I've must've opened up every single temporal lockbox I can and I've never been giving a single temporal science vessel and why can't i get this ship really want one for my new toon:mad:
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
I've must've opened up every single temporal lockbox I can and I've never been giving a single temporal science vessel and why can't i get this ship really want one for my new toon:mad:
The chances to get one out of a box are slim. I dont know the exact figure but its about 0,4% if Im not mistaken. I also heard that there is some hidden counter mechanic in the background which stacks with each box (of the same kind) you open so that after a few hundred boxes or so it becomes very likely you get ur ship before the counter resets. Dont nail me on that because I have no means to proof it anyway.
If u want that ship and have lock box keys at ur disposal just sell em on the exchange and buy the ship directly there. You will end up investing far less recourses.
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The reason you can't get one is because you dumped all that Zen into gambling, instead of simply buying keys. If you want a ship, buy keys, sell on the Exchange, and then buy the ship with EC. It is an absolute guarantee at getting the ship, and it is much cheaper than gambling.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
The chances to get one out of a box are slim. I dont know the exact figure but its about 0,4% if Im not mistaken. I also heard that there is some hidden counter mechanic in the background which stacks with each box (of the same kind) you open so that after a few hundred boxes or so it becomes very likely you get ur ship before the counter resets. Dont nail me on that because I have no means to proof it anyway.
If u want that ship and have lock box keys at ur disposal just sell em on the exchange and buy the ship directly there. You will end up investing far less recourses.
I don't think there is any counter. I've opened about 200boxes across the years, and still no ships.
I don't think there is any counter. I've opened about 200boxes across the years, and still no ships.
Like I say I only know so out of a rumour level and dont know if it is correct. The counter is supposed to work only for one box of a kind to ensure that you get ur desired ship eventually. Some time ago I opened a lot of Elachi boxes because I wanted quick lobi, saw that the TRIBBLE in the box sells well at the exchange and I got the ship at some point. I sadly cant give u any figures how many boxes I have opened back then and I certainly wont try again in supporting cryptic with money for DR.
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Like every lottery, the chance of getting the grand prize, is minimal... UNLIKE lotteries however, the players had to figure out the odds on their own, rather than the one offering the lottery posting the odds.
Cryptic insists on saying it ISN'T a lottery, yet at the same time, call the Ships the "Grand prize".
You'd be better off selling the key for EC and then buying the ship directly... let the other nutties with too much money waste theirs.
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
0.41% chance with one box.
0.82% probability of getting one from doing two boxes.
4.00% probability of getting one from doing ten boxes
9.8% probability of getting one from doing twenty five boxes
26.5% probability of getting one from doing seventy five boxes
29.8% probability of getting one from doing eighty six boxes
"86 boxes? Why did you do that one, VD?"
Cause if you sell 86 keys, you've got a 100% probability of having the EC to buy one of the currently listed Temporal Sci on the Exchange.
200 boxes would only mean a 56% probability by comparison.
1000 boxes would be a 98.4% probability...but you could open that 1000 and not see one because it's not 100%.
5000 boxes would give you a 99.9999998801434273251078221475% probability...heh, and you could still end up not getting one. It's not 100%.
The chances to get one out of a box are slim. I dont know the exact figure but its about 0,4% if Im not mistaken. I also heard that there is some hidden counter mechanic in the background which stacks with each box (of the same kind) you open so that after a few hundred boxes or so it becomes very likely you get ur ship before the counter resets. Dont nail me on that because I have no means to proof it anyway.
If u want that ship and have lock box keys at ur disposal just sell em on the exchange and buy the ship directly there. You will end up investing far less recourses.
That counter either
1) Does not exist.
2) Is not secret or hidden, but called "Lobi", but it doens't buy you a Wells directly. If you're lucky, it buys you a lobi ship you can sell on the Exchange and finally gets you enough EC to buy the Wells on the Exchange.
You could probably also have had that by selling master keys on the Exchange, of course.
But please, do not heed that advice:
1) Someone has to use Master Keys to get ships, otherwise they won't appear on the Exchange. (but please get a bit luckier and get two of them, so you can sell one to us.)
2) Someone has to give Cryptic money. I mean, I am doing my part already, but they can always use more...
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
That counter either
1) Does not exist.
2) Is not secret or hidden, but called "Lobi", but it doens't buy you a Wells directly. If you're lucky, it buys you a lobi ship you can sell on the Exchange and finally gets you enough EC to buy the Wells on the Exchange.
You could probably also have had that by selling master keys on the Exchange, of course.
