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CritH or CritD fleet tac consoles?

stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
edited October 2014 in Romulan Discussion
Hey everybody,

Gonna be getting some fleet tac consoles for one of my toons, maybe two of my toons. I was wondering though, based on my current stats which fleet tac consoles i should get.

#1 Scim w/ Romplas beam arrays that have +acc2. Will probably switch to Romplas DHC with full CritD and swap to a Faeht. Since i'm swapping weapons here i'm open to suggestions on the weapon modifiers. I was going stick with the same 5 consoles in my eng+sci slots too. But i might be open to suggestions on swapping 1 or 2 of them out. As far as the rest of the gear i'm not changing any of it.


22.7% accuracy
19.7% crit
108.3% severity

#2 Tvaro stealth bomber, will switch to a Faeht. The gear is staying as-is...unless someone thinks something should be changed to meet a minimum cap or something.


36.2% accuracy
21.9% crit
113.9% severity
Post edited by stonewbie on


  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2014
    You have to keep a 1:10 ratio. Your CrtH is through the roof, just pump CrtD. There are noumerous posts and even an Excel doc somewhere about this topic.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Simple answer:

    1:10 ratio
    [CrtH] grants +2% crit chance
    [CrtD] grants +20% crit severity
    Locator grants +1.6% crit chance
    Exploiter grants +8% crit severity

    Basically, get your crit chance from the Locator and crit severity from your weapons if possible, to make the most of the comparative sources of each... though yeah, you can also use tools such as the STO Magical Mystery Weapon Crit Advisor to help figure out which would be the best combination for your setup, if you already have a solid crit chance or severity from other sources.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lucho80 wrote: »
    You have to keep a 1:10 ratio. Your CrtH is through the roof, just pump CrtD. There are noumerous posts and even an Excel doc somewhere about this topic.

    At the risk of starting another pointless argument about this topic, I will try to explain why the yellow part is wrong once again. I'll just quote myself from another thread.

    frtoaster wrote: »
    Consider the following two statements:

    1. When deciding between an additional [CrtH] modifier and an additional [CrtD] modifier, choose [CrtH] if your current crit severity is more than 10 times your current crit chance, and choose [CrtD] otherwise.

    2. The optimal ratio of crit chance to crit severity is 1:10.

    The two statements above are not equivalent. The first statement is mathematically accurate; the second is not. The second statement is not correct even when the only factors under consideration are base crit chance and base crit severity, the [CrtH] and [CrtD] weapon modifiers, and the skill Starship Energy Weapon Specialization.

    Compare the following two cases:

    Case A
    Base: 2.5% crit chance, 50% crit severity
    Starship Energy Weapon Specialization: 0 bars
    Weapon modifiers: one [CrtH] modifier (+2% crit chance)
    Total: 4.5% crit chance, 50% crit severity
    Ratio: 4.5 / 50 = 0.09

    Case B
    Base: 2.5% crit chance, 50% crit severity
    Starship Energy Weapon Specialization: 9 bars (+2% crit chance, +25% crit severity)
    Weapon modifiers: none
    Total: 4.5% crit chance, 75% crit severity
    Ratio: 4.5 / 75 = 0.06

    The ratio in case A is closer to 1:10 than the ratio in case B. But of course, case B is preferable, because the crit chance is the same in both cases and the crit severity is higher in case B.

    Note that rule 1 above applies only when you are choosing between one additional [CrtH] modifier and one additional [CrtD] modifier. If you want a simple rule that applies under a wider range of conditions, then follow this one:

    Maximize the product of your total crit chance and total crit severity.

    The above rule will maximize your expected damage, assuming that the only variables you are changing are crit chance and crit severity. Note that this assumption is not always easy to satisfy, since many pieces of equipment affect multiple stats at the same time. And of course, if you don't want to maximize expected damage but something else, then the above rule does not apply.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Basically, get your crit chance from the Locator and crit severity from your weapons if possible, to make the most of the comparative sources of each... though yeah, you can also use tools such as the STO Magical Mystery Weapon Crit Advisor to help figure out which would be the best combination for your setup, if you already have a solid crit chance or severity from other sources.

    The last I heard, that tool computed accuracy overflow incorrectly; I have no idea if the author has fixed it. Here are some others suggested by dragonsbite.

    Why the insistence on pointing to a calculator that calculates acc overflow incorrectly and which inflates the value of acc weapons. Wonder how many times i need to repeat this. If you want to use a calculator at least use one that is accurate like mine. It's fairly basic. But at least it's accurate. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgEhF6YV_JYQdFZNQ0hZV3AtT0ZYeFA2LTNVdlcyMkE&usp=sharing#gid=0


    I'd suggest hellspawny's calculator as well. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/1pqjij3945tir5d/Calculator_English.xlsm?dl=1&token_hash=AAEnkHqxV_pRMLYkmES-vH5sodB-DJ8wCwJWK6OcJ_ddlQ

    Just remember to change the acc overflow to use the correct formula by choosing 1 in cell G68. It's set to the incorrect formula by default. Best calculator i've seen yet.

    If you'd like to try the changes i made you can download it here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwEhF6YV_JYQU1gyc1dQMk5LN00/edit?usp=sharing Maybe that will make a bit more sense. Although the difference column would still be wrong.

    Also note selecting F63 Ar"kif appears to give the extra plasma damage to all weapons. This includes the antiproton weapons. The antiprotons should only get the extra crit and crit sev. So don't use it to compare vs antiprotons.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lucho80 wrote: »
    You have to keep a 1:10 ratio. Your CrtH is through the roof, just pump CrtD. There are noumerous posts and even an Excel doc somewhere about this topic.

    Cool i'll go with the critD consoles then. I got my weapons on the Scim a long time ago but i have no idea why i went with acc2 on them. But i'll be fixing that soon with the Faeht and CritD DHCs.

    For my non-Romulans if i dont want to get embassy boffs on them whats a decent amount of crit to shoot for before focusing on severity?
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