I spent a few weeks away from the game, and when I get back, a mk XI white shield which used to sell back to a vendor for 15k ECs is now worth 5k. I could list a huge number of items which have had their EC values cut down to anywhere from 20% what it used to be to a few that weren't hit as hard and worth 50-70% of what they used to be.
I used to go out and come back with a full inventory and sell it all to a vendor for 3-400k ECs (dependent on what I picked up drop-wise, sometimes only 200k worth lol), but now a full hold only nets me at MOST 200k. And that's if I'm really lucky with almost pure weapons and equipment being dropped.
Was there ever a reason given for this massive reduction in EC sell-back value?
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
Yes, if you don't farm materials for the rich you will not gain any EC. Selling vendor loot basically covers operating costs of doffing and reputations etc...
A totally new character must become a materials mule or buy keys. Hint buy keys. Hint hint. Buy keys. Did we mention we'd really like you to buy keys? Have you bought some keys today??
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Um... Yeah, good point, I've actually been gone since late August XD. And then I came back about a week ago... Even so, the vendor trash value drop is insane...
Which then brings up the second part of my question. Why?
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
Yes, if you don't farm materials for the rich you will not gain any EC. Selling vendor loot basically covers operating costs of doffing and reputations etc...
A totally new character must become a materials mule or buy keys. Hint buy keys. Hint hint. Buy keys. Did we mention we'd really like you to buy keys? Have you bought some keys today??
Which then brings up the second part of my question. Why?
The claim was "normalization"...reducing certain items while increasing others. Thing is, the increase was nowhere near the decrease. One could say it was potentially because of inflation, but it really didn't address inflation. People with oodles of EC are still trading expensive items amongst themselves...the change didn't adversely affect them, imho. It only affected those that didn't have oodles of EC. Which of course leads to folks buying Zen to get items they could sell to those that are dealing in high priced items...and well, yeah - that's likely why, eh? They wanted to increase RMTs so they devalued vendortrash.
As someone as already stated to get the players to buy stuff from the Zen store and sell it on the exchange. But also to try to get you to stay in game longer
But its had opsit effect on menu players e,g last 2 weeks I've spent zero mins in game and as things are going I'm going to uninstall and even stop coming on here.
I've created 9 new characters since DR launched and I haven't had to mule materials nor buy keys for any of them.
They've earned 50 million each on their own? I look at 50 million as my zero in case I decide I really want to buy something like leech or tractor doff etc...
I started 1 character since DR and she has a grand total of 6 million mostly from sale of radiogenic and rubidium. Without that she'd have maybe a million. Without support it will take her at least 3 months if not 6 to buy anything decent.
I have 5 characters only but each is played as a full character.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Um... Yeah, good point, I've actually been gone since late August XD. And then I came back about a week ago... Even so, the vendor trash value drop is insane...
Which then brings up the second part of my question. Why?
So that deflectors and stuff isn't as expensive as it used to be, since they were no longer deemed that important to warrant the price.
It didn't just affect EC prices - Dilithium and Fleet Credit cost also went down for deflectors, shields, engines and warp/singularity cores.
But it seems people only really feel the "vendor trash" nerf.
On the plus side - we got larger inventories and no longer have to store R&D Materials in the regular inventory, so you can collect more trash before you go to a regular trader. Unless you always used the replicator, then you have no advantage.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Vendor Trash loot might have fallen in price, but so have prices for most things in the Exchange. C-Store stuff naturally remains more expensive like Keys and Special Requisition Packs/Lockbox Ships, Boffs (C-Store or Lockbox) have remained more or less stagnate, though the current lockbox ships continue to drop as more and more ships enter the market with most people who want the ships having got them already, therefore reducing overall demand.
Also the crafting system with more people maxing out their crafting schools and crafting better and better items then posting those on the Exchange have created more supply then what was available previously. Good side, toons living 'in poverty' so to speak; can now afford better gear then they ever could have, had the prices remained the same or keep rising. As more and more higher level crafters flood the market with higher quality items the price will drop as supply is outpacing demand (More sellers and less buyers as more people get the gear that they want, therefore aren't shopping anymore for other gear, even those with numerous alts).
Also the overall Market is now 'correcting' itself from the monster inflation that has plagued the Exchange for the last 2 or so years making having anything less then 100 Million ECs broke. Things have now hit and passed peak with EC values now starting to increase (deflation), which goes back to the Vendor Loot nerf. Less ECs in the market, the more valuable they become. Basic Economics 101.
