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How much *FUN* are you having playing Delta Rising?



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    mynameisnommynameisnom Member Posts: 639 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    OK, first point: I'm not a cryptic fanboy. Point 2: yes the exp drop is steep but what's wrong with just playing to level up... Point 3: OK, so the Borg queue difficulty was increased... So what. Boohoo the worlds biggest punching bag got an update. And if you're mad about dil drop.... Um hello dyson bz? Even the noobiest of noobs can have their boffs carry their TRIBBLE. Point 4: ec. OK, so kerrat rewards were steeply needed. Honestly how much did you get there in the first place... I dunno about you but with these elite stfs I'm making 20 million ec in about maybe 5 hours. Maaaaybe 3 if you get lucky. So what's to complain about? New ships, new weapons, new content, wheeeee :) and yeah there was a lot of bugs... Like my guardian shield or heals bug.... But overall for me its fun. More challenge for space... Funny how people said T6 would mean doom, but my T5-U ships still rip up T6 ships so.... Eh.
    stoutes wrote: »
    Those fish are much like their masters, filthy backstabbers... All battlecloaked fish, waiting for the right moment...
    The boss being a gigantic Winter Epohh Researcher. As you lay waste to the Epohh Horde, she can occasionally cry out things like, "Didn't you want an Epohh friend?"
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    lored2deathlored2death Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm also a long time player. I also don't post very much but your query interested me so...

    I played for awhile before becoming an LTS. I did so prior to STO becoming F2P and back then, we were given every assurance under the Sun that everything...*everything* in the game would be available for that hefty subscription price. Although it was a bit of "legalese/technicalities", they had pretty much kept their word, albeit with a lot of grinding involved. The game was still fun for me and I was still able to keep my two main characters up to date and still tinker around with my alts and keep all of them at a place where I felt there was progression. It became increasingly slower progression but I still had forward momentum.

    With this expansion, forward movement halted. My mains were behind the 8-ball the minute I logged on. The only way to get those two up to speed was by either dropping a substantial amount of money into the game or to resign myself to basically having to start from scratch where my gear was concerned. My alts have now become nothing more than Doff mission side games. My mains are still slogging through trying to get up to snuff to run the advanced content, as I had been doing regularly. Pugging became futile. I'm a long time player who had built up considerably good gear and I was now underpowered, forget the casual pugs. I went from playing in a support build, having fun trying out different tactics and builds to now having to be a heavy DPS hitter. It went from fun to work. So I stopped almost all STFs.

    My biggest complaint is echoed here and often. The rewards have killed my progress. I'm having to pull resources from alts just to do crafting, upgrades, etc and am burning through dilithium far faster than I'm able to replace it which, I believe, is by design.

    Except...I won't. When my resources have gone and I become unable to replace them because the missions I can do reward next to nothing and the nes I can't do is because of my gear, not my skill. STO for me has gone from Pay to Win/save time to Pay to Play and I already did that as a Lifer. My stipend is barely enough to upgrade a single engine set. I regularly dropped additional funds from time to time but that will stop as well. There's no point anymore. The game is too much like work for little pay. Bump the dilithium rewards back to pre-expansion status and it would still be a grind but I would feel some sense of accomplishment. Gameplay as it stands is just...discouraging.

    STO has a good core. the missions are fun first time through and theres a LOT more game than when I subscribed, just hoping that they back off a bit on the greed side of making money. What I *won't* be doing anymore is putting money into a game that is treating it's players like sweatshop employees. I know, I believe, that's not intentional. I think they just went too far and the community is pushing back.
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    betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm also a long time player. I also don't post very much but your query interested me so...

    I played for awhile before becoming an LTS. I did so prior to STO becoming F2P and back then, we were given every assurance under the Sun that everything...*everything* in the game would be available for that hefty subscription price. Although it was a bit of "legalese/technicalities", they had pretty much kept their word, albeit with a lot of grinding involved. The game was still fun for me and I was still able to keep my two main characters up to date and still tinker around with my alts and keep all of them at a place where I felt there was progression. It became increasingly slower progression but I still had forward momentum.

    With this expansion, forward movement halted. My mains were behind the 8-ball the minute I logged on. The only way to get those two up to speed was by either dropping a substantial amount of money into the game or to resign myself to basically having to start from scratch where my gear was concerned. My alts have now become nothing more than Doff mission side games. My mains are still slogging through trying to get up to snuff to run the advanced content, as I had been doing regularly. Pugging became futile. I'm a long time player who had built up considerably good gear and I was now underpowered, forget the casual pugs. I went from playing in a support build, having fun trying out different tactics and builds to now having to be a heavy DPS hitter. It went from fun to work. So I stopped almost all STFs.

