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And they claimed they were the best



  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    beameddown wrote: »
    fun video to watch, so close in the beginning of the match, then back and forth-

    1st: really poor sportsmanship to do a mass log hobo- would have preferred to see the slow swapout, but then again it was pretty chaotic in that match with all the gas and tractors, I imagine hard to wave off and swap then buzz back into the fight

    not that I havent seen some big name fleets (like sp) do a variant of that tactic (FACT), spiral to the top of the match, if match not going well, mass log, claim member stuck at top, swap out loadout, by then- time you get back down to face them- your now fighting a completly different team loadout and strat,

    I get it, no one wants to lose but, I am very proud to report that never, and I do mean NEVER, has any of the 32nd vipers pulled that cheesy log/swap b.s., we have waved off from the fight 1 at a time to swap a console or so, but thats the extent,

    In most cases we fight with what we got win, lose, or draw, also, if our members go L.D. in the middle of a fight, ya WE REALLY DID GO L.D. LOL, non of our members (and we discourage that cheap L.D. to escape death, swap consoles, etc to ALL members and would kick any found to pull that b.s. off as all the t.s. members are very vocally against that tactic to win) very proud of that too:)

    What you saw is nothing at all compared to HOBO's other *accomplishments*. Shortly after the Pandas left and PvP queues revamped into Team and Single or Duo Queues - Ms. Z (otherwise known as Link) has a habit of crowding the PvP queues with *spies* such that a good probability of them will end up on the opposing team. Once there, they don't just sit idle - a HOBO would then Scramble Sensor III this *other guy* so that he can shoot his own team to death without returned fire. Needless to say, it will also reveal the other team's cloakers because the one being scrambled can still see the cloakers of his own team. And if you must know, there was plenty of fireworks too from you know whom. Too bad, they can't infiltrate the Pandas team that way, oh wait, never say never. In Kerrat, the same HOBO leader uses a variation of the exact same tactic but IC is not going to be happy to learn he used a toon under IC flag to do it, have a HOBO Scramble Sensored III his IC toon so that all Feds within vicinity was killed by this fake Fed and everyone thought an Inner Circle troll did it. Supposedly, this is a fun thing to do. I wonder if this is the *nicer people* Virus had in mind. :rolleyes:

    I am friends with some major Fed fleet leaders, though not IC, when I told them what happened, they all said if a member of their was caught doing that, he will be kicked out and banned for life. I don't know if IC knows or if they even care.

    Yesterday in Kerrat was quite eye opening even for me. When I flew into instance #1, there were some HOBOs there, as well as Mini. The Feds outnumbered Klinks so quickly, the HOBOs left but the other non-HOBO Klinks stayed, except one HOBO whom I don't recognize and no one else did either. He has a funny toon name : *Parker's smelly Klink healer* I asked him who he is, he spoke, and I realized he sounds really nice. He even said it, he gets along well with everyone. Asked why he joined HOBO if he knew many people in Kerrat will chase him with a HOBO fleet tag, he said he really like Karrock and gorn. The poor thing is clearly a noob, he flew a Recluse. When the HOBO hoard left our instance, I only knew later they went to #6 to spawn camp and apparently, that's when some Pandas were spawn camped multiple times. Meanwhile, this Parker was getting ganked by Feds in our instance, which I didn't take part. The poor guy was pleading for other HOBO on zone chat to bring him over to their camping instance. It fell to deaf ears. Then I saw Tala of HOBO warped into our instance and then immediately warped out. It showed she knew exactly where she needed to go. The poor guy was pleading for help to no avail. Many of us were commenting on zone chat that we would never treat a fleetmate like that even if the said person is new, well especially if the person is new and need help. Finally, this poor Parker guy said he got enough, he logged on to his Fed toon and want to go kill some HOBO instead! I am not aware of any major STO fleets who treat their new recruits and fellow fleetmates as crappy as this. Really, it was quite an eye opener.

