Address the various issues with HY/TS Neutronics?
Address EAP giving -50 DRR instead of -5 DRR?
Address the -5s CD with the new 3pc Lobi set?
Address the Ionic disable and the follow?
Address Predictive Algorithms not cleansing the debuff?
Tweak the internal CD on Reciprocity?
Tweak the extremes of Particle Manipulator?
Add a Heavy Disruptor Lance?
Lol m8 my wells is and was a tank new intel skills make any t5u ship scrap. I can also post a video of inner circle tryin to kill a wells same as mine if u like- not me piloting it but exact same build to the very skillpoint oh and they didnt succeed btw so dont say ive TRIBBLE builds that you havnt seen mon ami im just stating facts i see- my timezone-gmt- all ques are dead not just pvp very lucky to get a pop. New skills are wothput any doubt op- im not saying its broke doom no going back- with a little balance work all this could be improved drastically
I "hear ya bruh". I can post a video of a guy winning the world rally championship in car i had.
I was not driving but it's the same car.
And i still don't know who You are, when You're playing when You don't see us playing. "Your timezone GMT" say nothing. GMf**kingT lasts 24hrs. I'm on GMT+1 and play at evening-night.
You can't tell me there are no people in, because you are simply wrong.
I could care less about your fail healer wells anyway, like you don't want to care about my FAW a2b drain avenger, right?
And yes @Starwrath we had some very balanced games with mixed t5/t6 games, 5v5 or 10v10 it doesn't matter. Anyone saying otherwise is simply talking out of his/her TRIBBLE, if i must be rude.
I "hear ya bruh". I can post a video of a guy winning the world rally championship in car i had.
I was not driving but it's the same car.
And i still don't know who You are, when You're playing when You don't see us playing. "Your timezone GMT" say nothing. GMf**kingT lasts 24hrs. I'm on GMT+1 and play at evening-night.
You can't tell me there are no people in, because you are simply wrong.
I could care less about your fail healer wells anyway, like you don't want to care about my FAW a2b drain avenger, right?
And yes @Starwrath we had some very balanced games with mixed t5/t6 games, 5v5 or 10v10 it doesn't matter. Anyone saying otherwise is simply talking out of his/her TRIBBLE, if i must be rude.
Touchy aint ya no need to make a personal insult when someone offers an opinion or says what they see it just means you havnt got a better comeback so chill i see empty ques pvp and pve i see broken powers that need adjustment i see xp nerf making it hard to level/gain specialization points-MY OPINION is that it needs some work- it can be done if they decide to do so. You are welcome to your opinion also spud no need to be a ****
PvP has always been balanced no matter the STO time frame if you Hand balance the matches. Its not a shock to hear you can still hand balance a half decent match. That will always be the case. Balance the annoyance dps and heals and yes all the junk starts to cancel out.
The main issue I have with the way things are right now... its just not fun.
No my 2 weeks leave has not dulled my brain... I understand the current mechanics quite well. Yes I'm also talking about premades. When things change I start the theory crafting like many vets do. I can think of teams that would be so annoying to play against that it simply wouldn't be fun on either side. At least previously most annoying setups had super hard counters.
Trust me shark if I cared to log back in and play my PM traited / VM torped / Reprocity running / Super torping / Delta Canon slapping Scryer I could make people cry all day... or I could roll play in some more standard ship. To me its just not all that fun anymore.
Your right though why do I bother to DOOOM on these forums. (I don't believe I am quite a hard core card board sign guy yet though) Well I do it cause STO could be a great game... the game has seen some real junk released over the last 4 years... and to be honest mostly at some point Cryptic manages to fix things at least someone. Frustratingly that always seems to last a week or two before some new BS gets thrown on top. Still if I'm being honest if I had zero hope your right I wouldn't bother being even here.
Who knows see ya in game again at some point. Cryptic has one more new game to weather here in Dec... who knows though. They have survived more then a few games that had the potential to steal there players. I won't ever write STO off... but man is it tempting. The pvp imo yes it is in one of the worst states balance wise it has ever been in. The EP and the lead designer have both called me an exploiter in the past month or so which has also sort of peeved me. Still I would come back to there game if they showed they had even a minor understanding that video games are supposed to be fun. (Grind fest pve... and Stun fest PvP are both neither)
Well, I can't disagree on many points, BUT things like making super annoying team is not exclusive to DR like you noticed yourself.
Tell me you others didn't forgot drain/GW/EWP/SS/TIF/Theta etc. teams with only one or no tac?
Fk. we dealt with that. Like we deal with turbulence.
