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Tribble Maintenance and Release Notes - December 5, 2014



  • cookiecrookcookiecrook Member Posts: 4,557 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The only DKF scarf that works with the Winter Jackets is the 2012. I own the other 3 and they do not show up. I even went as far as to purchase the 3 that don't show up from the store to verify I have them but I get a message stating, "I can only have one of this item", when i try to open them.
    > <
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    Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Winter Event:
    • Items unlocked through completing “Tide of Ice” will now unlock for the entire account.
      • This will require only 1 character on an account to unlock all new Winter Event items through completing “Tide of Ice”.
      • Players will still need to spend the correct Winter Event currencies for each purchase on each character.
    • Updated ship discount functionality for the Breen Plesh Brek heavy frigate and Breen Chel Grett warship.
      • Players who had previously completed the projects to claim one of these ships should be able to unlock their account discount after they talk to Q, or upon acquiring another ship.

    :eek: Thank God I read this before grinding Tides 60 times! Now I can not set my alarm to go off every hour! I can sit back and enjoy myself since I already did it 10x on my main toon. Please get these to Holodeck ASAP!
  • cookiecrookcookiecrook Member Posts: 4,557 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hats cause beards to not show up. A characters hair is removed when wearing a hat. Could we possibly have a hat option with longer hair coming down the back and or over the shoulders for female characters, please? The larger Borg head tech clip very badly with hats.
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    Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Without reading the 7 pages, I can say the patch notes are very reassuring.

    I basically just decided this weekend (didn't read the notes before now) that I was gonna pass on all the new items in the store. With this change, I may yet run 'Tides of Ice' on my mains, thus unlocking the items for all other chars.

    The Epohh researcher reduced frequency of VO is a good change, now if only the volume of all the VO in the gazebo could be scaled down a bit. Particularly if your camera ends up close to any of the NPCs, it's very, very loud.
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • rtk142rtk142 Member Posts: 613 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I'm not slogging through the whole 7 pages to see if this has been mentioned, but I have a character who has a project slotted for the raider with like 680 photos submitted already and it doesn't auto complete, nor does it when I add another 40. What gives? I did onfrim that I can get it on another cahracter that hasn't slotted the project, but on the one that already has it it should auto complete. Please don't make me drop the project.
    Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
  • archer6621archer6621 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    ok well is the snowborg queen get a buff and what about the intro movie bug? I am unable to make a new toon because of this the intro movie freeze when it finshies or when I skip it after I hit the esc key
    ya im a red shirt so what im a master at being cannon fodder so what?:cool:
  • arrmateysarrmateys Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    now why would she get a buff? last time i was playing, we failed to get her down to even half the health before she despawned.

    if anything, she needs an adaptive adjustment. nerf when there's less players, buff when more, so that even if there's only 3 people in the zone she can be beaten, but when there's 30 she doesn't go down in 3 seconds.

    just giving her a straight out buff will mean the event will no longer be possible to finish for smaller groups, groups that only use snowballs and especially around the end of the event when majority of people will leave after buying all they want, walling off the rest of the people from finishing the event due to insufficient players in the zone.

    it's comments like that which caused the trainwreck that delta rising currently is. devs don't think for themselves, but listen to vocal minority and make the game unplayable for the majority of players by focusing the balance on minmaxing dps-ers.
    Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the cr​ap out of me.
    We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
    We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
  • spock5550spock5550 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I'd prefer an emergency patch to fix whatever is causing my game to crash every half hour since Thursday lol. These changes aren't really significant enough to warrant an emergency maintenance considering the event is running for 6 weeks.

    Nailed it!
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