Only mystery is the 'Key Market' that one stomps me. There's more supply then ever, yet prices still go up and up. Was about 1.8 Million last year at this time, now its between 2.3 to 2.8 Million (Around 2.4 Million ECs last time I checked). Also the Dilithium market has found a balancing area around 155 to 165 dilithium per Zen, which isn't particularly high, but isn't super low either.
The Galaxy needs you to fight the Iconians and their Heralds in order to protect our interests and freedoms in the Galaxy. Join the fight in the Herald/Iconian War today! :cool:
It was a favor done you by people who understand the economy better.
If you are grinding ec, you are not rich and must therefore have a bad understanding of economics.
Correcting vendor trash prices halted and reversed inflation. It helps you, it's hurts people with billions and billions and billions worth of ships and keys hoarded.
Take it from somone who knows, if you saw the whole picture you'd be happy.
Basically what I said in a nutshell. It's a buyer's market, and a seller's nightmare.
Don't worry things cycle around and eventually things will hit an equilibrium point and prices/values of items will either start to flat-line or start increasing again (a bit slowly). Think the days of Monster Sky-High Inflation are gone, pending of course some nerf or buff that affects the economy and turns it back in favor to the rich/sellers.
The Galaxy needs you to fight the Iconians and their Heralds in order to protect our interests and freedoms in the Galaxy. Join the fight in the Herald/Iconian War today! :cool:
It was a favor done you by people who understand the economy better.
If you are grinding ec, you are not rich and must therefore have a bad understanding of economics.
Correcting vendor trash prices halted and reversed inflation. It helps you, it's hurts people with billions and billions and billions worth of ships and keys hoarded.
Take it from somone who knows, if you saw the whole picture you'd be happy.
The Exchange doesn't support that. Ship prices, DOFF prices, Key prices, etc, things like Plasmonic Leech, etc, etc, etc.
That the price of certain items have dropped drastically is a result of oversupply from R&D...not that sellers had to drop prices because players were poorer. That folks got caught with their pants down around their ankles when it was obvious that was coming was a failure of them to see the whole picture...
There is so much EC out there, that it could take years for the vendortrash nerf to have that kind of impact if it ever does. In the interim though, it just creates a wider gap between the well to do and the not so well to do - where the easiest way to get around that is to line Cryptic's pockets further.
No one's even mentioned the other factor driving prices down: The gear level cap being raised to Mk XIV. Now Mk XIV is the new XII, XIII is the new XI, and the bar for vendor trash has also been raised accordingly. Nowadays I don't even bother trying to put anything below Mk XI Rare or Mk XII Uncommon on the exchange - I either donate it to my fleet or just dump it.
I'd have to agree with virus. It would take an insanely long time before the ECs can be affected in that manner. And it does also massively increase the gap between the haves and don't haves.
I can understand that items would be deemed not important enough and therefore have their costs/value reduced, but at the same time, the ability of players to get ECs so they can afford it has been hit as well, and now even with the lowered costs, they still can't afford things.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
I'd have to agree with virus. It would take an insanely long time before the ECs can be affected in that manner. And it does also massively increase the gap between the haves and don't haves.
I can understand that items would be deemed not important enough and therefore have their costs/value reduced, but at the same time, the ability of players to get ECs so they can afford it has been hit as well, and now even with the lowered costs, they still can't afford things.
It's worth noting that those of use who play ground more than space actually get MORE for our vendor trash now.
As someone as already stated to get the players to buy stuff from the Zen store and sell it on the exchange. But also to try to get you to stay in game longer
But its had opsit effect on menu players e,g last 2 weeks I've spent zero mins in game and as things are going I'm going to uninstall and even stop coming on here.
My guess is "hope" keeps people not playing but posting on the forums. For others, its a path of sad realization and closure. Grieving takes time. The worst "haters" here love the game, or did at some point.
