Or how about the phase cloak. Oh wait Picard turned that over to the Romulans and it is currently a console from the D'deridex, D'ridthau Warbird Battle Cruiser.
Personally, I think ANY cloak on ANY ship in the game should be a minimum of a Battle Cloak. The only thing that ever kept ANY ship from cloaking in any of the series, was damage. The only ships that should have Enhanced Battle Cloak, are the B'rel and the Scimitar.
My opinion, YMMV.
"Go play with your DPS in the corner, I don't care how big it is." ~ Me "There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
It would seem a logical step. After all the Klingons have had cloaking technology for a while so it would stand to reason that they would at least try to develop it further. Maybe not as far as full phasing cloaks but certainly to battle cloak standards.
Moved. With the possible exception of the new hotness that's not on Holodeck yet, all ship discussions should take place in one of the shipyard forums for the appropriate faction. Build-related discussions can also happen in the Builds, Powers, and Game Mechanics forum.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Or how about the phase cloak. Oh wait Picard turned that over to the Romulans and it is currently a console from the D'deridex, D'ridthau Warbird Battle Cruiser.
No it isn't. That's a cloaking device from another episode ("The Next Phase").
"Phasing cloaking device" is not the same as "Interphase Cloak" no matter how similar they may sound.:)
I think Basic Cloaks should be revamped since they are totally worthless
i have a few idea's
- Change it where ships with Basic Cloaks can Cloak while in combat
- Leave the Basic Cloak Stats as it is
- In Return for being able to cloak in combat, the Basic Cloak should have a recharge rate about around 40 seconds, and the Basic Cloak CD time can be reduce by Rom Embassy BOff's Operative Space Trait.
I believe this will make the Basic Cloak better than it is now if the Dev's really want to keep it. it's no drastic change and would make current KDF ships with no Battle Cloaks ''almost'' as effective as Romulan Warbirds, and it will help the Fed Cloak console to be more usable than it ever been.
Yes, i am Suggesting a ''Basic Cloak'' to be like a ''Battle Cloak'' with a 40 sec CD time, but the Battle Cloak still have more advantages than the Basic Cloak... like increase Turn Rate and Speed while cloaked... only reason i suggested this change is because Cruptic is unwilling to give all ships a Battle Cloak despite the fact of Romulans clear superiority in BOff's Space Traits that can make Ships with no cloak abilities better than KDF and Fed players and make any Cloaked ships Romulans use, superior to any KDF and Fed player in terms of statistics of both Offensive Attacks and increase Defense Rate.
And i agree with the OP that the BoP's really needs a ''REAL'' buff...
BoP's are Raiders which in turn makes them ''Hit & Run'' Ships... BoP's stats are clearly inferior in everyway except Turn Rate to any Escort that even includes Impulse Mod. which BoP's are the same with most Escorts despite having inferior stats, and there are many Escorts and soon to be release Intel Escort Ships that have Impulse Mods. far superior to all BoP's while giving up nothing in return.
So i will again proposed the Impulse Mod of BoP's from 0.20 to around 0.22 (min) to 0.24 (max), and remove the Flanking nerf dmg vs players from 8.3% dmg to put it to its real 25% dmg... i'm not sure who the stupid Dev that came up with that mess to begin with, the chaotic nature of PvP will make the Flanking ability useless unless it's from First Strike from a decloaking attack which BoP's are not as effective as Romulan Frigate Warbirds that have no Flanking, due to more Tac Consoles and overpowered Romulan BOff's Space Traits... One of the first thoughts in a good PvP'er mind thats fighting a BoP is would to make Flanking useless, which in STO today is not so hard to do with all the Consoles, Traits, Skills, etc. with Turn Rate Bonuses... combined that with the BoP's inability to outrun and reposition against Escorts and soon to release Intel Escorts Ships... the BoP's don't even stand a chance.
Pretty sure you all remember the spoonfeds asking for a cloak and how annoying that was.
Right now you are doing the same and I'm pretty sure Romulans are feeling the same way you would feel if the Feds asked for it again.
The KDF has gone Starfleet.
Funny. since the Romulan Sub-faction did not exist when the KDF have already have a Veteran Ship and BoP's with ''Battle Cloaks''
in ''Canon'' KDF and Romulan Cloaks are no different from each other, despite the Romulans that had them first there's no real difference between Klingon Cloaks and Romulans Cloaks throughout the TNG and DS9 series... did the Romulans have ''Battle Cloaks'' to escape the Jem'hadar Fleet that surrounded and destroyed the combined Romulan/Cardassian Fleet?
or u want to debate who made the Enhanced Battle Cloak first? which the B'rel was the first Star Trek ship shown to able to fire weapons from Cloak? which is nearly 100 years before the Scimitar.
