it started happening probably after this or previous patch, i guess when some bugs with respeccing got fixed. it was working fine during the first few days on holodeck, before the patching.
i went to quinn to turn in the fleet admiral mission, he said i'll get a respec token, but i got nothing. i tried the same as kdf, went to jmpok and turned the mission in for general, also got nothing.
i'm still a gold member as far as i know since i bought it only a week ago or so, so them not being granted sounds like a bug. i'll hold off from completing those missions, but i'd like to be able to claim those tokens (and get the ones i didn't get due to the bug), since they're one of the reasons i bought gold when new levels were added.
Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the crap out of me.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
There are some HUGE respec issues going on right now, from tokens not being granted to not being able to use them at all. Hopefully they're working on it. I think it's tied to the R&D trait gaff they are also trying to fix.