Look at my first post in thread, best advise to be given.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Look at my first post in thread, best advise to be given.
Yes, but ultimately, the advice only helps the OP, not the rest of us that rely on people selling ships on the Exchange so they don't have to gamble themselves.
If that makes you feel a little guilty or sick, that's okay. It's business.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
The only loop hole that stops something from being a lottery is that something is given in equal value (Z$125 in this case or it's equivalent).
Wizard101 did the same thing with it's second chance chests at bosses, very vague technicality allows it to continue and why no government steps in like they did with the casinos in Secondlife years back.
Now if you are going for the R&D boxes. There is the epic offset right there.
It is still a game of chance, but if you got nothing when you opened it, it's a slot machine.
Yes, but ultimately, the advice only helps the OP, not the rest of us that rely on people selling ships on the Exchange so they don't have to gamble themselves.
If that makes you feel a little guilty or sick, that's okay. It's business.
It doesnt to the slightest. Anybody who sells a look box ship on the exchange did open the box for probably every reason except getting the ship for himself.
If my one time lock box orgy to get the lobi is any indication I ended up not only getting what I wanted but space rich at the same time and the grand prize was only a minor part of it.
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Random is random. I got 2 Galors from 6 Gold lockboxes way back when they started doing them. I've only opened about 10 lockboxes since that and every one of those were unprofitable.
After buying my wells on the exchange (waaaaaaaaaaay back when they were 50mill) I started spending EC on keys in order to get the lobi for the temporal warfare set. After months of diligently opening boxes I finally had 600 lobi for all the peace's of the set.
I also got a wells from the final box I opened, which I sold so that I could buy a Mobius. This is why you should open boxes. For Lobi to buy items from the lobi store that are bind on acquire. If there is anything else you want from a box or from the lobi store DONT OPEN BOXES.
Grind dill or EC or put in some extra hours at work to buy Zen. Sell stuff on the exchange, and buy what you want there. The only thing you can reliably get from boxes is duty officers, and even then you could almost always have bought them for less then the cost of the key.
How much are the ship upgrade tokens are selling in the exchange thinking of selling them to get the wells class:)
The market for ship upgrade tokens has crashed. They go for lower on the exchange than fleet ship modules and the modules cost less zen. Master Keys are probably teh fastest safest thing to sell towards the ship.
The reason you can't get one is because you dumped all that Zen into gambling, instead of simply buying keys. If you want a ship, buy keys, sell on the Exchange, and then buy the ship with EC. It is an absolute guarantee at getting the ship, and it is much cheaper than gambling.
How much are the ship upgrade tokens are selling in the exchange thinking of selling them to get the welks class:)
They're going for what, 9.7-9.75m right now? They're one of the items that has a delay for the listing - it's an "hours" delay instead of a "days" delay like some of the delayed items.
A 4pack of Starship Upgrade Requisition tokens costs 2000 Zen. They're 700 Zen if you buy them individually. Yes, you save 800 Zen by buying a 4pack.
So 2000 Zen could get you ~38.8m EC, depending on how the price fluctuates.
A key costs 125 Zen, but you can get a 10 pack for 1125 Zen. Basically 10 for the price of 9, a 125 Zen savings.
Keys are going in the 2.4m+ range individually and oddly enough, there are no bundles cheaper. Some folks will do 10 at a lower price. But anyway...
So 1125 Zen could get you ~24.3m EC, depending on how the price fluctuates.
The Ship Upgrade tokens would be ~19400 EC per Zen.
The Keys would be ~21500 EC per Zen.
Fleet Ship Modules are 500 Zen and going for ~8.88m EC, so you'd be looking at ~17760 EC per Zen.
R&D Packs (not minis, full packs) are 1000 Zen for a 4pack. They're going for ~6.35 EC each, so you'd be looking at ~25400 EC per Zen.
It's really odd. Example, I once opened like 120 voth boxes, and got nothing. Just 4 days ago, 17 xindi boxes, last one I got a narcine it's all very weird but can be rewarding
The boss being a gigantic Winter Epohh Researcher. As you lay waste to the Epohh Horde, she can occasionally cry out things like, "Didn't you want an Epohh friend?"
It's really odd. Example, I once opened like 120 voth boxes, and got nothing. Just 4 days ago, 17 xindi boxes, last one I got a narcine it's all very weird but can be rewarding
That's kind of the thing, that hook there...getting something good...oooooh, aaaaaah, wheeeee and how quickly one might forget all the TRIBBLE DOFF mini-packs they got.
