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Advanced is not hard just punishing



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    miirikmiirik Member Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    maybe DPS + Teamwork works really well in ANRA.

    if I could downvote this I would

    oh look 3 scimitars and a defiant and some sort of T6 ship (i dont do fed stuff), all they literally did was DPS everything to death in different points and win.

    Some of us would like to bring something like say a science vessel into a advanced STF. I can at least find some use in Conduit advanced for space, but that is kinda all.

    The answer is making more STFs like the mirror invasion where certain ships did things better. I actually was very useful in my science ship and felt like I contributed a lot. if i got interrupted by a group around a rift I would simply gravwell them together then throw in a elachi subspace rift which knocks out their weapons and I can close the rift in peace.

    DPS is not the answer, making ACTUAL teamwork necessary WITHOUT focusing purely on DPS is the answer.

    For example, I been playing azure nebula rescue advanced all this week, since I believe saturday... I have yet to complete it once, we have failed every single time, EVERY SINGLE TIME. Dozens of tries, no success, even with different kinds of ships, or trying the whole repulsor deal to push the enemy away, it never truly works out like it should.
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    kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    This issue was addressed in this week's P1 interview.


    Seeing posting comments on the website of similar complaints here on the forums. I even see more negative reviews come in via steam.

    Glad people are expanding to other areas beyond just these forums.
    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
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    sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited November 2014
    cecil08 wrote: »
    And that's yet another argument for this game being 100% about DPS. I said specced as a tank, I didn't say I was all that effective since yes, everything is about DPS in this game. I can survive being beat on by 5 cubes and have zero issues.

    This game is just a DPS fest now. What we're saying is that it shouldn't be (only) about that.

    I have an image that i would like you to look at: http://i.imgur.com/OP68aLZ.jpg

    What you see here is a screenshot of a parse, of an ISA run done earlier today. Pay close attention to Vel's numbers in that image.

    He is running a Tank Scimitar. Not only can he pull and hold the aggro, he can survive through it. It's very important to note that the only reason there was ZERO deaths in that run was because of Vel's tank.

    He normally gets 30k in that scimi, but forgot to release his pets that run so only got 27k.

    If you pull Vel out of that run and replace him with a typical 30k scimitar then what you would see is a hot mess. multiple death, much longer run, lower overall DPS from everyone.

    Normally if i bring my 50k DPS ship into an ISA with a 4k, 11k, and 16k toons, i would be generating too much aggro for my own heals to handle i and i would explode multiple times.

    Vel only needs to do 20k DPS to grab aggro from me, 15k DPS would be too low (we've tested it). By doing an extra 7-10k DPS over the amount of damage he needs to grab aggro, he is reducing the pressure on himself. the quicker things die, the less pounding he has to endure.

    Generally a win in my books. I would typically be hesitant to fly one of my high end ships with a group like that; but with a Tank of Vel's calibre it isn't a problem.

    miirik wrote: »
    if I could downvote this I would

    oh look 3 scimitars and a defiant and some sort of T6 ship (i dont do fed stuff), all they literally did was DPS everything to death in different points and win.

    Some of us would like to bring something like say a science vessel into a advanced STF. I can at least find some use in Conduit advanced for space, but that is kinda all.

    The answer is making more STFs like the mirror invasion where certain ships did things better. I actually was very useful in my science ship and felt like I contributed a lot. if i got interrupted by a group around a rift I would simply gravwell them together then throw in a elachi subspace rift which knocks out their weapons and I can close the rift in peace.

    DPS is not the answer, making ACTUAL teamwork necessary WITHOUT focusing purely on DPS is the answer.

    For example, I been playing azure nebula rescue advanced all this week, since I believe saturday... I have yet to complete it once, we have failed every single time, EVERY SINGLE TIME. Dozens of tries, no success, even with different kinds of ships, or trying the whole repulsor deal to push the enemy away, it never truly works out like it should.

    You missed the point, for ANRA you need both DPS and Teamwork. DPS by itself doesn't help at all if the players are running around like your typical pugs.

    There are other ways to clear ANRA without DPS but it does require having players on your team who know what they are doing. Sadly most of the pugs i see in ANRA play it like it was ANR, and if you want to see the stupidest players in STO just queue for ANR.