Only thing that is very dangerous to pvp is me getting 5 gold prtg consoles in mail and lvl 15 R&D and unleashing thalaron on STO and not using it for cheapskill doffed TBR.
I'm being serious here even though it sounds stupid.
PrtG are out of hand, you can't boost any skill that much and get 100% crth on top of it.
Everything else is minor annoyance. Spread accuracy with high DMG neutronic being one of them. And 100% shield pen on some things being the other.
They need to look into those things.
Also, Intel team needs to clear intel traits and intel stun/disable abilities. Simple. 1 button. like Sci team clears sci stuff.
But i will completely disagree that it is not fun. It is very much fun when playing in teams. Better positioning and timing will still net you a win even if you are gear/spec disadvantaged.
Touchy aint ya no need to make a personal insult when someone offers an opinion or says what they see it just means you havnt got a better comeback so chill i see empty ques pvp and pve i see broken powers that need adjustment i see xp nerf making it hard to level/gain specialization points-MY OPINION is that it needs some work- it can be done if they decide to do so. You are welcome to your opinion also spud no need to be a ****
You can't have opinion that facts are wrong. That's not an opinion, that's denial.
Queues are not dead, and OPvP is even less dead times i'm on. I have 50 ppl playing PvP on video from 10 games or so in span of 3 days and people that can confirm it, you can keep sticking to your "opinion" thing.
I never said that it is all dandy, I know what needs heavy tweaking, i have uploaded a vid of my t5/U dyson being completely controled by a Scryer myself just to show some broken things.
I have also shown how the PvP is like in DR when people play it in mixed t5/t6 mixed faction teams.
And i have also shown that same Scryer with same player and other Scryers are not nearly that effective in team vs team.
I have, like many did, also opened thread asking devs to change spec points gain, because it's a fkn fun breaking drag.
PvP on the other hand is still PvP.
You can't have opinion that facts are wrong. That's not an opinion, that's denial.
Queues are not dead, and OPvP is even less dead times i'm on. I have 50 ppl playing PvP on video from 10 games or so in span of 3 days and people that can confirm it, you can keep sticking to your "opinion" thing.
I never said that it is all dandy, I know what needs heavy tweaking, i have uploaded a vid of my t5/U dyson being completely controled by a Scryer myself just to show some broken things.
I have also shown how the PvP is like in DR when people play it in mixed t5/t6 mixed faction teams.
And i have also shown that same Scryer with same player and other Scryers are not nearly that effective in team vs team.
I have, like many did, also opened thread asking devs to change spec points gain, because it's a fkn fun breaking drag.
PvP on the other hand is still PvP.
Basically u have agreed with me but im still wrong?, as i said there are broken things- u agreed, when im on i see empty ques both pve and pvp alot are agreeing with me, u make matches in opvp- repect for trying to keep something goin yea but i havnt seen any of these when ive been on- i aint sayin it hasnt happened just i havnt saw so therefore my opinion and observations are correct- mayb i will see u making a match sometime if i do and im avail ill def x up
Well, I can't disagree on many points, BUT things like making super annoying team is not exclusive to DR like you noticed yourself.
Tell me you others didn't forgot drain/GW/EWP/SS/TIF/Theta etc. teams with only one or no tac?
Fk. we dealt with that. Like we deal with turbulence.
Only thing that is very dangerous to pvp is me getting 5 gold prtg consoles in mail and lvl 15 R&D and unleashing thalaron on STO and not using it for cheapskill doffed TBR.
I'm being serious here even though it sounds stupid.
PrtG are out of hand, you can't boost any skill that much and get 100% crth on top of it.
Everything else is minor annoyance. Spread accuracy with high DMG neutronic being one of them. And 100% shield pen on some things being the other.
They need to look into those things.
Also, Intel team needs to clear intel traits and intel stun/disable abilities. Simple. 1 button. like Sci team clears sci stuff.
But i will completely disagree that it is not fun. It is very much fun when playing in teams. Better positioning and timing will still net you a win even if you are gear/spec disadvantaged.
Your right the game has had plenty of annoying things over the years. The fun level has went up and down as well. Two things though... one most of the new stuff isn't easily cleared, and two I think most of us have had enough of the annoying stuff. Considering how annoyed most (at least I not to speak for anyone else) are with the devs my tolerance for annoyance isn't very high. (really though how does a Developer like Cryptic not realize that rolling stuns are the most unfun mechanic ever in the history of gaming.... its like MMO rule 1 DONT allow chain stuns)
As far as teams that could be super annoying... just think about it for a second... a fed team with a few intel ships... Scryer and Eclipse can both spam EMP and Ionics... no issue with VM torps in there as well. Throw some evade target locks in to completely neuter the other sides dps.
