Because you deserve the lesson in humility. The people behind these accounts are humans. Not cash cows. We dont give you money so that you can spit in our faces. And that is what DR is. A spit in the face.
Then you have the audacity to call players exploiters because you created content that expected greater and greater amounts of time spent in game for lesser returns. You called them exploiters because they werent spending their time in your precious new content. You called them exploiters because for the first time in a long time Players were actually interacting in a social manner unlike the Anti-Social Queues you created.
I can careless about the excuses of its the management. I really do hope DR isnt successful. I hope you lose money on this investment.
Sad Part : If it is ... I don't think they even notice ... it's probably the economies fault, the customers fault or killer bees, then ...
Might get even worse :
"Oh boy we lost money with DR ... now what to do ... increase C-Store prices or something ... why is nobody buying 50k Zen Ships ... must be becaue the playerbase is shifting to Asia or something ... no Content & too much Grind you say ... nah our Monetization Designer says otherwise"
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
And the game doesn't run on love and good runs off of money
And companies with terrible customer service get penalized by lack of sales. That forces them to make changes: See AT&T, Comcast. That's what, I believe, OP wants.
And the game doesn't run on love and good runs off of money
When they try to take customers/consumers for a ride? Youre damn right I like watching them fail.
My love for Star Trek wont be used against me. I know someone will come along and say 'but but but STO could go under'. And I would respond. 'Maybe its time it did'.
They need a slap on the wrist... And judging from the number of T6 ships I've seen (13 total) while playing every day for around 4 hours, they've gotten it.
It's bad... Cause it will mean a reduction in STO development, but if cryptic learns from this, and I have to assume they will, they will do better next time...
Who knows... Maybe we will have Tribbles with frickin lazors.
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
And the game doesn't run on love and good runs off of money
And what happens when you hit the point of milking the player base for all they're worth?
You think they'd spend more money on a game that feels like a job?
When they try to take customers/consumers for a ride? Youre damn right I like watching them fail.
My love for Star Trek wont be used against me. I know someone will come along and say 'but but but STO could go under'. And I would respond. 'Maybe its time it did'.
That is different than wanting to cause others pain.
Wanting people to lose their jobs and doing tricks in alleyways just for food to stay alive.
You may disagree with them, but wishing pain on them is a little....terrible
And what happens when you hit the point of milking the player base for all they're worth?
You think they'd spend more money on a game that feels like a job?
Its worse than a job. Atleast with a job youre getting paid. In the manner Cryptic has maneuvered this game its now you paying them to let you do work.
That is different than wanting to cause others pain.
Wanting people to lose their jobs and doing tricks in alleyways just for food to stay alive.
You may disagree with them, but wishing pain on them is a little....terrible
Oh. The poor devs will go hungry agruement. Sorry. Still not going to change my opinion. They should of got out and found a job that wasnt attempting to corner its playerbase and force them to pay for every tidbit they could.
Theyre all adults. Theyre responsible for themselves.
Uh, those of us who grouped up and did Tau Dewa patrols weren't called exploiters. The announcement specifically mentions us, and that we aren't the ones who took advantage of a design flaw/bug.
Uh, those of us who grouped up and did Tau Dewa patrols weren't called exploiters. The announcement specifically mentions us, and that we aren't the ones who took advantage of a design flaw/bug.
Heres a cookie. Now go back to your playpin and let the adults talk.
Uh, those of us who grouped up and did Tau Dewa patrols weren't called exploiters. The announcement specifically mentions us, and that we aren't the ones who took advantage of a design flaw/bug.
Guess what?
They're doing it to themselves.
This kind of cash grab can only go on for so long.
It's not sustainable.
I fail to see how this is a cash grab. In any other mmo game the ability to level up and make significantly more gains off lower level content than the new harder and higher level content from an expansion would be an issue.
I really don't see how their milking people for money, at least not in the bad way you seem to be implying.
Rollbacks? Really not an uncommon thing when Devs want to fix an issue. Whether it be an oversight on their part or a players attempts to circumvent a system.
I fail to see how this is a cash grab. In any other mmo game the ability to level up and make significantly more gains off lower level content than the new harder and higher level content from an expansion would be an issue.
I really don't see how their milking people for money, at least not in the bad way you seem to be implying.
Rollbacks? Really not an uncommon thing when Devs want to fix an issue. Whether it be an oversight on their part or a players attempts to circumvent a system.
I fail to see how this is a cash grab. In any other mmo game the ability to level up and make significantly more gains off lower level content than the new harder and higher level content from an expansion would be an issue.
I really don't see how their milking people for money, at least not in the bad way you seem to be implying.
Rollbacks? Really not an uncommon thing when Devs want to fix an issue. Whether it be an oversight on their part or a players attempts to circumvent a system.
Look at this release as a whole and add in the R&D revamp and you should be able to see how more and more of the game is being gated by paywalls.
You know, you can play this game just fine without being subjected to any "cash grab". TRIBBLE, I've been at it for years now, and have yet to shell out a dime!
