I'm totally STOked about Ethan Phillips voicing Neelix in the Delta Quadrant expansion! Mr. Phillips is a fine actor and managed to make a supporting character interesting and memorable. Episodes such as The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Fair Trade, Tuvix and, Rise allowed Mr. Phillips to explore various aspects of Neelix' personality and insecurities.
In spite of what some trolls would have us believe, Neelix was a fan favorite from the Voyager series. His canon story arc makes him the perfect contact for Delta Rising. What's especially nice is that, for the first time the STO crew will be able to flesh out and develop a canon character, rather than just borrowing an established marquee character.
I must say, PWE/Cryptic are impressing me with their commitment to story content and bringing in Trek alumni guest stars. I will always reward such investments with a return in premium purchases and subscription time.
Thank you, in advance, to both the STO team and Ethan Phillips!
On Star Trek: Voyager, we saw Neelix as an explorer, a trader, a chef, a morale officer and a diplomat. A native of the Delta Quadrant, Neelix was Voyagers guide, and helped them navigate the often tricky politics and shifting boundaries of the quadrant. He was a valued member of the crew, and always had a warm cup of even better than coffee substitute and a sympathetic ear for the crews problems.
ohh god NOOOOOOOOOOOOi just had the worst either nightmare or vision of terror.... what if the fed version of tovan keiv is... DUN DUN DAHHH.... neelix
his boff powers ''aux to run away'' ''directed annoyyance 3''
and like tovan keiv...HE IS UNDELETEABLE and once retrained by mr derp train diffrent bridge officer bug his ungettable skills are gone again !!!
but as a side question will we be able to get the telax ship as a shuttlecraft? after all it was able to dock in voyager and was used out there so may serve a covert perpose.....
Airlock him. Stop bringing back Voyager cast members. Voyager was the worst trek ever. The writers didn't give a rat's petude about story or continuity. They admittedly churned out garbage every week just to get a paycheck off of the Trek franchise. All of the characters are reupugnant or just wholly unlovable and unmotivated or illogical.
Neelix was comic relief. Let me clarify: he was BAD comic relief.
That's no slight or comment as to the acting skills of the person trying to portray him. He had little to no say in the matter. The TRIBBLE-poor writing and the deplorable directing simply negate any acting skill those involved may have had.
Saying the actor was good doesn't change the fact: He was bad comic relief.
He's worse than Jar-Jar. Don't bring him back. Let him have died peacefully in his sleep 30 years ago in the Gamma Quadrant of old age.
I think Ethan Phillips is fine, his acting was always great, even in other shows or as other characters. The problem was also the writing of Voyager, even Kate Mulgrew gave up trying it was so bad.
Neelix could have been a great character, he started off as a shady trader and should have kept that role, instead he turned soft and pathetic. Chef.. morale officer, token ambassador, its amazing how little effort they put into finding something real for him, and how he couldn't fit in to the show because of that.
Cryptic needs to get off of this Voyager spree they are on, such a terrible series, only the Doctor and Seven of Nine were interesting, the rest of the crew were shallow one dimensional characters.
Lt Tom "wannabe 50's badboy with a good heart" Paris
Lt Belana "I can't control my rage" Torres
Ensign Harry "Boring clarinet" Kim
Cpt Katherine "I drink coffee" Janeway
Cmd "Native American" Chakotay
Amazingly Neelix is one of the most complex characters, after the Doctor and Seven. Shows you how awful those writers were.
(...) Cryptic needs to get off of this Voyager spree they are on, such a terrible series, only the Doctor and Seven of Nine were interesting, the rest of the crew were shallow one dimensional characters. (...)
The good news from this: our lead Dev loves DS9. And we haven't had a Gamma Quadrant expansion yet.
Aside from visiting other dimensions, parallel universes, time traveling or other galaxies, we can expect the Gamma Quadrant expansion at some point. (And the question being: Will STO live long enough for that to happen?)
having played tribble so far, i think people will be interested in neelix story from what ive seen. so only a few weeks left now and everyone will find out.
Voyager was the second best Trek ever made in my opinion, and it beats out TOS since it at least had basic continuity.
I can't... It's... I ...
Quadruple facepalm just wouldn't be enough. Anybody that ever liked the show enough to watch it can NEVER claim it had any semblence of continuity. Either you're just ignorant and don't know what you're talking about, or you're an unapolagetic troll. You can't be the former, so I an only presume you're poking fun and stirring the pot to see what happens.
