I don't believe Magnumstar was making any remarks about Lifers. I think he more meant that he didn't like the idea of a pure Borg faction because of people who would want to fly Cubes and the like.
Regarding buying the Qib and MaHa though...well, yeah...been asking for a Zen Raptor for how long, eh? Finally getting a Battle Cruiser with Battle Cloak after the LoR shenanigans...well, yeah.
Actually they already started whining for a Phase Cloak that makes them immune to everything all the time.
And for the Gal X, Avenger and Defiant to have built in Cloaks
And for those Cloaks to be Battle Cloaks
T7 could just be 1 ship for everybody (With a Faction appropriate design) with Fully Universal BOFFs, 7 Consoles in each slot, Another 7 Consoles for Universal Consoles, Enhanced Battle Cloak, And configurable into a Sci ship, Cruiser, Battle Cruiser or Escort and they'd still complain it's underpowered compared to the Klingons in the same ship and demand their version and only their version be Buffed.
The Federation players have earned a Reputation as Spoiled Brats in this game, no other game has seen a single side so empowered, so pandered too and still want more.
From what I understand the Decloaking thing won't be such an issue in the newer content as rather than shoe horning in KDF they are designing everything Multi Faction and are now expecting everybody to cloak.
While a BOFF sneezing Decloaks you most of the time there are new missions where you can have a Conversation with Cloak up.
I'm not sure why Cryptic created the self-fullfilling prophesy. They sure throw out a lot of lame excuses as to why. I just hope it isn't a passive aggressive response to all the flak Cryptic got back in the day from all the failed promises. I'd like to hope it isn't that but people disappoint me all the time.
The funny part in all of that is - they do better content, beter designs and grasp a better feel of the faction on the ocassions when they make KDF content.
I mean, look at unique missions - while they're few, nothing on the other side compares to the KDF LoR missions or the pure epicness of the Fek'ihri arc. "Alpha" is awesome. The new Fed. tutorial is kinda' tedious after you do it once or twice, the new KDF tutorial is fun!
Look at the T6 ships - the KDF ones I want to buy based on looks, without even knowing the stats. Fed ones...my eyes hurt when I'm looking at them. One can even say, a good thing they have a cloak. <----sarcasm.
Look at the older ships. They seem to have such a hard time making a good Starfleet design, while they've nailed almost every single KDF design.
Now I know people may want to jump and slap me for saying this, but I believe there are many devs. at Cryptic that are Klingon at heart. Some of them probably don't even realize that about them, but I apreciate their work nevertheless. I think the issues we have with the faction's treatment are to be located in the few people that have final leverage over the decisions.
Things have been impoving on a solid scale for the KDF in the last year and a half though, at least in my opinion and according to my expectations.
The funny part in all of that is - they do better content, beter designs and grasp a better feel of the faction on the ocassions when they make KDF content.
I mean, look at unique missions - while they're few, nothing on the other side compares to the KDF LoR missions or the pure epicness of the Fek'ihri arc. "Alpha" is awesome. The new Fed. tutorial is kinda' tedious after you do it once or twice, the new KDF tutorial is fun!
Look at the T6 ships - the KDF ones I want to buy based on looks, without even knowing the stats. Fed ones...my eyes hurt when I'm looking at them. One can even say, a good thing they have a cloak. <----sarcasm.
Look at the older ships. They seem to have such a hard time making a good Starfleet design, while they've nailed almost every single KDF design.
Now I know people may want to jump and slap me for saying this, but I believe there are many devs. at Cryptic that are Klingon at heart. Some of them probably don't even realize that about them, but I apreciate their work nevertheless. I think the issues we have with the faction's treatment are to be located in the few people that have final leverage over the decisions.
Things have been impoving on a solid scale for the KDF in the last year and a half though, at least in my opinion and according to my expectations.
well, i reckon the current cryptic devs are 100% feddie. maybe if they logged out of the damn fed toons for a few months and made a real effort to play the game from this end... if carmack was in charge he would login, delete all their feds, and MAKE THEM play kdf toons. it would be glorious!
i think the reason the kdf comes off so good in sto story-wise is because, due to the nature of sto gameplay, the entire faction seems more authentic. the take no prisoners, kill em all, style of sto gameplay obviously suits the kdf better than the feddies. im not sure exactly what kind of cognitive dissonance comes into play fed-side, but from over here the entire game, no matter what the faction, is played like a klingon would play it. a fair number of feds do seem to notice this, and they are often the ones chiming in when there are discussions about 'exploration' and 'diplomacy', but a huge number of them obviously want something closer to the 'shotgun diplomacy' of the kdf. it would be great if just once, instead of coddling those feds, cryptic would simply say 'then roll a kdf' and be done with it. they certainly have proven to the kdf that they are capable of ignoring peoples wishes and leaving them to rot.