Romulans feeling the same? interesting they look more like D'tans lapdog goons serving both the KDF and Feds... not really a real faction
Funny. since the Romulan Sub-faction did not exist when the KDF have already have a Veteran Ship and BoP's with ''Battle Cloaks''
in ''Canon'' KDF and Romulan Cloaks are no different from each other, despite the Romulans that had them first there's no real difference between Klingon Cloaks and Romulans Cloaks throughout the TNG and DS9 series... did the Romulans have ''Battle Cloaks'' to escape the Jem'hadar Fleet that surrounded and destroyed the combined Romulan/Cardassian Fleet?
or u want to debate who made the Enhanced Battle Cloak first? which the B'rel was the first Star Trek ship shown to able to fire weapons from Cloak? which is nearly 100 years before the Scimitar.
Romulans feeling the same? interesting they look more like D'tans lapdog goons serving both the KDF and Feds... not really a real faction
Sounds like you are using a few ships to justify moving up a cloak level....just like the spoonfeds. Also D'Tan looks like a far better leader then J'pork or what ever his name is.
EDIT: "Romulans are not a real faction"? You remember back in the day? Same was said about the KDF. You are looking real SpoonFed now
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Not sure how I'm baiting but ok. I will just say this. If KDF ships are allowed to move up a cloak level then at the very least the cloaking device fedside should be useable on all ships
Not sure how I'm baiting but ok. I will just say this. If KDF ships are allowed to move up a cloak level then at the very least the cloaking device fedside should be useable on all ships
How is asking for a change in cloaking that also benefits the Federation the same as asking for a restriction to be removed. The other reason people want this change is because in the show their was nobody telling you that your not able to cloak while at Red Alert.
I agree that basic Cloak should be usable when ever you want it but with a longer cooldown and a slower cloak so your vulnerable longer if you use it in battle.
Because Battle Cloak, even Klingon Battle Cloak boosts your turn and flight speed. Or it did last I checked. Last I checked Klingon Battle Cloak was also harder to detect then Romulan Battle Cloak if the Warbird has a lot of Singularity power when it cloaks. And using a Singularity power locks out cloak for a few seconds.
Cloak 40s cooldown 5s to cloak
Battle Cloak 20s Cooldown 2.5s to cloak
Enhanced Battle Cloak, like Battle Cloak but you can fire Torpedoes and BOFF abilities.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
Ok, I will butt in now since the thread was moved into the 'Klingon Fleetyards' section and it's not such an obvious antagonism to a Fed thread with the same name :rolleyes:, which I don't aprove of as I stated in my one previous reply in the thread.
First of all - if we go by canon then all cloaks are battlecloaks. Except the special EBC cases like the B'rel. Now, I don't need to discuss that we're far away from canon here, do I?
Cryptic made a design decision regarding the cloaks, and from a certain perspective it makes sense the way it's designed:
- Romulans, the primary cloaking faction use the best cloaking in the game.
- Klingons, a cloaking faction that got the tech. from the Romulans gets standard cloak, with a few exceptions with more advanced cloak in the form of the squishy BoPs and the Veteran Destoryer.
- Federation, a faction that is not suposed to cloak in the first place gets a standard cloak in the form of a cloaking device for a select few ships, mostly nods to Star Trek canon.
And no rosetyler51, the device shouldn't be usable on all Fed ships. Not even all KDF ships have cloak, for the same arbitrary balancing reasons - otherwise don't you think the KDF would outfitted cloaking Gurambas, Corsairs and such?
Also this whole thread with it premise it's kinda' completely pointless now, as KDF battlecrusiers, raptors and science vessels will get battlecloak. In the form of "intel" ships maybe, but it will still happen.
My opinion about this? It's a very very weak and faulty game design, I don't like it even a bit.
Now what they could have done was to make these "intel" ships exclusive to the Romulan faction. It fits the Romulan lore and the entire stealth, machinations, spying mantra that always encompassed the Romulans in Star Trek.
And then make something different for the Feds, something true to lore - an exclusive ship class that instead of "intel" would have something to do with science. A new breed of ships that would be unique and balanced with inherrent cloak detection and sensor abilities to counter "intel" ships.