That's kind of the thing, that hook there...getting something good...oooooh, aaaaaah, wheeeee and how quickly one might forget all the TRIBBLE DOFF mini-packs they got.
The boss being a gigantic Winter Epohh Researcher. As you lay waste to the Epohh Horde, she can occasionally cry out things like, "Didn't you want an Epohh friend?"
Another way is to keep opening lock boxes (although I got three or four out of the dilithium store versions), keep taking the chance that you'll get one, but also sell the extras you get and when you have enough lobi crystals, use them to buy a store ship, sell that and be able to afford your Wells!
Ya seriously, everyone is here is right, i open boxes myself for the lobi, the minute you convince your self it is for a ship, your opening them for the wrong reasons.
If you are only going for a ship, use EC, and if you do get enough lobi for one of the lobi ships and want the box ships, do what Kayajay recommends.
- Xindi Aquatic Narcine Dreadnought Carrier --- Approx 30 Lockboxes **(2 ships out of 30)**
- Benthan Crusier --- Approx 50 Lockboxes **(2 Ships out of 50)**
***GALOR*** --- Approx 75-100 Lockboxes --- ***STILL NO LUCK*** (Will have to be bought with EC) But I think now with T6 Fleet ships on the way, I'll just give up on the Galor dream.
So in my experience, Im hitting ships if I pump 30-60 Keys into a lockbox. Except on the Elusive GALOR class. I gave up on it.
Now dont make fun of me for using a lot of keys
I buy Zen when it is on promotion +15% and only buy keys (in bulk) when they are discounted.
I also keep an EC float in my account bank, when that reaches 10 mil, I buy more keys.
Rinse repeat. Also been using Alts as Dil farmers, and send everything back to my main.
And why you got a tiny head?
Joined January 2009
Never saw Beetlejuice, right ?
The chances to get one out of a box are slim. I dont know the exact figure but its about 0,4% if Im not mistaken. I also heard that there is some hidden counter mechanic in the background which stacks with each box (of the same kind) you open so that after a few hundred boxes or so it becomes very likely you get ur ship before the counter resets. Dont nail me on that because I have no means to proof it anyway.
If u want that ship and have lock box keys at ur disposal just sell em on the exchange and buy the ship directly there. You will end up investing far less recourses.
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My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
That guy wasn't a liberated borg romulan though. :P
Joined January 2009
Like I say I only know so out of a rumour level and dont know if it is correct. The counter is supposed to work only for one box of a kind to ensure that you get ur desired ship eventually. Some time ago I opened a lot of Elachi boxes because I wanted quick lobi, saw that the TRIBBLE in the box sells well at the exchange and I got the ship at some point. I sadly cant give u any figures how many boxes I have opened back then and I certainly wont try again in supporting cryptic with money for DR.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Box 1: 1:200 Chance
Box 2: 1:200 Chance
Box 3: 1:200 Chance
Like every lottery, the chance of getting the grand prize, is minimal... UNLIKE lotteries however, the players had to figure out the odds on their own, rather than the one offering the lottery posting the odds.
Cryptic insists on saying it ISN'T a lottery, yet at the same time, call the Ships the "Grand prize".
You'd be better off selling the key for EC and then buying the ship directly... let the other nutties with too much money waste theirs.
0.41% chance with one box.
0.82% probability of getting one from doing two boxes.
4.00% probability of getting one from doing ten boxes
9.8% probability of getting one from doing twenty five boxes
26.5% probability of getting one from doing seventy five boxes
29.8% probability of getting one from doing eighty six boxes
"86 boxes? Why did you do that one, VD?"
Cause if you sell 86 keys, you've got a 100% probability of having the EC to buy one of the currently listed Temporal Sci on the Exchange.
200 boxes would only mean a 56% probability by comparison.
1000 boxes would be a 98.4% probability...but you could open that 1000 and not see one because it's not 100%.
5000 boxes would give you a 99.9999998801434273251078221475% probability...heh, and you could still end up not getting one. It's not 100%.
That counter either
1) Does not exist.
2) Is not secret or hidden, but called "Lobi", but it doens't buy you a Wells directly. If you're lucky, it buys you a lobi ship you can sell on the Exchange and finally gets you enough EC to buy the Wells on the Exchange.
You could probably also have had that by selling master keys on the Exchange, of course.
But please, do not heed that advice:
1) Someone has to use Master Keys to get ships, otherwise they won't appear on the Exchange. (but please get a bit luckier and get two of them, so you can sell one to us.)
