Hello I have a question about the tech upgrades. I made a Catian Tactical on my account and got her to lvl 10 before the end of last week's Tech Upgrade Giveaway. Sadly, I never received the tech upgrades on Tikvah Knight@matok1971. I reached lvl 10 at 3:50:04 AM on 10/5/2014. I did aquire the Tech Upgrades Mission but when I turned in the mission, I never received the rewards. It was only on this character that this happened to. I leveled a Federation Klingon Science (Rivkah bat Isra'el@matok1971 --- reached lvl 10 at 6:17:46 AM on 10/4/2014) at about the same, and I DID receive the teck upgrades on that character. I do not know if you you are able to reward me the tech upgrades from the weekend of 3 Oct - 5 Oct 2014 at this time. I just wanted to let you know.
Thank you in advance.
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