As for the KDF, there would also be a unique class that fits the Klingon theme - maybe something with regular steatlh, brutal forward firepower and durable by hull tanking, but weaker in the shields and sensor department. Just throwing out ideas.
That way, they'd bring more life and diversity to factions and make them truly feel different. I mean, it's suposed to be an expansion right, why not expand on this?
So now, Fed "intel" ships have cloak, KDF "intel" ships have battlecloak and Romulan "intel" ships have EBC. Great! What happens when a Romulan "intel" battlecruiser comes and we know it will, eventually? A heavy tanking machine that can fire stuff and Boff abilities while remaining cloaked.
Yeah folks, all semblance of balance was thrown out the window here. So just take it as it is from now on, what else can I say?
So now, Fed "intel" ships have cloak, KDF "intel" ships have battlecloak and Romulan "intel" ships have EBC. Great! What happens when a Romulan "intel" battlecruiser comes and we know it will, eventually? A heavy tanking machine that can fire stuff and Boff abilities while remaining cloaked.
Yeah folks, all semblance of balance was thrown out the window here. So just take it as it is from now on, what else can I say?
I believe they call that one the Scimitar.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
Well the Scimitar can't do what EBC can enable ships to do. Imagine a nice big fat fleet D'Deridex that can fire torpedoes cloaked and can spam science abilities cloaked.
However I don't really see this thread as KDF players asking for all-round battlecloaking in general, although several people did express the desire, probably p-off by the latest developments.
I see this thread as an attempt for a direct response to >this< thread, since they both used to be in 'General Discussion' and created shortly after the other. Which was also unnecessary, IMHO, hence my initial reply applies to this as well.
Sounds like you are using a few ships to justify moving up a cloak level....just like the spoonfeds. Also D'Tan looks like a far better leader then J'pork or what ever his name is.
EDIT: "Romulans are not a real faction"? You remember back in the day? Same was said about the KDF. You are looking real SpoonFed now
What i suggested is to make the ''Basic Cloak'' more usable than it is currently which will benefit both the KDF and for Fed ships using Cloak Console (and Fed Intel Ships).
Cloaks in PvE have no real use but in PvP thats a totally different story, and i suggested a change to the basic cloak b4 the Sub-Faction Romulan Puppets came live on the LoR on Holodeck server.
Again i will post the stats of my proposed revamped ''Basic Cloak''
- Ability to cloak while in Red Alert
- Have the current stats as it is now (which is the Defense and Dmg from Cloak along with Stealth)
- Trade off is a 40 sec CD rate on the ''Basic Cloak'' in order to cloak while in Red Alert (currently it's 20 sec CD rate while not able to cloak in Red Alert)
Disadvantages vs Battle Cloaks
- 20 sec more recharge time compare to Battle Cloaks
- No Speed or Turn Rate bonuses while Cloaked compare to Battle Cloaks which have them
My proposed revamp ''Basic Cloak'' will still be inferior to ''Battle Cloaks'' but it will make it more flexible to use especially in pvp than it is now and would make players able to worth investing into the Stealth Skill and Embassy Romulan BOff's for their traits if they wish to choose.
Yes i do remember when ppl say that the KDF is not a real Faction... but atleast the Klingon Empire is an stand alone faction unlike the Un-Romulan like Republic Sub-faction that have to follow what their KDF and Fed masters tell them what to do... now if they were a stand alone Romulan Star Empire faction with playable Romulans and Remans plus Alien, Hirogen and Suliban as client playable races for them i would respect that... but i can't really respect a Cryptic made Puppet's Republic with a amatuer dictator like D'tan... which something we have to deal with now.
What i suggested is to make the ''Basic Cloak'' more usable than it is currently which will benefit both the KDF and for Fed ships using Cloak Console (and Fed Intel Ships).
Cloaks in PvE have no real use but in PvP thats a totally different story, and i suggested a change to the basic cloak b4 the Sub-Faction Romulan Puppets came live on the LoR on Holodeck server.
Again i will post the stats of my proposed revamped ''Basic Cloak''
- Ability to cloak while in Red Alert
- Have the current stats as it is now (which is the Defense and Dmg from Cloak along with Stealth)
- Trade off is a 40 sec CD rate on the ''Basic Cloak'' in order to cloak while in Red Alert (currently it's 20 sec CD rate while not able to cloak in Red Alert)
Disadvantages vs Battle Cloaks
- 20 sec more recharge time compare to Battle Cloaks
- No Speed or Turn Rate bonuses while Cloaked compare to Battle Cloaks which have them
My proposed revamp ''Basic Cloak'' will still be inferior to ''Battle Cloaks'' but it will make it more flexible to use especially in pvp than it is now and would make players able to worth investing into the Stealth Skill and Embassy Romulan BOff's for their traits if they wish to choose.