    Later that day, again in Kerrat - after the Pandas and HOBO armada are gone, the instances were back in balance. Our dear Ms. Tala of HOBO had the misfortune of coming into the instance without the cover of a whole fleet of HOBO besides *her*. You can imagine what happened next - she was TDF scanned and immediately vaped. I commented : *She should come as Seles (Enginner - Recluse tank) instead ;) * I knew by doing that, I would attract HOBO aggro X 100 - long behold, 5 minutes later, Tala reappeared as *Talia* in a Klink Timeship with full TIF and other heavy cheese. Furthermore, the HOBO distress call button was pressed, a whole armada of HOBO suddenly appeared in our instance in gank mode, including Evul Tal and all. For those who didn't know, Tala became *Talia* because HOBO needs a *Scanner*. I called her a *Scammer* in a tongue in cheek fashion, which obviously riled them up. Having seen how the HOBO Scanner + Gank work many times, I devised a strategy to fight them - by using the Borg. See, Timeship has no cloak and Borg can see through MES so by telling the HOBO I am in the middle of the map, and come scan me, Talia wouldn't dare go anywhere close to all these nasty Borg because *she* would immediately get ganked by Borg should she try to scan there, lol. Meanwhile, while using the terrain as cover, I could monitor the HOBO gank's action in safety. Talia is easy to deal with because she is not cloaked so I know when I can pounce and poach a HOBO without being detected. HOBO has a history of using more than one Scanner in Kerrat when they want it really badly but I saw an opening - one of their Tac was vulnerable and was pounced and vaped despite inside a HOBO ball. This apparently drove the HOBO absolutely insane in madness. What happened next was incredible. I was sitting still, cloaked, chattinig. Suddenly, a *Fed Ship* with no fleet marking came up to me and activate Photonic Fleet near me. The ship was moving and shaking, obviously signalling my location. That was my cue that HOBO was using a Fed Spy - immediately hit Full Impulse and get away from that Spy. When I looked back - you guess it, Talia was there throwing TIF and cheese thinking I was still there even though *she* couldn't see me. And that Fed Spy? Pursuing me at Full Impulse. If I can shoot at it, trust me, I will destroy it. I had no choice but to warp out - no way I could continue playing when this group of people is determined to cheat and achieve victories or revenge at any cost. Tala or Talia has threatened me before with the use of Fed spy before but it was the first time I have seen it actually being done and conclusively linked to HOBO. I thought HOBO's kink in wanting to gank me is cute sometimes. Honestly, I don't mind - having a full armada of angry mobs coming at me while I continue to tease them - it can be fun. Unlike the Pandas, I don't have a whole fleet to support me and because I am an advocate of cheese & spam free PvP - there is not 1000 ways I can use to keep up with these nasty HOBOs especially if they continue to break game rules like they do. This was truly an eye opener day.

    beameddown wrote: »
    sad to see both groups just the same powers chaining over and over and over- not that theres anything wrong with keybinds, I advise anyone and everyone to use them, they will give you an advantage in pvp everymatch, that being said, I am one of the old point in clickers in the game, so it is fun to face these zombie boats and pop them from time to time knowing your a little bit like john henry- man vs the machine, makes that win that much better is all- but again, I am an idiot for not running them, as anyone can see- it is the easiest way to compete at the top level of pvp

    congrat pandas for your win, I would say good fight hobos- but between all the fireworks and mid-mass-logoff (not to say the pandas wouldnt have done the same thing if the match was going south for them LOL) but, ya, poor sportsmenship- not that you guys care, I have seen to many of your members troll in kerrat and in the cues with zone chat, and cheap moves in pvp matches, to know that its not the work of a few, but the policy of a fleet

    but hey, you got your fight vs the pandas right? thats what you wanted right? sorry it didnt go as planned, perhaps next time fire off the fireworks if you win instead of for losing:)

    and can we get a round of applause for keybinds folks!

    While I like the fact Pandas won and remain impressed by their coordination and teamwork, the gazillion ton of cheese used was annoying. It said a lot about the so called top level premade PvP - who can cheese out the other. Many have criticized me for not taking part in premade PvP, I think this summed it up perfectly why. Their matches are pretty pointless. Frankly, I don't use cheese and spam and in all the build related threads that I authored, I have always advocated for cheese free builds. Many pandas have in the past advocated against cheese use but sadly, they are one of the heaviest users of the things they preach against.
  • dius1981dius1981 Member Posts: 500
    edited August 2014
    webdeath wrote: »
    When you did This:

    That was when I got disgusted.. Not because of the PVP. But because of the Chat conversation. So sorry if I personally don't find that kind of conversation to be considered good sportsman ship. Or if it then makes me dislike the person that makes those comments. But hey.. I guess you have to be your self at least some of the time, right brah?