    My biggest complaint is echoed here and often. The rewards have killed my progress. I'm having to pull resources from alts just to do crafting, upgrades, etc and am burning through dilithium far faster than I'm able to replace it which, I believe, is by design.

    Except...I won't. When my resources have gone and I become unable to replace them because the missions I can do reward next to nothing and the nes I can't do is because of my gear, not my skill. STO for me has gone from Pay to Win/save time to Pay to Play and I already did that as a Lifer. My stipend is barely enough to upgrade a single engine set. I regularly dropped additional funds from time to time but that will stop as well. There's no point anymore. The game is too much like work for little pay. Bump the dilithium rewards back to pre-expansion status and it would still be a grind but I would feel some sense of accomplishment. Gameplay as it stands is just...discouraging.

    STO has a good core. the missions are fun first time through and theres a LOT more game than when I subscribed, just hoping that they back off a bit on the greed side of making money. What I *won't* be doing anymore is putting money into a game that is treating it's players like sweatshop employees. I know, I believe, that's not intentional. I think they just went too far and the community is pushing back.

    not a lifer myself but same thing here basicly, glad to know i'm not alone ... hope they come through in some manner
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    vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I got 100 days of timegates from crafting level 14 to 15

    That's just wasting my time for no damned reason all the while I am ready to play they want me to log out.

    Doubly ironic since I won't be crafting unless they fix the promised modifers - it's just one problem on top of a problem on top of a problem.

    That pretty much sums up the entirety of the game, I just can't say enough bad things about it.

    The 200% reduced dil I will never accept

    Never accept upgradiing-crafting-t5u being all copy-paste with zero animations aka work put in

    Won't accept the triple-double nerfed exp.

    Can't live with fake star trek ships aka intel.

    Whatever solutions they can come up within those parameters will be fine.

    Problem of course being then we still an expansion short though, so we got problems


    ps. and the most tragic part is how useless it was, going after vendor trash, deleting mirror event and all that when people were using it for no damned reason

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    fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Pre DR I had fun playing the game, after I have still fun playing the game. I really like this game and they have to make things a whole lot worse before I quit.

    But yeah, fun, DR didn't bring more fun for me, like I said, I had fun, I still have fun and I am still convinced I can get fun out of this game. Let me get specific. I have about 20 characters. most of them KDF, now some time ago the KDF missions were revamped and we got missions for level 1 to 20. On most of my characters I haven't played those starting mission. They are new mission still and give good xp.

    Because I have to level my characters, I am playing already existing content and that is weird in a sense. Today I have planned to play the Nimbus missions with one of my characters.. Replaying is fun for me and a great feature in this game, but replay xp is nerfed also. I don't want a load of xp for replaying, but by nerfing it, it gets unattractive to replay. It makes you feel, you are waisting your time. Stupid leveling, what did you think, that it was good for Cryptic?

    In another thread I said that DR is in a way a paid expansion. I did buy two ship upgrade packs, because I can level my ships and I don't want to left them behind. So I have paid for old ships and I am playing old missions. What can I say? Cryptic are you trying to find out out how long my fun will last?
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    darthvrooksdarthvrooks Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    So I started playing this shortly before Legacy of Romulus because Bioshock Infinite just came out and the days of me rushing to drop $60 on a game are long over. I figured what the hell even if this sucks I didn't pay for it.

    I've played it a lot more then I thought I would. Delta Rising actually feels like the first actual expansion of the game as opposed to the other "seasons" which were a couple lame featured episodes and DINO'S. It's not the greatest quality stuff and it certainly has its fair share of cryptic bugs that will probably never be fixed but i enjoyed it for a while. Having to stop the story missions to go grind xp sucked but I could at least do it in a couple hours or less depending on how much I was playing, then that got changed. So glad I got my 2 mains up to 60 before that. I've got a KDF alt that is now pretty much ignored, I can only upgrade one character's stuff at a time. Having done so I've found the difference in performance to be slight, nowhere near what I should see given the cost of resources\grind time necessary to upgrade items. It was quite disappointing.