Yes i do remember when ppl say that the KDF is not a real Faction... but atleast the Klingon Empire is an stand alone faction unlike the Un-Romulan like Republic Sub-faction that have to follow what their KDF and Fed masters tell them what to do... now if they were a stand alone Romulan Star Empire faction with playable Romulans and Remans plus Alien, Hirogen and Suliban as client playable races for them i would respect that... but i can't really respect a Cryptic made Puppet's Republic with a amatuer dictator like D'tan... which something we have to deal with now.
So right now you want "battlecloak" for KDF and Feds. I don't think I have ever heard a Fed ask for something like this. Upgrading KDF is something I can have respect for but wanting to help out the feds too? That Starfleet combadge is looking very nice on you, "Fed lap dog."
So right now you want "battlecloak" for KDF and Feds. I don't think I have ever heard a Fed ask for something like this. Upgrading KDF is something I can have respect for but wanting to help out the feds too? That Starfleet combadge is looking very nice on you, "Fed lap dog."
Mimey2 was right, u were just baiting... oh well no matter, this will be my last reply to u on this subject since u can't seem to understand...
''So right now you want ''battlecloak'' for KDF and Feds'' - rosetyler51
Obivously u did not read my post before this very well... it's basically very same thing that i proposed, and i've said this mutiple times on the forums throughout the years whcih none of which u most likely read... it clearly shows that u have a lack of understanding, or that u just plain incompetent and it also shows u don't understand how this game mechanics works at all... or u just wannabe a j@ck@$$...
What i am trying to proposed is some sort balance in the game especially in PvP which is something i will not bored u with the detail's because u might not understand that as well... PvE Hero...
I'm sorry ur insulted by the term ''Lap Dog'' scrub... i've got nothing else to say to u
obvious spin off thread is obvious :rolleyes:
and i think its completely fair for the BoP to lose in other areas for the ability to configure BOFFs ANY WAY THEY WANT
>> Battle cloaks I mean
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
And my Qib will have Battle Cloak, so I'm happy. Not like I'll ever use it though. The cloak I mean.
My opinion, YMMV.
"There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
LAWL! I can hear the rage threads calling for a nerf already.
"There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
No it isn't. That's a cloaking device from another episode ("The Next Phase").
"Phasing cloaking device" is not the same as "Interphase Cloak" no matter how similar they may sound.:)
i have a few idea's
- Change it where ships with Basic Cloaks can Cloak while in combat
- Leave the Basic Cloak Stats as it is
- In Return for being able to cloak in combat, the Basic Cloak should have a recharge rate about around 40 seconds, and the Basic Cloak CD time can be reduce by Rom Embassy BOff's Operative Space Trait.
I believe this will make the Basic Cloak better than it is now if the Dev's really want to keep it. it's no drastic change and would make current KDF ships with no Battle Cloaks ''almost'' as effective as Romulan Warbirds, and it will help the Fed Cloak console to be more usable than it ever been.
Yes, i am Suggesting a ''Basic Cloak'' to be like a ''Battle Cloak'' with a 40 sec CD time, but the Battle Cloak still have more advantages than the Basic Cloak... like increase Turn Rate and Speed while cloaked... only reason i suggested this change is because Cruptic is unwilling to give all ships a Battle Cloak despite the fact of Romulans clear superiority in BOff's Space Traits that can make Ships with no cloak abilities better than KDF and Fed players and make any Cloaked ships Romulans use, superior to any KDF and Fed player in terms of statistics of both Offensive Attacks and increase Defense Rate.
And i agree with the OP that the BoP's really needs a ''REAL'' buff...
BoP's are Raiders which in turn makes them ''Hit & Run'' Ships... BoP's stats are clearly inferior in everyway except Turn Rate to any Escort that even includes Impulse Mod. which BoP's are the same with most Escorts despite having inferior stats, and there are many Escorts and soon to be release Intel Escort Ships that have Impulse Mods. far superior to all BoP's while giving up nothing in return.