I remember being genuinely excited when a deflector or engine dropped. I miss those days
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Yea! I got a bug ship for 40mill but then again I think it was supposed to be 400 mill and left a 0. Needless to say it went back on the exchange. Made 65 mill a sniper rifle for about a week. I was cooking one a day. Then it went down to 30mill so I started making it light purple. Then DR came out and unless it was gold you would be lucky to get 10mill. It also did not help that more people got to lvl 15 in ground. But it made me mega rich while it lasted.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
I spent a few weeks away from the game, and when I get back, a mk XI white shield which used to sell back to a vendor for 15k ECs is now worth 5k. I could list a huge number of items which have had their EC values cut down to anywhere from 20% what it used to be to a few that weren't hit as hard and worth 50-70% of what they used to be.
I used to go out and come back with a full inventory and sell it all to a vendor for 3-400k ECs (dependent on what I picked up drop-wise, sometimes only 200k worth lol), but now a full hold only nets me at MOST 200k. And that's if I'm really lucky with almost pure weapons and equipment being dropped.
Was there ever a reason given for this massive reduction in EC sell-back value?
Uhh, this happened MONTHS ago if my memory serves me right. Where have you been? You must have been gone longer than a few weeks.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
I'm still hurting form that EC nerf. It was long ago, but the pain never went away. I miss farming in N'vak zone for 18 hours-- Earning 5 million EC an hour. I acquired so many locked box/lobi ships like that.
That's no longer possible at reasonable speed. I Haven't purchased a lock box ship with EC since that nerf. I'm not spending real money for EC. I rather play other games before I do that. Funny how the Galor went from 120 million to 220 million after the nerf. The rich get richer and poor get poorer BS kicked in. The P2W is sneaking back in slowly IMO.
Going from 5 million EC an hour to 900 thousand. Hurts like hell. If I wanna slave, let me slave, but don't nerf slaving. I was poor already cryptic :P
The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
It is now... it used to be you'd occasionally get a full set of folks that would only "Need" the needful things. I haven't seen that since the EC "normalization" awhile back. Funny thing, that.
The game lacks EC sinks, which you can also think of as a bath tub drain.
Because of that, the supply of ec steadily increases, and the price of dil/zen items in EC increases as well.
The correction to loot put a boot down on the inflation, which is good for everyone.
The problem with nerfing supply rather than providing desirable EC sinks is that you end up making things hard on new players far faster than you actually reduce the total amount of EC's in the economy. Of course, players leaving (especially long time players) does remove EC's... unless they donate them to Fleets, Friends, or the "can I haz your stuffs" people. The ones that leave but "might come back" are the real EC sink these days. :P
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Drops I've seen range from green, blue and purple. Mostly guns on the ground and in space everything except for Warp Core and Impulse ENG. There is a lot of batteries and shield batteries drops. I don't use those so I pass them up. Even if I grab the good stuff there never reach the inventory.
Loot like a breen set from the breen missions were like 200,000 you turn them in you get 100,000. After the changes a few months ago those 200,000 had dropped to 67,000 thus you only got like 37,000 for them. That's a huge chopping block cut.
I am only taking the loot that pays back more. Putting it on exchange doesn't fetch a lot either.
A totally new character must become a materials mule or buy keys. Hint buy keys. Hint hint. Buy keys. Did we mention we'd really like you to buy keys? Have you bought some keys today??
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Which then brings up the second part of my question. Why?
The R&D Promo's killing the R&D market...meh.
The claim was "normalization"...reducing certain items while increasing others. Thing is, the increase was nowhere near the decrease. One could say it was potentially because of inflation, but it really didn't address inflation. People with oodles of EC are still trading expensive items amongst themselves...the change didn't adversely affect them, imho. It only affected those that didn't have oodles of EC. Which of course leads to folks buying Zen to get items they could sell to those that are dealing in high priced items...and well, yeah - that's likely why, eh? They wanted to increase RMTs so they devalued vendortrash.
But its had opsit effect on menu players e,g last 2 weeks I've spent zero mins in game and as things are going I'm going to uninstall and even stop coming on here.
They've earned 50 million each on their own? I look at 50 million as my zero in case I decide I really want to buy something like leech or tractor doff etc...
I started 1 character since DR and she has a grand total of 6 million mostly from sale of radiogenic and rubidium. Without that she'd have maybe a million. Without support it will take her at least 3 months if not 6 to buy anything decent.
I have 5 characters only but each is played as a full character.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
So that deflectors and stuff isn't as expensive as it used to be, since they were no longer deemed that important to warrant the price.
It didn't just affect EC prices - Dilithium and Fleet Credit cost also went down for deflectors, shields, engines and warp/singularity cores.