2) Someone has to give Cryptic money. I mean, I am doing my part already, but they can always use more...
Look at my first post in thread, best advise to be given.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Yes, but ultimately, the advice only helps the OP, not the rest of us that rely on people selling ships on the Exchange so they don't have to gamble themselves.
If that makes you feel a little guilty or sick, that's okay. It's business.
Wizard101 did the same thing with it's second chance chests at bosses, very vague technicality allows it to continue and why no government steps in like they did with the casinos in Secondlife years back.
Now if you are going for the R&D boxes. There is the epic offset right there.
It is still a game of chance, but if you got nothing when you opened it, it's a slot machine.
Recommendation, Exchange for ship.
It doesnt to the slightest. Anybody who sells a look box ship on the exchange did open the box for probably every reason except getting the ship for himself.
If my one time lock box orgy to get the lobi is any indication I ended up not only getting what I wanted but space rich at the same time and the grand prize was only a minor part of it.
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If everyone did that there would be no ships to buy with EC.
And since they decide how much each virtual item is worth...
"Here. This pet rock is worth 125 Zen"
yes, exactly. no joke ...
I also got a wells from the final box I opened, which I sold so that I could buy a Mobius. This is why you should open boxes. For Lobi to buy items from the lobi store that are bind on acquire. If there is anything else you want from a box or from the lobi store DONT OPEN BOXES.
Grind dill or EC or put in some extra hours at work to buy Zen. Sell stuff on the exchange, and buy what you want there. The only thing you can reliably get from boxes is duty officers, and even then you could almost always have bought them for less then the cost of the key.
The market for ship upgrade tokens has crashed. They go for lower on the exchange than fleet ship modules and the modules cost less zen. Master Keys are probably teh fastest safest thing to sell towards the ship.
Truth. and I guess it's the same as for crafting
They're going for what, 9.7-9.75m right now? They're one of the items that has a delay for the listing - it's an "hours" delay instead of a "days" delay like some of the delayed items.
A 4pack of Starship Upgrade Requisition tokens costs 2000 Zen. They're 700 Zen if you buy them individually. Yes, you save 800 Zen by buying a 4pack.
So 2000 Zen could get you ~38.8m EC, depending on how the price fluctuates.
A key costs 125 Zen, but you can get a 10 pack for 1125 Zen. Basically 10 for the price of 9, a 125 Zen savings.
Keys are going in the 2.4m+ range individually and oddly enough, there are no bundles cheaper. Some folks will do 10 at a lower price. But anyway...
So 1125 Zen could get you ~24.3m EC, depending on how the price fluctuates.
The Ship Upgrade tokens would be ~19400 EC per Zen.
The Keys would be ~21500 EC per Zen.
Fleet Ship Modules are 500 Zen and going for ~8.88m EC, so you'd be looking at ~17760 EC per Zen.
R&D Packs (not minis, full packs) are 1000 Zen for a 4pack. They're going for ~6.35 EC each, so you'd be looking at ~25400 EC per Zen.
Course, all of this could change in 5 minutes...
That's kind of the thing, that hook there...getting something good...oooooh, aaaaaah, wheeeee and how quickly one might forget all the TRIBBLE DOFF mini-packs they got.
*shrug* the lobi and traits are a bonus too
If you are only going for a ship, use EC, and if you do get enough lobi for one of the lobi ships and want the box ships, do what Kayajay recommends.
This is purely ancedotal; but its been my experience.
- Wells Class --- Approx 45 Lockboxs (when it was brand new)
- JH Escort Carrier --- Approx 40 Lockboxes
- JHAS --- Approx 75 Romulan Duty Officer Packs (During the 1st Lobi & BugShip Doff Pack Promo)
- Xindi Aquatic Narcine Dreadnought Carrier --- Approx 30 Lockboxes **(2 ships out of 30)**
- Benthan Crusier --- Approx 50 Lockboxes **(2 Ships out of 50)**
***GALOR*** --- Approx 75-100 Lockboxes --- ***STILL NO LUCK*** (Will have to be bought with EC) But I think now with T6 Fleet ships on the way, I'll just give up on the Galor dream.
So in my experience, Im hitting ships if I pump 30-60 Keys into a lockbox. Except on the Elusive GALOR class. I gave up on it.
Now dont make fun of me for using a lot of keys
I buy Zen when it is on promotion +15% and only buy keys (in bulk) when they are discounted.
I also keep an EC float in my account bank, when that reaches 10 mil, I buy more keys.
Rinse repeat. Also been using Alts as Dil farmers, and send everything back to my main.