So i will again proposed the Impulse Mod of BoP's from 0.20 to around 0.22 (min) to 0.24 (max), and remove the Flanking nerf dmg vs players from 8.3% dmg to put it to its real 25% dmg... i'm not sure who the stupid Dev that came up with that mess to begin with, the chaotic nature of PvP will make the Flanking ability useless unless it's from First Strike from a decloaking attack which BoP's are not as effective as Romulan Frigate Warbirds that have no Flanking, due to more Tac Consoles and overpowered Romulan BOff's Space Traits... One of the first thoughts in a good PvP'er mind thats fighting a BoP is would to make Flanking useless, which in STO today is not so hard to do with all the Consoles, Traits, Skills, etc. with Turn Rate Bonuses... combined that with the BoP's inability to outrun and reposition against Escorts and soon to release Intel Escorts Ships... the BoP's don't even stand a chance.
Right now you are doing the same and I'm pretty sure Romulans are feeling the same way you would feel if the Feds asked for it again.
The KDF has gone Starfleet.
Funny. since the Romulan Sub-faction did not exist when the KDF have already have a Veteran Ship and BoP's with ''Battle Cloaks''
in ''Canon'' KDF and Romulan Cloaks are no different from each other, despite the Romulans that had them first there's no real difference between Klingon Cloaks and Romulans Cloaks throughout the TNG and DS9 series... did the Romulans have ''Battle Cloaks'' to escape the Jem'hadar Fleet that surrounded and destroyed the combined Romulan/Cardassian Fleet?
or u want to debate who made the Enhanced Battle Cloak first? which the B'rel was the first Star Trek ship shown to able to fire weapons from Cloak? which is nearly 100 years before the Scimitar.
Romulans feeling the same? interesting they look more like D'tans lapdog goons serving both the KDF and Feds... not really a real faction
Sounds like you are using a few ships to justify moving up a cloak level....just like the spoonfeds. Also D'Tan looks like a far better leader then J'pork or what ever his name is.
EDIT: "Romulans are not a real faction"? You remember back in the day? Same was said about the KDF. You are looking real SpoonFed now
How is asking for a change in cloaking that also benefits the Federation the same as asking for a restriction to be removed. The other reason people want this change is because in the show their was nobody telling you that your not able to cloak while at Red Alert.
I agree that basic Cloak should be usable when ever you want it but with a longer cooldown and a slower cloak so your vulnerable longer if you use it in battle.
Because Battle Cloak, even Klingon Battle Cloak boosts your turn and flight speed. Or it did last I checked. Last I checked Klingon Battle Cloak was also harder to detect then Romulan Battle Cloak if the Warbird has a lot of Singularity power when it cloaks. And using a Singularity power locks out cloak for a few seconds.
Cloak 40s cooldown 5s to cloak
Battle Cloak 20s Cooldown 2.5s to cloak
Enhanced Battle Cloak, like Battle Cloak but you can fire Torpedoes and BOFF abilities.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
First of all - if we go by canon then all cloaks are battlecloaks. Except the special EBC cases like the B'rel. Now, I don't need to discuss that we're far away from canon here, do I?
Cryptic made a design decision regarding the cloaks, and from a certain perspective it makes sense the way it's designed:
- Romulans, the primary cloaking faction use the best cloaking in the game.
- Klingons, a cloaking faction that got the tech. from the Romulans gets standard cloak, with a few exceptions with more advanced cloak in the form of the squishy BoPs and the Veteran Destoryer.
- Federation, a faction that is not suposed to cloak in the first place gets a standard cloak in the form of a cloaking device for a select few ships, mostly nods to Star Trek canon.
And no rosetyler51, the device shouldn't be usable on all Fed ships. Not even all KDF ships have cloak, for the same arbitrary balancing reasons - otherwise don't you think the KDF would outfitted cloaking Gurambas, Corsairs and such?
Also this whole thread with it premise it's kinda' completely pointless now, as KDF battlecrusiers, raptors and science vessels will get battlecloak. In the form of "intel" ships maybe, but it will still happen.
My opinion about this? It's a very very weak and faulty game design, I don't like it even a bit.
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
Now what they could have done was to make these "intel" ships exclusive to the Romulan faction. It fits the Romulan lore and the entire stealth, machinations, spying mantra that always encompassed the Romulans in Star Trek.
And then make something different for the Feds, something true to lore - an exclusive ship class that instead of "intel" would have something to do with science. A new breed of ships that would be unique and balanced with inherrent cloak detection and sensor abilities to counter "intel" ships.
As for the KDF, there would also be a unique class that fits the Klingon theme - maybe something with regular steatlh, brutal forward firepower and durable by hull tanking, but weaker in the shields and sensor department. Just throwing out ideas.