Now I know people may want to jump and slap me for saying this, but I believe there are many devs. at Cryptic that are Klingon at heart. Some of them probably don't even realize that about them, but I apreciate their work nevertheless. I think the issues we have with the faction's treatment are to be located in the few people that have final leverage over the decisions.
Things have been impoving on a solid scale for the KDF in the last year and a half though, at least in my opinion and according to my expectations.
That's because we have been beaten down so low that any small bright stuff we get no matter how small is a surprise....with a firm hope that matters are changing.
The original designers of this game before understood the concept created by the Star Trek Series as regards the different Species. The Klingon were given the brashness, the honor, the sacrifice that we humans admire. Like the frontiersmen to survived the hard life out in the wilderness, who when he comes to town is misunderstood due to his down to earth outlook about life. The Romulans were the most powerful with a very complicated society experts in making deals. Have you ever had to do business with a Hindu? The ferengi well we know who they represent. Etc. Now they have changed to keep the customers who mostly play Fed to keep the business afloat. It's a mistake. Before when we had ships at par with their cloak, many of their customers plaid both factions. If they start giving us Klinks better ships those same people will start playing their KDF toons, just to experience how it used to be.
Cryptic WILL MAKE MORE MONEY. More players will spend for both their factions (+Rom). Now it's sad that we are a dying race of Klinks.
I wonder what would happen if there were no more Klingon players...just Feds. I started in 2011 and I am losing my interest. There are so many nice games to play nowadays. Only nostalgia keeps me here.
I'm definitely buying the raptor. Does it NOT get active sensor as well? Or is this an oversight in the paragraph or my reading of it? I'm also wondering what they're trying to do with giving the Federation a "nimble, cloaking battlecruiser" -_- .
I'm definitely buying the raptor. Does it NOT get active sensor as well? Or is this an oversight in the paragraph or my reading of it? I'm also wondering what they're trying to do with giving the Federation a "nimble, cloaking battlecruiser" -_- .
Oh yes it did! We killed them time and time again in the pvp queues. We also vented our frustrations on them in Kerrat and Otha, always outnmbered 5-10 to 1 and we still slaughtered them. The only problem with this is it gave rise to the myth that the KDF was OP and specifically our BoP's. The flimsiest ship in the fleet with its limited Boff stations (even thought they're universal) was the ship they considered the most over powered (basically a flying paper mache ship with guns) and cried and cried for Cryptic to nerf them. I believe this is the main reason our BoP's were left behind during the power creep so the Feds could actually fight back and feel good about themselves while patting themselves on the back for beating an aged and outdated ship.
What they didn't understand was it wasn't the KDF weapons, races, or ships that were OP but the players controlling and using them. For some unknown reason we got the thinking people on the red side, these folks used tactics and communication on the ground maps to out manuever the more numerous Feds. As for the BoP pilots well these guys lived, breathed, and ate flying a Bird of Prey. They'd actually practiced combat manuevers! It was a treat to watch these BoP fleets in combat, every person knew their job and could execute comabt manuevers in the blink of an eye, they were also in voice communication. Against this dedication the Feds couldn't mount an adequate defense and began whining for a FvF pvp queuen and ultimatley killed the pvp scene.
The funny part in all of that is - they do better content, beter designs and grasp a better feel of the faction on the ocassions when they make KDF content.
I mean, look at unique missions - while they're few, nothing on the other side compares to the KDF LoR missions or the pure epicness of the Fek'ihri arc. "Alpha" is awesome. The new Fed. tutorial is kinda' tedious after you do it once or twice, the new KDF tutorial is fun!
Look at the T6 ships - the KDF ones I want to buy based on looks, without even knowing the stats. Fed ones...my eyes hurt when I'm looking at them. One can even say, a good thing they have a cloak. <----sarcasm.
