all my dil from all my characters are gone
all my crafting mats are gone
all my items from my account bank are gone
all my inventory items have been removed and some are missing..
every single lock box ship I had in my other accounts bank is gone.
Seriously, though, have you tried relogging?! Cuz for Cryptic to make a bug that makes your entire inventory vanish, they'd have to introduce a whole new level of bug in the system that produces their regular bugs.
For a minute there, I was about to confirm what the op a panic. Then I realized I was on an alt, lol... Way to go, op! Got the adrenaline going!
all my dil from all my characters are gone
all my crafting mats are gone
all my items from my account bank are gone
all my inventory items have been removed and some are missing..
every single lock box ship I had in my other accounts bank is gone.
ive lost everything??!?!?!
Maybe you we're TRIBBLE.
Also, why doesn't this game have authentication tokens?
Looking for more info on Dilithium Rising? Click on the link below:
all my dil from all my characters are gone
all my crafting mats are gone
all my items from my account bank are gone
all my inventory items have been removed and some are missing..
every single lock box ship I had in my other accounts bank is gone.
ive lost everything??!?!?!
You should file a ticket immediately. Doesn't matter if it has a low chance of helping, you need to make some noise as this is kinda serious.
This link, when combined with your sig pic and your total disregard for the plight of the OP, has compelled me to award you 'TeH INTERNETZ' this day... congratulations!!
Yep I just filled a ticket. Went through all my characters and anything that was unique is gone. I had every single lock box ship, some I used on my character some I left in bank to wait to decide whom to use it on, and its all gone.. all my dil everything is totally gone.
And I checked my email and no email was sent about any suspicious email or new activity on my account... not impressed.
I'm also fleet leader and our entire fleet bank has been ripped off, checking my logs and looks like everything was taken by me.
all my dil from all my characters are gone
all my crafting mats are gone
all my items from my account bank are gone
all my inventory items have been removed and some are missing..
every single lock box ship I had in my other accounts bank is gone.
ive lost everything??!?!?!
It does sound like you were TRIBBLE.
File a ticket. I hope it gets resolved for you.
I would encourage you to not only change your password here but anywhere else you may use the same password. Person could have TRIBBLE your account by breaking into a wholly unrelated one. Never use the same password more than once, anywhere.
Yep I just filled a ticket. Went through all my characters and anything that was unique is gone. I had every single lock box ship, some I used on my character some I left in bank to wait to decide whom to use it on, and its all gone.. all my dil everything is totally gone.
And I checked my email and no email was sent about any suspicious email or new activity on my account... not impressed.
I'm also fleet leader and our entire fleet bank has been ripped off, checking my logs and looks like everything was taken by me.
It is sounding like someone did a very thorough, though lazy, hacking of your account. Thorough because they slipped it by without catching on an account guard filter, and lazy because they didn't destroy everything on your account. Be glad they were lazy.
Yep I just filled a ticket. Went through all my characters and anything that was unique is gone. I had every single lock box ship, some I used on my character some I left in bank to wait to decide whom to use it on, and its all gone.. all my dil everything is totally gone.
And I checked my email and no email was sent about any suspicious email or new activity on my account... not impressed.
I'm also fleet leader and our entire fleet bank has been ripped off, checking my logs and looks like everything was taken by me.
Yup. Looks like you were TRIBBLE. I would not mess too much with your account now (like moving stuff around) until they had a chance to investigate. This is obviously quite serious.
Apart from sending a ticket and hoping for the best you must change your account password immediately. Then scan your computer for infections. After that is done change your password once again.
Some general security tips:
- have complex unguessable account passwords (no names, favorite things, foods, etc)
- Have a decent digital security package for your pc(s). Internet security like firewalls, anti maleware, a virus scanner, etc. You can find products that have this all rolled into one package.
- NEVER share account details with anyone for anything. This is also why you should use random passwords.
Thing is I had so much stuff stored for over 4 years, its hard to even know whats all have been taken. All our unique items we had in our fleet bank that was for rewards was taken. I don't even have a single EC to my name.. so cant even do my reps now.
And I was only gone for half a day due to work...
Do they have a phone number to call or anything, I submitted a ticket but I want this resolved asap.
Uh... That sounds bad and like your account was "TRIBBLE". You already filed a ticket, so I would recommend changing your password now. (And at least also the account e-mail password). Remember to not use the same password for different services or games. (Even if it's totally annoying to keep so many passwords.)