    Example: (this happens a lot) I'll have just finished soloing a 1 spawn and started disabling tractor beams. I would see a random stupid pug flying across the map towards me, past 2 and 3 spawns that just showed up. He'd get to where i am as i am disabling the last tractor beam then he would hit "Disable Tractor Beam" himself. How stupid do you have to be not see a ship with the glowing interaction animation sitting next the last tractor beam and not think: "hmmm i don't need to be here, lets move to somewhere i am needed instead" instead of "oh look i clicked the button, i'm helping derp"

    There are mutliple ways to clear ANRA, if you can find a team that has half a brain between them then it's a snoozefest easy. Don't expect any kind of intelligence from pugs though.
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    bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    There are mutliple ways to clear ANRA, if you can find a team that has half a brain between them then it's a snoozefest easy. Don't expect any kind of intelligence from pugs though.

    Agreed that is the current state.

    I disagree that it should be like that though. Elite yes should require teamwork. Advanced should be completable by a PuG and that means it cannot require intelligence from more than 2 of the 5 players.

    That is my beef.
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    kavase wrote: »
    Seeing posting comments on the website of similar complaints here on the forums. I even see more negative reviews come in via steam.

    Glad people are expanding to other areas beyond just these forums.
    What does that have to do with my post now...? :confused:
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    kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    What does that have to do with my post now...? :confused:

    It doesn't at all to be honest, I just used it for your link, I got lazy, my bad.

    Anyway, it does make me feel better that they do acknowledge the difficulty in terms of how 'beefed' up something is, but they still don't take into consideration of how to make the game itself an actual challenge, hence advanced is not hard, it's just punishing.

    It's really a major fundamental problem to the game because moving forward, if this isn't address now or soon, it's going to get much worse before it gets better.

    There is a library of skills and abilities that the AI can be given. I wouldn't go as far as saying, make the AI like a player because that isn't a realistic expectation, but even just to go as far as giving them 2 or 3 or even 4 more abilities that they could use and activate at an appropriate time.

    But that's not happening, and they address the difficult being a matter of, how 'beefed' up the NPCs are. For the player it means, DPS and everything else is secondary.
    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
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    shandypandyshandypandy Member Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    CSA in an Tac Ody set up like a t4 assault cruiser, with the mkx white gear that comes with it and mk xi white consoles bought off the exhange for 50k EC.

    Two white doffs that I couldn't unequip.

    Only pricey thing on it was an Operative Embassy Rom BOFF. Didn't have owt else I could use.

    Missed the optional. Completed the mission.

    Rubbish quality video imo, sorry.

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    eurialoeurialo Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    miirik wrote: »
    Some of us would like to bring something like say a science vessel into a advanced STF. I can at least find some use in Conduit advanced for space, but that is kinda all.

    I do not like the idea that advanced/elte stf should require more/only dps, however what you said is false. My sci/sci toon is able to play every advanced stf and deliver up to 15k dps just using torpedoes and some science abilities (ex. GW and TBR).

    Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
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    tmassxtmassx Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    It's all about the bad rules of the game and stupid npcs.
    Examples of bad rules: Cube is immune to placate but does not bother her multiple debuffs (atack pattern beta). The only changes in one year that happened was autocrit to beam overload (ability buff that just did not need to much ) , and the change was done wrong, for a short time to canceled pvp due to vapers.
    Engineering or science commader abilities are nearly useless in pve (except gravity well) , why I am holdup with some drain power or interference abilities ( NPC which does not have any) when you can turn on AoE and crush everything?
    Furthermore, I do not have time to use something other than a self-buff , because the mission must be met as quickly as possible?
    Imagine that in STFs borg cubes should scramble sensors , feedback pulse , hazard emitters +
    some kind of protection against standing too close ( f.e. devastating AoE repulsors ) and multiple debuffs (APB) , gate and tactical cube , I added heavy lance (similar from Hive space) with a range of , say, 8 km.
    Now the guys in Cryptic decided to create intel abilities , most of them useless for PvE but they are pvp game-breaking ( f.e. Subnuc wave & EMP probe) , so pvp queues are dead now (It already partially started with autocrit particle manipulator).

    The only luck of the game is that players are fans of Star Trek and fly in their favorite ships , otherwise everyone would take FAW scimitar (for some of the missions are better DPS escort).
    And it's not that the game sold dps , for example, my cheese temporal sci with all consoles was definitely more expensive than FAW Dreadnoughts, although I hardly reached with her that 6k dps minimum of what is needed for advanced difficulty (but much more fun than my currently 25k faw cruiser).
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