For me at least part of the fun of PvP is team building... and STO has always been a game where you have to build and say ok This and This is going to be outlawed. I think myself I'm just sick of having to do that. Its not my job to self balance its Cryptics. After 4 years I'm not likely going to be doing that again. Cryptic needs to give us a game where 2 teams of good players can build the best teams they can and fight with out having to argue endlessly on what is "cheese" ect.
I can go and play 3 or 4 other games right now and setup teams and NOT have to do that. Sure not many devs have perfectly balanced PvP in there games. Still the ones that try even a little tend to have PvP that is just more fun.
I don't want to start suggesting things that Cryptic needs to do to fix PvP cause its pointless. I think we all know that by now. For to long now the only good STO pvp people can expect is If someone like you or mini or Zenith or Naz or or the vPvP guys or myself hand balances every match. That is sad and frustrating. (yes I know you can get the odd lucky Pop now and then still its going to be a very low number imo) The only fix I could imagine at this point would be for Cryptic to add a Segregated PvP game, much like Anet does in GW2. That will never happen of course cause it doesn't force us to sit in the game for hours on end which is all they really care about of course. Well that and having record single day sales numbers to quiver over.
Only thing that is very dangerous to pvp is me getting 5 gold prtg consoles in mail and lvl 15 R&D and unleashing thalaron on STO and not using it for cheapskill doffed TBR.
I'm being serious here even though it sounds stupid.
PrtG are out of hand, you can't boost any skill that much and get 100% crth on top of it.
Everything else is minor annoyance. Spread accuracy with high DMG neutronic being one of them.
I don't agree with that .
Subnuke+Viral torpedo+neutronic TS3 alway kills me even if I have ST available or if I survive first hit second one gets me.
"There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
I refuse to be content
Get through the pvp dark ages? You are suggesting that there is a light at the end of the tunnel? You think all this bs and cheese they put into this game is ever going to disappear? You think they will ever stop allowing similar skills and mechanics to stack across the entire spectrum of a build? If you answer yes to both of these questions then you would believe there is a light. I would then ask you what drugs you are on and to share
You can have only 1 +75 PrtG console equipped. Rest are 4x +37.5 fleet consoles.
Originally Posted by sharxtreme
Only thing that is very dangerous to pvp is me getting 5 gold prtg consoles in mail and lvl 15 R&D and unleashing thalaron on STO and not using it for cheapskill doffed TBR.
I'm being serious here even though it sounds stupid.
PrtG are out of hand, you can't boost any skill that much and get 100% crth on top of it.
Sorry Dude,..
PrtG is not boken with that trait, just strong not more not less. BUT you can " Kirk " that with PH / AtS or B. for Impact, or you have a healer on your side.. easy going.
What you never can Tank it is just that Neutro Spread 3 and S.Srikes 3.
I.Turbolance / E.Probe and this Viral Torpedo are also to strong.. they need - 25% of this disable TRIBBLE.. . Even with SCI and ENG Team every 15 sec. you can do nothing.
Two Days ago I'm in a Match.. it goes like this..
Disable.. Disable.. Placate.. [ S.Strikes with beams and Alpha..] Disable.. Placate.. Disable.. Placate.. [ Top Spread 3 with Neutro.. ] disable.. placate.. dead.
Thats really funny.. but ya we have just a PrtG issue. :rolleyes:
Anyway..*** GEKO WE STILL LOVE YOU ***.. and thx for the best ever Ubdate of all Time.
T'lilu SCI./Dxxdavid TAK./STO Inner Circle *** R.I.P. ***
Why are the ques dead? Because hardly anyone wants to PvP in STO anymore. Why? Because either you have it or you don't. Why? Because it is over powered. Why? To generate income. Why? Because Cryptic lacks the creativity to make fair powered stuff more fun. Why? Because either they have it or they don't. Why? Because video game design isn't for everyone.
Why are the ques dead? Because hardly anyone wants to PvP in STO anymore. Why? Because either you have it or you don't. Why? Because it is over powered. Why? To generate income. Why? Because Cryptic lacks the creativity to make fair powered stuff more fun. Why? Because either they have it or they don't. Why? Because video game design isn't for everyone.
I've wondered at times what kind of board games, card games, and all the rest they did...
You can't have opinion that facts are wrong. That's not an opinion, that's denial.
Queues are not dead, and OPvP is even less dead times i'm on. I have 50 ppl playing PvP on video from 10 games or so in span of 3 days and people that can confirm it, you can keep sticking to your "opinion" thing.