Look at the older ships. They seem to have such a hard time making a good Starfleet design, while they've nailed almost every single KDF design.
Now I know people may want to jump and slap me for saying this, but I believe there are many devs. at Cryptic that are Klingon at heart. Some of them probably don't even realize that about them, but I apreciate their work nevertheless. I think the issues we have with the faction's treatment are to be located in the few people that have final leverage over the decisions.
Things have been impoving on a solid scale for the KDF in the last year and a half though, at least in my opinion and according to my expectations.
You forgot to mention the two weapons we get from the Borg rep, the Klingon battle rifle and the Klingon pulse rifle with the grenade launcher. Those two weapons are the coolest looking in the whole game and make what the Feds get look like a cardboard cut out with a empty toilet paper roll.
And I agree our missions seem more thoroughly thought out and better written then what the blue side has. We may have fewer missions but there is no arguing they are of better quality.
You may be right in your assessment that some on the Dev team are true Klingon fans and are shackled by their corporate superiors. I've often thought this way myself and things over on the red side are improving, albeit slowly but improving nonetheless so I have very few complaints now these days. My biggest complaint being unique faction content being shared across factions just to appease the blue side.
Oh yes it did! We killed them time and time again in the pvp queues. We also vented our frustrations on them in Kerrat and Otha, always outnmbered 5-10 to 1 and we still slaughtered them. The only problem with this is it gave rise to the myth that the KDF was OP and specifically our BoP's. The flimsiest ship in the fleet with its limited Boff stations (even thought they're universal) was the ship they considered the most over powered (basically a flying paper mache ship with guns) and cried and cried for Cryptic to nerf them. I believe this is the main reason our BoP's were left behind during the power creep so the Feds could actually fight back and feel good about themselves while patting themselves on the back for beating an aged and outdated ship.
What they didn't understand was it wasn't the KDF weapons, races, or ships that were OP but the players controlling and using them. For some unknown reason we got the thinking people on the red side, these folks used tactics and communication on the ground maps to out manuever the more numerous Feds. As for the BoP pilots well these guys lived, breathed, and ate flying a Bird of Prey. They'd actually practiced combat manuevers! It was a treat to watch these BoP fleets in combat, every person knew their job and could execute comabt manuevers in the blink of an eye, they were also in voice communication. Against this dedication the Feds couldn't mount an adequate defense and began whining for a FvF pvp queuen and ultimatley killed the pvp scene.
I have the answer to why kdf seems to have higher average skill level.
i think the reason the kdf comes off so good in sto story-wise is because, due to the nature of sto gameplay, the entire faction seems more authentic. the take no prisoners, kill em all, style of sto gameplay obviously suits the kdf better than the feddies. im not sure exactly what kind of cognitive dissonance comes into play fed-side, but from over here the entire game, no matter what the faction, is played like a klingon would play it. a fair number of feds do seem to notice this, and they are often the ones chiming in when there are discussions about 'exploration' and 'diplomacy', but a huge number of them obviously want something closer to the 'shotgun diplomacy' of the kdf. it would be great if just once, instead of coddling those feds, cryptic would simply say 'then roll a kdf' and be done with it. they certainly have proven to the kdf that they are capable of ignoring peoples wishes and leaving them to rot.
You're probably right. I remember back in the day when I first rolled a KDF char, the thing that was probably my biggest draw to the faction at the beginning was that the KDF seems so apropriate lore wise. Compared to the Fed. faction, it's light years closer to the IP and as a Star Trek fan first and foremost that is obvioulsy a big draw for me.
It's mostly due to the nature of the game as you say, however it's still relevant to a degree from a fan persepctive.
That's because we have been beaten down so low that any small bright stuff we get no matter how small is a surprise....with a firm hope that matters are changing.
You're completely right about this. I will admit that my expectations are quite low, but than again I don't have OCD so I don't really need to "have it all" to enjoy myself, just enough. Not that I think the disparity in treatment is fair, that's a STO thing I've never seen anywhere else but here.
I have made a lot of statements throughout the years, which boiled down to that all I want/need in order to be happy and enjoy the KDF is continuous development even at a smaller scale that the other faction. I remember times when almost a year passed and the only thing KDF related in the game was a KDF themed blog, trying to justify a lore perspective as to why we do the same thing as the Feds.