Just because you're so desperate to have all the new shinies now that you throw your wallet at the screen, doesn't make them villains. Depending on what you bought, it might make you a sucker, but...
I fail to see how this is a cash grab. In any other mmo game the ability to level up and make significantly more gains off lower level content than the new harder and higher level content from an expansion would be an issue.
I really don't see how their milking people for money, at least not in the bad way you seem to be implying.
Rollbacks? Really not an uncommon thing when Devs want to fix an issue. Whether it be an oversight on their part or a players attempts to circumvent a system.
This game does everything it can to get an edge on our wallet, so I don't see how we shouldn't try and get an edge on them. My god, as I just typed that first sentence I just realized we are all in an abusive relationship Cryptic.
Well, I guess I'll go make dinner honey.
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You know, you can play this game just fine without being subjected to any "cash grab". TRIBBLE, I've been at it for years now, and have yet to shell out a dime!
Just because you're so desperate to have all the new shinies now that you throw your wallet at the screen, doesn't make them villains. Depending on what you bought, it might make you a sucker, but...
Yeah Yeah Yeah. You want to remind us how 'freeeeeee' everything is. We get it.
Not sure where I posted in the OP that I was 'ssoooooooo desperate' for the new ships. But since you want to be an *** and assume things.
Ill make sure next time I make a thread about my distaste for Cryptics behavior, to include a nod to you so we dont have to put up with your apologist attitude grandpa.
Yeah since f2p I havent sunk a single penny into this game except for the LOR pack. I do not know what you guys are talking about "not spending money".
What are you guys buying?
Well you shouldn't be doing that anyways.
Because you deserve the lesson in humility. The people behind these accounts are humans. Not cash cows. We dont give you money so that you can spit in our faces. And that is what DR is. A spit in the face.
Then you have the audacity to call players exploiters because you created content that expected greater and greater amounts of time spent in game for lesser returns. You called them exploiters because they werent spending their time in your precious new content. You called them exploiters because for the first time in a long time Players were actually interacting in a social manner unlike the Anti-Social Queues you created.
I can careless about the excuses of its the management. I really do hope DR isnt successful. I hope you lose money on this investment.
My thought is a bit different. I don't want DR to fail. I want the owners of the company to remember that the customers are what make them what they are, and then go out of their way to reward the customers so that they can foster some good will between both sides. A lot of the actions they are taking right now feel really punitive rather than pro-customer. And I don't think they would have to do too much to change that perception. I'm hoping they do just that.
I want DR to succeed because I love the game.
Fleet Admiral Duane Gundrum, U.S.S. Merrimack
Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire
My thought is a bit different. I don't want DR to fail. I want the owners of the company to remember that the customers are what make them what they are, and then go out of their way to reward the customers so that they can foster some good will between both sides. A lot of the actions they are taking right now feel really punitive rather than pro-customer. And I don't think they would have to do too much to change that perception. I'm hoping they do just that.
I want DR to succeed because I love the game.
You cant get through to these Corporations without them losing money. Its the only thing they understand.
Because you deserve the lesson in humility. The people behind these accounts are humans. Not cash cows. We dont give you money so that you can spit in our faces. And that is what DR is. A spit in the face.
Then you have the audacity to call players exploiters because you created content that expected greater and greater amounts of time spent in game for lesser returns. You called them exploiters because they werent spending their time in your precious new content. You called them exploiters because for the first time in a long time Players were actually interacting in a social manner unlike the Anti-Social Queues you created.
I can careless about the excuses of its the management. I really do hope DR isnt successful. I hope you lose money on this investment.
The development team has identified some exploitative behavior by a small number of players on some game maps. Those maps have been shut down during the investigation. Well share more as soon as we have completed our investigation.
We uncovered some bugs in the game that were being used by a very select few players for exploitation. Fixes to these bugs have gone live today that should remove the exploit. Details of the changes can be found in the release notes.
Yes, we are players, but were we part of that select few?
'A small number of players' would not be a good way to describe the multitudes of players that were in that sector block before it went down.
My thought is a bit different. I don't want DR to fail. I want the owners of the company to remember that the customers are what make them what they are, and then go out of their way to reward the customers so that they can foster some good will between both sides. A lot of the actions they are taking right now feel really punitive rather than pro-customer. And I don't think they would have to do too much to change that perception. I'm hoping they do just that.
I want DR to succeed because I love the game.
this ^
Take a break. Go play something else for awhile. You are clearly taking this game too personal
Go play the new Borderlands game, I hear its pretty fun ^^ (been thinking about picking it up myself)
Yes, we are players, but were we part of that select few?
'A small number of players' would not be a good way to describe the multitudes of players that were in that sector block before it went down.
this ^
Take a break. Go play something else for awhile. You are clearly taking this game too personal
Go play the new Borderlands game, I hear its pretty fun ^^ (been thinking about picking it up myself)
Yup. Players telling Cryptic they arent happy with them is clearly taking things too personally.....Or maybe its players like you that allow them to get away with this behavior and thats why theres a forum on fire right now with complaints.
