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Missing Weapon

mercialenmercialen Member Posts: 3 Arc User
edited October 2014 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
A Weapon equipped to my character has been replaced and is now missing. The weapon was the Shattering Harmonics Crystalline Sword, a piece from the Tholion Reputation Shattering Harmonics Set. I had previously upgraded this weapon to Mk XIII, and had earned a significant amount of Tech Points towards the next grade. I have checked my Bank, Bridge Officers and Upgrade slots, the works, it is missing. In the slot it was previously equipped was a Protonic Polaron Sniper Rifle Mk XII [CritD] [KB3].
I have previously found items suddenly missing, nothing has ever been done about it before, I have little hope it will be this time. I understand bugs and glitches happen, fixing them is complicated and time consuming. I normally just accept it and move on, reporting them only in the hopes someone else will not have to suffer them. The Sword is my favorite ground weapon, while honestly very simple to replace, this is an increadably disenchanting to me.

I'm adding this to the forum primarily to see if anyone else has had this problem. If it isn't an isolated issue PWE will be more inclined to give it prompt attention.
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