Compared to that in the past year and some we got new levels, became a full faction, some very good new missions, got VO work, got an official Star Trek actor - mr.Dorn, to VO levels and missions for KDF as Worf, got back a few lowbie ships, got the Klingon tricoder, got a unique "Day of Honor" event, got a new Mogh battlecruiser, got a pack od 3 science ships, new mechanics and buffs for the Birds of Prey and a lot of smaller but significant stuff I'm probabbly foirgetting now.....and we're also getting 2 new ships about a month from now. It's a carnival for me!
And I don't agree that we as Klingons are a dying breed. I've been seeing such statements for years and we're still here slugging it on. If anything, I belive the KDF has stabilized at some 20% of the playerbase at least - ofcourse I can't provide evidence for this, but it's just my observation to what I see when I'm in the game. The couple of KDF fleets I'm in are top-notch, filled with active rosters and bursting with players at amost any time of the day, plus it's become a bit easier to get teams especially if you use the KDF channels. I'm not saying we have anything similar to Fed. numbers, but I wouldn't call us a dying breed either.
with weaker fewer ships kdf vets have no choice but learn how to use what we got. that goes double for BoP pilots.
Older KDF players who have been around since launch levelled by PvPing since it was the only option available to us, there was no hand holding nothing just get in a ship and fight. It created a warrior mentality that persists still. We learned how to spec our ships and equipment, what BOFFs to use and every dirty trick there is to both kill and survive.
The Federation meanwhile levelled via pve and were told what special snowflakes they were and how awesome they are like Kirk and the other hero captains. Then when they reached level 50 they tried to dabble in PvP for one reason or another with very little prior experience and are surprised that they get their clocks cleaned by the guys who have only ever PvPd. Naturally the nerf crying started and the nerfs followed shortly after.
I don't believe Magnumstar was making any remarks about Lifers. I think he more meant that he didn't like the idea of a pure Borg faction because of people who would want to fly Cubes and the like.
C-cubes... I oft joke on Doffjobs/NoP Service a lot about a Cooperative lockbox and all but... could you imagine how silly, crowded, and improbable that flying a cube would be in sector space and STFs? No one could tell heads or tails! Everyone's bumping into each other!
The Scimitar spam in sector space oft leads brave Romulans into smashing into each other or simply "pushing" each other down at rapid paces in space.
I'd loathe to see what happens if a cube is actually introduced in the game... Spheres are tolerable though... to an extent.
I wont be suporting the feds because there the good guya while I am a klingon the kdf I am an orion so I take down feds the federation is going down those pesky do gooders
I wont be suporting the feds because there the good guya while I am a klingon the kdf I am an orion so I take down feds the federation is going down those pesky do gooders
I don't consider the Federation the good guys at all. They preach peace, but then sneak around and take what they want regardless.
And I don't agree that we as Klingons are a dying breed. I've been seeing such statements for years and we're still here slugging it on. If anything, I belive the KDF has stabilized at some 20% of the playerbase at least - ofcourse I can't provide evidence for this, but it's just my observation to what I see when I'm in the game. The couple of KDF fleets I'm in are top-notch, filled with active rosters and bursting with players at amost any time of the day, plus it's become a bit easier to get teams especially if you use the KDF channels. I'm not saying we have anything similar to Fed. numbers, but I wouldn't call us a dying breed either.
I believe the number might be slightly higher than that. In the last STF's I ran most tems were composed of at leat 40% KDF and I even had 3 games where the full team was KDF. I don't think we will ever know the real percentage but I have never believed the 15% figure they kept talking about.
I've been playing my Klingon a lot more recently, and have to say I've been enjoying it. Now I try to have two "main" ships on each of my main characters in each faction, a flagship and a general use ship. For my Feds and Romulan the choice was easy for each, and the Bortasqu' fits well with my Klingon as his flagship. But general use? I can't seem to find one.
The Varanus is a great ship, but it's a Gorn design, and a pure science vessel doesn't really feel "Klingon" to me. The Kamarag has a nice layout, and some of the aesthetics are wonderful, but it feels a bit skinny and small when you look at it from the top. The Mogh is nearly perfect for what I was wanting visually, but I just can't get a good build on it.
From what I've seen the Qib may be the answer to those problems. It looks great, has a battlecloak and speed on its side, and (hopefully) some nice flexible Boff and console slots for a science captain to use. The Maha may also make my wishlist, if I ever decide to try raptors again on my engineer.
