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  • hyefatherhyefather Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I see you covered up the chat window. I bet they were curseing you for everything you was worth. I have never seen anyone take advantage of thier teammates the way you did in that video. I would be ashamed.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    hyefather wrote: »
    I see you covered up the chat window. I bet they were curseing you for everything you was worth. I have never seen anyone take advantage of thier teammates the way you did in that video. I would be ashamed.

    Would this even be possible if the entire team was all NX's ?
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • ezriryanezriryan Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I see you covered up the chat window. I bet they were curseing you for everything you was worth. I have never seen anyone take advantage of thier teammates the way you did in that video. I would be ashamed.

    whole chat conversation for round one is in there in case you missed it. 3 minutes 18 secs into the video.
    Also, thank you for reading the description and acknowledging the fact that we guaranteed someone a win in an ISA. Rumor has it some people struggle finishing that.

    Good troll post, kinda like it ;D

    Would this even be possible if the entire team was all NX's ?

    possible yes, but it would take some deaths and therefore more time.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    bareel wrote: »
    Every game system/mechanic in STO can be described as unintuitive, needlessly complex, obfuscated, and non uniform. Attempting to learn what a skill 'actually' does requires far too much effort for the minor effect of it. Turn rate bonuses are calculated differently depending upon source, energy efficiency complicates power levels, damage bonuses can be of two types and are not uniform by source, resists for shields is calculated differently from hull and not displayed anywhere. The game actively promotes bad ship builds with randomly generated boff abilities, default loadouts, and when it gives you a ship to fly the loadout is awful.

    You cannot expect a person to make an optimal decision between choices when they have no clue what the effect of those choices would be. Nor can you expect the players of a game that has created casual oriented content for years to suddenly become hardcore and put in the stupid amount of effort it takes to actually learn what those effects are.

    I could write a novel on how they could better educate players and how they could streamline mechanics and UI to give better feedback to the player. I already have. It has been ignored.

    Something as simply as having default ship weapons be a reasonable setup. Why does the eclipse come default with the following weapon layout: Torpedo, beam array, dual cannon, dual beam bank fore and three beam array and a torpedo aft. That is a terrible layout and will never perform very well in normal content, let alone advanced, no matter what boffs or level of gear used. Yet the player sees that as what Cryptic feels the weapons should be unless they already know better. It is inexcusable.

    A simple default set of 'ghost' boff ability recommendations in the 'station tab' boff slots that would be effective when combined with a proper default weapon layout would go a long way to helping. It wouldn't have to be an optimal build just something good enough to get the player on the right track.

    Heck, they could have C-Store packs with a good loadout's worth of gear. Just good blue quality weapon of a single type with good mods and Bridge Officers trained to compliment those. It would even promote gear upgrade. Toss in a novelty weapon or two and experienced players would buy them too.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    It's really simple. Base equipment is set up like a typical ST captain would set their ship up - and with even less exceptions than STO players, canon ST captains were all n00bs by and large.

    I think it is a side issue that flying like a canon captain and gearing like a canon captain is so grossly suboptimal.

    It makes gameplay even less intuitive to people who have seen Star Trek.

    I've said forever that they need to buff using combo weapons.

    Phaser consoles should provide an equal boost to photons for starters. Torpedo mechanics should get an overhaul (like I say, I'd favor just making them kinetic dual heavies with a special visual that can be used by non-escorts with a limit 3 equip or something).

    I think weapon mods should somehow favor hybridization.

    I always thought maybe it could work like metagem sockets do in WoW where ships get special powers and passives that require certain numbers of things. So you get a boost for 3 torpedoes, a boost for 3 beams, and a boost for 3 cannons/turrets. Only 5/4 ships could get all 3 bonuses. Or going more like metagems, you get a bonus for having more beams than torpedoes while having at least 1 of each, etc.
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    hyefather wrote: »
    I see you covered up the chat window. I bet they were curseing you for everything you was worth. I have never seen anyone take advantage of thier teammates the way you did in that video. I would be ashamed.

    1) His vids always cover chat up.

    2) He out-DPSed 3 people in T5s, and was only 5k away from a Scimitar.

    Go back under your bridge.
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I think it is a side issue that flying like a canon captain and gearing like a canon captain is so grossly suboptimal.

    It makes gameplay even less intuitive to people who have seen Star Trek.

    I've said forever that they need to buff using combo weapons.

    Phaser consoles should provide an equal boost to photons for starters. Torpedo mechanics should get an overhaul (like I say, I'd favor just making them kinetic dual heavies with a special visual that can be used by non-escorts with a limit 3 equip or something).

    I think weapon mods should somehow favor hybridization.

    I always thought maybe it could work like metagem sockets do in WoW where ships get special powers and passives that require certain numbers of things. So you get a boost for 3 torpedoes, a boost for 3 beams, and a boost for 3 cannons/turrets. Only 5/4 ships could get all 3 bonuses. Or going more like metagems, you get a bonus for having more beams than torpedoes while having at least 1 of each, etc.