    The OMGHITPOINTSLOL change to the game seems like a half baked idea. This game was in desperate need of a revamp given how the "elite" content could be chewed through with no problem. I classify myself as a slightly better then average player and I had no problems what-so-ever beating the hardest stuff. Instead of making the game challenging all these hitpoints has just made it feel tedious. The hitpoint gap between normal and advanced is still too far off. The reduced rewards only add to that tediousness especially given that to upgrade my equipment I need material only awarded from elite STF's which I can't play without upgraded equipment....I have no idea who thought that was a good idea. I would hate to be a new player coming into this game right now, trying to level up and get some rep gear then find out you have to sink even more resources into upgrading that now. Esepcially given how many angry players I see just yelling insults at others instead of offering help, although granted there are those new players that are convinced they know exactly what they're doing and it's your fault the STF went bad.

    There has always been a gap between DPS and support abilities in this game, Delta Rising has managed to widen that to a canyon. Sure you can knock the defense rate down and such but you still need to kill things with massive hitpoints so you're either stuck with focusing your build on just dealing damage or surviving attrition with multiple enemies while you plink away at them. I keep seeing people talk about how you have to specialize your skills and traits, but what if I don't want to do that? I enjoy trying new things, different setups, different abilities. It's fun. I've managed to build a character that can throw out decent heals, gravwells and damage usually from my Mobius destroyer. I could crowd control, heal or hit fairly hard for an engineer if necessary. Delta Rising has forced me to focus more on damage and keeping myself alive then just going out and having a good time helping my team. It's hard to support when you have to carry and use more heals then you used to.

    So I guess I enjoyed it for a week? Now it just feels like I'm back to the old grind but with severely reduced awards for my increased time and effort. That's fine cryptic doesn't owe me anything for my time. I used to enjoy hitting fleet alert and SB Defense with some guys, now I pretty much one shot things in fleet alert and sb defense is dead because of the hitpoint boost making it much more difficult to save things then it used to. I certainly am playing less then I used to or if I am on it's just to talk to some friends, offer up some occasional (maybe)useful information to people who are asking for help and do one or two STF's to get my daily bonus marks and that's about it.
    In game handle @darthvrooks
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    sanokskyratsanokskyrat Member Posts: 479 Media Corps
    edited November 2014
    None. It feels like punishment.
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    coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I've not touched it yet. Scrapped all I had and started fresh at launch. I heard from a channel regular that the content is much easier to cope with once you hit level 55. I'm currently 48 on this new Captain of mine and about 1 1/2 levels from 50. With the Borg, Breen and Dyson content still to play through when I'm not messing around in a BZ I'll get a nice head start levelling wise.

    I intend to stick to my cheap and nasty gear and if need be normal difficulty. No chance I'm wasting time and resources on gear upgrades. Not interested in R&D either, so left that too.

    I have the Zen to buy a few tokens, or a single token and a FSM to fully upgrade my main ride. However I have been told I don't even need to upgrade at all, so I will hold onto the Zen until I attempt this content myself.

    I find the game quite enjoyable with a little patience, and simply skipping what you don't like.
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    allfather777allfather777 Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Hi Sir, :D

    Thanks Cryptic for this Best Expansion EVER in Star Trek Online, lol. :)

    Lord of Destruction :D
    Lord of Destruction - Allfather - Holy Lamb of Knowledge - Commander of the 7 Nation Army - The Victory Sire
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    ermanameermaname Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Quite a lot, thank you for asking :D
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    hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I started out playing more, but the grinding on huge HP bags just to advance the story wore me down pretty quick. I kept hoping for something, anything that didn't devolve into seemingly endless combat. I made it to the shuttle race, thought I'd finally found it, but nope. Got pretty disenchanted from there.

    Back to just logging in to set off doff and R&D missions again, with the added MI runs, but then I log right back out.
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    aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    My advice to any player who's interested in DR:

    If you want a LoR like experience , find things to do in game to level your toon to about Level 56-58 , and only then start playing DR .

    If you want a painful experience , level DR as is .
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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm a veteran player of Star Trek Online who's been here since the beginning (some of you might have seen me around), I stopped regularly playing a couple months ago, just after Season 9.5 was released when my last alt completed the Undine Rep. With S9.5 I started crafting on my Main, but after getting a feel for just how much work, effort, and real life money (or even more work/effort) was going to be involved... It put me off, and as I said, I stopped playing.