All-in-all I'm optimistic about these ships, and I'm hoping to at least get the Qib from my Klingon. After all, I need to reach level 60 in style.
Admiral Katrina Tokareva - U.S.S. Cosmos, Yorktown-class Star Cruiser Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
I've been playing my Klingon a lot more recently, and have to say I've been enjoying it. Now I try to have two "main" ships on each of my main characters in each faction, a flagship and a general use ship. For my Feds and Romulan the choice was easy for each, and the Bortasqu' fits well with my Klingon as his flagship. But general use? I can't seem to find one.
The Varanus is a great ship, but it's a Gorn design, and a pure science vessel doesn't really feel "Klingon" to me. The Kamarag has a nice layout, and some of the aesthetics are wonderful, but it feels a bit skinny and small when you look at it from the top. The Mogh is nearly perfect for what I was wanting visually, but I just can't get a good build on it.
From what I've seen the Qib may be the answer to those problems. It looks great, has a battlecloak and speed on its side, and (hopefully) some nice flexible Boff and console slots for a science captain to use. The Maha may also make my wishlist, if I ever decide to try raptors again on my engineer.
All-in-all I'm optimistic about these ships, and I'm hoping to at least get the Qib from my Klingon. After all, I need to reach level 60 in style.
try the kamarang if your science KDF its a nice ship. also do you have all the skins it can use unlocked? if so you can change allot of those ugly features .
Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days.
I had a level 50 KDF that I hadn't played through endgame yet and I took out and started doing the rep and featured episodes with. I am still in my Qin Heavy Raptor and looking for a new ship though I may wait until the T6 ships arrive.
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I had a level 50 KDF that I hadn't played through endgame yet and I took out and started doing the rep and featured episodes with. I am still in my Qin Heavy Raptor and looking for a new ship though I may wait until the T6 ships arrive.
I recommend you wait, only a month to go now. Then you can buy a full T6 ship with which you won't have to bother with upgrades, fleet variants and such. Especially if you like raptors since you fly a Qin - the new T6 MaHa raptor will probably be a significant upgrade over the Qin in the raptor department.
is there a Devblog up showing this, or is it just a vain hope? (or, better, has anyone been able to pick up one in Tribble and take it for a spin to see how it handles?)
No dev.blog and I don't use Tribble, so vain hope. Truthfully, it can't possibly be worse that the raptors we have, Qin especially, since it will be a T6 ship so it'll be a significant upgrade anyway. And since I assume Cryptic wants to squeeze some cash from it, I expect them to make a worthy ship on par with what the Feds and Roms get.
The reason I say that, is a combination of Al "Gecko" Rivera's comment about "KDF players won't Like it (laugh)", and Cryptic's usual handling of anything KDF that isn't a carbon-copy of something they already gave the Feds in the last three years.
Come on, it's Geko. Need I say anything more?
P.S. I can't guarantee being or not being a carbon copy. I can't say I don't expect carbon copies in this game myself, it's not something strange and foreign to them - quite the opposite, they love the copy-paste.
Right now i would not trust anything thats KDF and PvP related from Geko's mouth... especially when he said ''I unapoligize i gave more Fed ships becuase the Federtion have more population than the KDF'' which is obviously a subtle jab to the KDF... maybe he does not understand that if u give one faction more content than the other of course they will have alot more people than the faction that has les content... take SWTOR and WoW for example, their devs try hard to balance their ingame factions and it pays off Aliiance/Horde ratio is good as well as the Jedi/Sith.
the KDF have untapped potential which ppl are willing to play but compared to the Feds, they so have so less content they have nothing to offer especially in ship classes now, the only thing the KDF got unique is the BoP which is still underpowered especially in pvp with Flanking nerf vs players.
In the last blog about Intel Ships the Dev's mention on the Q&A that they will come out with ''Fleet Teir 6 Ships'' sometime after DR comes out... if thats the case, then upgrading T5-U ships would be totally pointless. I will still get 1 T5-U ship for my main but i will not upgrade any others knowing that they will be no match against ''Fleet Tier 6'' and 100% totally no match against ''Fleet Intel Tier 6'' ships especially Romulan Intel Ships with Enhanced Battle Cloak (Escorts and Cruiser Warbirds).