The good news from this: our lead Dev loves DS9. And we haven't had a Gamma Quadrant expansion yet.
Aside from visiting other dimensions, parallel universes, time traveling or other galaxies, we can expect the Gamma Quadrant expansion at some point. (And the question being: Will STO live long enough for that to happen?)
Unlikely, its been circling the drain for a long time. They aren't going to pull off properly challenged content that isn't full of hair pulling
That is the most trollish response I have ever seen. I was completely truthful with my statement, and only someone who never actually watched the show would think they did not have continuity. Obviously you are the troll here.
BTW I was born in 1977 I have seen every single episode of every single Trek series, I was probably watching Trek before most of you people here were born. As I have said before I do not decide what to like because of majority opinion, I make up my own mind.
Why do I like Voyager? Because it does not have Section 31 ever, because the ship is actually out in unexplored space, because they ignored the dumb TRIBBLE about "warp drive polutes space so we have to stay below warp 5", because I am an Ethan Philips fan (and have been since he was on Benson with the guy who played Odo), because there is no horrifically stupid Dominion War, and so very many more reasons.
Voyager has the worst storylines and writing ever and the worst acting ever the only trek is worse is JJTrek. The characters did not impact on me the way the other series did. Kazon were klingon wannabes. Borg were transformed from a decent villian to OMG not these again. Q became boring also. There was very few decent actors in the show Only Robert Picardo was the one that made any impact.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Well the Neelix mission is irritating busy-work. It's out of character for us and it's just plain non sequitur at times. It's not QUITE as bad as Of Bajor, but it's a second runner-up.
I really wanted to open fire on his ship so many times... Or him when on the ground... Stupid IFF weapons limitations!
P.S You citing how old you are? False arguments and straw men. You wouldn't need to get so defensive if you had a point to stand upon. Your entire argument boils down to: It was the best because you hated all the others more. Yes... of course. That means it was great.
You need to brush up on your logical arguments and do a little soul searching. You may need to re-evaluate your standards for TV shows.
Voyager has the worst storylines and writing ever and the worst acting ever the only trek is worse is JJTrek. The characters did not impact on me the way the other series did. Kazon were klingon wannabes. Borg were transformed from a decent villian to OMG not these again. Q became boring also. There was very few decent actors in the show Only Robert Picardo was the one that made any impact.
The Borg were amazing in Voyager. Maybe you just watched another show.. because you are terrible wrong about this lol. In fact, Voyager is the only show where we could see the Borg really angry.
Now, yes Voyager is one of the worst series of the franchise, nobody can deny that. But actings? Janeway was superb. The best captain ive ever seen in a star trek show, even better in my opinion than Picard and Kirk. And of course even better than Sisko lol (this is a joke of course, but sisko was really really terrible). The rest of the crew, with the exception of Tuvok and other actors, were just fine. You cant say their acting was better or worse than other ones. The only "bad" about Voyager was the script of a lot of episodes, but the show improved really really much in the third season to become just a fine show.
I really prefer Voyager much much more than DS9, for example. With a big difference. I found more dumb characters and stupid stories in DS9 than on any other star trek show. Of course i love all star trek shows, but we need to stabilish a degree here.
Neelix doesn't look old enough, come on he'd be about 60-70 years old in STO, give or take. He needs more lines and some grey in his hair.
This assumes he ages like a human does, how do we know how his race ages or what their life span really is?
As far as the arguement about Voyager's contiunity, my spelling is horrid. Let's be honest... if you really look at it they did NOT do a good job at it. The ship was magically repaired to no hull damage including fresh paint nearly ep. Yeah they tried to keep the story straight but too many minor details constantly falling through the cracks. That ship with all the fighting and damage they took should have been in peices by the end of season 1 without finding some major shipyard to overhaul, and than they would have had to give out Starfleet secerts in order to get the repairs they needed to make sure that the repairs would be compatible with Voyagers systems. And even then I'm sure the hull would have atleast shown some different colors and painting
The Borg were amazing in Voyager. Maybe you just watched another show.. because you are terrible wrong about this lol. In fact, Voyager is the only show where we could see the Borg really angry.
Now, yes Voyager is one of the worst series of the franchise, nobody can deny that. But actings? Janeway was superb. The best captain ive ever seen in a star trek show, even better in my opinion than Picard and Kirk. And of course even better than Sisko lol (this is a joke of course, but sisko was really really terrible). The rest of the crew, with the exception of Tuvok and other actors, were just fine. You cant say their acting was better or worse than other ones. The only "bad" about Voyager was the script of a lot of episodes, but the show improved really really much in the third season to become just a fine show.
