The Commando Specialization tree has this neat little ability, called Quick Draw.
Quick Draw I: Reduce Cooldown for all Kit Abilities by 2sec or 5% (whichever is greater)
Quick Draw II: Reduce Cooldown for all Kit Abilities by 3sec or 10%% (whichever is greater)
So what this ability does is actually to slot that effect into the Kit Abilities, so it will be triggered per use. The end effects seem a little weird to me, and a part of it is definitely bugged.
Also this effect will only affect those skills which have the effect slotted, so wide so good.
Example of what really happens: Skill 1 is on Cooldown and Skill 2 is used, Cooldown for Skill 1 will be reduced by 2/3 seconds or 5%/10% of the Cooldown of Skill 2 [!].
So if I just used a Skill with a Cooldown of 12 seconds, and then immediately afterwards use a Skill with a Cooldown of 2 Minutes (12 seconds with 10%) or something like that, the Cooldown on Skill 1 drops to 0, so I can use it immediately again.
Ok that is weird but maybe intended, it makes the skills work in tandem which is kinda cool.
What however definitely is bugged is which skills get the effect. I have a kit with the following modules:
Automated Adrenal Hypo [VR Mk XII]
Medical Tricorder [UR Mk XII]
Nanite Health Monitor [VR Mk XI]
Vascular Regenerator [VR Mk XI]
Energy Inversion Matrix [VR Mk XII]
Affected by Quick Draw are only these however:
Medical Tricorder [UR Mk XII]
Nanite Health Monitor [VR Mk XI]
Vascular Regenerator [VR Mk XI]
That despite the skill saying "...for ALL KIT Abilities by..."
So I'm missing that effect on 2 skills ADH and EIM. By switching out modules I found out that it does depend on the module whether I get the effect or not. Triage [VR Mk XI] which I can put in the slot of the Automated Adrenal Hypo [VR Mk XII] does get the effect for example.
I do however also have 3 non Kit Abilities that instead get the Quick Draw Bonus, namely Neural Neutralizer III, Tricorder Scan III and Dampening Field III Debuff, which as far as I can tell shouldn't get that bonus as these have nothing to do with my Kits.
It does not affect Scientific Aptitude III despite the 3 skills from above being learned through level as well.
Nothing in particular as far as I can tell, the important stuff is mentioned above. Apart from that here is what else could faintly be important:
-Tested on Kobali Prime
-Charactar is a Male KDF Ferasan Science Officer
-The Kit itself is a Science Kit Mk XI [Armor][Medic][Threat]
-Level is 55
That should be all for now, I'm ready for questions if there should be any though.
Thank you for the thorough report. We'll investigate this.
The intent is that only the cooldown of the USED ability gets reduced. Clearly that's not what is occurring.
I also have a pretty good idea of why Neural Neutralizer, Tricorder Scan and Dampening Field are receiving the effects. Kind of complicated to explain, but it basically boils down to these same abilities being available to Bridge Officers. You're correct that they should not be affected if we stick to the "Kit Abilities" categorization. But we may end up expanding this ability to cover "all non-weapon abilities" instead.
Jeremy Randall
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
I guess having it affect all non-weapon abilities would definitely be cool too.
Also, will all non-weapon abilities encompass the active reputation ground skills (Defiance and Medical Nanite Cloud) as well?
As for having them work in tandem, I tested it out a little... yeah that bug is overpowering the abilities. And if it affects something like Orbital Strike, I guess you could drop the average Cooldown of OS to 60% or something with the right kit abilities.
The intent is that only the cooldown of the USED ability gets reduced. Clearly that's not what is occurring.
I also have a pretty good idea of why Neural Neutralizer, Tricorder Scan and Dampening Field are receiving the effects. Kind of complicated to explain, but it basically boils down to these same abilities being available to Bridge Officers. You're correct that they should not be affected if we stick to the "Kit Abilities" categorization. But we may end up expanding this ability to cover "all non-weapon abilities" instead.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
As it seems to reduce the cooldown of Support Drone and Orbital Strike (not trainable on boffs as far as I know) already, as well.
Also, will all non-weapon abilities encompass the active reputation ground skills (Defiance and Medical Nanite Cloud) as well?
As for having them work in tandem, I tested it out a little... yeah that bug is overpowering the abilities. And if it affects something like Orbital Strike, I guess you could drop the average Cooldown of OS to 60% or something with the right kit abilities.