RIP KDF. I don't know how you guys can even keep playing KDF. Its like "Windows 98", no longer supported by the manufacturer.
And yes, a game that only has one faction is going to lose total subscribers...
Actually 'Delta Rising' is more of a RIP Federation for me. I play KDF because for a Star Trek fan it's the last place that makes somewhat sense in the game. Fed, on the other hand, after the launch of TRON ships......yeah....:rolleyes:
I'm completely aware of the underdevelopment that has happened historically, however I still enjoy the KDF most in this game.
'mummy! mummy! we need a FvF queue cos fighting them klinks is no fair'
'awww. ok, anything for my precious'
patch notes:
- FvF added so feddies can hide from the kdf in pvp
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Cube 3-pack
Operation Cube w/ Nanite Sphere Pet Console
Science Cube w/ Shield Neutralizer Assimilation Tractor Beam Console
Tactical Cube w/ Invisible Torp Console
Regarding buying the Qib and MaHa though...well, yeah...been asking for a Zen Raptor for how long, eh? Finally getting a Battle Cruiser with Battle Cloak after the LoR shenanigans...well, yeah.
If you got them by lifetime sub then you deserve to have them. How unique is that perk going to be when everyone can get them?
The funny part in all of that is - they do better content, beter designs and grasp a better feel of the faction on the ocassions when they make KDF content.
I mean, look at unique missions - while they're few, nothing on the other side compares to the KDF LoR missions or the pure epicness of the Fek'ihri arc. "Alpha" is awesome. The new Fed. tutorial is kinda' tedious after you do it once or twice, the new KDF tutorial is fun!
Look at the T6 ships - the KDF ones I want to buy based on looks, without even knowing the stats. Fed ones...my eyes hurt when I'm looking at them. One can even say, a good thing they have a cloak. <----sarcasm.
Look at the older ships. They seem to have such a hard time making a good Starfleet design, while they've nailed almost every single KDF design.
Now I know people may want to jump and slap me for saying this, but I believe there are many devs. at Cryptic that are Klingon at heart. Some of them probably don't even realize that about them, but I apreciate their work nevertheless. I think the issues we have with the faction's treatment are to be located in the few people that have final leverage over the decisions.
Things have been impoving on a solid scale for the KDF in the last year and a half though, at least in my opinion and according to my expectations.
well, i reckon the current cryptic devs are 100% feddie. maybe if they logged out of the damn fed toons for a few months and made a real effort to play the game from this end... if carmack was in charge he would login, delete all their feds, and MAKE THEM play kdf toons. it would be glorious!
i think the reason the kdf comes off so good in sto story-wise is because, due to the nature of sto gameplay, the entire faction seems more authentic. the take no prisoners, kill em all, style of sto gameplay obviously suits the kdf better than the feddies. im not sure exactly what kind of cognitive dissonance comes into play fed-side, but from over here the entire game, no matter what the faction, is played like a klingon would play it. a fair number of feds do seem to notice this, and they are often the ones chiming in when there are discussions about 'exploration' and 'diplomacy', but a huge number of them obviously want something closer to the 'shotgun diplomacy' of the kdf. it would be great if just once, instead of coddling those feds, cryptic would simply say 'then roll a kdf' and be done with it. they certainly have proven to the kdf that they are capable of ignoring peoples wishes and leaving them to rot.
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That's because we have been beaten down so low that any small bright stuff we get no matter how small is a surprise....with a firm hope that matters are changing.
The original designers of this game before understood the concept created by the Star Trek Series as regards the different Species. The Klingon were given the brashness, the honor, the sacrifice that we humans admire. Like the frontiersmen to survived the hard life out in the wilderness, who when he comes to town is misunderstood due to his down to earth outlook about life. The Romulans were the most powerful with a very complicated society experts in making deals. Have you ever had to do business with a Hindu? The ferengi well we know who they represent. Etc. Now they have changed to keep the customers who mostly play Fed to keep the business afloat. It's a mistake. Before when we had ships at par with their cloak, many of their customers plaid both factions. If they start giving us Klinks better ships those same people will start playing their KDF toons, just to experience how it used to be.
Cryptic WILL MAKE MORE MONEY. More players will spend for both their factions (+Rom). Now it's sad that we are a dying race of Klinks.
