(thanks to the guy who posted that link)
So in essence we blocked from playing all content in our original ships.
Anyone wanted a clear definition of "obsolete", there it is.
Your ship is too obsolete to even queue up, golf clap everyone.
Could just mean T6 level (level 60)
They told us that back on August 27th...
...which many folks took to mean the new 60 Elites, with the revamped difficulty of Normal, Advanced, and Elite.
Looks like an upgraded ship will still be usable so not obsolete at all.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
A T5 actually built properly will still be just as capable as normal for level 60 stuff. It might not be faceroll spacebar spam anymore, but who actually likes that anyway.
T6 only obsoletes freebie T5s in PvP, and well, they were already obsolete there.
There is a huge disparity between player ship layout and skill in this game. We have people doing 2,000 DPS fighting along side people doing 10,000 DPS in the exact same ship. We have teams failing ESTFs while others solo them. It is difficult to make comparisons when you have that much disparity between those who know how to play and those who do not.
The reality of that is, pay $$$ per ship if you want to play the new maps else you are blocked from playing.
If that isn't the exact distinction of being obsolete I don't know wtf is
Remember: Current queues are also referred to as T5 queues... Yet we still see nut-jobs in connies and Mirandas in the missions.
Cryptic seems to refer based on ship-tier-expectation rather than ship-tier-requirement.
There will be a "rebranding" of elite in where "the highest queues require an upgraded ship".
Making t5 not just obsolete but blocked from playing the expansion. I don't know if that qualifies as p2w but this is a new pay wall and at the very least false when they said we could continue using our original ships.
Geko is known for trolling the players... Take his word with that in account...
I can believe that!
There should never be a restriction to content in general, only difficulty!
In other words normal & hard should be available to all player's/ship tiers, while elite should be....well for elite player's/ship tiers.
And by elite player's, I am not referring to elitism, but good-experienced-very good player's, and ship tiers refer to tier 5u-tier 6.
But this is only my opinion.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Why? Well over 80% of players of ISE do less damage than what a T1 ship can comfortably put out.
One, these are not direct quotes. The interviewer is explaining what he was told. He may have made a mistake or misunderstood.
Two, people don't always say things clearly. Geko may have simply meant it's going to be important but not a restriction to use higher ships. Is required in the sense it would be suicide to attempt it without. Given time I suspect people will be skilled enough to attempt in lower tier ships.
Id wait for more blogs.
Way I read it, T5U will still be allowed entry into the higest queues. Yet, obviously, that makes all other T5 ships literally no longer competitive (as they are barred from competing even).
The new content will expect a player to be at or around level 60, and have gained/spent skill points in their new ship traits/sub professions.
Sounds like a lot of the same stuff to me.
Seriously, can someone explain this version of "obsolescence" to me? You're going into a new tier of character levels - why should you expect levels 51-60 to be adequately served by the same ship you picked up when you were level 40?
i already knew this which is why im using my stipend to get the t5.5 excel to t5u as soon as possible. fyi, known of this for a month now.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
If I say that running a marathon requires you to be in good physical shape, there is nothing preventing you from joining a marathon even if you're an out of shape neckbeard. (You're just going to have a hell of a "fun" time. :P)
what bugs me though is that they chose to single out some ships for zen cost upgrades, so if there are any that don't have ships that can get the free upgrade I feel sorry for those or anyone else who have any of these paid only upgrades they would like to use.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
So you can't do elite content without upgrading...big deal?
As others have pointed this out this has been known for a while it really so hard to get out there and grind a little zen for your free ship and upgrade?
I mean the only reason someone must be complaining about this is because they're flying a free lvl 40 T5 ship and have never spent a single dilithium on zen and never bought a zen or boxed ship.
But the terminology "requirement" in this here case is entirely concrete and specified.
And to you people saying "oh well I am going to buy t6 ships anyway so I don't care", this isn't about your personal life choices, if you are safe personally.
So they didn't lie about something you care about this time try to see the bigger picture of overall, general cultivation, how much TRIBBLE will players put up with and stilll pay us?
This is about accepting abuse and-or the direction of the game. If they say people can keep playing ALL CONTENT in the t5 ships
Then people have to be given permission to play ALL CONTENT period
And yes ships not being obsolete was a blatant lie
Also, T6 isn't an upgrade, it's a new ship. So, by RAW, I wouldn't get more rewards in a T6 ship because it's not an upgrade. Therefore, T6 users in new tiered STFs get the shaft on loot compared to T5U players. I can dig that
I don't think cryptic is psychotic enough to go down that road...
Then again... I said the same about T6 ships...