    Just like every other time I raise that, I was being ridiculous to make a point. :) (well, two, canon ST Captains are somewhat n00bish, it isn't all mocking STO over the fact canon builds aren't good...)

    Of course canon builds should be most effective, it is an ST game.
  • kadamskadams Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Would this even be possible if the entire team was all NX's ?


    Not even "theoretically possible", but "absolutely possible". I did a run with the STB channel in T1 ships and we kicked TRIBBLE.
    Among other things, how demoralizing is it that you have people spending hundreds of dollars on upgrades and doing what is their personal best (maybe the best they can get with any amount of work) and to see a guy, no matter how skilled, doing double their numbers in a $5 ship?

    When someone outperforms your ship in an inferior ship to that level... it's time for you to start reading up on ship building. The issue is not "<insert ship here> sucks", it's that you need to stop blaming your ship and read up on builds.

    This should be seen as not "I cant do anything" but "time to step up my game".
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    kadams wrote: »

    Not even "theoretically possible", but "absolutely possible". I did a run with the STB channel in T1 ships and we kicked TRIBBLE.

    When someone outperforms your ship in an inferior ship to that level... it's time for you to start reading up on ship building. The issue is not "<insert ship here> sucks", it's that you need to stop blaming your ship and read up on builds.

    This should be seen as not "I cant do anything" but "time to step up my game".

    It's not strictly a matter of builds. It's a matter of keybinds and reaction times.

    Frankly, I hate how PC games come unoptimized, control-wise, out of the box, and then let players radically reconfigure the controls.

    Honest question: what does a highly skilled player even use their mouse for? Assuming they don't have a mouse with more than one or two buttons?

    I can handle the theorycrafting and the building (although I think deviating for the sake of gimmicks shouldn't cost that much damage potential). What I can't handle is having 30 choices. And rotations aren't as fun in any game as button mashing is. I can do rotations but I like randomness more.

    I'm starting to miss DCUO, which I think really got a LOT right. Optimized for a controller. Combos that favor a bit of button mashing once you get an intuitive sense for it. Big environments to play in.
  • kadamskadams Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Frankly, I hate how PC games come unoptimized, control-wise, out of the box, and then let players radically reconfigure the controls.

    You.. don't like.. people being able to rebind controls?

    Could you cite some examples, please?

    Most FPS games are setup for WASD, but there are lefthanded people who prefer ijkl (I believe, same setup, flipped keys). If a game is fixed in controls, that basically eliminates an entire fraction of potential players. Who wins there? Nobody.
    Honest question: what does a highly skilled player even use their mouse for? Assuming they don't have a mouse with more than one or two buttons?

    ...the exact same thing a mouse is used for on any other system, clicking with speed, precision and ease?

    Controllers are good for many things. Racing games and flight sims, they're great. street brawl, beat-em-ups? Definitely! MMOs? I don't think so. FPS? Gods no. Just no. Anything that requires quick, precise movements? Not in the slightest.

    I'm no deeps queen, but at least part of that is because I like to stick with canon style builds mixing a variety of weapon types. I like to think of myself as "relatively skilled", and clicking things.. is important. Crucial.

    I don't run binds, because it removes an element of control to my ship. I can easily click a bunch of icons in sequence, but binding them to my spacebar just... I can decide to buff up for my alpha strike, or I can decide to only trigger a few abilities, as opposed to, well..

    Quite frankly, I enjoy playing the game for the sake of playing the game. Mission rewards are a bonus.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm starting to miss DCUO, which I think really got a LOT right. Optimized for a controller. Combos that favor a bit of button mashing once you get an intuitive sense for it.
    Yeah... except that some were way more intuitive than others, and there were certain enemies designed to force you to either circle strafe or die... which was stupid IMO.... Oh and I used a keyboard....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • kadamskadams Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    skollulfr wrote: »
    tab: target next
    shift tab: target prev
    `(tilde): target closest
    camera setting; follow target

    you said something about clicking?

    I pretty fond of the whole "situational awareness in combat" thing, thanks. And autotarget is TRIBBLE.

    ~tries points cursor on that plasma bolt approaching~

    STO> "oh, you wanted to select that indistinct hostile ping 20km away?"

    ~explodes, dies~

    Plus, like I mentioned, being able to trigger only certain abilities instead of just holding spacebar to trigger all tac abilities.

    Binding everything to spacebar removes the tactical element of the game.

    It feels like basically screaming "FIRE EVERYTHING" at your chief tactical officer instead of, you know, calmly standing on the bridge, giving orders as needed.
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I often end up clicking even if I have abilities bound. Specifically, healing abilities, it always feels like the thing isn't reacting to my alt-2 or ctrl-2. I'm like *tap tap* "HEAL DAMMIT!" *click click*.
    bareel wrote: »
    Scimitar DPS is not as impressive without APB Recluse support. Unless of course your team utilizes the Jem Hadar two piece set for attack pattern gamma buffing and expose? vulnerability debuffing I suppose.