I wonder what would happen if there were no more Klingon players...just Feds. I started in 2011 and I am losing my interest. There are so many nice games to play nowadays. Only nostalgia keeps me here.
remember cryptic/pwe really are Ferengi (rule of acquisition #284: Deep down everyone's a Ferengi
Good Day to all!!!
Its referred to as "pandering"
Oh yes it did! We killed them time and time again in the pvp queues. We also vented our frustrations on them in Kerrat and Otha, always outnmbered 5-10 to 1 and we still slaughtered them. The only problem with this is it gave rise to the myth that the KDF was OP and specifically our BoP's. The flimsiest ship in the fleet with its limited Boff stations (even thought they're universal) was the ship they considered the most over powered (basically a flying paper mache ship with guns) and cried and cried for Cryptic to nerf them. I believe this is the main reason our BoP's were left behind during the power creep so the Feds could actually fight back and feel good about themselves while patting themselves on the back for beating an aged and outdated ship.
What they didn't understand was it wasn't the KDF weapons, races, or ships that were OP but the players controlling and using them. For some unknown reason we got the thinking people on the red side, these folks used tactics and communication on the ground maps to out manuever the more numerous Feds. As for the BoP pilots well these guys lived, breathed, and ate flying a Bird of Prey. They'd actually practiced combat manuevers! It was a treat to watch these BoP fleets in combat, every person knew their job and could execute comabt manuevers in the blink of an eye, they were also in voice communication. Against this dedication the Feds couldn't mount an adequate defense and began whining for a FvF pvp queuen and ultimatley killed the pvp scene.
You forgot to mention the two weapons we get from the Borg rep, the Klingon battle rifle and the Klingon pulse rifle with the grenade launcher. Those two weapons are the coolest looking in the whole game and make what the Feds get look like a cardboard cut out with a empty toilet paper roll.
And I agree our missions seem more thoroughly thought out and better written then what the blue side has. We may have fewer missions but there is no arguing they are of better quality.
You may be right in your assessment that some on the Dev team are true Klingon fans and are shackled by their corporate superiors. I've often thought this way myself and things over on the red side are improving, albeit slowly but improving nonetheless so I have very few complaints now these days. My biggest complaint being unique faction content being shared across factions just to appease the blue side.
I have the answer to why kdf seems to have higher average skill level.
with weaker fewer ships kdf vets have no choice but learn how to use what we got. that goes double for BoP pilots.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
You're probably right. I remember back in the day when I first rolled a KDF char, the thing that was probably my biggest draw to the faction at the beginning was that the KDF seems so apropriate lore wise. Compared to the Fed. faction, it's light years closer to the IP and as a Star Trek fan first and foremost that is obvioulsy a big draw for me.
It's mostly due to the nature of the game as you say, however it's still relevant to a degree from a fan persepctive.
You're completely right about this. I will admit that my expectations are quite low, but than again I don't have OCD so I don't really need to "have it all" to enjoy myself, just enough. Not that I think the disparity in treatment is fair, that's a STO thing I've never seen anywhere else but here.
I have made a lot of statements throughout the years, which boiled down to that all I want/need in order to be happy and enjoy the KDF is continuous development even at a smaller scale that the other faction. I remember times when almost a year passed and the only thing KDF related in the game was a KDF themed blog, trying to justify a lore perspective as to why we do the same thing as the Feds.
Compared to that in the past year and some we got new levels, became a full faction, some very good new missions, got VO work, got an official Star Trek actor - mr.Dorn, to VO levels and missions for KDF as Worf, got back a few lowbie ships, got the Klingon tricoder, got a unique "Day of Honor" event, got a new Mogh battlecruiser, got a pack od 3 science ships, new mechanics and buffs for the Birds of Prey and a lot of smaller but significant stuff I'm probabbly foirgetting now.....and we're also getting 2 new ships about a month from now. It's a carnival for me!
And I don't agree that we as Klingons are a dying breed. I've been seeing such statements for years and we're still here slugging it on. If anything, I belive the KDF has stabilized at some 20% of the playerbase at least - ofcourse I can't provide evidence for this, but it's just my observation to what I see when I'm in the game. The couple of KDF fleets I'm in are top-notch, filled with active rosters and bursting with players at amost any time of the day, plus it's become a bit easier to get teams especially if you use the KDF channels. I'm not saying we have anything similar to Fed. numbers, but I wouldn't call us a dying breed either.
Older KDF players who have been around since launch levelled by PvPing since it was the only option available to us, there was no hand holding nothing just get in a ship and fight. It created a warrior mentality that persists still. We learned how to spec our ships and equipment, what BOFFs to use and every dirty trick there is to both kill and survive.
The Federation meanwhile levelled via pve and were told what special snowflakes they were and how awesome they are like Kirk and the other hero captains. Then when they reached level 50 they tried to dabble in PvP for one reason or another with very little prior experience and are surprised that they get their clocks cleaned by the guys who have only ever PvPd. Naturally the nerf crying started and the nerfs followed shortly after.
C-cubes... I oft joke on Doffjobs/NoP Service a lot about a Cooperative lockbox and all but... could you imagine how silly, crowded, and improbable that flying a cube would be in sector space and STFs? No one could tell heads or tails! Everyone's bumping into each other!
The Scimitar spam in sector space oft leads brave Romulans into smashing into each other or simply "pushing" each other down at rapid paces in space.
I'd loathe to see what happens if a cube is actually introduced in the game... Spheres are tolerable though... to an extent.
Theoretically and metaphorically, it'd feel like I've been kicked in the Skene's.
I don't consider the Federation the good guys at all. They preach peace, but then sneak around and take what they want regardless.
I believe the number might be slightly higher than that. In the last STF's I ran most tems were composed of at leat 40% KDF and I even had 3 games where the full team was KDF. I don't think we will ever know the real percentage but I have never believed the 15% figure they kept talking about.
The Varanus is a great ship, but it's a Gorn design, and a pure science vessel doesn't really feel "Klingon" to me. The Kamarag has a nice layout, and some of the aesthetics are wonderful, but it feels a bit skinny and small when you look at it from the top. The Mogh is nearly perfect for what I was wanting visually, but I just can't get a good build on it.
From what I've seen the Qib may be the answer to those problems. It looks great, has a battlecloak and speed on its side, and (hopefully) some nice flexible Boff and console slots for a science captain to use. The Maha may also make my wishlist, if I ever decide to try raptors again on my engineer.
All-in-all I'm optimistic about these ships, and I'm hoping to at least get the Qib from my Klingon. After all, I need to reach level 60 in style.
Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird
General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
try the kamarang if your science KDF its a nice ship. also do you have all the skins it can use unlocked? if so you can change allot of those ugly features .
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
I recommend you wait, only a month to go now. Then you can buy a full T6 ship with which you won't have to bother with upgrades, fleet variants and such. Especially if you like raptors since you fly a Qin - the new T6 MaHa raptor will probably be a significant upgrade over the Qin in the raptor department.
No dev.blog and I don't use Tribble, so vain hope. Truthfully, it can't possibly be worse that the raptors we have, Qin especially, since it will be a T6 ship so it'll be a significant upgrade anyway.
Come on, it's Geko. Need I say anything more?
P.S. I can't guarantee being or not being a carbon copy. I can't say I don't expect carbon copies in this game myself, it's not something strange and foreign to them - quite the opposite, they love the copy-paste.
the KDF have untapped potential which ppl are willing to play but compared to the Feds, they so have so less content they have nothing to offer especially in ship classes now, the only thing the KDF got unique is the BoP which is still underpowered especially in pvp with Flanking nerf vs players.
In the last blog about Intel Ships the Dev's mention on the Q&A that they will come out with ''Fleet Teir 6 Ships'' sometime after DR comes out... if thats the case, then upgrading T5-U ships would be totally pointless. I will still get 1 T5-U ship for my main but i will not upgrade any others knowing that they will be no match against ''Fleet Tier 6'' and 100% totally no match against ''Fleet Intel Tier 6'' ships especially Romulan Intel Ships with Enhanced Battle Cloak (Escorts and Cruiser Warbirds).
And yes, a game that only has one faction is going to lose total subscribers...
Actually 'Delta Rising' is more of a RIP Federation for me. I play KDF because for a Star Trek fan it's the last place that makes somewhat sense in the game. Fed, on the other hand, after the launch of TRON ships......yeah....:rolleyes:
I'm completely aware of the underdevelopment that has happened historically, however I still enjoy the KDF most in this game.