I never said that it is all dandy, I know what needs heavy tweaking, i have uploaded a vid of my t5/U dyson being completely controled by a Scryer myself just to show some broken things.
I have also shown how the PvP is like in DR when people play it in mixed t5/t6 mixed faction teams.
And i have also shown that same Scryer with same player and other Scryers are not nearly that effective in team vs team.
I have, like many did, also opened thread asking devs to change spec points gain, because it's a fkn fun breaking drag.
PvP on the other hand is still PvP.
To be quite frank I don't think you've seen Cryptic's latest cheese offerings exploited to their fullest degree and if these queues are supposed to be alive I'd hate to think what they'll look like in a few weeks. I had an hour and a half wait for a CnH pop the other evening (and not enough people accepted in the end anyway).
You can have only 1 +75 PrtG console equipped. Rest are 4x +37.5 fleet consoles.
OK,OK. Only one. You can still come close up to 500 prtg all together with gold solanae def, nukara con etc. And i never had more then 150(250 with rom cloak) on my thalaron toon.
@T'lilu, i never said that prtg is the only problem, but seeing how there is absolutely not one single sci ship without doffed TBR/iso cannon these days you must see that it is a problem.
It is no wonder that Gold consoles and weapons cost more then t6 Lobi ships. Those consoles transform an average guy in average ship with TBR into dangerous guy with uber TBR/and 1 shot 100% crth iso cannon.
It is same with some other consoles.
I said that neutronic is also a problem, didn't I? But if you have shields you can soak up the spread.
Even though neutronic damage is way to high for spread.
Having full shields, on the other hand, can't save you at all from Iso cannon and TBR penetration.
And like i said, intel team needs to clear/give temporary immunity to intel disables/stuns/BS.
lol perfect description of the game in few words without much bs
i'd add 11k TBRs and 50k Isocannon.
Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader
"What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader
"What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
Originally Posted by grandpadxx View Post
Two Days ago I'm in a Match.. it goes like this..
Disable.. Disable.. Placate.. [ S.Strikes with beams and Alpha..] Disable.. Placate.. Disable.. Placate.. [ Top Spread 3 with Neutro.. ] disable.. placate.. dead.
Originally Posted by EDNA
lol perfect description of the game in few words without much bs
Ya that sounds funny but it was.. believe me. I also play the last 2-3 Weeks on my Wells and become so much TRIBBLE in my face and i cant do anything.. but now its over.. i do the same.. I'm, not angry anymore about this People.. I putt this boken stuff into my Intel Ship and yes i dont care about it.
*** DR - the People love it. ***
T'lilu SCI./Dxxdavid TAK./STO Inner Circle *** R.I.P. ***
Queues are not dead, and OPvP is even less dead times i'm on.
hmm...nice for you .... though i think u play from out of the middle of europe? i do as well (those few times i found time to log the last days). and mostly q's ARE dead when i'm on. yesterday in kerrat also there only has been one recluse
i could not destroy meeeh....
all the time been q'd like 30 mins-to one hour max to all 3 space-possibilities... not one pop, 4 players q'd peak and like 2-time q drop by system...
ur not fighting on lvl 60 toons, do ya? i'm sure u r aware that lvl<60 and lvl 60 q's and maps are seperated pvp-wise, r u? my toons all lurk between 56 and 58 and are not in a hurry to reach lvl 60 ...
I've only met a few people in pvp that could legitimately pwn me. The majority of them being fellow sci people. I run a drain build on a pathfinder, with the ablative hull console. Usually my drain shuts down any threat from a vaper because they have about 50 weapon power base when I'm done with them, and if i've got multiple people on my TRIBBLE/vaper is super good like some of the inner circle/nova core/hobo's guys i pop the ablative generator and then HE2, which heals for 2k a tick. Usually they'll get bored/run off when they get engine power back if my team hasn't obliterated them.
This said, a well built intel ship owns me over and over. I think I have a basic understanding of what's doing it, but still it's a lot of cheese and very little skill imo.
This said, a well built intel ship owns me over and over. I think I have a basic understanding of what's doing it, but still it's a lot of cheese and very little skill imo.
I don't want to not agree with you on the skill thing... but really if you where running a sci before that revolved around 1-2 skills that would drain people to dead where is the skill difference ?
I half kid the drain skills have easier to spam counters you have to at least work around a little bit.
PrtG is not boken with that trait, just strong not more not less. BUT you can " Kirk " that with PH / AtS or B. for Impact, or you have a healer on your side.. easy going.
