personally I believe cryptic is intentionally trying to get rid of vet players because we vet players are bad for there income.
We already have everything of value so we buy little
Most of us do not pvp so we are not caught up in that spending frenzie to outo the other guy and spend no cash on the dps toys
However we did make Alts because we were bored
But now the game is about as Alt unfriendly as it can get
So out of my army of alts which all have the best gear pre DR I have bought nothing for them..I am pretty sure most of you have not bought new toys for your alts either..Or only very little
So now we arnt even spending cash on out Alts
my 16 alts 3 Feds are ground only toons Tac/Sci/Eng
...No need to improve space gear
3 romulans are space only toons Tac/Sci/Eng need to improve ground gear
10 are just sitting there with no plans for any more improvement and each one is in a fleet or lockbox ship with the best pre DR gear
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
personally I believe cryptic is intentionally trying to get rid of vet players because we vet players are bad for there income. r
I don't think it's all cryptic there I believe it's perfect world except they don't want to just flush out the vets they want to profit as much as they can before the game dies. Seems to be China's policy on everything once they get a foot hold on something ex.\ Canadian production they only want profit don't worry about the environment or how china is a sess pool all because of a need for production and profit and have to further there production to other countries because their's is a wasteland. I'm done funding any chinese based company in any may shape or form the best thing about multi-culturalism is how it makes you realize why it shouldn't exist.
Again, true. I would have bought the new Intrepid for my Sci, but as it is no longer worth playing alts, there's no point, getting a new shiny for a character that has no chance of progressing further.
10 are just sitting there with no plans for any more improvement and each one is in a fleet or lockbox ship with the best pre DR gear
I have 13 characters, 6 with lockbox ships, two are levelled up to 60 with mk XIV gear and I'm not even bothering to play those, I have more than enough points to buy several T6 ships, but as there are no maps left that I particularly enjoy playing, I've just stopped.
Now I'm just waiting to see what they will do next.
The OP messed up their math. It's not "times 60" because the first 50 levels are like before. It's only "times 10." Personally, I don't care. I have 5 alts that were at 50 before DR and are slowly leveling through normal gameplay. Not doing much Argala, instead doing stfs, doffing, episodes, bz's, etc., and they can handle anything.
The OP messed up their math. It's not "times 60" because the first 50 levels are like before. It's only "times 10." Personally, I don't care. I have 5 alts that were at 50 before DR and are slowly leveling through normal gameplay. Not doing much Argala, instead doing stfs, doffing, episodes, bz's, etc., and they can handle anything.
It's "Times 60" bacause there still 50 spec points to earn after you get to lvl 60. Each one require slightly more than 150k XP and it was stated several times here. As someone who have grinded almost all of spec points in Japori during first week i can say that they have a hudge impact on gameplay and now maxing out spec trees is virtually an unreachable goal for those who didn't do it in Japori.
The OP messed up their math. It's not "times 60" because the first 50 levels are like before. It's only "times 10." Personally, I don't care. I have 5 alts that were at 50 before DR and are slowly leveling through normal gameplay.
There are just no words.
Breath, just breath.
We are talking about once you hit 50 now. NOT BEFORE AFTER YOU HIT 50. Its 60 times. 9,000,000 XP to fill out the specializations.
We already have everything of value so we buy little
Most of us do not pvp so we are not caught up in that spending frenzie to outo the other guy and spend no cash on the dps toys
However we did make Alts because we were bored
But now the game is about as Alt unfriendly as it can get
So out of my army of alts which all have the best gear pre DR I have bought nothing for them..I am pretty sure most of you have not bought new toys for your alts either..Or only very little
So now we arnt even spending cash on out Alts
my 16 alts 3 Feds are ground only toons Tac/Sci/Eng
...No need to improve space gear
3 romulans are space only toons Tac/Sci/Eng need to improve ground gear
10 are just sitting there with no plans for any more improvement and each one is in a fleet or lockbox ship with the best pre DR gear
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
I don't think it's all cryptic there I believe it's perfect world except they don't want to just flush out the vets they want to profit as much as they can before the game dies. Seems to be China's policy on everything once they get a foot hold on something ex.\ Canadian production they only want profit don't worry about the environment or how china is a sess pool all because of a need for production and profit and have to further there production to other countries because their's is a wasteland. I'm done funding any chinese based company in any may shape or form the best thing about multi-culturalism is how it makes you realize why it shouldn't exist.
It's hard to believe, but easy to see why it looks this way.
So true.
Again, true. I would have bought the new Intrepid for my Sci, but as it is no longer worth playing alts, there's no point, getting a new shiny for a character that has no chance of progressing further.
I have 13 characters, 6 with lockbox ships, two are levelled up to 60 with mk XIV gear and I'm not even bothering to play those, I have more than enough points to buy several T6 ships, but as there are no maps left that I particularly enjoy playing, I've just stopped.
Now I'm just waiting to see what they will do next.
It's "Times 60" bacause there still 50 spec points to earn after you get to lvl 60. Each one require slightly more than 150k XP and it was stated several times here. As someone who have grinded almost all of spec points in Japori during first week i can say that they have a hudge impact on gameplay and now maxing out spec trees is virtually an unreachable goal for those who didn't do it in Japori.
There are just no words.
Breath, just breath.
We are talking about once you hit 50 now. NOT BEFORE AFTER YOU HIT 50. Its 60 times. 9,000,000 XP to fill out the specializations.