And I wouldn't want to be in your shoes - I can almost imagine the kind of panic, worry, anger and frustration you may feel. At least it's "just" a game account - not your bank account.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Ooohhhhhh, account guard bypassed ? better change your real email password too. Check the account guard settings too, maybe they were stupid sloppy and left their mach id in account guards logs or emails.
You should probably do a full scan on your computer and change all of your passwords, etc. Are you the only person with access to your computer? Any punk kids, angry wife/girlfriend thinking you aren't showing her enough attention, a-hole friends who might think it funny to mess with your account?
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
Ooohhhhhh, account guard bypassed ? better change your real email password too. Check the account guard settings too, maybe they were stupid sloppy and left their mach id in account guards logs or emails.
Were would I go to check.. haven't really touched guard that much. Wouldn't even know where to look at all that. I just wanna burrow my head in sand... like is this a dream.. so not happy today
-scanning my comp now
-changing every single password I have
That's actually a good point. It's best to assume your entire Pc has been comprimised, and with it any accounts, be it gmail accounts, game accounts, bank accounts, etc. Change every passwordafter doing a full security sweep. You can't be too careful with digital ID theft.
A couple of things would cause me to think twice about this (not challenging the story, but in trying to trace the destination of where all of your stuff went). First, I would think that if the devs took this seriously, there should be some way to trace what happened to at least some of the items and then determine who might have been involved. If nothing is done, then it would indicate to me that they really don't care and treat people as unimportant until they have money to spend. The second thing is what reason would they have to have done anything to your lockbox ships that are already being used in the game by you? My understanding is that once unlocked, it's account based (but I could be wrong on this as I've never tried to sell one of my ships before).
All in all, I feel really bad for what has happened to you and hope that everything gets resolved amicably, even if it's only because it causes even more distress when it happens to anyone with a lego spaceman avatar.
It really bothers me that people do this sort of thing. Yeah, I know people are heels, but that doesn't make me feel any better about the fact that they're out there causing these kinds of problems to other players of this game.
Fleet Admiral Duane Gundrum, U.S.S. Merrimack
Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire
A couple of things would cause me to think twice about this (not challenging the story, but in trying to trace the destination of where all of your stuff went). First, I would think that if the devs took this seriously, there should be some way to trace what happened to at least some of the items and then determine who might have been involved. If nothing is done, then it would indicate to me that they really don't care and treat people as unimportant until they have money to spend. The second thing is what reason would they have to have done anything to your lockbox ships that are already being used in the game by you? My understanding is that once unlocked, it's account based (but I could be wrong on this as I've never tried to sell one of my ships before).
All in all, I feel really bad for what has happened to you and hope that everything gets resolved amicably, even if it's only because it causes even more distress when it happens to anyone with a lego spaceman avatar.
It really bothers me that people do this sort of thing. Yeah, I know people are heels, but that doesn't make me feel any better about the fact that they're out there causing these kinds of problems to other players of this game.
I hope so to, and that a dev might see this post and get in contact with me on this issue asap. Been playing since the game started, and never had any problem with this sort of thing as I keep my stuff pretty locked down in terms of security. I went to work last night, and before that I was playing, had all my gear, took them within 8 hours to do this. Thing is with the lockbox ships I had, which were them all. I had opened some of them but the rest were still in their crates. So they could be moved where ever. I didn't want them to be opened as I wanted to see if I was going to make a new character and use the ship on them.. Now looking here and now, I should of. Im heading to the shipyard to see if they destroyed any of my ships that I had..
Its just one big bad day for me in terms of STO.. I really hope the devs help in this issue and get this resolved and help trace who did this. Im doing my end and hope I can get this resolved quickly.
To any dev, please get in contact with me on this issue, I submitted a ticket, but I need this looked at ASAP
Thing is I had so much stuff stored for over 4 years, its hard to even know whats all have been taken. All our unique items we had in our fleet bank that was for rewards was taken. I don't even have a single EC to my name.. so cant even do my reps now.
And I was only gone for half a day due to work...
Do they have a phone number to call or anything, I submitted a ticket but I want this resolved asap.
Fortunately, for you, we are now all eminently aware they can do rollbacks easily. Seriously, that's what they should do for you: just roll you back pre-hack.
system Lord Baal is dead
all my crafting mats are gone
all my items from my account bank are gone
all my inventory items have been removed and some are missing..
every single lock box ship I had in my other accounts bank is gone.
ive lost everything??!?!?!