What you never can Tank it is just that Neutro Spread 3 and S.Srikes 3.
Prtg manipulator trait is broken beyond recognition, you prtg ships just don't use it right.
With 100% crth from trait you can do some stuff that would force renaming of Cracked Planetoid to Vaped/melted planetoid.
PrtG ppl are using 500 partigen with 100% crth for fking TBR and then say how it's not broken, it is terribly broken.
Before R&D traits and uber gold consoles you could do +10k tick with GW3 and hold entire f**king team in it, imagine what that does now?
I will not even mention some really devastating stuff/combos publicly because in all blindness caused by cheap kills with TBR and Isocannon people didn't even think to try something more.
But it is enough to say that you can go pwn PvE style on full match PvP like they all are NPCs.
500PrtG with 100% crth and let's say 150-200 CrtD is devastating map melting stuff. You will see.
Can you boost energy/Torpedo skill to 500? How about Targeting systems for 500 ACC?
Or Maneuvers for 500 defence? Or attack patterns?
And on the contrary, you can tank neutronic if you don't completely lose shield facing, and SS3 as well. You can see it in my last vid that they make a big shiny bang but not real damage if you don't drop shields first.
One more thing, I said many times that neutronic spread is broken because it does very high DMG with 100% ACC. It can't miss.
But shields soak up damage from it. That is difference between completely broken to OP.
Neutronic is OP in a torpedo spread3 compared to other torpedos on TS3. For HY there are far better solutions.
Bottom thing is broken.
Iso cannon used on a right ship with right gear and with right captain is 100% kill every minute.
With prtg trait It has 100% ACC and 100% CrtH and 100% shield penetration.
Think about that just for a second.
Disables? in like every match we did last days back to 2 weeks ago, i wasn't disabled more then 1-2 secs. Now i don't even get held by Turbulence or get killed by TBRs anymore or plasma emission(or whatever) torpedos, because i fkn avoid zoning-in with prtg Scryers and Vestas and fly in-out.
I need to mention as well that I remember "glory" days of Wells and later Palisade Theta+TIF+blackhole+EWP+chroniton spreads+you-name-it team cycling. I was much more disabled/held then, problem is you were on the other side of disables so this now comes as a surprise.
You know what even more accurate description is? You were flying fkn ACCx3 deuterium Bug for years while 99% of PvPers had max of Fleet MVAE or Defiant with Borg or worse gear, and you are now complaining about t5 vs t6?
I was PvPing in Mirror Recon, patrol and t4 Defiant and later in fleet versions of defiant/MVAE/Recon/aquarius with sht blue gear vs Lobi ships/premades that seemed like 10 tiers above my ship.
I didn't complain. I knew that i could only kill a good Bug in Defiant/MVAE if i Alpha+Delta sub jumped and tractored him and get a lucky crit on top of that or if he was nuked at the right moment. I knew my chances.
Compared to before when you needed to get extremely lucky to get MACO/Borg gear or to grind for months to get fleet rank 3 to get weakass Defiant, now they are giving t6 ships for free. Only real problem for some PvPers i noticed, is that they are not able/willing to play if they don't have all max gear.
I never had that problem.
I don't want to not agree with you on the skill thing... but really if you where running a sci before that revolved around 1-2 skills that would drain people to dead where is the skill difference ?
I half kid the drain skills have easier to spam counters you have to at least work around a little bit.
I know sci can be spammy, but as I understand it it's an art form, an elegant weapon for a more civilized age :cool:
What irritates me about the intel spam is not so much the intel abilities, but the spam of cheese. Ionic turbulence +viral torp trait+ Neut torpedo+ iso cannon.....literally that is all a couple people in pvp were doing last night. It's no different than aux2bat, line your abilities up on your tray, spam the space bar.
As a drainer, I have to watch out for clearing abilities, and monitor the fight, strike at certain moments, and budget abilities.
Truth is, we can all argue about who has "true skillz" til we are blue in the face, it's all a matter of opinion. But, some play styles require less cranial capacity than others.
lot of guys out there thought true skill was for the longest time a op ship trotted out whenever cryptic wanted to fleece the population for money, elachi cannons, running 2 copies tt, 2 crf, two patterns (with doffs) eps/epe (with doffs for cooldown), 2 copies aux2damp (with doff for buff) and a haz
that was skill I guess, fly around your target until elachi proc happens then capitialize on it to take the target out
personally, I gotta say you running a drain boat does take a bit or timing, ran drain boats before- its a tough ship build- so many things can go wrong and then your just stuck with waiting on cooldowns
wont see to many good drain boats out there all fed into macros and keybinds spammed off spacebar LOL,
I would always prefer a button to push, an ability that I can activate, then opposed to a just waiting around for a proc to get my kills- I always equated that to skill, cause if all we are doing is waiting for a lucky rng to get our kill, how is that really skill? I guess it could be looked at as being able to help out the team and stay alive until that rng pops I guess:) just my thoughts, everyone is free to set their own personal metric of what consititutes excellent operation of a star ship in pvp:)
Has STO turned into some kind of bizarro world while I've been gone? The devs haven't driven you all that crazy, have they muffins?