I really prefer Voyager much much more than DS9, for example. With a big difference. I found more dumb characters and stupid stories in DS9 than on any other star trek show. Of course i love all star trek shows, but we need to stabilish a degree here.
I never said the Borg weren't good in Voyager i just think they overdid the Borg it was like TNG with Data finds a family member or holodeck malfunctions episodes lol. Janeway was the worst captain imo her voice grinded on me and she seemed to put coffee ahead of everything else.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Voyager was, is, and probably if they ever make any more my favorite show, with TOS being a INCREDIBLY close second. ENT was the worst out of the franchise, hands down.
And I'd be the first to say that the continuity of VOY was pretty bad, not only couldn't they keep things flowing smoothly between episodes, each one being a bobbling of a single story wrapped independently usually from the others in the season. basically if one put the stories in order by their stardates purported by the captain and various other officer's log they traveled 37K lightyears in a single season three or four times to get what they were doing in seasons 4 and worse in 5. And really only changes that happened the season before were addressed a season or THREE (Kim mentioning he had been resurrected (twice by then actually, but one was a previous season)). It felt at times the writers seemed to really on different wave links and the character episodes disjointed the flow further still. I still enjoyed VOY as it felt more like TOS at the time and I got to know the VOY crew better than the TOS's with all their quirks and faults made the more real than the menagerie that was at times TOS's now dated look at race and cultures.
It feels that it was only under the tight observation of Roddenberry, who had with TOS and TNG, made those shows stay on target, flow unusually well with one another episode to episode, and also were more broadly based on scientific facts and theories when the writers wrote the phrase [Insert technobabble here]. That gave a actual realism in those two shows that made people stop and think and really use their brains. Most of that got thrown out the window with DS9's Space theology and opera war, and Voyagers admittedly bad quantum make it up as we go along science theory insert plot point here moments.
Not that the other two... whoops forgot ENT, two and a third shows didn't have their flight of fancy or bizarre unrealistic moments.
Long story short, I adore VOY and Star Trek in general, but I am not blind to it's faults. Odd movies, weird characters "The Outrageous Okona", and odd supposed romances that just didn't seem to go anywhere "PicardxTroi" anyone? Neelix was not a great character, but he served his purpose and generally in the beginning had very interesting character episodes, Jetrel was one of my faves in season one. He could be highly annoying, and I think that was the writer's intent as Phillips is a pretty good actor when not looking like a hedgehog.
And having played what I have on the Tribble, they do okay at minimizing his... quirks the writers really gave him. I guess he had 32 years to fix those.
Janeway was the worst captain imo her voice grinded on me and she seemed to put coffee ahead of everything else.
I hope you are joking, because if not, obviously you dont have a clue and you should watch every show again. If you think the same, obviously you dont have any sense of what means being a good actor, or having a role that fits an specific show. Janeway was probably the best captain not only for her acting, but because her personality and it fited the show just perfect. You can say you didnt like her, but that has nothing to do with the other thing.
I hope you are joking, because if not, obviously you dont have a clue and you should watch every show again. If you think the same, obviously you dont have any sense of what means being a good actor, or having a role that fits an specific show. Janeway was probably the best captain not only for her acting, but because her personality and it fited the show just perfect. You can say you didnt like her, but that has nothing to do with the other thing.
And that's your personal opinion, which I disagree with 100%. Mulgrew is a mediocre actress at best, Janeway was a poorly-written Mary Sue, and she was a pretty terrible captain just from a numeric and criminal standpoint as well.
And that's your personal opinion, which I disagree with 100%. Mulgrew is a mediocre actress at best, Janeway was a poorly-written Mary Sue, and she was a pretty terrible captain just from a numeric and criminal standpoint as well.
You ever watch her in any other shows? She HAS done other work, you know? She's really not that good. Mediocre at best. Her portrayal of a starfleet captain? Sad, at best. Her character's writing? Deplorable at best.
And that's your personal opinion, which I disagree with 100%. Mulgrew is a mediocre actress at best, Janeway was a poorly-written Mary Sue, and she was a pretty terrible captain just from a numeric and criminal standpoint as well.