    When Delta Rising was announced, I got excited, I even pre-ordered the Operations Pack, but the more I read about what was coming, the less interested I became.

    When DR launched a couple weeks ago, I've only logged on three times, to pick-up the free Lobi they offered last weekend. I just haven't seen anything that looks like it's not just going to be a soul-crushing grind: New Rep, Gear Upgrades, Harder Elite Missions, etc....

    So, the purpose of this thread: Have I been mislead by the gnashing of teeth on the forums? Is anyone having fun playing STO's Expansion 2? Or is it just more of the same rat race?

    This isn't an I quit thread, it's actually more an I wanna play thread... Just trying to get motivated to do so.


    Yes. It's easier said then done, but... ignore the grindy parts. The only aspect where you cannot quite do it is the level gaps between missions, but allt her est - Mark XIV gear, new reputation, specializations. It will happen as you do whatever else you like to do.

    The neat thing kinda is that you'll soon be at endgame, but have a host of new foes and are pratically "undergeared" for a while. That will make combat more challenging. And the Vaaduvar are also pretty cool enemies with some neat tricks. I don't think I've had as much fun in Space PvE in a long time, and I really love Space PVE.

    If you can't quite bring yourself to go through all the "level grind" - DOFFINg is a neat source of extra skill points, and you can do whatever else you like doing in the mean time (in game our out of game). Of course, it requires daily logins, if you can't bring yourself up to do that, then you may be out of luck.

    And currently, there is the Mirror Event. I think that one can be pretty neat, and at the end, you'll have a neat sum of Dilithium that can help you get. Remember, you may have dozens of characters, but you can focus on one or two.

    I think it's important to get out of the mindset to play the "most efficiently". Whatever you do for "grind", in the end it only helps you do what you already do, and you should thus do what you like to do. ;)
    I am pretty "efficient" in regards to levelling Crafting (e.g. advance my two Crafters every day), but I almost never manage to fill my refinement cap.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    It really isn't as bad as everyone makes out, it is just a culture shock leveling from 50-60, compared to 0-50.

    How Cryptic has handled the situation since DR launch, is what needs looking at....
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

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    dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Not much. I actually do like the majority of the added story mission content; BUT the change to EXP rewards coupled with the DR design philosophy of "Make EVERY patrol - even the racing one - FULL of combat with high HP MOBS that DON'T really add any 'challenge' to STO - just unending tedium.

    It's VERY tedious to try and level anything; and where prior to DR I used to play EVERYTHING on Elite - with the EXP reward VS HP need to kill so skewed - 'Elite' just isn't worth it; and even 'Normal' is somewhat tedious to me.

    Quoted for truth.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
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    janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    sunfrancks wrote: »
    It really isn't as bad as everyone makes out, it is just a culture shock leveling from 50-60, compared to 0-50.

    How Cryptic has handled the situation since DR launch, is what needs looking at....

    I would agree with this to an extent.

    For new players, or new toons which are currently working up from scratch, they'll only hit the DR arc once they're above Level 50 anyway; so for such toons to experience logarithmic growth in leveling from 1-60 and into specialization isn't a big deal. But for current toons with Level 50, which were waiting for DR before starting the next set of levels, the new pathway was poorly handled. An obvious workaround may have been to give toons above "Level X" an Event-based project (the tab where the Risa and Winter events are held) where for X days after DR, you get a special "Turbo Leveling" token which translates your Boff Skillpoints into another Level.

    Oh well, too late now for elegant solutions to such problems.
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    max1002max1002 Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have enjoyed the storyline missions, and loving the new update to the game. I don't mind working up to the next mission level. :D
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Plenty of fun thanks. Some of the advanced queues still need some work but im enjoying the story, the harder difficulty in places. the new ships and specialization points.

    ive always said, if you are not motivated to play then chances are you need a break even if its a long one. trying to force yourself to have fun rarely works and misses the point of a game.
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    thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,540 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The little bit I've played so far has been enjoyable although with a 'more of the same' flavor' feel to it. Which isn't always a bad thing. Who doesn't want a second helping of their favorite food?

    However, I'm not a fan of the Space Zombies. I think a more 'natural' ally could have been found amongst the races included in DR. Including the Kazon. Shocking, I know but yes, please do include the Kazon. Surely amongst all of them there has to be a few Kazon who are interested in providing their race a more permanent arrangement than being the 'Generic Bad Guys Who Are Really Mean'.

