I like to play STO as canon as possible so i play my fed ships with phasers. With all the new weapon types that were put into the game with the past updates, and the resulting power creep left phaser weapons pretty much behind. Every other weapontype has some sort of DoT.
Wouldnt it be time to buff the phasers a bit? Give them some type of DoT aswell?
Having phasers equipped should grant the user access to "target subsystems" abilities. Phasers were always described as more precise than most other lazorpewpews in Star Trek lore.
You only have access to target subsystem by either using the boff-ability or a sic-ship.
Phasers just have the 2.5% chance to disable a random subsystem for 5 sec. After the proc enemys are immune for the proc for 10 sec.
If you want tol use phaser with a Dot maybe look at the Hybrid-phaser, as there are
Phased Biomatter and Bio-Molecular.
They grant some additional Proc.
The Bio-Phasers unfortunately look like Disruptors, so if you want a canon look you are stuck with normal non-hybrid Phasers.
I recently switched from Disruptors to Phasers on my higher DPS Captain, because I also wanted to fly a Canon looking build. While I noticed a slight decrease in damage output it's really nothing to worry about. It's not like you totally gimp yourself with that weapon type. So just go for it and hope the Devs change it some time in the future. We had several discussions about Phasers and AFAIK there was no Dev response in any of the threads, so don't expect one here
I would not recommend getting Fleet Phasers, you are better off upgrading normal Phasers with as many [CrtD] mods as possible. The Elite Fleet Phasers are especially bad, that heal proc is not very useful.
Having phasers equipped should grant the user access to "target subsystems" abilities. Phasers were always described as more precise than most other lazorpewpews in Star Trek lore.
Actually...they weren't any better than the norm.
From the episode TNG episode "The Defector":
Data:[...]"The Romulans have the same capability to direct the impact of their weapons as we do. "
I'd like to know what your claimed is based on please.
Didn't the D'deridex in that episode fire disruptor pulses, too? So why can't we use subsystem targeting with cannons? (I've always wondered this, it seems like a pretty pointless restriction.)
I don't see that phasers need any change at all. I've used them exclusively on all my fed characters and they have never disappointed me. They're especially useful in stfs when the whole team is targeted on a so gle shielded enemy. When the shield proc hits, everyone's damage goes straight to the hull for 5 seconds. That's a huge damage boost, especially when everyone is firing torps at the same time.
It disappoints me how few players can see the value of each weapon/energy type. If it doesn't have some sort of extra damage proc, they don't even consider using it. If it doesn't boost dps, its not worth it. I've always been of the mind that each ship should use the weapons it was designed to use in the show/movies. That includes the energy type as well as the weapon type. And I've always thought that maybe it would be better to have each ship retain the canon color of its weapons, and just have players select the weapon type and mods (I.e. beam array, (dmg)x2, (acc)).
I don't see that phasers need any change at all. I've used them exclusively on all my fed characters and they have never disappointed me. They're especially useful in stfs when the whole team is targeted on a so gle shielded enemy. When the shield proc hits, everyone's damage goes straight to the hull for 5 seconds. That's a huge damage boost, especially when everyone is firing torps at the same time.
It disappoints me how few players can see the value of each weapon/energy type. If it doesn't have some sort of extra damage proc, they don't even consider using it. If it doesn't boost dps, its not worth it. I've always been of the mind that each ship should use the weapons it was designed to use in the show/movies. That includes the energy type as well as the weapon type. And I've always thought that maybe it would be better to have each ship retain the canon color of its weapons, and just have players select the weapon type and mods (I.e. beam array, (dmg)x2, (acc)).
But it isn't a 'shield proc' it's a 'random subsystem proc'; so even when it works, there is no guarantee that it'll do anything useful. What's more, as I understand it, there is an immunity period so that ships can't just be perma-disabled by concentrated phaser fire; which means the proc can't trigger on a given target anywhere near as often as other weapon procs can.
Anyway, it's not just damage procs people like. Polarons have their fans too, because the drain proc synergises so well with certain builds.
capnmanx borught it to the point. The Phaser proc is a chance to knock one system offline for a short time. And the target gets immune for 10 seconds if it hits. Given that every subsystem shutdown but shields is useless against NPCs Phaser give a 2.5% chance to get a 25% chance to disable shields for 5 seconds (I think it was 5). A chance to have a chance to do something useful.
That's why it it considered the worst proc.
If you can afford them then the spiral-wave disruptors are great - they're slightly more yellow than phasers, but not a totally different colour. They have both the disruptor and phaser procs and then [acc]x2 [dmg]x2 mods at very rare quality.
Assuming you are attached to the aesthetic of the phasers i.e. the 'cannon' orange death beams then stick with the phasers. Honestly unless your going for min/max megaDPS then the selection of your energy type has little impact on your output. You can improve your DPS effectively enough by using DOFFs, and a few choice consoles. If you really want a DoT proc find room for a plasma-generating weapon console out of the fleet embassy store that plasma add is pretty nice actually.
