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Faults in Delta

nastygothicnastygothic Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2014 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
Updated: 22/10/2014 @ 10:11am

Good day, Cryptic.

These are the bugs I have discovered since Delta launched:

Game Client:

- Despite accepting to make changes in the Display Options with regards to Full Screen, Windowed, and Windowed Maximum, every time the game client is started again, the Display Option always resets to "Windowed" - despite having set it to Full Screen each and every time.

- In Windowed displayed mode, the font for all inventory items and in the GUI is sharp and befitting to a high resolution display of 1680x1050. However, when in Full Screen mode, the quality of the font drops dramatically and is blurred.

- This has been a long standing issue for me, but I feel it must be addressed. The GUI of the game is sometimes the root of my FPS problems - if I hide the GUI with Alt+F12, the FPS increases dramatically. The same goes for when I am looking at the Accolades tab; the FPS of the game drops dramatically until I can un-tick at least one of the boxes for when inspecting the Accolades list. The GUI must be given some performance increases or it will only get worse in subsequent content.

Undine Infiltration (Ground):

- Forcefield at the starting location is not lowered if playing this mission on Advanced or higher (normal is fine).

- Occasionally, the Undine hiding with the Bajoran population in the streets still gets stuck if he is positioned near seating (or raised areas of terrain). He un-stickies himself eventually, but this should be looked into if you have time (not urgent).

Kumari Escort:

- If you upgrade your Kumari Escort from Tier 5 to Tier 5.5, you are then unable to purchase Andorian Phasers (space) via the Fleet Starbase Vendor - presumably because the game does not recognise Tier 5.5 Andorian vessels.

+ Current fix, for the above, is to claim and open a second Andorian Escort (which is Tier 5 out of the box) from the C-Store for free (as the player with the Andorian Escort would have already purchased it before) - then the weapons are once again available.

- If firing space weapons in the Kumari Escort, and they are on auto-fire or not, then when using the Pilot Ability - "Rock & Roll" - the rolling animation does not occur. However, the sound effect, immunity, and speed increase is still active; this only appears to be an animation issue.
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