This is a repost, due to my first posting being on a thread that mostly pointed towards the exchange issue of having to refine search cond. to locate your own posted items but THIS IS A SEPERATE ISSUE.
I've received customer service emails telling me this is an unknown and to open a thread but couldn't (at the time) because I was a new forum member (3years in sto.....) This WAS once covered previously in an old thread from earlier this year but the dev that looked into it could not "Simulate" the bug, meaning ultimately it sounds like it's been glanced at previously and then forgotten.
Broken items:
Antiproton Dual beam banks from fluidic dynamics have at least two glitched items here, DO NOT SHOW ON EXCHANGE under any search cond. and the sale will time out before they show. Have even tried trading them between characters to see if it was a character base problem, did not fix.
STARSHIP UPGRADE REQUISITION This one lead to me taking a break from the game... I only needed 1 but dropped the zen for the 4pack because they were worth 15mil a pop at launch. After watching the market rise well above the price that I posted mine at, I searched for mine and they would not show. Odd thing here is it wasn't 1 item out of the pack it was the remaining 3 (the fourth got used quickly so can only assume it was glitched as well) So basically got jipped on 1500zen, some of which was stipend and U$D conversion. <-- guys that falls under legal actionable terms like "merchandise not clearly described" among others that I can't think of off the top of my head.
TO DEV TEAM:::::::::::::
The thread I read before did catch a dev's attention but they could not simulate the bug and I think the thread may have been closed by the time I saw it. I have items that are NOT bound that I can trade to a dev controlled character for scrutiny, (like a starship upgrade req). They're nothing more than dead weight to me at this point so PLEASE log in and grab one from me or someone to see that this is a really big problem.
@seifer1701 - devs please feel free to ask for these items. No charge, hehe...
QUICK FIX IN THE MEAN TIME???????????????????????
Npc on the homeworlds where I can trade a glitched item and receive a fresh, identical item? problem there is how would the npc know if "item bound to char/acc" is correct or a glitch.
(Devs, I do not envy the scope of your jobs, thanks for keep'n at it)
EDIT::: just realized with all the client crashes I've had since delta launch, and the seemingly rising frequency of glitched items on my own account, that this might have something to do with me not always allowing the game cache check to run? Not using safe login? Something "anti-hack" built into game to prevent people from adding items to their account - meaning after crash the server says i shouldn't have it? - no idea how/where my in-game items are stored, just brainstorming.