Didn't the D'deridex in that episode fire disruptor pulses, too? So why can't we use subsystem targeting with cannons? (I've always wondered this, it seems like a pretty pointless restriction.)
If you can afford them then the spiral-wave disruptors are great - they're slightly more yellow than phasers, but not a totally different colour. They have both the disruptor and phaser procs and then [acc]x2 [dmg]x2 mods at very rare quality.
Been using them since I got them and just can't switch them out.
Been using them since I got them and just can't switch them out.
I had upgraded mine on Tribble, haven't done so on Live yet. What I liked was when they reached Ultra Rare, they received a CrtX mod.
"I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
Phaser are very powerfull in pvp i can even say better than AP they also are very good in pve especialy against heavy shielded dreadnoughts otherwise the are not that good i stick for AP coz i dont like to count on random stuff but im now collecting gold mk 14 phasers for pvp.
Here's the whole deal in a nutshell. Have fun, but accept your limitations whether they be imposed by the game or your own choices. If you want to run a canon build, I say go for it. More power to you. But, accept the limitation that you're not going to be able to travel in high DPS circles.
A year or so ago, I was in a canon built FExcelsior using Phasers and Quantums. I couldn't break 6k Damage Per Second. I finally gave up on trying to remain canon and now I travel in the 30k DPS circles. That was my choice. Remaining canon is just as valid, but again, you have accept the limitations you're imposing on yourself.
You sure didn't increase by 24k DPS just by switching from phasers to something else. Energy typ is FAR less important for DPS than what you pretend it to be...
I still use phasers on my Ambassador class with my Fed Eng. I had no issues taking out my target with them. They can work over the target well specially when I start my "Pylon Turns".
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Speaking of phasers , I use Phased Polaron Beams on my Jem-Dred (because they look like weapons and not a flavor of icecream like regular lolaron's do) -- but I'll be damned if I ever saw those use the phaser proc .
Anyone say those proc the 2.5% chance to disable 1 random subsystem ?
I heard the Undine/CC space set buffs Phasers in some way. It is not mentioned on Stowiki as any power or ability of the set. Or I might have been dreaming...
Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home' SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
I heard the Undine/CC space set buffs Phasers in some way. It is not mentioned on Stowiki as any power or ability of the set. Or I might have been dreaming...
It does, but if you want the full set you end up not making any gains; since it includes that counter command tac console which is not as good as a standard phaser console (let alone one of the fleet vulnerability ones).
Given the fact that both the Torpedo and the Turret are green. You'd have to give up two console slots, one being a tac console, to get that bonus on a canon looking ship. Probably not the best option on most builds.
CC Deflector gives Bonus to all Energy and Torpedo damage.
You sure didn't increase by 24k DPS just by switching from phasers to something else. Energy typ is FAR less important for DPS than what you pretend it to be...
No, and I never claimed that it did. Better players took me under their wing and taught me how to the game's mechanics work and how to build ships to maximize your potential within the confines of that system. However, there is an indisputable fact that you're going to have to live with. Lets take a T5-U FGalaxy and build them identically except for one thing. You keep one torp in the front and one in the rear while I keep eight beams. I'm going to out DPS you every. single. time. It's just the way the game's mechanics work. Another "feature" of the game's mechanics is that Phasers are simply one of the worst choices in PvE. I'll gladly join you in requesting a change in the proc to make them more appealing, but short of that happening, it simply is what it is.
I'm a staunch supporter of what you're trying to do. I think it would be a lot of fun and at the end of the day, that's what the game is about. I prefer min/maxing. You prefer playing canon Trek. Both are equally valid ways to derive enjoyment from the game.
An update on upgrading SWD: I made the financially painful attempt to upgrade a Mk XIV to UR and failed. Yet, the " possible" outcome says it could have "[???] x5" :eek:.
For the cost of upgrading, I think I will have to be happy with plain ol' VR MkXIV :P
I would not recommend getting Fleet Phasers, you are better off upgrading normal Phasers with as many [CrtD] mods as possible. The Elite Fleet Phasers are especially bad, that heal proc is not very useful.
Sounds like you don't actually have a lot of experience using them.
I broke down and purchased elite fleet phasers for 2 toons; 2 complete sets of arrays, dual beams and dual heavy cannons. I've tried everything else, and my other toons specialize in AP, polaron, disrupters and romulan Plasma.
For starters the heal proc does work, infact they work quite well.
For my escort build, the added shields heals are surprisingly valuable allowing me to drop one of my two shield heals for an additional A2W.
On my science builds, the arrays are surprisingly valuable. My current leveling with the 4 new T6 ships have been done with all elite XIV phasers
Are the 'better' than a similar build with anti-proton? If all you're talking about is DPS, then the answer is no. But if you like 'Star Trek', and want something more like the series? Then hell yeah, they're good.