My views exactly
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
I hope you are joking, because if not, obviously you dont have a clue and you should watch every show again. If you think the same, obviously you dont have any sense of what means being a good actor, or having a role that fits an specific show. Janeway was probably the best captain not only for her acting, but because her personality and it fited the show just perfect. You can say you didnt like her, but that has nothing to do with the other thing.
There has been better actors and actresses in star trek and Kate Mulgrew is not one of them
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
In spite of what some trolls would have us believe, Neelix was a fan favorite from the Voyager series. His canon story arc makes him the perfect contact for Delta Rising. What's especially nice is that, for the first time the STO crew will be able to flesh out and develop a canon character, rather than just borrowing an established marquee character.
I must say, PWE/Cryptic are impressing me with their commitment to story content and bringing in Trek alumni guest stars. I will always reward such investments with a return in premium purchases and subscription time.
Thank you, in advance, to both the STO team and Ethan Phillips!
ohh god NOOOOOOOOOOOOi just had the worst either nightmare or vision of terror.... what if the fed version of tovan keiv is... DUN DUN DAHHH.... neelix
his boff powers ''aux to run away'' ''directed annoyyance 3''
and like tovan keiv...HE IS UNDELETEABLE and once retrained by mr derp train diffrent bridge officer bug his ungettable skills are gone again !!!
but as a side question will we be able to get the telax ship as a shuttlecraft? after all it was able to dock in voyager and was used out there so may serve a covert perpose.....
Neelix was comic relief. Let me clarify: he was BAD comic relief.
That's no slight or comment as to the acting skills of the person trying to portray him. He had little to no say in the matter. The TRIBBLE-poor writing and the deplorable directing simply negate any acting skill those involved may have had.
Saying the actor was good doesn't change the fact: He was bad comic relief.
He's worse than Jar-Jar. Don't bring him back. Let him have died peacefully in his sleep 30 years ago in the Gamma Quadrant of old age.
Neelix could have been a great character, he started off as a shady trader and should have kept that role, instead he turned soft and pathetic. Chef.. morale officer, token ambassador, its amazing how little effort they put into finding something real for him, and how he couldn't fit in to the show because of that.
Cryptic needs to get off of this Voyager spree they are on, such a terrible series, only the Doctor and Seven of Nine were interesting, the rest of the crew were shallow one dimensional characters.
Lt Tom "wannabe 50's badboy with a good heart" Paris
Lt Belana "I can't control my rage" Torres
Ensign Harry "Boring clarinet" Kim
Cpt Katherine "I drink coffee" Janeway
Cmd "Native American" Chakotay
Amazingly Neelix is one of the most complex characters, after the Doctor and Seven. Shows you how awful those writers were.
Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
Nothing to do anymore.
Visit our Youtube channel
Aside from visiting other dimensions, parallel universes, time traveling or other galaxies, we can expect the Gamma Quadrant expansion at some point. (And the question being: Will STO live long enough for that to happen?)
That's good to hear.
You Leave Nog Out Of This!! :P
Nog = Ewoks.
Neelix = JarJar.
Neelix > Nog on the "bad" scale.
I can't... It's... I ...
Quadruple facepalm just wouldn't be enough. Anybody that ever liked the show enough to watch it can NEVER claim it had any semblence of continuity. Either you're just ignorant and don't know what you're talking about, or you're an unapolagetic troll. You can't be the former, so I an only presume you're poking fun and stirring the pot to see what happens.
Unlikely, its been circling the drain for a long time. They aren't going to pull off properly challenged content that isn't full of hair pulling
Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
Nothing to do anymore.
Visit our Youtube channel
Voyager has the worst storylines and writing ever and the worst acting ever the only trek is worse is JJTrek. The characters did not impact on me the way the other series did. Kazon were klingon wannabes. Borg were transformed from a decent villian to OMG not these again. Q became boring also. There was very few decent actors in the show Only Robert Picardo was the one that made any impact.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
I really wanted to open fire on his ship so many times... Or him when on the ground... Stupid IFF weapons limitations!
P.S You citing how old you are? False arguments and straw men. You wouldn't need to get so defensive if you had a point to stand upon. Your entire argument boils down to: It was the best because you hated all the others more. Yes... of course. That means it was great.
You need to brush up on your logical arguments and do a little soul searching. You may need to re-evaluate your standards for TV shows.
The Borg were amazing in Voyager. Maybe you just watched another show.. because you are terrible wrong about this lol. In fact, Voyager is the only show where we could see the Borg really angry.