But it seems people only really feel the "vendor trash" nerf.
On the plus side - we got larger inventories and no longer have to store R&D Materials in the regular inventory, so you can collect more trash before you go to a regular trader. Unless you always used the replicator, then you have no advantage.
Also the crafting system with more people maxing out their crafting schools and crafting better and better items then posting those on the Exchange have created more supply then what was available previously. Good side, toons living 'in poverty' so to speak; can now afford better gear then they ever could have, had the prices remained the same or keep rising. As more and more higher level crafters flood the market with higher quality items the price will drop as supply is outpacing demand (More sellers and less buyers as more people get the gear that they want, therefore aren't shopping anymore for other gear, even those with numerous alts).
Also the overall Market is now 'correcting' itself from the monster inflation that has plagued the Exchange for the last 2 or so years making having anything less then 100 Million ECs broke. Things have now hit and passed peak with EC values now starting to increase (deflation), which goes back to the Vendor Loot nerf. Less ECs in the market, the more valuable they become. Basic Economics 101.
Only mystery is the 'Key Market' that one stomps me. There's more supply then ever, yet prices still go up and up. Was about 1.8 Million last year at this time, now its between 2.3 to 2.8 Million (Around 2.4 Million ECs last time I checked). Also the Dilithium market has found a balancing area around 155 to 165 dilithium per Zen, which isn't particularly high, but isn't super low either.
Basically what I said in a nutshell. It's a buyer's market, and a seller's nightmare.
Don't worry things cycle around and eventually things will hit an equilibrium point and prices/values of items will either start to flat-line or start increasing again (a bit slowly). Think the days of Monster Sky-High Inflation are gone, pending of course some nerf or buff that affects the economy and turns it back in favor to the rich/sellers.
The Exchange doesn't support that. Ship prices, DOFF prices, Key prices, etc, things like Plasmonic Leech, etc, etc, etc.
That the price of certain items have dropped drastically is a result of oversupply from R&D...not that sellers had to drop prices because players were poorer. That folks got caught with their pants down around their ankles when it was obvious that was coming was a failure of them to see the whole picture...
There is so much EC out there, that it could take years for the vendortrash nerf to have that kind of impact if it ever does. In the interim though, it just creates a wider gap between the well to do and the not so well to do - where the easiest way to get around that is to line Cryptic's pockets further.
My Foundry missions | My STO Wiki page | My Twitter home page
I can understand that items would be deemed not important enough and therefore have their costs/value reduced, but at the same time, the ability of players to get ECs so they can afford it has been hit as well, and now even with the lowered costs, they still can't afford things.
My character Tsin'xing
Can I have your stuff?
Most of us quitters already gave our stuff away.
Sadly, a lot of the people I gave mine too have also quit since....
That's a lot of wasted stuffs.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
LOL, I remember those days. I used to actually "Greed" on things I couldn't use. :P
Isn't "Greed" actually the same as "Pass"?
Uhh, this happened MONTHS ago if my memory serves me right. Where have you been? You must have been gone longer than a few weeks.
That's no longer possible at reasonable speed. I Haven't purchased a lock box ship with EC since that nerf. I'm not spending real money for EC. I rather play other games before I do that. Funny how the Galor went from 120 million to 220 million after the nerf. The rich get richer and poor get poorer BS kicked in. The P2W is sneaking back in slowly IMO.
Going from 5 million EC an hour to 900 thousand. Hurts like hell. If I wanna slave, let me slave, but don't nerf slaving. I was poor already cryptic :P
It is now... it used to be you'd occasionally get a full set of folks that would only "Need" the needful things. I haven't seen that since the EC "normalization" awhile back. Funny thing, that.
The problem with nerfing supply rather than providing desirable EC sinks is that you end up making things hard on new players far faster than you actually reduce the total amount of EC's in the economy. Of course, players leaving (especially long time players) does remove EC's... unless they donate them to Fleets, Friends, or the "can I haz your stuffs" people. The ones that leave but "might come back" are the real EC sink these days. :P
Loot like a breen set from the breen missions were like 200,000 you turn them in you get 100,000. After the changes a few months ago those 200,000 had dropped to 67,000 thus you only got like 37,000 for them. That's a huge chopping block cut.
I am only taking the loot that pays back more. Putting it on exchange doesn't fetch a lot either.
Time will only tell!