Phasers just have the 2.5% chance to disable a random subsystem for 5 sec. After the proc enemys are immune for the proc for 10 sec.
If you want tol use phaser with a Dot maybe look at the Hybrid-phaser, as there are
Phased Biomatter and Bio-Molecular.
They grant some additional Proc.
I recently switched from Disruptors to Phasers on my higher DPS Captain, because I also wanted to fly a Canon looking build. While I noticed a slight decrease in damage output it's really nothing to worry about. It's not like you totally gimp yourself with that weapon type. So just go for it and hope the Devs change it some time in the future. We had several discussions about Phasers and AFAIK there was no Dev response in any of the threads, so don't expect one here
Actually...they weren't any better than the norm.
From the episode TNG episode "The Defector":
Data:[...]"The Romulans have the same capability to direct the impact of their weapons as we do. "
I'd like to know what your claimed is based on please.
It disappoints me how few players can see the value of each weapon/energy type. If it doesn't have some sort of extra damage proc, they don't even consider using it. If it doesn't boost dps, its not worth it. I've always been of the mind that each ship should use the weapons it was designed to use in the show/movies. That includes the energy type as well as the weapon type. And I've always thought that maybe it would be better to have each ship retain the canon color of its weapons, and just have players select the weapon type and mods (I.e. beam array, (dmg)x2, (acc)).
(the OP hasn't been updated yet, the damage restrictions aren't in place anymore.)
But it isn't a 'shield proc' it's a 'random subsystem proc'; so even when it works, there is no guarantee that it'll do anything useful. What's more, as I understand it, there is an immunity period so that ships can't just be perma-disabled by concentrated phaser fire; which means the proc can't trigger on a given target anywhere near as often as other weapon procs can.
Anyway, it's not just damage procs people like. Polarons have their fans too, because the drain proc synergises so well with certain builds.
capnmanx borught it to the point. The Phaser proc is a chance to knock one system offline for a short time. And the target gets immune for 10 seconds if it hits. Given that every subsystem shutdown but shields is useless against NPCs Phaser give a 2.5% chance to get a 25% chance to disable shields for 5 seconds (I think it was 5). A chance to have a chance to do something useful.
That's why it it considered the worst proc.
Or torpedos for that matter.
I had upgraded mine on Tribble, haven't done so on Live yet. What I liked was when they reached Ultra Rare, they received a CrtX mod.
A year or so ago, I was in a canon built FExcelsior using Phasers and Quantums. I couldn't break 6k Damage Per Second. I finally gave up on trying to remain canon and now I travel in the 30k DPS circles. That was my choice. Remaining canon is just as valid, but again, you have accept the limitations you're imposing on yourself.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Anyone say those proc the 2.5% chance to disable 1 random subsystem ?
SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
It does, but if you want the full set you end up not making any gains; since it includes that counter command tac console which is not as good as a standard phaser console (let alone one of the fleet vulnerability ones).
Uni-Console, Tac-Console, Heavy Phaser Turret, Biomolecular Photon Torpedo.
2 pieces give 7.5% Phaser damage.
Given the fact that both the Torpedo and the Turret are green. You'd have to give up two console slots, one being a tac console, to get that bonus on a canon looking ship. Probably not the best option on most builds.
CC Deflector gives Bonus to all Energy and Torpedo damage.
No, and I never claimed that it did. Better players took me under their wing and taught me how to the game's mechanics work and how to build ships to maximize your potential within the confines of that system. However, there is an indisputable fact that you're going to have to live with. Lets take a T5-U FGalaxy and build them identically except for one thing. You keep one torp in the front and one in the rear while I keep eight beams. I'm going to out DPS you every. single. time. It's just the way the game's mechanics work. Another "feature" of the game's mechanics is that Phasers are simply one of the worst choices in PvE. I'll gladly join you in requesting a change in the proc to make them more appealing, but short of that happening, it simply is what it is.
I'm a staunch supporter of what you're trying to do. I think it would be a lot of fun and at the end of the day, that's what the game is about. I prefer min/maxing. You prefer playing canon Trek. Both are equally valid ways to derive enjoyment from the game.
For the cost of upgrading, I think I will have to be happy with plain ol' VR MkXIV :P
Sounds like you don't actually have a lot of experience using them.
I broke down and purchased elite fleet phasers for 2 toons; 2 complete sets of arrays, dual beams and dual heavy cannons. I've tried everything else, and my other toons specialize in AP, polaron, disrupters and romulan Plasma.
For starters the heal proc does work, infact they work quite well.
For my escort build, the added shields heals are surprisingly valuable allowing me to drop one of my two shield heals for an additional A2W.
On my science builds, the arrays are surprisingly valuable. My current leveling with the 4 new T6 ships have been done with all elite XIV phasers
Are the 'better' than a similar build with anti-proton? If all you're talking about is DPS, then the answer is no. But if you like 'Star Trek', and want something more like the series? Then hell yeah, they're good.