    My Scimitar gets over +30k in ISA, and that character has yet to see any STFs with a Recluse.
    I'm also unaware of any DPS channel pilot that regularly wastes 2 console slots on the novelty set.
    I just have one question: how do you not pick up your loot while playing, it's such a conditioned reflex for me.

    You know, I wonder if this is handicapping my DPS. I'm always lingering in the area picking up loot rather than rushing off to shoot the next thing. :o :P
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I spam F for loot sometimes while shooting things. I don't like to stop for loot unless it's s story mission.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • rsoblivionrsoblivion Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I only bind cycling powers to the tray, like CSV or FAW dependent on ship. I also regularly switch them out as I switch Boff's if needed to go from single target to multiple target setups (usually through the layout system as it's faster).

    My biggest issue is the UI delay and the activation delay. If I click on something I don't need to wait for a second for it to possibly decide to do something, I want it done a second ago. The UI is really one of the slowest and most annoying features of STO for Quality of Life within the game.
    Chris Robert's on SC:
    "You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    kadams wrote: »

    Binding everything to spacebar removes the tactical element of the game.

    It feels like basically screaming "FIRE EVERYTHING" at your chief tactical officer instead of, you know, calmly standing on the bridge, giving orders as needed.

    That's something you can control though. Jut bind the stuff you want rotated with high uptime, like emergency power. Leave the others separate to be used as needed.

    Now the binding is freeing you to focus on the tactical element of the game.
  • kadamskadams Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I don't believe EP2X is intended to be run constantly though.. as ridiculous as it is, I'm fond of playing the game as intended.

    Spamming F is the most effective way I've found for loot.
    rsoblivion wrote: »
    My biggest issue is the UI delay and the activation delay. If I click on something I don't need to wait for a second for it to possibly decide to do something, I want it done a second ago. The UI is really one of the slowest and most annoying features of STO for Quality of Life within the game.

    That's intentional, I believe. To prevent hardcore min/maxers activating all of their tac buffs at once and obliterating noobies to increase their epeeeen. Not that the don't do that already.

    Regardless, STO's UI.. leaves a lot to be desired.
    darkjeff wrote: »
    I often end up clicking even if I have abilities bound. Specifically, healing abilities, it always feels like the thing isn't reacting to my alt-2 or ctrl-2. I'm like *tap tap* "HEAL DAMMIT!" *click click*.

    I tend to click an ability several times, and I use the point defense console heavily. It's annoying to click it and then shut it off almost immediately.
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    kadams wrote: »
    I don't believe EP2X is intended to be run constantly though.

    I disagree.

    30s duration, 30s duplicate ability cooldown, 45s cooldown. That reads to me like "Take two copies, run it constantly."

    15s group cooldown reads to me like "take two copies of another one, run that alongside it constantly."

    It's been like that for at least 2 years, and it has become such a cornerstone that the mere suggestion they would remove it resulted in a huge backlash from pretty much everybody.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    kadams wrote: »
    I don't believe EP2X is intended to be run constantly though.. as ridiculous as it is, I'm fond of playing the game as intended.

    That conclusion requires some extremely implausible premises. Specifically, you have to assume that either the duration and cool down times were selected randomly, or that every power of a given tier was given the same cool down/duration, or you are simply projecting your interpretation of the power name onto the developers as an intention on their part.

    I can't see any of these three as likely. The first two are clearly contra indicated by the facts of powers, and the third, well, until we get one of the devs who was around under Atari to take credit for the name and why it was selected, will have to be looked at via the logic of the power compared to others.

    While the name might Imply that the emergency power abilities were intended to be "oh sh**" buttons, if you compare them to abilities that actually do get saved, like the tier 5 active powers, karfi phase, etc, you see real panic buttons have short duration and long cool down with a huge bonus/buff. By comparison, eptx abilities have a long duration, short cool down and modest effect. The logical conclusion is that some Dev thought "here's a cool name for a set of abilities that boost power levels". They really don't seem to have the statistics of something you save until a true emergency. I kinda think the devs gave the emergency and auxiliary power sets inverted names.

    Still, if it helps immersion for you, then you are totally doing it right, and fun is the real reason we are all here.

    To me there are a few categories of abilities: steady boosts, attacks, and panic buttons. Steady boosts are things you wish were/toggles like cruiser commands but aren't. Tactical team, & eptx are the biggies for me in this category. Other people include attack patterns, etc. Attacks are to me torpedo read, fire at will but also gravity well, warp plasma, etc. Stuff where you want to choose the timing and placement of the effect. Panic buttons are the " TRIBBLE, don't die, don't die, don't die" defenses.

    Choosing when and where to use attacks and defenses is what makes combat fun for me and where I see the strategic/tactical challenge. Getting those annoying buffs off my power tray and put of mind helps my immersion.
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