Address the various issues with HY/TS Neutronics?
Address EAP giving -50 DRR instead of -5 DRR?
Address the -5s CD with the new 3pc Lobi set?
Address the Ionic disable and the follow?
Address Predictive Algorithms not cleansing the debuff?
Tweak the internal CD on Reciprocity?
Tweak the extremes of Particle Manipulator?
Add a Heavy Disruptor Lance?
I "hear ya bruh". I can post a video of a guy winning the world rally championship in car i had.
I was not driving but it's the same car.
And i still don't know who You are, when You're playing when You don't see us playing. "Your timezone GMT" say nothing. GMf**kingT lasts 24hrs. I'm on GMT+1 and play at evening-night.
You can't tell me there are no people in, because you are simply wrong.
I could care less about your fail healer wells anyway, like you don't want to care about my FAW a2b drain avenger, right?
And yes @Starwrath we had some very balanced games with mixed t5/t6 games, 5v5 or 10v10 it doesn't matter.
Anyone saying otherwise is simply talking out of his/her TRIBBLE, if i must be rude.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
Touchy aint ya
...but it was a mt.
Well, I can't disagree on many points, BUT things like making super annoying team is not exclusive to DR like you noticed yourself.
Tell me you others didn't forgot drain/GW/EWP/SS/TIF/Theta etc. teams with only one or no tac?
Fk. we dealt with that. Like we deal with turbulence.
Only thing that is very dangerous to pvp is me getting 5 gold prtg consoles in mail and lvl 15 R&D and unleashing thalaron on STO and not using it for cheapskill doffed TBR.
I'm being serious here even though it sounds stupid.
PrtG are out of hand, you can't boost any skill that much and get 100% crth on top of it.
Everything else is minor annoyance. Spread accuracy with high DMG neutronic being one of them. And 100% shield pen on some things being the other.
They need to look into those things.
Also, Intel team needs to clear intel traits and intel stun/disable abilities. Simple. 1 button. like Sci team clears sci stuff.
But i will completely disagree that it is not fun. It is very much fun when playing in teams. Better positioning and timing will still net you a win even if you are gear/spec disadvantaged.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
You can't have opinion that facts are wrong. That's not an opinion, that's denial.
Queues are not dead, and OPvP is even less dead times i'm on. I have 50 ppl playing PvP on video from 10 games or so in span of 3 days and people that can confirm it, you can keep sticking to your "opinion" thing.
I never said that it is all dandy, I know what needs heavy tweaking, i have uploaded a vid of my t5/U dyson being completely controled by a Scryer myself just to show some broken things.
I have also shown how the PvP is like in DR when people play it in mixed t5/t6 mixed faction teams.
And i have also shown that same Scryer with same player and other Scryers are not nearly that effective in team vs team.
I have, like many did, also opened thread asking devs to change spec points gain, because it's a fkn fun breaking drag.
PvP on the other hand is still PvP.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
Basically u have agreed with me but im still wrong?, as i said there are broken things- u agreed, when im on i see empty ques both pve and pvp alot are agreeing with me, u make matches in opvp- repect for trying to keep something goin yea but i havnt seen any of these when ive been on- i aint sayin it hasnt happened just i havnt saw so therefore my opinion and observations are correct- mayb i will see u making a match sometime if i do and im avail ill def x up
Your right the game has had plenty of annoying things over the years. The fun level has went up and down as well. Two things though... one most of the new stuff isn't easily cleared, and two I think most of us have had enough of the annoying stuff. Considering how annoyed most (at least I not to speak for anyone else) are with the devs my tolerance for annoyance isn't very high. (really though how does a Developer like Cryptic not realize that rolling stuns are the most unfun mechanic ever in the history of gaming.... its like MMO rule 1 DONT allow chain stuns)
As far as teams that could be super annoying... just think about it for a second... a fed team with a few intel ships... Scryer and Eclipse can both spam EMP and Ionics... no issue with VM torps in there as well. Throw some evade target locks in to completely neuter the other sides dps.