So you should probably take your own advice. Take a break from coming on these forums.
Yes, we are players, but were we part of that select few?
'A small number of players' would not be a good way to describe the multitudes of players that were in that sector block before it went down.
small number my butt more like 95% of all players was in TD and was more active than the first 3 days of ppl being in the DQ
Might get even worse :
"Oh boy we lost money with DR ... now what to do ... increase C-Store prices or something ... why is nobody buying 50k Zen Ships ... must be becaue the playerbase is shifting to Asia or something ... no Content & too much Grind you say ... nah our Monetization Designer says otherwise"
And the game doesn't run on love and good runs off of money
And companies with terrible customer service get penalized by lack of sales. That forces them to make changes: See AT&T, Comcast. That's what, I believe, OP wants.
When they try to take customers/consumers for a ride? Youre damn right I like watching them fail.
My love for Star Trek wont be used against me. I know someone will come along and say 'but but but STO could go under'. And I would respond. 'Maybe its time it did'.
They need a slap on the wrist... And judging from the number of T6 ships I've seen (13 total) while playing every day for around 4 hours, they've gotten it.
It's bad... Cause it will mean a reduction in STO development, but if cryptic learns from this, and I have to assume they will, they will do better next time...
Who knows... Maybe we will have Tribbles with frickin lazors.
And what happens when you hit the point of milking the player base for all they're worth?
You think they'd spend more money on a game that feels like a job?
That is different than wanting to cause others pain.
Wanting people to lose their jobs and doing tricks in alleyways just for food to stay alive.
You may disagree with them, but wishing pain on them is a little....terrible
Its worse than a job. Atleast with a job youre getting paid. In the manner Cryptic has maneuvered this game its now you paying them to let you do work.
Guess what?
They're doing it to themselves.
This kind of cash grab can only go on for so long.
It's not sustainable.
Oh. The poor devs will go hungry agruement. Sorry. Still not going to change my opinion. They should of got out and found a job that wasnt attempting to corner its playerbase and force them to pay for every tidbit they could.
Theyre all adults. Theyre responsible for themselves.
And at some point, the weight of the stuff they've piled on will cause the game to collapse.
I doubt it'll happen soon, probably more like in several years, but it will happen.
Heres a cookie. Now go back to your playpin and let the adults talk.
Here you go:
last I checked we were players.
[SIGPIC]Click here to visit my STO YouTube channel[/SIGPIC]
I fail to see how this is a cash grab. In any other mmo game the ability to level up and make significantly more gains off lower level content than the new harder and higher level content from an expansion would be an issue.
I really don't see how their milking people for money, at least not in the bad way you seem to be implying.
Rollbacks? Really not an uncommon thing when Devs want to fix an issue. Whether it be an oversight on their part or a players attempts to circumvent a system.
He's talking about DR as a whole.
Look at this release as a whole and add in the R&D revamp and you should be able to see how more and more of the game is being gated by paywalls.
Just because you're so desperate to have all the new shinies now that you throw your wallet at the screen, doesn't make them villains. Depending on what you bought, it might make you a sucker, but...
This game does everything it can to get an edge on our wallet, so I don't see how we shouldn't try and get an edge on them. My god, as I just typed that first sentence I just realized we are all in an abusive relationship Cryptic.
Well, I guess I'll go make dinner honey.
[SIGPIC]Click here to visit my STO YouTube channel[/SIGPIC]
Yeah Yeah Yeah. You want to remind us how 'freeeeeee' everything is. We get it.
Not sure where I posted in the OP that I was 'ssoooooooo desperate' for the new ships. But since you want to be an *** and assume things.
Ill make sure next time I make a thread about my distaste for Cryptics behavior, to include a nod to you so we dont have to put up with your apologist attitude grandpa.
What are you guys buying?
Well you shouldn't be doing that anyways.
100% agree with you on everything
system Lord Baal is dead
The rest of the original post is a waste of valium and carpal tunnel.
I want DR to succeed because I love the game.
Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire
But it wasnt a waste to comment on this waste of a thread?
You cant get through to these Corporations without them losing money. Its the only thing they understand.
I would blame it in OBAMA
Yes, we are players, but were we part of that select few?
'A small number of players' would not be a good way to describe the multitudes of players that were in that sector block before it went down.
this ^
Take a break. Go play something else for awhile. You are clearly taking this game too personal
Go play the new Borderlands game, I hear its pretty fun ^^ (been thinking about picking it up myself)
Yup. Players telling Cryptic they arent happy with them is clearly taking things too personally.....Or maybe its players like you that allow them to get away with this behavior and thats why theres a forum on fire right now with complaints.
So you should probably take your own advice. Take a break from coming on these forums.
small number my butt more like 95% of all players was in TD and was more active than the first 3 days of ppl being in the DQ
system Lord Baal is dead