    Next time.. Try to heed your own Signature.. Because you should know.. your never supposed to go Full ******. Yet.. You did.

    LOLz.... If you seriously think anything I say or do in game has any reflection of my RL - personal views, well your clearly a moron & I really don't know why we are having this point counter point.

    Let me spell it out for you - I will say anything to get a reaction, if you don't know that you need to disconnect from the interwebs for a while an get some real world R&R.

    Not just go lay on the beach in Risa, this may shock / surprise you, but... You wont get your Vitamin D that way BRAH :D

    Oh an using my signature against me, TOO FUNNY!!!

    Coz when I made it I never thought that might happen ;)


    Good move slick :P

    OMEGA ARMADA & House of Beautiful Orions
    Please keep the QQ to a minimum.
    >>>PUNISH THE FEDs<<<
    >>>Positive Feedback from a PvE HERO<<<
  • webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    dius1981 wrote: »
    LOLz.... If you seriously think anything I say or do in game has any reflection of my RL - personal views, well your clearly a moron & I really don't know why we are having this point counter point.

    Let me spell it out for you - I will say anything to get a reaction, if you don't know that you need to disconnect from the interwebs for a while an get some real world R&R.

    Not just go lay on the beach in Risa, this may shock / surprise you, but... You wont get your Vitamin D that way BRAH :D

    Oh an using my signature against me, TOO FUNNY!!!

    Coz when I made it I never thought that might happen ;)


    Good move slick :P


    You do it all to get a reaction you say? Really? Didn't really seem to notice that Brah.

    But, to be fair, I was kind of hoping you were a more.. redeamable soul. Its cool though. Not everyone can be the right kind of player. The one that gets respect for being respectable.

    But hey, its all for the show right sir/madam? Gotta get those Reactions! Gotta get that Troll feed! Gotta make everyone wonder if the moment you become a part of the Hobo revolution, is that what your expected to be, right?

    Have fun. Enjoy your self. I know you will! Its a shame that it comes at the cost of what might have been, well ok at least for me, the more enjoyable entertainment for PVP. Good Matches. Good Sportsmanship. And Good times. But I guess every good game needs its eventual heel. Its how the WWE makes its money. Too bad you aren't getting paid for it, right Brah?
    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
  • brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited August 2014
    patrickngo wrote: »
    wow, conspiracy theories...did you know that tinfoil isn't tin anymore, and that aluminum is TOXIC to nerve tissue? take off the tinfoil from your hat, man. this is as bad, if not worse, than the accusations of bot-running that were being bandied about last year.

    He's pretty right on actually. Would you like to see the screenshots of Zelda on his fed being followed by a Hobo with scrambles? Rand has got a nice little collection of them. I'll ask him to post later. And yes, this was reported to IC, don't know what they chose to do with the info though.

    And I also witnessed hobos that got locked out of Ker'rat 6 begging for helpin Ker'rat 8 in zone chat last night, but they were just left out to dry...

    I just don't see anything in Iskandus' post that hasn't happened or doesn't happen regularly.

    Good try though. You might not be doing these things, but your fleet "leader" is, so it's gonna affect the reputation of anyone who chooses to fly the HOBO tag.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    iskandus wrote: »
    I am an advocate of cheese & spam free PvP

    I really hope they don't close this thread...yeah, there may be some folks going at it in the thread; but gems like this give it a lolfactor that far outweighs any of the folks going at it.
  • dius1981dius1981 Member Posts: 500
    edited August 2014
    webdeath wrote: »
    You do it all to get a reaction you say? Really? Didn't really seem to notice that Brah.

    But, to be fair, I was kind of hoping you were a more.. redeamable soul. Its cool though. Not everyone can be the right kind of player. The one that gets respect for being respectable.

    But hey, its all for the show right sir/madam? Gotta get those Reactions! Gotta get that Troll feed! Gotta make everyone wonder if the moment you become a part of the Hobo revolution, is that what your expected to be, right?