For me at least part of the fun of PvP is team building... and STO has always been a game where you have to build and say ok This and This is going to be outlawed. I think myself I'm just sick of having to do that. Its not my job to self balance its Cryptics. After 4 years I'm not likely going to be doing that again. Cryptic needs to give us a game where 2 teams of good players can build the best teams they can and fight with out having to argue endlessly on what is "cheese" ect.
I can go and play 3 or 4 other games right now and setup teams and NOT have to do that. Sure not many devs have perfectly balanced PvP in there games. Still the ones that try even a little tend to have PvP that is just more fun.
I don't want to start suggesting things that Cryptic needs to do to fix PvP cause its pointless. I think we all know that by now. For to long now the only good STO pvp people can expect is If someone like you or mini or Zenith or Naz or or the vPvP guys or myself hand balances every match. That is sad and frustrating. (yes I know you can get the odd lucky Pop now and then still its going to be a very low number imo) The only fix I could imagine at this point would be for Cryptic to add a Segregated PvP game, much like Anet does in GW2. That will never happen of course cause it doesn't force us to sit in the game for hours on end which is all they really care about of course. Well that and having record single day sales numbers to quiver over.
Yes I agree with that I felt it .
I don't agree with that .
Subnuke+Viral torpedo+neutronic TS3 alway kills me even if I have ST available or if I survive first hit second one gets me.
I refuse to be content
better as nothing.. right.
PvP is not dead.. if they no Cowboys in the QQ with that boken OP BS chease we still have good fights.
BUT some Guys just stupit and use everything they got to win.
Like TS3 Neutonic or SS.3 .. or the best.. viral Top + I.Turbolenc + E.Probe and this is what just sucked. :cool:
But maybe i'm wrong here.. but i dont want play " DPS Online " / " Disable Online " or " one shoot Online ".
*** R.I.P. ***
You can have only 1 +75 PrtG console equipped. Rest are 4x +37.5 fleet consoles.
Sorry Dude,..
PrtG is not boken with that trait, just strong not more not less. BUT you can " Kirk " that with PH / AtS or B. for Impact, or you have a healer on your side.. easy going.
What you never can Tank it is just that Neutro Spread 3 and S.Srikes 3.
I.Turbolance / E.Probe and this Viral Torpedo are also to strong.. they need - 25% of this disable TRIBBLE.. . Even with SCI and ENG Team every 15 sec. you can do nothing.
Two Days ago I'm in a Match.. it goes like this..
Disable.. Disable.. Placate.. [ S.Strikes with beams and Alpha..] Disable.. Placate.. Disable.. Placate.. [ Top Spread 3 with Neutro.. ] disable.. placate.. dead.
Thats really funny.. but ya we have just a PrtG issue. :rolleyes:
Anyway.. *** GEKO WE STILL LOVE YOU *** .. and thx for the best ever Ubdate of all Time.
*** R.I.P. ***
I've wondered at times what kind of board games, card games, and all the rest they did...
To be quite frank I don't think you've seen Cryptic's latest cheese offerings exploited to their fullest degree and if these queues are supposed to be alive I'd hate to think what they'll look like in a few weeks. I had an hour and a half wait for a CnH pop the other evening (and not enough people accepted in the end anyway).
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
OK,OK. Only one. You can still come close up to 500 prtg all together with gold solanae def, nukara con etc. And i never had more then 150(250 with rom cloak) on my thalaron toon.
@T'lilu, i never said that prtg is the only problem, but seeing how there is absolutely not one single sci ship without doffed TBR/iso cannon these days you must see that it is a problem.
It is no wonder that Gold consoles and weapons cost more then t6 Lobi ships. Those consoles transform an average guy in average ship with TBR into dangerous guy with uber TBR/and 1 shot 100% crth iso cannon.
It is same with some other consoles.
I said that neutronic is also a problem, didn't I? But if you have shields you can soak up the spread.
Even though neutronic damage is way to high for spread.
Having full shields, on the other hand, can't save you at all from Iso cannon and TBR penetration.
And like i said, intel team needs to clear/give temporary immunity to intel disables/stuns/BS.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
lol perfect description of the game in few words without much bs
i'd add 11k TBRs and 50k Isocannon.
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
Needs more debuffs...
I'd say more partgens
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
Ya that sounds funny but it was.. believe me. I also play the last 2-3 Weeks on my Wells and become so much TRIBBLE in my face and i cant do anything.. but now its over.. i do the same.. I'm, not angry anymore about this People.. I putt this boken stuff into my Intel Ship and yes i dont care about it.
