Just throwing an idea on the table. I'd like to see an upgrade kit for T5-U ships to allow 1 Boff station to be upgraded to Intel/** to increase the usefulness of the Intel Officers rather than pigeon holing them to the T6 ships. Price? 500 - 1000 Zen?
But the profit/loss angle is a grey area thanks to the Exchange and Dilithium Exchange.
I grind dilithium and convert it 2500 Zen and buy a T5 ship, then I sell 250 Contraband on the exchange for 10 Million EC, spend that to buy a Starship Upgrade Token on the Exchange, upgrade ship to T5U, overall profit to Cryptic - Zero from me, but 32 dollars worth of Zen and an Upgrade Token were bought by someone at some point for them to make their way into my hands.
By the same respect, I could grind dilithium and use that to convert into 3000 Zen to buy a T6 ship and the only overall profit made by Cryptic along the way was the 30 Dollar's worth of Zen someone bought that I traded Dilithium for.
Meaning that one could argue that Cryptic actually loses two dollars/200 Zen worth of profit on T6 ships over T5U ships. Especially considering the lack of T6 options at the moment and your average RP'er who might not want to give up their race-specific ship whether Gorn, Orion, Nausicaan, Vulcan, Andorian, or Ferengi or Cardassian or even Dominion... or their Carrier for some players.
As I said, I like the idea...
But the truth is, Cryptic has to give the T6 ships something nothing else has - the Starship Traits they unlock and Intel BOff seating - to keep players from realising that they're actually just as well off with their T5U ships as they would be with T6 ones, perhaps even better.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
But the truth is, Cryptic has to give the T6 ships something nothing else has - the Starship Traits they unlock and Intel BOff seating - to keep players from realising that they're actually just as well off with their T5U ships as they would be with T6 ones, perhaps even better.
Half-right, I think. Given that a major theme of the new season is the intelligence specialty, it's dodgy at best to then make it inaccessible to people who won't/cant buy it.
Why charge 500-700 Zen for something they can get 3000 for?
But the profit/loss angle is a grey area thanks to the Exchange and Dilithium Exchange.
I grind dilithium and convert it 2500 Zen and buy a T5 ship, then I sell 250 Contraband on the exchange for 10 Million EC, spend that to buy a Starship Upgrade Token on the Exchange, upgrade ship to T5U, overall profit to Cryptic - Zero from me, but 32 dollars worth of Zen and an Upgrade Token were bought by someone at some point for them to make their way into my hands.
By the same respect, I could grind dilithium and use that to convert into 3000 Zen to buy a T6 ship and the only overall profit made by Cryptic along the way was the 30 Dollar's worth of Zen someone bought that I traded Dilithium for.
Meaning that one could argue that Cryptic actually loses two dollars/200 Zen worth of profit on T6 ships over T5U ships. Especially considering the lack of T6 options at the moment and your average RP'er who might not want to give up their race-specific ship whether Gorn, Orion, Nausicaan, Vulcan, Andorian, or Ferengi or Cardassian or even Dominion... or their Carrier for some players.
As I said, I like the idea...
But the truth is, Cryptic has to give the T6 ships something nothing else has - the Starship Traits they unlock and Intel BOff seating - to keep players from realising that they're actually just as well off with their T5U ships as they would be with T6 ones, perhaps even better.
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
T'varo Lt Warbird with Mega Plasma Torpedo console
I choose to change one seat. Now, I program a Boff for "Transport torpedo to Bridge III"
Result: I now land my 50K Mega Torpedo with 100% Shield penetration, and 40% DOT proc and Burn proc. ! ONE SHOT KILL FROM CLOAK !
Nice idea, but consider "Dead on Arrival".
Half-right, I think. Given that a major theme of the new season is the intelligence specialty, it's dodgy at best to then make it inaccessible to people who won't/cant buy it.