    Have fun. Enjoy your self. I know you will! Its a shame that it comes at the cost of what might have been, well ok at least for me, the more enjoyable entertainment for PVP. Good Matches. Good Sportsmanship. And Good times. But I guess every good game needs its eventual heel. Its how the WWE makes its money. Too bad you aren't getting paid for it, right Brah?

    I enjoy good sportsmanship as much as the next guy >>> http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=14056971&postcount=2

    I could just stay in Ker'rat farming, in a group. But I dont...

    For the most part I leave the FEDs alone an just chill at the top of cracked. Waiting for those 1v1's.

    If you want to make a 'nee jerk' judgement of me for what I say to someone during a 5-10min 1v1.... well...

    Who am I to argue, right? You clearly have all the information you need to know for certain what sorta person I am.

    And I'm tired of trying to convince you otherwise bud.

    OMEGA ARMADA & House of Beautiful Orions
    Please keep the QQ to a minimum.
    >>>PUNISH THE FEDs<<<
    >>>Positive Feedback from a PvE HERO<<<
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    iskandus wrote: »
    Damning account on a new to me HoBO tactic.

    That is un-defendable.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    patrickngo wrote: »
    wow, conspiracy theories...did you know that tinfoil isn't tin anymore, and that aluminum is TOXIC to nerve tissue? take off the tinfoil from your hat, man. this is as bad, if not worse, than the accusations of bot-running that were being bandied about last year.

    It would have been conspiracy theories if I didn't see them myself. I guess you missed the parts I was speaking in 1st person singular. There were so many witnesses and victims, boy, you didn't even need to take my words for it. The zone chat with Parker was wide open, that's why the Pandas could see them even being in a different instance. As for threats made to me by you know whom re: using a Fed Spy to nab me, that was sent to me via in-game PM. Given that I am the recipient of the PM, I found it incredible you somehow think I am spreading hearsay. Rest assured, when HOBO did that yesterday, I made sure I told everyone in Kerrat about it. After I warped out, I realized I need to broadcast it in Kerrat zone chat so I went back and luckily, landed in a different instance. People like Tatum who was in that instance, started to ask me who was the Fed spy - I told them the name. Seriously, if you are going to cheat, be ready that people are going to shame you for doing it especially you failed even after you cheat.
  • xtremenoob1xtremenoob1 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    edalgo wrote: »
    Yea the pandas were the first to use cheese heavy teams years ago. Then their members would turn around and belittle anyone using those same tactics. Funny part was the PvP community learned by getting stomped by them doing it!

    All we did was made a alt fleet and did the exact same thing SOB and others had been doing for months.

    Not sure how we started anything?

    All we did was put together a cohesive team built around it. Hit the queues for maybe 2hrs. Next day a post was on the forum QQing about it. It was a fun experiment.
    -X-/Pandas - Pheo
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    iskandus wrote: »

    Later that day, again in Kerrat - after the Pandas and HOBO armada are gone, the instances were back in balance. Our dear Ms. Tala of HOBO had the misfortune of coming into the instance without the cover of a whole fleet of HOBO .

    Yes and we supposedly only come in when numbers are on our side, yet you mention here I came in solo, only to have you come in for a cheap shot when I was already outnumbered. What is it do we only come in when numbers are on our side or not? make up your mind.

    I probably tried more then most people in our fleet to be a friendly rival, but you would never have that. It seems you are intent on waging your personal vendetta against us and constantly slandering us in zone and on forums. You shouldn't be surprised how you are treated as a result.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Justify using a fed to spy on him.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    Justify using a fed to spy on him.

    I won't name names but before a KDF BOP has been seen around named Fed spy who had the same @handle as a recently vaped scimitar so who is the ones really spying?
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    I won't name names but before a KDF BOP has been seen around named Fed spy who had the same @handle as a recently vaped scimitar so who is the ones really spying?

    Well call them out on it in game, PM some other HoBOs and get them to take him out, your fleet has more than enough resources to do that.

    Swapping sides like this is either a cancer, or just another new tactic. Personally, I lean towards the former.
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Thread closed and btw - calling people names is not allowed and won't result in me being nice with just a post here saying don't do it.

    It'll end up in warnings and/or bans.
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

This discussion has been closed.