*** DR - the People love it. ***
*** R.I.P. ***
hmm...nice for you
i could not destroy meeeh....
all the time been q'd like 30 mins-to one hour max to all 3 space-possibilities... not one pop, 4 players q'd peak and like 2-time q drop by system...
ur not fighting on lvl 60 toons, do ya? i'm sure u r aware that lvl<60 and lvl 60 q's and maps are seperated pvp-wise, r u? my toons all lurk between 56 and 58 and are not in a hurry to reach lvl 60
This said, a well built intel ship owns me over and over. I think I have a basic understanding of what's doing it, but still it's a lot of cheese and very little skill imo.
Real join date September 2012
I don't want to not agree with you on the skill thing... but really if you where running a sci before that revolved around 1-2 skills that would drain people to dead where is the skill difference ?
I half kid the drain skills have easier to spam counters you have to at least work around a little bit.
Prtg manipulator trait is broken beyond recognition, you prtg ships just don't use it right.
With 100% crth from trait you can do some stuff that would force renaming of Cracked Planetoid to Vaped/melted planetoid.
PrtG ppl are using 500 partigen with 100% crth for fking TBR and then say how it's not broken, it is terribly broken.
Before R&D traits and uber gold consoles you could do +10k tick with GW3 and hold entire f**king team in it, imagine what that does now?
I will not even mention some really devastating stuff/combos publicly because in all blindness caused by cheap kills with TBR and Isocannon people didn't even think to try something more.
But it is enough to say that you can go pwn PvE style on full match PvP like they all are NPCs.
500PrtG with 100% crth and let's say 150-200 CrtD is devastating map melting stuff. You will see.
Can you boost energy/Torpedo skill to 500? How about Targeting systems for 500 ACC?
Or Maneuvers for 500 defence? Or attack patterns?
And on the contrary, you can tank neutronic if you don't completely lose shield facing, and SS3 as well. You can see it in my last vid that they make a big shiny bang but not real damage if you don't drop shields first.
One more thing, I said many times that neutronic spread is broken because it does very high DMG with 100% ACC. It can't miss.
But shields soak up damage from it. That is difference between completely broken to OP.
Neutronic is OP in a torpedo spread3 compared to other torpedos on TS3. For HY there are far better solutions.
Bottom thing is broken.
Iso cannon used on a right ship with right gear and with right captain is 100% kill every minute.
With prtg trait It has 100% ACC and 100% CrtH and 100% shield penetration.
Think about that just for a second.
Disables? in like every match we did last days back to 2 weeks ago, i wasn't disabled more then 1-2 secs. Now i don't even get held by Turbulence or get killed by TBRs anymore or plasma emission(or whatever) torpedos, because i fkn avoid zoning-in with prtg Scryers and Vestas and fly in-out.
I need to mention as well that I remember "glory" days of Wells and later Palisade Theta+TIF+blackhole+EWP+chroniton spreads+you-name-it team cycling. I was much more disabled/held then, problem is you were on the other side of disables so this now comes as a surprise.
You know what even more accurate description is? You were flying fkn ACCx3 deuterium Bug for years while 99% of PvPers had max of Fleet MVAE or Defiant with Borg or worse gear, and you are now complaining about t5 vs t6?
I was PvPing in Mirror Recon, patrol and t4 Defiant and later in fleet versions of defiant/MVAE/Recon/aquarius with sht blue gear vs Lobi ships/premades that seemed like 10 tiers above my ship.
I didn't complain. I knew that i could only kill a good Bug in Defiant/MVAE if i Alpha+Delta sub jumped and tractored him and get a lucky crit on top of that or if he was nuked at the right moment. I knew my chances.
Compared to before when you needed to get extremely lucky to get MACO/Borg gear or to grind for months to get fleet rank 3 to get weakass Defiant, now they are giving t6 ships for free.
Only real problem for some PvPers i noticed, is that they are not able/willing to play if they don't have all max gear.
I never had that problem.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
What irritates me about the intel spam is not so much the intel abilities, but the spam of cheese. Ionic turbulence +viral torp trait+ Neut torpedo+ iso cannon.....literally that is all a couple people in pvp were doing last night. It's no different than aux2bat, line your abilities up on your tray, spam the space bar.
As a drainer, I have to watch out for clearing abilities, and monitor the fight, strike at certain moments, and budget abilities.
Truth is, we can all argue about who has "true skillz" til we are blue in the face, it's all a matter of opinion. But, some play styles require less cranial capacity than others.
Real join date September 2012
Has STO turned into some kind of bizarro world while I've been gone? The devs haven't driven you all that crazy, have they muffins?
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples