Vessel (federation only)
- this trait turns 25% portion of every hull heal into a rapidly pulsing low value Point Blank Area of Effect Heal over Time

Reactive Repair Nanites from the Sarr Thein Breen carrier (winter event)
- this trait heals carrier pets within 5 km of you whenever you are healed for 33% of the amount

ALSO required are for pets to be out - if pets are recalled or not deployed, the bug will not occur.

I've tested this bug with a few parameters, including various environments; STFs (ISA, CCA, Korfez), Undine Battlezone, Solo Missions (Hide and Seek), on multiple ships (Vesta, Sarr Thein), and with multiple pets (Widows, Bleth Choas) and was able to reproduce the issue every time- the only time it was not reproduced is when pets were not deployed or one of the two listed traits was unused.

Given that others reported issues with lag at the same time I was experiencing it- I am fairly certain the issue is server side and not clientside.

My suspicion is the rapid pulsing of the Radiant Cloud is requiring constant distance calculations and heal application for all the pets, although it may also be tied to trying to apply 33% of the 1 health radiant cloud pulses in heals and causing some error. Hopefully I've narrowed down the problem enough to fix easily. I believe the easiest fix would be to reduce the frequency of the nanite cloud pulse and increase the value of each pulse proportionally, although that of course is an uninformed opinion on my part.
Post edited by citadelagent on


  • torsten1009torsten1009 Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    I also got laggy instances on my FED SCI using the new Breen Carrier and some other stuff... Well, I'll start to explain what I've got:
    The Breen-Carrier was fresh out of the box today, I equiped the Solanae-Space-Set, I use the "Agent Nerul" Doff from the Delta-OP-Pack and I had the Radiant Nanite Cloude from earlier.

    I began to grind Argala a little to level the ship-up, when I hit Rank 5 - unlocked the Ship-Trait - the lags started (Reactive Repair Nanites went directly into an open Starship-Slot).

    Everytime I shoot an enemy I get a hull-heal that spreads to nearby allies and to my Hangar-Pets, testing this is pretty simple, I sent the Hangar-Pets and the Benthans into combat and stayed away myself - no lag - , when I entered the combat the lag was there.

    According to the Combat-Tab in the chat, I produce thousands of 1 HP heals per minute to different targets.
    I think both Ship-Traits are using similar or even the same functions, so using both Ship-Traits causes functions to recursively call themselves.

    While this combination is highly interesting for Carrier-Setups, I'd still want to be able to do something in a mission.
    If Star Trek Online was an Open-Source (GPL) Game, we would have a low-grind fork.
  • torsten1009torsten1009 Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Ok, it looks even worse then I thought:

    Reactive Repair Nanites is bugged

    Carrier tier 5 Trait bug

    It looks like every hull-heal causes lag, Heal-over-Time is even worse.
    If Star Trek Online was an Open-Source (GPL) Game, we would have a low-grind fork.
  • kasmynkasmyn Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Signing as Well.
    Me and two other Fleetmates grouped up the other day, I was in the the JHAS, Fleetmate 1 was flying the Pathfinder, and fleetmate 2 was in the sarr theln with the lvl 5 carrier ability and the lvl 5 dauntless ability. We ran a couple of Sakari system patrols both times with the three of us as soon as fighting started we lagged out bouncing all over the place never completed those two. We all left for a bit got back together in the evening me and fleetmate 1 ran Sakari a couple more times went just fine. then fleetmate 2 joined us and we decided to run a couple of STF's as soon as it started and he healed himself (fleetmate 3) everything just stopped bouncing all over the place and again once he left it went away.

    all and all a very frustrating thing
  • seifer1701seifer1701 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Adding confirmation.

    Radiant Nanite Cloud + Reactive Repairs = game lockup

    Actually first noticed the problem on my Phantom, there were no carriers present in the group as it was comprised of fleetmates and they were all on their usual ships during the run in question.

    Is definitely worse with carriers, seemingly due to added pet "friendlies" in the heal pool. Has not seemed to affect my teamates in fleet. Before I realized what the problem was, I repeatedly asked them if I was the only one receiving epic lag, they reconfirmed several times (in my case) that they were not experiencing lag.

    Either trait appears to work fine in my case by themselves, but combining the two traits causes the problem without fail.
  • cmv1294cmv1294 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Indeed its the radiant nanite cloud and the rapid repair nanites that is causing this. what i believe is happening is that the radiant nanite cloud is a HoT (lasts 4 seconds per heal) and when this is activated it heals per second for that 4 seconds. well the rapid repair nanites is a heal 33% of what was originally healed to pets within 5 km. so since the Radiant nanite cloud is actively healing per second for 4 seconds. the rapid repair nanites are constantly healing and causing the radiant nanite cloud to stack at an impressive rate, causing the game to crash. it only applies to pets thats why it does not work when you place your pets in your hangar.

    - here is a video i recorded http://www.twitch.tv/silentshadowo_o/b/606238834

    i worked hard to get these traits and spent $ i hope this can be resolved in an appropriate manner.
  • mcclain420mcclain420 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Thanks for work on this. I hope this is the cause of my severe rubber-banding and constant disconnects lately. And i hope that this can be fixed soon as the game is pretty much unplayable for me.:mad:
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