Seriously, though, have you tried relogging?! Cuz for Cryptic to make a bug that makes your entire inventory vanish, they'd have to introduce a whole new level of bug in the system that produces their regular bugs.
Firesworn Nation (@rswfire) -
Maybe you we're TRIBBLE.
Also, why doesn't this game have authentication tokens?
[SIGPIC]Click here to visit my STO YouTube channel[/SIGPIC]
Star Trek Online Intro HD [3rd Fleet Anniversary]
Join Date: Jul 2009
You should file a ticket immediately. Doesn't matter if it has a low chance of helping, you need to make some noise as this is kinda serious.
This link, when combined with your sig pic and your total disregard for the plight of the OP, has compelled me to award you 'TeH INTERNETZ' this day... congratulations!!
Kill Feddie,
And I checked my email and no email was sent about any suspicious email or new activity on my account... not impressed.
I'm also fleet leader and our entire fleet bank has been ripped off, checking my logs and looks like everything was taken by me.
It does sound like you were TRIBBLE.
File a ticket. I hope it gets resolved for you.
I would encourage you to not only change your password here but anywhere else you may use the same password. Person could have TRIBBLE your account by breaking into a wholly unrelated one. Never use the same password more than once, anywhere.
Firesworn Nation (@rswfire) -
It is sounding like someone did a very thorough, though lazy, hacking of your account. Thorough because they slipped it by without catching on an account guard filter, and lazy because they didn't destroy everything on your account. Be glad they were lazy.
Yup. Looks like you were TRIBBLE. I would not mess too much with your account now (like moving stuff around) until they had a chance to investigate. This is obviously quite serious.
Apart from sending a ticket and hoping for the best you must change your account password immediately. Then scan your computer for infections. After that is done change your password once again.
Some general security tips:
- have complex unguessable account passwords (no names, favorite things, foods, etc)
- Have a decent digital security package for your pc(s). Internet security like firewalls, anti maleware, a virus scanner, etc. You can find products that have this all rolled into one package.
- NEVER share account details with anyone for anything. This is also why you should use random passwords.
It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
And I was only gone for half a day due to work...
Do they have a phone number to call or anything, I submitted a ticket but I want this resolved asap.
And I wouldn't want to be in your shoes - I can almost imagine the kind of panic, worry, anger and frustration you may feel. At least it's "just" a game account - not your bank account.
We actually had some good stuff in the guild bank.
I was thinking about buying some keys tonight. My wallets closed till you get your stuff back.
Also go download the free version of spybot search and destroy.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
that would cost them more money to add does any PWE game have them?
system Lord Baal is dead
Were would I go to check.. haven't really touched guard that much. Wouldn't even know where to look at all that. I just wanna burrow my head in sand... like is this a dream.. so not happy today
-scanning my comp now
-changing every single password I have
That's actually a good point. It's best to assume your entire Pc has been comprimised, and with it any accounts, be it gmail accounts, game accounts, bank accounts, etc. Change every passwordafter doing a full security sweep. You can't be too careful with digital ID theft.
It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
All in all, I feel really bad for what has happened to you and hope that everything gets resolved amicably, even if it's only because it causes even more distress when it happens to anyone with a lego spaceman avatar.
It really bothers me that people do this sort of thing. Yeah, I know people are heels, but that doesn't make me feel any better about the fact that they're out there causing these kinds of problems to other players of this game.
Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire
I hope so to, and that a dev might see this post and get in contact with me on this issue asap. Been playing since the game started, and never had any problem with this sort of thing as I keep my stuff pretty locked down in terms of security. I went to work last night, and before that I was playing, had all my gear, took them within 8 hours to do this. Thing is with the lockbox ships I had, which were them all. I had opened some of them but the rest were still in their crates. So they could be moved where ever. I didn't want them to be opened as I wanted to see if I was going to make a new character and use the ship on them.. Now looking here and now, I should of. Im heading to the shipyard to see if they destroyed any of my ships that I had..
Its just one big bad day for me in terms of STO.. I really hope the devs help in this issue and get this resolved and help trace who did this. Im doing my end and hope I can get this resolved quickly.
To any dev, please get in contact with me on this issue, I submitted a ticket, but I need this looked at ASAP
Everything is Perfect at Perfect World. Nothing to see here. We will defeat the infidels.
Fortunately, for you, we are now all eminently aware they can do rollbacks easily.
i cant take credit for the pic that goes too the maker of this thread im just borrowing it
system Lord Baal is dead
strange that you can't see 'sent mail'. It would leave a nice trail unless he had an accomplice.