Now, yes Voyager is one of the worst series of the franchise, nobody can deny that. But actings? Janeway was superb. The best captain ive ever seen in a star trek show, even better in my opinion than Picard and Kirk. And of course even better than Sisko lol (this is a joke of course, but sisko was really really terrible). The rest of the crew, with the exception of Tuvok and other actors, were just fine. You cant say their acting was better or worse than other ones. The only "bad" about Voyager was the script of a lot of episodes, but the show improved really really much in the third season to become just a fine show.
I really prefer Voyager much much more than DS9, for example. With a big difference. I found more dumb characters and stupid stories in DS9 than on any other star trek show. Of course i love all star trek shows, but we need to stabilish a degree here.
This assumes he ages like a human does, how do we know how his race ages or what their life span really is?
As far as the arguement about Voyager's contiunity, my spelling is horrid. Let's be honest... if you really look at it they did NOT do a good job at it. The ship was magically repaired to no hull damage including fresh paint nearly ep. Yeah they tried to keep the story straight but too many minor details constantly falling through the cracks. That ship with all the fighting and damage they took should have been in peices by the end of season 1 without finding some major shipyard to overhaul, and than they would have had to give out Starfleet secerts in order to get the repairs they needed to make sure that the repairs would be compatible with Voyagers systems. And even then I'm sure the hull would have atleast shown some different colors and painting
I never said the Borg weren't good in Voyager i just think they overdid the Borg it was like TNG with Data finds a family member or holodeck malfunctions episodes lol. Janeway was the worst captain imo her voice grinded on me and she seemed to put coffee ahead of everything else.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
And I'd be the first to say that the continuity of VOY was pretty bad, not only couldn't they keep things flowing smoothly between episodes, each one being a bobbling of a single story wrapped independently usually from the others in the season. basically if one put the stories in order by their stardates purported by the captain and various other officer's log they traveled 37K lightyears in a single season three or four times to get what they were doing in seasons 4 and worse in 5. And really only changes that happened the season before were addressed a season or THREE (Kim mentioning he had been resurrected (twice by then actually, but one was a previous season)). It felt at times the writers seemed to really on different wave links and the character episodes disjointed the flow further still. I still enjoyed VOY as it felt more like TOS at the time and I got to know the VOY crew better than the TOS's with all their quirks and faults made the more real than the menagerie that was at times TOS's now dated look at race and cultures.
It feels that it was only under the tight observation of Roddenberry, who had with TOS and TNG, made those shows stay on target, flow unusually well with one another episode to episode, and also were more broadly based on scientific facts and theories when the writers wrote the phrase [Insert technobabble here]. That gave a actual realism in those two shows that made people stop and think and really use their brains. Most of that got thrown out the window with DS9's Space theology and opera war, and Voyagers admittedly bad quantum make it up as we go along science theory insert plot point here moments.
Not that the other two... whoops forgot ENT, two and a third shows didn't have their flight of fancy or bizarre unrealistic moments.
Long story short, I adore VOY and Star Trek in general, but I am not blind to it's faults. Odd movies, weird characters "The Outrageous Okona", and odd supposed romances that just didn't seem to go anywhere "PicardxTroi" anyone? Neelix was not a great character, but he served his purpose and generally in the beginning had very interesting character episodes, Jetrel was one of my faves in season one. He could be highly annoying, and I think that was the writer's intent as Phillips is a pretty good actor when not looking like a hedgehog.
And having played what I have on the Tribble, they do okay at minimizing his... quirks the writers really gave him. I guess he had 32 years to fix those.
I hope you are joking, because if not, obviously you dont have a clue and you should watch every show again. If you think the same, obviously you dont have any sense of what means being a good actor, or having a role that fits an specific show. Janeway was probably the best captain not only for her acting, but because her personality and it fited the show just perfect. You can say you didnt like her, but that has nothing to do with the other thing.
And that's your personal opinion, which I disagree with 100%. Mulgrew is a mediocre actress at best, Janeway was a poorly-written Mary Sue, and she was a pretty terrible captain just from a numeric and criminal standpoint as well.
You ever watch her in any other shows? She HAS done other work, you know? She's really not that good. Mediocre at best. Her portrayal of a starfleet captain? Sad, at best. Her character's writing? Deplorable at best.
Overall grade: -F
My views exactly
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
There has been better actors and actresses in star trek and Kate Mulgrew is not one of them
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak