I didn't read the whole thread so I apologize if this was mentioned before.
Isn't it possible that with the recent changes in both difficulty and the ability to grief teams by deliberately failing optionals that players have chosen to exercise the option of forming private teams rather than risk the queues to saddle them with unprepared puggers or worse griefers?
I didn't read the whole thread so I apologize if this was mentioned before.
Isn't it possible that with the recent changes in both difficulty and the ability to grief teams by deliberately failing optionals that players have chosen to exercise the option of forming private teams rather than risk the queues to saddle them with unprepared puggers or worse griefers?
Thought so as well but the endgame options as in space pve have come to a such sad state that everyone not contributing some 10k dps is basically grieving.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
It's scary how much I agree with all of this .
Not so much with the wanting it all back (not because I don't wan't it , but because I see it as likely as I see the old STF'S returning) -- but as to the rest of it ... -- that is what (sadly) Taco's & Jem Jamz's pretty art hid for far too long .
It's all there , all the theft we had to put up with "for our benefit" in one single post .
... I'm sure stuff is missing , like the removal of our Rep powers that only allow us to slot a few , but the gist of it is there ... .
Don't forget Club 47 and Deja Q. Pretty art doesn't do it for me when there is nothing left to do in the game due to the Dilithium and loot rewards being so completely shafted. I definitely agree with the post you quoted as well.
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Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
Zen costs them nothing, they can create and delete as much zen as they like to fuel the economy. Not only that but the notifications of the ships won by lockbox can easily be set to rerun or even be fake if needed. From a behind the scenes point of view it's very easy to manipulate and adjust data/information to suit their needs.
A lot of the big players are not necessarily the big spenders, especially the economically savvy ones.
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
The free Lobi is a way to fiddle the numbers at least, as inaccurate as it may be. Otherwise they could have ended up with a report that shows a frightening number of people not even logging in compared to what they were really expecting so soon after DR launch.
I actually found the Lobi / free keys to the Euro folks on top of a Dil weekend to be a bit fishy (or just plain over the top) .
I believe that with just a few teaks, DR could actually be as successful as they are trying to claim it is. You could make DR a great release by doing a few small things.
1. Return the Old Elite ques as they used to be with the same rewards. (Call them Advanced.)
2. Up the 'scaling XP' after level 50 so that skill progression is a little faster.
3. Reduce the amount of R&D XP Required to get classes to level 15. Crafting is far more affordable if you're at level 15, but it takes almost 4 months to get a skill to level 15. That's ridiculous.
They could do these 3 things in one easy patch and it would (in my opinion) fix the bulk of the problem with DR. I know these changes would greatly change my current opinion of STO.
Add to that another Tier to all Reps that actually gives Mk 14 weapons , as in the age of Mk 14 , it's just dumb to grind for a month or two for non-top level gear .
Never going to happen. The whole reason behind time gating everything is so they can charge you money to skip the time gates. The more time gates they can add, the more money they'll make.
imo this game with all its time gates its like swtor f2p model enough to drive you to open your money bags
Never going to happen. The whole reason behind time gating everything is so they can charge you money to skip the time gates. The more time gates they can add, the more money they'll make.
While some will, I feel just as many won't. Most of my fleet pretty much quit except for the winter and summer events with the crafting revamp after they nerfed the 20 hour missions. I have yet to sink any dil into crafting except once when I derped and accidentally clicked finish now.
Never going to happen. The whole reason behind time gating everything is so they can charge you money to skip the time gates. The more time gates they can add, the more money they'll make.
Not all timegates serve the same function .
One is like you've described .
Another (like turning only 50 Marks into Dil) is to keep your cheeks in the seat .
Because at one point it was important to Cryptic to have you play , and along the way to tempt you to buy stuff .
This was as they described it .
I'm not sure that the more blatantly aggressive monetization that started with the Crafting system is actually wholly compatible with the former , more mellow approach .
At least with swtor, you can pay a flat rate (monthly subscription) and have full access to pretty much everything. STO does not have that option.
If only swtor had STO's shiny graphics . I'd be all over that ... , but I cant stand the flat looking character models . It's like something from a decade ago .
If only swtor had STO's shiny graphics . I'd be all over that ... , but I cant stand the flat looking character models . It's like something from a decade ago .
And there is the argument that we do at least get to KEEP our purchases.....
wouldn't know. Every time I play swtor, I sub. They do a good job of justifying the sub. It's not just about access to end game and pvp, but there's a lot that comes with a sub extra. There's enough of a challenge in terms of work to be done to keep me interested in the game, but unlike STO, it doesn't feel so monumental.
Also, I've been logging into STO once a day lately just to gain some creds here and there from doff missions and honestly, STO feels slow. Everything about it in terms of game mechanics and everything feels... slow.
I have 4 different classes, 8 different story-lines to immerse myself in and there's enough options to define my character how I want them. With STO, I just don't feel that way about it. The Romulans are the closest to being that way. KDF and Starfleet feel very static by comparison.
Oh yeah... and unlike the KDF, the Empire in Swtor is a full on faction.
I realize that it comes across as hijacking the thread. Sorry.
It's just that I logged back into STO right before DR to try and get back into it. I thought I would lead up to it by running a new KDF sci character, but everything just felt so limiting and I didn't want to do another Romulan (two already) and I don't feel like doing Fed up until they re-do the Rom story line stuff like they said they would (just feels like I'd be missing out on something). Seriously, the only sci ship available is the Gorn one and there aren't any options to modify the ship at all. I'd love to have something like the Lockbox ship, but again... that's behind a lockbox or what looks like 200 dollars. I'm not going to spend that much on a single ship when given that I used to sub before PW took over for two years and so have already dropped that much on this game.
So I thought I pick back up with my Rommie, but then I run into issues with not having fleshed out the Romulan rep grind which is weird to me since it is referenced in the opening episode to the Sphere. I just feel like I'm missing something with that and I honestly don't have time to grind just to get those stories. Certainly, I didn't have enough time before DR came out.
Oh and then SWTOR announces their new Expansion and says that if I sub again and buy the expac for only 20 then I can get to level out the stories that I hadn't done using only class missions. That's awesome. Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter are soooo fun so far. And that's the difference to me. Yeah, I have to pay 15 a month for SWTOR, but over the past year or so... they've been giving me what I want. STO's devs seem intent on the opposite. Obviously, I have no problem paying. But ships are as much part of my character is the ground avatar is to me. And STO locks them up behind ridiculous prices or gambling boxes. Clearly, the Devs understand the players that are willing to fork over hundreds of dollars on digital items, but they don't understand me or a larger group of players.
It's sad in a lot of ways, because as this happens the average price of an item will actually go up over time because there aren't enough players buying to drive the cost of items down in the long term. If the Devs would focus on making STO a better game, the game would not only still be F2p as it is now, but cheaper over all for everyone included. But it's not, the prices are inflated. This is why I play Swtor instead. I have to pay, yes, but my fifteen means something in that game. In STO, my fifteen means virtually nothing. They don't care about me as a customer.
Also, if anyone is bothering to wonder why I check the forums and stuff, that much should be obvious. Yes, I don't play much of or give Cryptic money at this point, but I really wish they would make the game to a place where I felt like I could and not feel ripped off. Good luck with that, I know, but one can hope that they will see... the light, some light, something. Something that would actually make me want to play what is or could be a fairly decent game.
I stopped running the game through Steam after I hit 666 hours of gameplay.
Steam figures won't be perfect but are the only ones we have, and are at least indicative. For example: unless there has been a shift within the last two weeks of 20% of Steam players no longer using Steam, and instead shifting over to Arc and logging in there, then there has been an indicated 20% drop in player logins.
Steam figures won't be perfect but are the only ones we have, and are at least indicative. For example: unless there has been a shift within the last two weeks of 20% of Steam players no longer using Steam, and instead shifting over to Arc and logging in there, then there has been an indicated 20% drop in player logins.
2 weeks is an eternity in today's bloated attention span theater society.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
2 weeks is an eternity in today's bloated attention span theater society.
If you want to claim that this has happened, be my guest... but you'll need to show some sort of evidence to justify a position that Steam's lost 20% of its player base in two weeks.
If so, then all we'd end up with is "no way to tell" if DR's been successful beyond anecdotes of dead queues and poor fleet/friend list attendance, in which case I'd still lean to the side of "not as successful as advertised".
City of Heroes had a far superior character creator than SWToR and it was a decade older. And the selection of alien races in SWToR is insulting. You can choose...
Blind Human
Red Human
Albino Human
Red Human with horns
Blue Human
Then there's the Trek rip-offs
cyBORG Human
Green (Orion :rolleyes:) Human
Caitians err Cathar :rolleyes:
200 million and that's the selection we get... Pathetic.
That was an alright post until I remembered that there are cyborgs green aliens and cathar in star wars... Crappy aliens aren't limited to star trek
ya i dont buy in to that
system Lord Baal is dead
Thought so as well but the endgame options as in space pve have come to a such sad state that everyone not contributing some 10k dps is basically grieving.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Don't forget Club 47 and Deja Q. Pretty art doesn't do it for me when there is nothing left to do in the game due to the Dilithium and loot rewards being so completely shafted. I definitely agree with the post you quoted as well.
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We only did one over the weekend as we all busy leveling ALTs.
With new content and the need to level one would think people are busy.
Now the entire difficulty fiscal sure killed off a lot players.
We lost 5 or so players who said they changed the STFs.
75% of all people in the world don't like change, who knew players are people.
A lot of the big players are not necessarily the big spenders, especially the economically savvy ones.
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
I actually found the Lobi / free keys to the Euro folks on top of a Dil weekend to be a bit fishy (or just plain over the top) .
Add to that another Tier to all Reps that actually gives Mk 14 weapons , as in the age of Mk 14 , it's just dumb to grind for a month or two for non-top level gear .
Unfortunately this opens up hop on Cryptic's side that says "players just need to get Mk 14 gear" .
Or ... "we just need to sell them new powerful shines , and they'll be back ..." .
imo this game with all its time gates its like swtor f2p model enough to drive you to open your money bags
system Lord Baal is dead
While some will, I feel just as many won't. Most of my fleet pretty much quit except for the winter and summer events with the crafting revamp after they nerfed the 20 hour missions. I have yet to sink any dil into crafting except once when I derped and accidentally clicked finish now.
Hey at least with swtor it's only fifteen a month. With sto, it's anybody's guess
Not all timegates serve the same function .
One is like you've described .
Another (like turning only 50 Marks into Dil) is to keep your cheeks in the seat .
Because at one point it was important to Cryptic to have you play , and along the way to tempt you to buy stuff .
This was as they described it .
I'm not sure that the more blatantly aggressive monetization that started with the Crafting system is actually wholly compatible with the former , more mellow approach .
At least with swtor, you can pay a flat rate (monthly subscription) and have full access to pretty much everything. STO does not have that option.
If only swtor had STO's shiny graphics . I'd be all over that ... , but I cant stand the flat looking character models . It's like something from a decade ago .
But not our skill points ... :P
This is also true. In swtor, once your subscription runs out, you lose access to a lot of things.
dude maybe its time to upgrade your PC or Gcard
system Lord Baal is dead
wouldn't know. Every time I play swtor, I sub. They do a good job of justifying the sub. It's not just about access to end game and pvp, but there's a lot that comes with a sub extra. There's enough of a challenge in terms of work to be done to keep me interested in the game, but unlike STO, it doesn't feel so monumental.
Also, I've been logging into STO once a day lately just to gain some creds here and there from doff missions and honestly, STO feels slow. Everything about it in terms of game mechanics and everything feels... slow.
I have 4 different classes, 8 different story-lines to immerse myself in and there's enough options to define my character how I want them. With STO, I just don't feel that way about it. The Romulans are the closest to being that way. KDF and Starfleet feel very static by comparison.
Oh yeah... and unlike the KDF, the Empire in Swtor is a full on faction.
agreed, swtor looks pretty good on my end. Stylistically they are different, but I wouldn't dismiss swtor's graphics by any stretch.
It's just that I logged back into STO right before DR to try and get back into it. I thought I would lead up to it by running a new KDF sci character, but everything just felt so limiting and I didn't want to do another Romulan (two already) and I don't feel like doing Fed up until they re-do the Rom story line stuff like they said they would (just feels like I'd be missing out on something). Seriously, the only sci ship available is the Gorn one and there aren't any options to modify the ship at all. I'd love to have something like the Lockbox ship, but again... that's behind a lockbox or what looks like 200 dollars. I'm not going to spend that much on a single ship when given that I used to sub before PW took over for two years and so have already dropped that much on this game.
So I thought I pick back up with my Rommie, but then I run into issues with not having fleshed out the Romulan rep grind which is weird to me since it is referenced in the opening episode to the Sphere. I just feel like I'm missing something with that and I honestly don't have time to grind just to get those stories. Certainly, I didn't have enough time before DR came out.
Oh and then SWTOR announces their new Expansion and says that if I sub again and buy the expac for only 20 then I can get to level out the stories that I hadn't done using only class missions. That's awesome. Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter are soooo fun so far. And that's the difference to me. Yeah, I have to pay 15 a month for SWTOR, but over the past year or so... they've been giving me what I want. STO's devs seem intent on the opposite. Obviously, I have no problem paying. But ships are as much part of my character is the ground avatar is to me. And STO locks them up behind ridiculous prices or gambling boxes. Clearly, the Devs understand the players that are willing to fork over hundreds of dollars on digital items, but they don't understand me or a larger group of players.
It's sad in a lot of ways, because as this happens the average price of an item will actually go up over time because there aren't enough players buying to drive the cost of items down in the long term. If the Devs would focus on making STO a better game, the game would not only still be F2p as it is now, but cheaper over all for everyone included. But it's not, the prices are inflated. This is why I play Swtor instead. I have to pay, yes, but my fifteen means something in that game. In STO, my fifteen means virtually nothing. They don't care about me as a customer.
sorry cant call them TRIBBLE flat or that A$$ flat
here some more pics
system Lord Baal is dead
What about people who don't play through Steam?
I stopped running the game through Steam after I hit 666 hours of gameplay.
Steam figures won't be perfect but are the only ones we have, and are at least indicative. For example: unless there has been a shift within the last two weeks of 20% of Steam players no longer using Steam, and instead shifting over to Arc and logging in there, then there has been an indicated 20% drop in player logins.
2 weeks is an eternity in today's bloated attention span theater society.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
If you want to claim that this has happened, be my guest... but you'll need to show some sort of evidence to justify a position that Steam's lost 20% of its player base in two weeks.
If so, then all we'd end up with is "no way to tell" if DR's been successful beyond anecdotes of dead queues and poor fleet/friend list attendance, in which case I'd still lean to the side of "not as successful as advertised".
That was an alright post until I remembered that there are cyborgs green aliens and cathar in star wars... Crappy aliens aren't limited to star trek