OK, I think a Moderator can close this thread now. This is descending into yet another doom thread...
Thanks again borticuscryptic for the very quick response, and please keep us posted on what's going to happen with the Hierarchy BOFF once a fix is implemented.
I can understand why they might want to keep Bridge Officers the way they are. On TNG they had an Officer Exchange Program and when Commander Riker served aboard the I.K.S. Pagh, he continued to wear his Starfleet uniform. Kurn also continued to wear his KDF uniform when he served aboard the Enterprise. However it should be left to the players to decide if this character should be given a field promotion and granted a uniform, like when Colonel Kira was made a full Commander in Starfleet for a special assignment. Neelix was also given a Uniform during the Year of Hell.
Personally I would like the opportunity to customize unique Bridge Officers. For one thing, the Jem'Hadar is technically wearing an outdated uniform. While his look is canon to Deep Space Nine, it was shown in Facility 4028 that Jem'Hadar of 2409 have different style uniforms. I would like the opportunity to give my Jem'Hadar that style uniform if that's what I wished. Even if he keeps his Dominion outfit, he should at least be given a faction combadge. Neelix and Kess stayed in their civilian dress, but were issued combadges.
For the Breen officer, it would be neat if you could get unique refrigeration suites built by the faction he belongs to. It could keep its basic Breen like appearance but then be made of materials and coloring of either Starfleet, KDF or Romulan Republic.
i think in breen's case having access to every breen npc's outfit parts and ability to color them would be the best.
we could take a few pieces from the thot outfit, some from the technician and so on while coloring the visor red and the armor itself having greenish hue for example, changing his height up to thot size, giving him a different idle pose and body proportions and such.
Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the crap out of me.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
Might be for the best really
Personally I would like the opportunity to customize unique Bridge Officers. For one thing, the Jem'Hadar is technically wearing an outdated uniform. While his look is canon to Deep Space Nine, it was shown in Facility 4028 that Jem'Hadar of 2409 have different style uniforms. I would like the opportunity to give my Jem'Hadar that style uniform if that's what I wished. Even if he keeps his Dominion outfit, he should at least be given a faction combadge. Neelix and Kess stayed in their civilian dress, but were issued combadges.
For the Breen officer, it would be neat if you could get unique refrigeration suites built by the faction he belongs to. It could keep its basic Breen like appearance but then be made of materials and coloring of either Starfleet, KDF or Romulan Republic.
we could take a few pieces from the thot outfit, some from the technician and so on while coloring the visor red and the armor itself having greenish hue for example, changing his height up to thot size, giving him a different idle pose and body proportions and such.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.