I was wondering if we will see a T6 Vulcan science vessel. The T5 remains one of my favorite ships.
I would love to see the first refit/retrofit be an intel version of the D'kyr.
The lore would be based on a Tal Shiar operation gone bad. The Tal Shiar upgrade the systems on the shuttle to allow it to project a cloak bubble. This is a targeted ability and will apply the cloak to yourself or an ally's ship. The intel flavor is key here.
This could be the first SCI ship to not have subsystem targeting and a true secondary deflector. In my opinion, subsystem targeting is broken in it's current state. I would rather see the deflector change the role of the ship.
To elaborate: Without the second deflector, this is a weak ship (by design.) The deflector give this ship it's "Role" and +1 Commander Boff (which it lacks.)
+1 Science Commander
+ Hull Heal
Special Ability: Eject Nanite Cloud
Nanite cloud leave a trail of micro-mines behind the ship. These micro mines will apply a small hull heal to ships that come within range. This ability releases a cloud for up to 15 sec. The mines are targetable.
+1 Sci\Intel commander
Special Ability: Photonic Decoy
Photonic decoy applies a hologram to your shuttle, making it appear as the ship it is shielding w/stealth. The decoy gets +Threat for 15 seconds.
Instead I'd rather see a full up borg retofitted D'kyr like you see in Star Trek Legacy. I think that would be an even better ship to see.
But hey that's just me.
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But hey that's just me.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!