That way, they'd bring more life and diversity to factions and make them truly feel different. I mean, it's suposed to be an expansion right, why not expand on this?
So now, Fed "intel" ships have cloak, KDF "intel" ships have battlecloak and Romulan "intel" ships have EBC. Great! What happens when a Romulan "intel" battlecruiser comes and we know it will, eventually? A heavy tanking machine that can fire stuff and Boff abilities while remaining cloaked.
Yeah folks, all semblance of balance was thrown out the window here. So just take it as it is from now on, what else can I say?
I believe they call that one the Scimitar.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
Well the Scimitar can't do what EBC can enable ships to do. Imagine a nice big fat fleet D'Deridex that can fire torpedoes cloaked and can spam science abilities cloaked.
The point I first made I popped into this thread was simply these things below
In STO wide spead battlecloak is Romulan thing.
This thread looks like to me KDF players wanting to take a Romulan thing.
The KDF players on the forums have a long history of fighting to keep each faction as their own thing.
Right until they wanted something..... :eek:
If the KDF gets wide spread battlecloaks then the Feds should get wide spread cloaks or built in Tachyon Detection based systems in all of their ship.
Also if you look over the stats on intel ships you see they have less hull then normal ships of the same type.
PS: Cloaks are not really that scary. If you know a cloaker is around it is insanely easy to end them
I agree, that's why my initial reply to this thread was:
However I don't really see this thread as KDF players asking for all-round battlecloaking in general, although several people did express the desire, probably p-off by the latest developments.
I see this thread as an attempt for a direct response to >this< thread, since they both used to be in 'General Discussion' and created shortly after the other. Which was also unnecessary, IMHO, hence my initial reply applies to this as well.
What i suggested is to make the ''Basic Cloak'' more usable than it is currently which will benefit both the KDF and for Fed ships using Cloak Console (and Fed Intel Ships).
Cloaks in PvE have no real use but in PvP thats a totally different story, and i suggested a change to the basic cloak b4 the Sub-Faction Romulan Puppets came live on the LoR on Holodeck server.
Again i will post the stats of my proposed revamped ''Basic Cloak''
- Ability to cloak while in Red Alert
- Have the current stats as it is now (which is the Defense and Dmg from Cloak along with Stealth)
- Trade off is a 40 sec CD rate on the ''Basic Cloak'' in order to cloak while in Red Alert (currently it's 20 sec CD rate while not able to cloak in Red Alert)
Disadvantages vs Battle Cloaks
- 20 sec more recharge time compare to Battle Cloaks
- No Speed or Turn Rate bonuses while Cloaked compare to Battle Cloaks which have them
My proposed revamp ''Basic Cloak'' will still be inferior to ''Battle Cloaks'' but it will make it more flexible to use especially in pvp than it is now and would make players able to worth investing into the Stealth Skill and Embassy Romulan BOff's for their traits if they wish to choose.
Yes i do remember when ppl say that the KDF is not a real Faction... but atleast the Klingon Empire is an stand alone faction unlike the Un-Romulan like Republic Sub-faction that have to follow what their KDF and Fed masters tell them what to do... now if they were a stand alone Romulan Star Empire faction with playable Romulans and Remans plus Alien, Hirogen and Suliban as client playable races for them i would respect that... but i can't really respect a Cryptic made Puppet's Republic with a amatuer dictator like D'tan... which something we have to deal with now.
So right now you want "battlecloak" for KDF and Feds. I don't think I have ever heard a Fed ask for something like this. Upgrading KDF is something I can have respect for but wanting to help out the feds too? That Starfleet combadge is looking very nice on you, "Fed lap dog."
Mimey2 was right, u were just baiting... oh well no matter, this will be my last reply to u on this subject since u can't seem to understand...
''So right now you want ''battlecloak'' for KDF and Feds'' - rosetyler51
Obivously u did not read my post before this very well... it's basically very same thing that i proposed, and i've said this mutiple times on the forums throughout the years whcih none of which u most likely read... it clearly shows that u have a lack of understanding, or that u just plain incompetent and it also shows u don't understand how this game mechanics works at all... or u just wannabe a j@ck@$$...
What i am trying to proposed is some sort balance in the game especially in PvP which is something i will not bored u with the detail's because u might not understand that as well... PvE Hero...
I'm sorry ur insulted by the term ''Lap Dog'' scrub... i've got nothing else to say to u