    Star Trek has done this before. With the Klingons, the Ferengi, and others.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
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    stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    For me its hard to have fun...i've got a love hate thing going on with the game. I love the new storyline and hearing from the old cast again but i hate that theres not enough of it. Some people might find that it is adequate but not me. I like that they are making some attempt at making the game difficult, but so far i hate how they are doing it. I was one of the people that has said on a few occasions that i would like an increase in difficulty, but for them to do it by adding in better AI not the cheesy stuff we've seen with Voth, Undine or Elachi spamming the same abilities. And then there are the bugs which is to be expected. But this morning i decided to level my second toon in the DQ but one of the missions bugged out right at the end and it just put me in a table flipping mood.

    I hate to say it but so far WoW is the only game that has had me going ohhhh and ahhhhh when they launched an expac. I was there for TBC, WOTLK and even Pandas and everytime i was just wowed by it (see what i did there?). Even the pre expac events were pretty cool. The undead stuff they did right before WOTLK was just hilarious. Running around Shattrath telling guildies to come to us so that we could turn them into undead/scourge was the best. LoR probably comes behind those 3 WoW expacs but it trails way way way in the distance.
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    js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    "Let's increase the difficulty levels of our NPCs so players have more of a challenging experience. We'll improve the AI, give the NPCs more skills and increase their damage output"

    "Er, Doug, it's almost 5:00"

    "OK, fine, let's just increase the hull points instead, it'll only take 30 seconds to do it"
    Free Tibet!
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    thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,540 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    js26568 wrote: »
    "Let's increase the difficulty levels of our NPCs so players have more of a challenging experience. We'll improve the AI, give the NPCs more skills and increase their damage output"

    "Er, Doug, it's almost 5:00"

    "OK, fine, let's just increase the hull points instead, it'll only take 30 seconds to do it"

    :D Cheezus! You made me spit coffee all over my laptop! :D
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
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    hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited November 2014
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    szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Mixed bag. There have been parts I've enjoyed(primarily story developments), but the meat of what I do(did) enjoy about the game(the combat, gearing/building ships, progressing my characters) has actually been relatively miserable at times.

    Don't think I've been as ragey(no, getting anchored by 4~ scouts and barraged by half a dozen ships all at once isn't "fun".. or even interactive - it's just arbitrary hurrdurr) and eager for combat to just be over with like this since going through the original Guild Wars on hard mode, solo. That, combined with the excessive requirements for 'endgame'/upgrading gear and the oppressive progression rate... I'll be lucky if I last till the end of the year. :(
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    lordhooklordhook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    It is not fun.:mad::mad::mad:
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    vawlkusvawlkus Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I tried to start playing on one of my nine characters and ran into a brick XP wall. ATM I'm doffing and running the MUI event and waiting for my characters to all hit level 60 before I go back to DR. It'll probably take a few months with XP where it's at right now.
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    venkouvenkou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    When DR launched a couple weeks ago, I've only logged on three times, to pick-up the free Lobi they offered last weekend. I just haven't seen anything that looks like it's not just going to be a soul-crushing grind: New Rep, Gear Upgrades, Harder Elite Missions, etc...
    During the first few episodes, I was fully enjoying the expansion. I am now finding the leveling system to be tedious and slow. Since there is nothing to grab onto, the slow pace of the leveling system is a turn off.

    I am bored at level 55.

    I don't think I will stick around to reach level 60.
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    lordhooklordhook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The games should be fun, should be something to entertain. STO looks now with a second job where your employer is bankrupt and he delays your payment :mad::mad::mad:
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    guilli88guilli88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    A lot less fun. I can do less than before.

    Everything takes more time and rewards less.
    Less ec rewards for everything
    Less xp
    Less dilithium

    Can't even do advanced in a reasonable amount of time, it's boring to wait for npc's to die when they're not a challenge to defeat.



    It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
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    heckgoblinheckgoblin Member Posts: 685
    edited November 2014
    I'm having a ton of fun now, and it's for two reasons:

    1. Kerrat is back. This is my sole reason for playing STO.

    2. Viral torpedoes. These are fantastic, but they're also important for a very specific reason: they're a perfect counter to the rampant Hobo Dyson destroyers whose pilots have set their ships up to ensure their targets don't have any fun. Well, now the tables are turned, and the pilots of those things aren't having any fun - and to me, their misery and suffering is the sweetest nectar.
    I AM WAR.
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